Najveća prevara:Biblija Jehovinih svedoka "Novi svet"

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Dela 20.28

Još jedan napad na Isusa prekrajanjem Biblije.
U Novom svetu piše:

Pazite na sebe i na sve stado u kom vas je sveti duh postavio za nadglednike, da pasete Božju skupštinu, koju je Bog kupio krvlju svog Sina.

Uvek mi bude teško kada vidim da pišu Sveti Duh malim slovima a sotona velikim.Ali to sad nije tema ovog posta.

Ovde su Jehovini svedoci preveli "koju je Bog kupio krvlju svog Sina"

Kako je preveo Karadžić?

28. Pazite dakle na sebe i na sve stado u kome vas Duh Sveti postavi vladikama da pasete crkvu Gospoda i Boga koju steče krvlju svojom;

Na kraju krajeva Karadžić,Šarić Čarnić nije ni bitno kako je ko od njih preveo.
Da pogledamo u manuskripte.
προσέχετε ἑαυτοῖς καὶ παντὶ τῷ ποιμνίῳ ἐν ὑμᾶς τὸ πνεῦμα τὸ ἅγιον ἔθετο ἐπισκόπους ποιμαίνειν τὴν ἐκκλησίαν τοῦ θεοῦ, ἣν περιεποιήσατο διὰ τοῦ αἵματος τοῦ ἰδίου.
Slobodno uporedite sve manuskripte do kojih možete da dođete ali nigde ne piše "krvlju svog sina"nego svojom krvlju.

I da bude zanimljivije u Kingdom Interlinear Translatation gde je u engleskom delu u uglaste zagrade ubačeno" sin "dok naravno u prevodu reč po reč nije moglo nigde da se ubaci.

Zato molim one koji budu čitali da provere zašto je i ovde promenjen sadržaj Biblije i razmisle o tome.
Zanimljivo je objašnjenje u dodatku koje se odnosi na ovaj problem.Jehovini svedoci su po starom dobrom običaju uzeli sebe za svedoka pa navode u objašnjenju zašto je ubačeno "Krvlju svog Sina" time što za referencu uzimaju svoje druge prevode .
Ali kao što sam već obećo Kingdom Interlinear Translatation zaslužuje mnogo više pažnje pa ću o njemu posebno pisati.

I da podsetim,koristim isključivo literaturu Jehovinih svedoka pa izvolite da proverite da li je vaša religija prava ili prekrojena .
Biblija Jehovinih svedoka Novi svet: Dela 20.28
Odavno mi je poznata ta loša strana svedoka da menjaju nauku često. Od Raše pa na ovamo i naziv i nauke su lepo izmenjali i uvek su imali problem sa određivanjem datuma kao i o tome da li će biti vidljiv dolazak Isusov.
Još veći problem je što ni danas ne poznaju ko je Isus a po meni najveći problem je Duh i Duhovni darovi gde su slični nekim drugim verskim grupacijama i nije daleko od hule.

Manji problemčići su pripadnost određenom krugu ljudi koji tako veruju kao uslov spasenja jer van tog kruga nema je težina dogme koju i drugi nose zaboravljajući da se telo Hristovo ne deli (ako su telo) i šta odveć čine ako samo svojoj braći Boga nazivaju?
Ljubav prevazilazi zidove određene sobe i Bog trpi SVE da dođu u pokajanje a ko je čovek da sudi čoveku?

Da bar mogu da saslušaju...ali to je mana SVIH dogmi da ne trpe ništa osim papagajskog ponavljanja svog jelovnika ne videći čime se hrani.
Za poulbustera
Dragi moj Poulbusteru evo ti odgovora na tvoje takozvano sporno pitanje za dela apostolska 20:28
Dela apostolska 20;28
Tebe buni sto je Isus Hrist-sin bozji prolio svoju krv za ljude???
Jel Isus bio Sin Bozji ili Nije bio?,odluci se vec jednom,kad stalno negiras njegovu ulogu sina?
nadalje ako ti to nije jasnije prouci malo grcku gramatiku
WHO Acts 20:28 προσέχετε ἑαυτοῖς καὶ παντὶ τῷ ποιμνίῳ ἐν ᾧ ὑμᾶς τὸ πνεῦμα τὸ ἅγιον ἔθετο ἐπισκόπους ποιμαίνειν τὴν ἐκκλησίαν τοῦ θεοῦ ἣν περιεποιήσατο διὰ τοῦ αἵματος τοῦ ἰδίου (Act 20:28 WHO).

A da nije mozda Sveti Duh prolio svoju krv za otkup???
Zar i za njega ne kazete da je Bog?Ko je prolio svoju krv?Otac,sin ili Sveti Duh?
Necu da ti drzim predavanje iz grcke gramatike,ali evo nesto najkrace...Evo mene kao laika za grcki jezik da te naucim nesto o aoristu u grckoj gramatici.
περιεποιήσατο verb indicative aorist middle 3rd person singular from peripoie,w .
Aorist je veoma cudan u grckoj gramatici u odnosu na srpsku gramatiku.
glagoli koji su u aoristu mogu se prevesti na razne nacine u zavisnosti od konteksta.

