Isusovo telo nakon uskrsenja-kako se prepoznaje

Zašto ne bih povezivao. pa to su iste religije u svojoj osnovi.

Tripo necu da te spamujem, al kakve veze ima New Age ucenje sa ucenjem Jehovinih Svedoka, nisu oni svoju veru temeljili na New Age, pa New Age uci i zagrobni zivot i spiritizam pa oni ne uce. Nemoj pricati svasta.
Ako ti zelis reci da ima slicnosti ima u ovoj taci ucenja, ali to je sve.
Dakle poredjenje je krajnje neprimereno, neko iz tvog posta moze zakljuciti da su Jehovini Svedoci kult New Age-a...
Tripo necu da te spamujem, al kakve veze ima New Age ucenje sa ucenjem Jehovinih Svedoka,

Pa to i jeste njihovo učenje. i NA ima takvo učenje.

nisu oni svoju veru temeljili na New Age,

Kako nisu kada su nastali iz iste vatikanske kuhinje. Imam o tome emisiju.

pa New Age uci i zagrobni zivot i spiritizam pa oni ne uce.

Ne uče zvanično JS, ali pogledaj malo prevod NS pa ćeš vidjeti tu nauku.

Dakle poredjenje je krajnje neprimereno,

Imam dokaz sa sve autentičnim izvorima da je moje poređenje itekako adekvatno.

neko iz tvog posta moze zakljuciti da su Jehovini Svedoci kult New Age-a...

To i jesu, ništa manji kult nego NA.

Jel trebam da ti dam emisiju?
Ti si Tripo smesan, kakva vatikanska kuhinja, cuj vatikan stvorio Jehovine Svedoke i New Age? Nemoj me zasmejavati molim te. Oni ne stvaraju sebi protivnike. Ti svo svoje znanje temeljis na youtube izmisljotinama. Ti stvarno treba da se uozbiljis.
Godinama proucavam Jehovine Svedoke i oni nikakve veze nemaju sa new age a pogotovo ne sa vatikanom, neke dodirne tacke imaju sa masonerijom i to je sve, ali imaju i adventisti. Ti si toliko lakoveran i tvrdoglav covek da je to neverovatno...

Procitaj sta si napisao, pa onda reci da nije smesno.

Ne znas dovoljno o adventistima,a pogotovo ne o Svedocima. Ovde se svi prave strucnjaci a pojma nemaju, zato mi vec dosta.
Idi malo nauci pa onda pisi o Svedocima..
Ti si Tripo smesan, kakva vatikanska kuhinja, cuj vatikan stvorio Jehovine Svedoke i New Age? Nemoj me zasmejavati molim te.

Dao sam ti emisiju u kojoj su dokazi da jeste. Pa nisu oni nikakvi suparinici. Pa Vatikan i osnovi neke koji će da udaraju po njemu. Dakle nemaš dokaza za svoju tvrdnju.
Bibliju Jehovinih svedoka su preveli Jezuiti Jezuiti Jose Marija Bover, i A Markes.

O prvom sam pronasao informacije, dok o drugome na osnovu skracenog imena nije moguce.

(Vinaros, 1877-Sant Cugat del Valles, 1954) španski teolog, Jezuita od 1895. godine, rukopoložen je 1910 godine. profesor Svetog Pisma (1911-1950) i specijalista u tekstualnom kritikom Novog zaveta, autor je rasprave poslanica apostola Pavla i, u saradnji sa F. Cantera, tvorac je španske verzije biblije (1948).

Povezanost osnivaca Jehovinih svedoka, i gore pomenuti podatak - govori da je njihova organizacija tvorevina masonsko jezuitske zavere.
Ko zna kakve politicke i duhovne zavere je Vatikan sve pokretao u istoriji, od kojih su neke i poznate i u desavanjima na ovim prostorima, u istorijskim ratovima, i borbi protiv neistomisljenicima.

José María Valente Bover

(Vinaroz, 1877-Sant Cugat del Vallès, 1954) Teólogo y escriturista español. Jesuita desde 1895, fue ordenado en 1910. Profesor de Sagrada Escritura (1911-1950) y especialista en la crítica textual del Nuevo Testamento, es autor de una Teología de san Pablo y, en colaboración con F. Cantera, de una versión castellana de la Biblia (1948).
Bibliju Jehovinih svedoka su preveli Jezuiti Jezuiti Jose Marija Bover, i A Markes.

O prvom sam pronasao informacije, dok o drugome na osnovu skracenog imena nije moguce.

(Vinaros, 1877-Sant Cugat del Valles, 1954) španski teolog, Jezuita od 1895. godine, rukopoložen je 1910 godine. profesor Svetog Pisma (1911-1950) i specijalista u tekstualnom kritikom Novog zaveta, autor je rasprave poslanica apostola Pavla i, u saradnji sa F. Cantera, tvorac je španske verzije biblije (1948).

Povezanost osnivaca Jehovinih svedoka, i gore pomenuti podatak - govori da je njihova organizacija tvorevina masonsko jezuitske zavere.
Ko zna kakve politicke i duhovne zavere je Vatikan sve pokretao u istoriji, od kojih su neke i poznate i u desavanjima na ovim prostorima, u istorijskim ratovima, i borbi protiv neistomisljenicima.

Vidiš Rale jeste majstor ali ni pioniri subote nisu bili šegrti, u poređenju sa Belom su amateri svi zajedno i sve sa papom.

José María Valente Bover

(Vinaroz, 1877-Sant Cugat del Vallès, 1954) Teólogo y escriturista español. Jesuita desde 1895, fue ordenado en 1910. Profesor de Sagrada Escritura (1911-1950) y especialista en la crítica textual del Nuevo Testamento, es autor de una Teología de san Pablo y, en colaboración con F. Cantera, de una versión castellana de la Biblia (1948).

Izvini