U svakom slucaju cak i da bude po tvome da je BOG(Isus)kupio svojom sopstvenom krvlju,on je to sve uradio iz ljubavi prema svome Bogu i Ocu kao i ljudima.
Пазите на себе и на све стадо у ком вас је Свети Дух поставио за надгледнике, да пасете Божју скупштину, коју је Бог купио крвљу свог Сина.
Prevod Jehovinih svedoka je MNOGO BOLJI jer odklanja svaku nedoumicu,i razbija suludu nauku o trojstvu.

Odgovaraj malo i na moja pitanja,pa ti si postavio temu,a ne da vodis monologe.
Nemas ni jedan ozbiljan argument u kritici Novi svet prevod od JS.
1 jovanova 5:6-9 citao sam sve postove na ovoj temi ,ovaj stih je car za pravoslavne,zasto ga niko nekomentarise pa zato sto nema te odgovor rusi sve vase doktrine.

Dali ste čuli kako je nastala Nimrodova (Baalova) formla misterije Babilona (doktrina) Tojstva? i šta mislite o ovim argumentima prepravljanja svetog pisma?

1 John 5:7-8
For there are three that testify: the Spirit, the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement.
For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.
This is the so-called
trinity proof text.
NIV Footnote
"... the addition is not found in any Greek manuscript or NT translation prior to the 16th century."
[For more depth, see Letter to a Friend 14 Nov 1690 by Sir Isaac Newton - "An historical account of two notable corruptions of Scripture". (+1 Tim 3:16)]
Trinitarian Formula - 1 John 5:7-8 Three scriptures are addressed by Ehrman, in the book Misquoting Jesus (Mark 16:9–20; John 7:53–8:11; and 1 John 5:7–8).

1 John 5:7-8 – The “Trinitarian Formula”

  • For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.
No issue here either. Most current translations have actually corrected the above text (King James Version) to the following (NIV):
  • For there are three that testify: the Spirit, the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement.
In addition, the NIV provides the following footnote: “Late manuscripts of the Vulgate testify in heaven: the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one. And there are three that testify on earth: the (not found in any Greek manuscript before the sixteenth century).”

For the last few hundred years, textual scholars have accepted that these two verses were corrupted in the 16th century due to church pressure. However, the removal of the extra language does not challenge the doctrine of the Trinity, which is presented throughout scripture in numerous places. In addition, it’s interesting to note that although this scripture declaring the Trinity first appeared in 1522 AD, the Council of Constantinople affirmed the Trinity doctrine in 381 AD (without need for it).
1John 5:7 For 19 there are three that testify, 20 5:8 the Spirit and the water and the blood, and these three are in agreement.
19 postoje tri koji svjedoče, 20 5:08 Duh i voda i krv, i ovo tri su u dogovoru.

"the Word was with the Deity and the Word was deity"
"and the Word was with the Divinity and the Word was divine"

"and the Word was with God and the word was god"

SUMMARY Trinitarians try to claim that John is telling us "Jesus was God" by identity and as we have shown this is most certainly not the case. John was telling us the Son of God had the nature of deity because he was with the Deity, that is, "God" who is to be understood here as the Father. Because they are caught in this dilemma here, Trinitarians will then further claim that having the nature of "God" therefore makes one God by identity, that is, "what" you are by nature makes you "who" you are by identity. We will easily demonstrate elsewhere in a separate article why this is a false premise. But for now all we need to see is that John meant, "and the Word was god/deity/divine" and is not identifying Jesus as "God."

Imate li koji argumentovani komentar?

Mnogobožci evo vam na raspolaganje pa čitajte ako smete čitati tuđe literature?

And why is it that Trinitarian apologists so often seem to be denying the above facts are significant? Is it because they need to downplay the facts? And why do they deny other facts that indicate their doctrine is wrong? For example, why do they conveniently deny "the Lord" of 2 Corinthians 3:17 is Jesus even though the context demands it is Jesus? Is it because it does not fit their doctrine which demands Jesus is not the Spirit? And why have so many contrivances been designed to avoid the implications of evidence which indicates their doctrine is wrong? Why do they find it necessary to do such things? And why do those contrivances fall apart under the scrutiny of intelligent minds?

Under every single turned stone one finds the same thing. At John 1:1, their own Trinitarian scholars admit the second occurrence of the Greek word theos ("God/god") means "divine" in a qualitative sense (what the Word was). Yet they translate the word as it if was the quantitative sense (who the Word was). Why do they resort to such things? And how is it that Trinitarians, who claim to know all about the Greek text in John 1:1, fail to see the problem with having two different definitions for the word "God" in the same breath where both instances are joined by a conjunction in the Greek! And why do these same Trinitarians inconsistently translate John 10:33 as "A man make yourself God" rather than "A man make yourself A god" in light of the definite article missing in both places in the Greek text and especially in view of Jesus' response in the next verse which demonstrates how he himself understood the Jewish charge? Why does this translation bear all the marks of a "made to fit" exercise?

Nastaviće se.
AApocketz u cemu je problem gde je argument na ovaj post?

Za AApocketza pitam te ljudski mozes li da objasnis ko jest alfa i omega, a isto i forumase?

(matvej 24:30)(otkrivenje 1:7;8,22:13,1:17,18)

30 I tada će se pokazati znak Sina čovečijeg na nebu; i tada će proplakati sva plemena na zemlji; i ugledaće Sina čovečijeg gde ide na oblacima nebeskim sa silom i slavom velikom.Ovde se radi o isusu.

7 Eno, ide s oblacima, i ugledaće Ga svako oko, i koji Ga probodoše; i zaplakaće za Njim sva kolena zemaljska. Da, zaista.Ovde se radi o isusu.
8 Ja sam Alfa i Omega, Početak i Svršetak, govori Gospod, Koji jeste, i koji beše, i koji će doći, Svedržitelj.Ovde se radi o isusu.

13 Ja sam Alfa i Omega, Početak i Svršetak, Prvi i Poslednji.Ovde se radi o isusu.

17 I kad Ga videh, padoh k nogama Njegovim kao mrtav, i metnu desnicu svoju na me govoreći mi: Ne boj se, ja sam Prvi i Poslednji,
18 I Živi: i bejah mrtav i evo sam živ va vek veka, amin. I imam ključeve od pakla i od smrti. 7,18 stih ovde se radi o isusu.

(Isaija 48:12)
12 Čuj me, Jakove i Izrailju, kog ja pozvah: ja sam prvi, ja sam i poslednji.Ovde se fradi o isusu.

(rim 11:36) 36 Jer je od Njega i kroz Njega i u Njemu sve. Njemu slava vavek. Amin.Ovde se radi o isusu.

(jovan 1:3)3 Sve je kroz Nju postalo, i bez Nje ništa nije postalo što je postalo. Ovde se jasno radi o isusu.

(1 kor 8:6 ) Ali mi imamo samo jednog Boga Oca, od kog je sve, i mi u Njemu, i jednog Gospoda Isusa Hrista, kroz kog je sve, i mi kroza Nj.
u 1 kor 8:6)ti je odgovor na elohime.
Otac nije ni rodjen ni stvoren da bi bio pocetak i svrsetak tj alfa i omega, negovom voljom kroz sina je sve pocelo zato je sin pocetak i svrsetak.

Otac je uvek postojao i nije alfa i omega (Ali mi imamo samo jednog Boga Oca, od kog je sve, i mi u Njemu, i jednog Gospoda Isusa Hrista, kroz kog je sve, i mi kroza Nj.)( jovan 1:1 )U početku beše Reč, i Reč beše u Boga, i Bog beše Reč.) (otkr 19:30)13 I beše obučen u haljinu crvenu od krvi, i ime se Njegovo zove: Reč Božija.)

Tvrdim da je isus alfa i omega I on je moj bog i sazdatelj koji nas sozda u ime oca.Dali si sad zadovoljan?

A na ovaj?

Za AApocketza i njegovu bracu JS-ke

Danima izbegavas ovaj post #166 i tvoja braca jos jednom objasnite ga.

A kako ovo objasnjavas, ovde se radi o isusu, a vi ste postavili ime jehova, objasni kad je jehova u novom zavetu bio na zemlji.

Evo ti tvoj novi svet sami sebi skacete u zube.

E pa JS sad ste pukli evo dokaza iz biblije "NOVI SVET" samo vi ste slepi i nevidite, zato sto ste pod diktatom kule strazare.

(isaija 40:3)

3 Слушајте! Неко виче у пустињи: „Рашчистите пут Јехови! Поравнајте кроз пусту земљу стазу нашем Богу! 4 Нека се подигне свака долина, нека се спусти свака гора и свако брдо! Брежуљкаст крај нека постане раван, нераван крај нека се претвори у равницу! 5 Тада ће се открити слава Јеховина и сви ће је људи видети, јер су то речи из Јеховиних уста.“

(matvej 3:3)
3 То је онај о коме говори пророк Исаија кад каже: „Слушајте! Неко виче у пустињи: ’Припремите пут Јехови! Поравнајте му стазе!‘“

A evo sta pise u ostalim biblijama :

(isaija 40:3)
3 Glas je nekoga koji viče: Pripravite u pustinji put Gospodnji, poravnite u pustoši stazu Bogu našem.

(matvej 3:3)
3 Jer je to onaj za koga je govorio prorok Isaija gde kaže: Glas onog što viče u pustinji: Pripravite put Gospodu, i poravnite staze Njegove.

( isaija 40:3)kumranski pr.
3 Слушајте! Неко виче у пустињи: ‘Раш чис -
ти те пут Господу! Поравнајте кроз пусту зем -
љу стазу нашем Богу!

(matvej 3:1-3)Kumranski PR.

3 У те дане дође Јован Крститељ,* тумач
Све тог писма, у Јудејску пустињу, 2 и рече:
„Вратите се вери, јер царство небеско само
што није дошло.” 3 Да се испуне речи про -
ро ка Исаије: „Глас се чу у пустињи који ка -
же: ‘Окрените се Господу. Раскрчите у пус -
ти њи ста зу Богу нашем’.”*

Dodato posle 5 minuta:

A mi svi znamo ko je nama dosao, i koga i kome je cistio stazu nas krstitelj jovan, nasemu gospodu, i bogu isusu hristu (JHVH)

Dodato posle 10 minuta:

I jovan je taj koji donosi vest o isusu hristu, TJ JHVH TAJ isti koji bese kod avraama u poseti, da, da, dragi moji citajte (1 mojsija ) celu glavu pa cete videti.(jovan 1:6,7,14,15,23,27)

6 Posla Bog čoveka po imenu Jovana.

7 Ovaj dođe za svedočanstvo da svedoči za Videlo da svi veruju kroza nj.
14 I reč postade telo i useli se u nas puno blagodati i istine; i videsmo slavu Njegovu, slavu, kao Jedinorodnoga od Oca.
15 Jovan svedoči za Njega i viče govoreći: Ovaj beše za koga rekoh: Koji za mnom ide preda mnom postade, jer pre mene beše.

23 Reče: Ja sam glas onog što viče u pustinji: Poravnite put Gospodnji; kao što kaza Isaija prorok.

27 On je Onaj što će doći za mnom, koji beše preda mnom; kome ja nisam dostojan odrešiti remen na obući Njegovoj.

(Malahija 3:1) 1 Evo, ja ću poslati anđela svog, koji će pripraviti put preda mnom, i iznenada će doći u crkvu svoju Gospod, kog vi tražite, i anđeo zavetni, kog vi želite, evo doći će, veli Gospod nad vojskama.

Dodato posle 18 Sati 13 minuta:

Ja cekam da mi JS, razjasne ove stihove koje sam postavio.

Dodato posle 4 minuta:

Postavio tripo 41 na postu #167.

Неће ти они то никада разјаснити, па њихов превод је имао мноштво преправки док је нису прилагодили својим учењима. Али није ни то битно колико догма о Исусу створењу, стављање Исуса на стуб итд.

Dodato posle 3 minuta:

ponavljam!!!! post #151.

Pitam JS ovde, pred forumom, da se izjasne: dali se odricu imena gosppodnja, oca i sina i svetoga duha, tj hrista boga spasitelja i svedrzitelja nasega.
Kome ce se pokloniti svako pleme, i svako koleno na zemlji, i pod zemlju, na nebu, i pod nebom, i koga ce da prizna svaki jezik u dan, kad dodje u svoj svojoj slavi na oblacima, kada ce ga videti svako oko od zivotinja,svih gadova, i coveka i andjela do demona i djavola.

I koji rece jasno, koji ima uho neka cuje,da nema drugog imena, pod nebom, i na zemlji, pod kojem vi ljudi mozete da se spasite,jer ja sam put i istina i zivot, jer ja sam alfa i omega zivot i smrt,zivot vecni.
Slava vecna da je u Nasega jedinoga boga, koji je u ocu, i otac u njemu, jer on i otac su jedinosusni u duhu, amin.

Dodato posle 9 minuta:

Ali kako da posmatramo Hrista? ‐ Onako kako se otkrio svetu, prema svedočanstvu koje je
dao o sebi. U predivnom govoru, koji je zabeležen u 5. poglavlju Jovanovog jevanđelja, Isus
kaže: „Jer kao što Otac vaskrsava mrtve i oživljava, tako i Sin oživljava one koje hoće. Otac
ne sudi nikome, nego je sav sud dao Sinu, da svi poštuju Sina kao što poštuju Oca. Ko ne
poštuje Sina ‐ ne poštuje ni Oca koji ga je poslao“ (Jv 5,21‐23).
Hristu je poverena najuzvišenija služba, naime služba Sudije. On mora da primi istu čast
koja pripada Bogu Ocu, i to iz tog razloga što je i On sam Bog. O ovome omiljeni učenik daje
sledeće svedočanstvo: „U početku beše Reč, i ta Reč beše u Boga, i Bog beše Reč“ (Jv 1,1). Da
ova božanska Reč nije niko drugi, do Isus Hristos, dokazuje 14. stih: „I Reč postade telo i useli
se u nas puno blagodati i istine; i videsmo slavu njegovu, slavu, kao jedinorodnoga od

Dodato posle 29 minuta:

za gericu
tek sada videh tvoje pitanje
A kako ovo objasnjavas, ovde se radi o isusu, a vi ste postavili ime jehova, objasni kad je jehova u novom zavetu bio na zemlji.
Isaija 40:3
3 Glas je nekoga koji viče: Pripravite u pustinji put Gospodnji, poravnite u pustoši stazu Bogu našem.(DK)
3 Слушајте! Неко виче у пустињи: „Рашчистите пут Јехови! Поравнајте кроз пусту земљу стазу нашем Богу! (Novi svet JS)
3 Glas viče: Pripravite Jahvi put kroz pustinju. Poravnajte u stepi stazu Bogu našemu.(prevod stvarnost)
Ako se u hebrejskom spominje Jehova,normalno je i da se tako cita.
U cemu je tvoj problem?
Matej 3:3
3 Jer je to onaj za koga je govorio prorok Isaija gde kaže: Glas onog što viče u pustinji: Pripravite put Gospodu, i poravnite staze Njegove (DK)

U svakom slucaju zanimljiv stih.Pokusacu da ti ga pojednostavim.Ovde se za Jovana Krstitelja kaze da je on Jovan Krstitelj SAMO GLAS nekoga ko vise u pustinji,dok se na drugom mestu isto za Jovana Krstitelja kaze da je "On je Ilija koji ce doci"prema Mateju 11:14
Mozda ti najbolje razjasni stih iz
Jovan 1:23 Reče: Ja sam glas onog što viče u pustinji: Poravnite put Gospodnji; kao što kaza Isaija prorok.

Da ne sirimo temu Jovan krstitelj, predstavlja samo Isusov glas ,koji je trebao i radi na pripravljanju puta za Jehovu svog Boga.
I ne siri vise taj govor mrznje vec prihvati argumente ili daj kontraargumente,ucestvuj u raspravi argumentima,a ne mrznjom.

Risko ne kolaci oci nego procitaj (jovan 1:6) nema tu glasa a bog ga je poslao za svecdocanstvo!!!

(isaija 40:3)

3 Слушајте! Неко виче у пустињи: „Рашчистите пут Јехови! Поравнајте кроз пусту земљу стазу нашем Богу! 4 Нека се подигне свака долина, нека се спусти свака гора и свако брдо! Брежуљкаст крај нека постане раван, нераван крај нека се претвори у равницу! 5 Тада ће се открити слава Јеховина и сви ће је људи видети, јер су то речи из Јеховиних уста.“

(matvej 3:3)
3 То је онај о коме говори пророк Исаија кад каже: „Слушајте! Неко виче у пустињи: ’Припремите пут Јехови! Поравнајте му стазе!‘“

A evo sta pise u ostalim biblijama :

(isaija 40:3)
3 Glas je nekoga koji viče: Pripravite u pustinji put Gospodnji, poravnite u pustoši stazu Bogu našem.

(matvej 3:3)
3 Jer je to onaj za koga je govorio prorok Isaija gde kaže: Glas onog što viče u pustinji: Pripravite put Gospodu, i poravnite staze Njegove.

( isaija 40:3)kumranski pr.
3 Слушајте! Неко виче у пустињи: ‘Раш чис -
ти те пут Господу! Поравнајте кроз пусту зем -
љу стазу нашем Богу!

(matvej 3:1-3)Kumranski PR.

3 У те дане дође Јован Крститељ,* тумач
Све тог писма, у Јудејску пустињу, 2 и рече:
„Вратите се вери, јер царство небеско само
што није дошло.” 3 Да се испуне речи про -
ро ка Исаије: „Глас се чу у пустињи који ка -
же: ‘Окрените се Господу. Раскрчите у пус -
ти њи ста зу Богу нашем’.”*
Mal. 3:1, Mt. 3:3, Mk. 1:3, Lk. 1:76, Lk. 3:4, Lk. 7:27, Jn. 1:23

(jovan 1:27) on je onaj sto ce doci posle mene a ne jehova!!!

27 On je Onaj što će doći za mnom, koji beše preda mnom; kome ja nisam dostojan odrešiti remen na obući Njegovoj.

Ovo treba da naucis jednom za svagda a ne da slusas svoje jevreomassone,koji su i ubili i razapeli Hristosa;

(((((((dela 4:10-12)

10 Da je na znanje svima vama i svemu narodu Izrailjevom da u ime Isusa Hrista Nazarećanina, kog vi raspeste, kog Bog podiže iz mrtvih, stoji ovaj pred vama zdrav.
11 Ovo je kamen koji vi zidari odbaciste, a postade glava od ugla: i nema ni u jednom drugom spasenja;

12 Jer nema drugog imena pod nebom danog ljudima kojim bi se mi mogli spasti.

Svaki onaj koji razume ovo,, on je hriscanin a ko ovo nerazume on je antihrist.))))))

Poslednja izmena:
Brate moj dragi kad bi oni razumeli ime koje je nosilo telo Isus znali bi ko je Reč i da se kroz Nju sve stvorilo i poznali bi ko je bio u telu sa učenicima. A to bi sve znali da imaju u sebi Onoga koji je učitelj a On je jedan i od početka i do kraja jer ne vide raličite službe jednog Boga.
Bog je Duh a za njih energija.Isus kaže da će biti sa nama sve do gde je ne vide Ga, zašto? Zato što Ga i ne čuju a ne čuju jer Ga ne primaju jer bez vere nema ni života.
Onaj koji je u nama svedoči i uči što ono telo nije moglo tad učiniti jer je na otkup došlo a sad je tu i kuca ali oni otvaraju drugima a ne životu i ISTINI.

Mir ti i blagoslov u dobroj borbi vere nad nevernima. Amin.
Redom jedno po jedno

To be Trinitarian means I make sure I don't realize what I should realize.

The Trinity is a Manufactured Hypothesis Not a Fact Trinitarians just hope everyone will accept their hypothesis which they have created, to wit, that a three person God does in fact exist. Nowhere in Scripture are we informed that such a three person being does exist. However, the onus is on them to demonstrate this three person God does in fact exist. The onus is never on anyone to prove a negative. The onus is also upon Trinitarians to explain why this three person being is never mentioned in the Scriptures. The main character of the Bible is the one true God and He is mentioned thousands of times, yet not one single mention of a three person God can be found in the entire Bible. Despite this reality, Trinitarians would like everyone to believe that this unmentioned being actually exists and accept their hypothesis of a three person God which they have created in order to try and explain a handful of Scripture verses which they otherwise don't know what they should do with. And even though the onus is upon Trinitarians, on this site you will find that it is actually quite easy to demonstrate their doctrine is an error.

And why do Trinitarians ignore verses like John 12:45 and John 14:9 when they interpret John 20:28? Are such observations too inconvenient to their claims? Why do they make a convenient exception to the rules of Greek grammar concerning John 20:28? Why do they fail to see that John 20:28 is about seeing a believing and Jesus had taught his disciples what to think about He and His Father in terms of seeing and believing. Why is it that Trinitarians are so sure that a certain Greek construction (GS Rule) indicates when one person is in view but they deny the construction which indicates two persons are in view? Why are they blind to these facts at John 20:28? And when they interpret John 10:30, why do they also ignore John 17:22 where Jesus prays his disciples will be one "just as we are one." Is it because this would completely nullify their claims?

Ko hoće da čita neka čita!

The "God was manifested in the flesh" version of 1 Timothy 3:16 is now accepted by Trinitarian scholars as a fraud. They kindly refer to it as a "scribal error." But the facts also indicate that at least two textual variants preferred by Trinitarians, 1 John 5:7 and 1 Timothy 3:16, are now admitted by Trinitarian translation scholars to be fraudulent. Hence, we can see that texts were corrupted to favor Trinitarian doctrine, not the other way around.

Nastaviće se.

Dodato posle 17 minuta:

Voleo bi da mi JS, objasne post #197 tim sto se ne odazivate vi samo potvrdjujete, to da niste od boga i gospoda nasega a od djavola.

[SIZE=+1]Examination of the Evidence[/SIZE]
Modern translations do not read, "God" at 1 Timothy 3:16. Trinitarians make this particular claim by quoting from the King James Version. Despite the fact that scholars agree that the KJV reading is a corruption, Trinitarians, even those who normally do not read the KJV, continue to cherry-pick this verse from the KJV.
When the Christological controversies were occurring in the fourth century, we do not see even one solitary person making a reference to this passage as evidence for the deity of Christ. This undeniably proves it was unknown to them. If indeed 1 Timothy 3:16 really said "God was manifest in the flesh," we can most definitely be sure this passage would have most been brought forward as "Exhibit A." Yet, not one soul mentions it even though this passage more than any other would have supported the teaching that the incarnate Christ was "God." But the facts remain as they are and it was never mentioned once in the myriads of documentation that exist illustrating what was argued in these debates. There is a good reason that no one in the fourth century church ever mentioned the passage. The word "God" did not appear in 1 Timothy 3:16 until much later. It first appeared in manuscripts after Trinitarian dogma was fully developed and canonized and is an obvious later alteration. The oldest and best manuscripts do not have the word "God" (theos) in 1 Timothy 3:16 which is why modern Bible translations do not have the word "God" at 1 Timothy 3:16 either.

1. Contemporary Trinitarian Translation Scholars
Now because this verse is known to be a scribal error, contemporary Trinitarian Greek scholars, who have access to numerous manuscripts, have not been able to perpetuate this error any longer into English translations, despite the passions of some who desire the word "God" to appear in this verse at the expense of truth. Let us look at some of the major translations of this passage and note how Trinitarian Greek scholars themselves acknowledged the scribal error:
"He appeared in a body" (NIV)
"He who was manifested in the flesh" (ASV)
"He who was revealed in the flesh" (NASB)
"He was manifested in the flesh" (RSV)
"Which was manifested in the flesh" (Douey-Rheims)
"Who was manifested in the flesh" (NAB)"
Quite plainly, Trinitarian translation scholars are admitting this version of the verse is not authentic. One then wonders why Trinitarians so often continue to appeal to it.

Ko nesme da čita tuđu literaturu ne mora, ali ko sme čitati neka sam proveri u koji dan su..

The Day They Killed God
Poslednja izmena:
AApocketz ja nisam englez i engleski neznam, budi dobar pa prevedi svoj post, inace ga nemogu procitati, a to znaci nemogu ti odgovoriti.

Dodato posle 2 minuta:

Brate moj dragi kad bi oni razumeli ime koje je nosilo telo Isus znali bi ko je Reč i da se kroz Nju sve stvorilo i poznali bi ko je bio u telu sa učenicima. A to bi sve znali da imaju u sebi Onoga koji je učitelj a On je jedan i od početka i do kraja jer ne vide raličite službe jednog Boga.
Bog je Duh a za njih energija.Isus kaže da će biti sa nama sve do gde je ne vide Ga, zašto? Zato što Ga i ne čuju a ne čuju jer Ga ne primaju jer bez vere nema ni života.
Onaj koji je u nama svedoči i uči što ono telo nije moglo tad učiniti jer je na otkup došlo a sad je tu i kuca ali oni otvaraju drugima a ne životu i ISTINI.

Mir ti i blagoslov u dobroj borbi vere nad nevernima. Amin.

Brate moj potpuno te razumem i potpuno si u pravu, jer za njih je Isus prosto cistacica bozjeg carstva.

Dodato posle 8 Sati 37 minuta:

Redom jedno po jedno

To be Trinitarian means I make sure I don't realize what I should realize.

The Trinity is a Manufactured Hypothesis Not a Fact Trinitarians just hope everyone will accept their hypothesis which they have created, to wit, that a three person God does in fact exist. Nowhere in Scripture are we informed that such a three person being does exist. However, the onus is on them to demonstrate this three person God does in fact exist. The onus is never on anyone to prove a negative. The onus is also upon Trinitarians to explain why this three person being is never mentioned in the Scriptures. The main character of the Bible is the one true God and He is mentioned thousands of times, yet not one single mention of a three person God can be found in the entire Bible. Despite this reality, Trinitarians would like everyone to believe that this unmentioned being actually exists and accept their hypothesis of a three person God which they have created in order to try and explain a handful of Scripture verses which they otherwise don't know what they should do with. And even though the onus is upon Trinitarians, on this site you will find that it is actually quite easy to demonstrate their doctrine is an error.

And why do Trinitarians ignore verses like John 12:45 and John 14:9 when they interpret John 20:28? Are such observations too inconvenient to their claims? Why do they make a convenient exception to the rules of Greek grammar concerning John 20:28? Why do they fail to see that John 20:28 is about seeing a believing and Jesus had taught his disciples what to think about He and His Father in terms of seeing and believing. Why is it that Trinitarians are so sure that a certain Greek construction (GS Rule) indicates when one person is in view but they deny the construction which indicates two persons are in view? Why are they blind to these facts at John 20:28? And when they interpret John 10:30, why do they also ignore John 17:22 where Jesus prays his disciples will be one "just as we are one." Is it because this would completely nullify their claims?

Ko hoće da čita neka čita!

The "God was manifested in the flesh" version of 1 Timothy 3:16 is now accepted by Trinitarian scholars as a fraud. They kindly refer to it as a "scribal error." But the facts also indicate that at least two textual variants preferred by Trinitarians, 1 John 5:7 and 1 Timothy 3:16, are now admitted by Trinitarian translation scholars to be fraudulent. Hence, we can see that texts were corrupted to favor Trinitarian doctrine, not the other way around.

Nastaviće se.

Dodato posle 17 minuta:

[SIZE=+1]Examination of the Evidence[/SIZE]
Modern translations do not read, "God" at 1 Timothy 3:16. Trinitarians make this particular claim by quoting from the King James Version. Despite the fact that scholars agree that the KJV reading is a corruption, Trinitarians, even those who normally do not read the KJV, continue to cherry-pick this verse from the KJV.
When the Christological controversies were occurring in the fourth century, we do not see even one solitary person making a reference to this passage as evidence for the deity of Christ. This undeniably proves it was unknown to them. If indeed 1 Timothy 3:16 really said "God was manifest in the flesh," we can most definitely be sure this passage would have most been brought forward as "Exhibit A." Yet, not one soul mentions it even though this passage more than any other would have supported the teaching that the incarnate Christ was "God." But the facts remain as they are and it was never mentioned once in the myriads of documentation that exist illustrating what was argued in these debates. There is a good reason that no one in the fourth century church ever mentioned the passage. The word "God" did not appear in 1 Timothy 3:16 until much later. It first appeared in manuscripts after Trinitarian dogma was fully developed and canonized and is an obvious later alteration. The oldest and best manuscripts do not have the word "God" (theos) in 1 Timothy 3:16 which is why modern Bible translations do not have the word "God" at 1 Timothy 3:16 either.

1. Contemporary Trinitarian Translation Scholars
Now because this verse is known to be a scribal error, contemporary Trinitarian Greek scholars, who have access to numerous manuscripts, have not been able to perpetuate this error any longer into English translations, despite the passions of some who desire the word "God" to appear in this verse at the expense of truth. Let us look at some of the major translations of this passage and note how Trinitarian Greek scholars themselves acknowledged the scribal error:
"He appeared in a body" (NIV)
"He who was manifested in the flesh" (ASV)
"He who was revealed in the flesh" (NASB)
"He was manifested in the flesh" (RSV)
"Which was manifested in the flesh" (Douey-Rheims)
"Who was manifested in the flesh" (NAB)"
Quite plainly, Trinitarian translation scholars are admitting this version of the verse is not authentic. One then wonders why Trinitarians so often continue to appeal to it.

Ko nesme da čita tuđu literaturu ne mora, ali ko sme čitati neka sam proveri u koji dan su..

The Day They Killed God

Sve sto ti stavis treba da proveris,sve sto vi JS,stavite stampa ili ima kupljena autorska prava kula strazare!!!

Za riska

ti i tvoji svedoci znate grcki,taman kao i sam carls, t, rusel !!! koji se kleo pred sudom da zna a u stvari je lagao,pa nece kruska da padne ispod jabuke, nego ispod kruske !!!

10 Da je na znanje svima vama i svemu narodu Izrailjevom da u ime Isusa Hrista Nazarećanina, kog vi raspeste, kog Bog podiže iz mrtvih, stoji ovaj pred vama zdrav.
11 Ovo je kamen koji vi zidari odbaciste, a postade glava od ugla: i nema ni u jednom drugom spasenja;
Ako nisi znao "massoni u prevodu znaci slobodni zidari"
12 Jer nema drugog imena pod nebom danog ljudima kojim bi se mi mogli spasti.

Svaki onaj koji razume ovo,, on je hriscanin a ko ovo nerazume on je antihrist.))))))

Dodato posle 9 minuta:

(Matvej 1:21-23)

Za neznalice tipa JS-ka!!!

23 Eto, devojka će zatrudneti, i rodiće Sina, i nadenuće Mu ime Emanuilo, koje će reći: S nama Bog.

Samo ime Jehousa tj Isus znaci snama Bog

(isaija 9:6)

6 Jer nam se rodi Dete, Sin nam se dade, kome je vlast na ramenu, i ime će Mu biti: Divni, Savetnik, Bog silni, Otac večni, Knez mirni.

Dodato posle 5 minuta:

A ovo dobro razmotrite jer je to vase spasenje a ne gluposti koje vam promocira kula strazare.

(dela 10:43)
43 Za ovo svedoče svi proroci da će imenom Njegovim primiti oproštenje greha svi koji Ga veruju.

(dela 4:12)
12 Jer nema drugog imena pod nebom danog ljudima kojim bi se mi mogli spasti.

Dodato posle 11 minuta:

Za mene i neke forumase da ih sad ne nabrajam, ne postoji drugo ime osim Gospoda isusa Hrista.i.i.i.i.

Kao sto vidite dragi moji JS,dzaba se tu natezete, covek koji dobro poznaje bibliju,kod njega mozete da popijete samo kafu i da idete dalje da lazete kod onih koji nikad nisu ni otvorili bibliju, tamo cete dobiti i rucak!!!

Dodato posle 6 minuta:

(mat 28:19)

19 Idite dakle i naučite sve narode krsteći ih va ime Oca i Sina i Svetog Duha,

(dela 8:16)

16 Jer još ni na jednog ne beše došao, nego behu samo kršteni u ime Gospoda Isusa.

u cije ime krsteni???

A u cije ime se krstite vi?

U ime jehove i sina i duha organizacije!!!

Imam video dokaz i pismeni ako treba postavicu samo kazite.
Poslednja izmena:
Pa gde ste vi JS,AAA!!! ja cekam objasnjeje zasto ne dajete argumente na post, kad tvrdite da ste u pravu.

Dodato posle 4 minuta:

Voleo bih da znam kakav cete lazni argument da date protiv ovog neoborivog stiha tj bozje reci?

(dela 10:43)
43 Za ovo svedoče svi proroci da će imenom Njegovim primiti oproštenje greha svi koji Ga veruju.
12 Jer nema drugog imena pod nebom danog ljudima kojim bi se mi mogli spasti.
(mat 28:19)

19 Idite dakle i naučite sve narode krsteći ih va ime Oca i Sina i Svetog Duha,

(dela 8:16)

16 Jer još ni na jednog ne beše došao, nego behu samo kršteni u ime Gospoda Isusa.

u cije ime krsteni???

A u cije ime se krstite vi?

U ime jehove i sina i duha organizacije!!!

Dodato posle 7 minuta:

Vi ste prosto prevaranti,antihristi.sinovi pogibije,lazni svedoci,vukovi u jagnjecoj kozi,prekrojaci bozje reci,fariseji i sadukeji novog vremena kojim nije stalo do Boga i Gospoda nasega Isusa Hrista.Koji je platio krvlju svojom za otkup nasih dusa pred ocem,zato i nema drugog imena pod nebom, osim Isusovog, jer on je nas spasitelj i nema drugog.
Poslednja izmena: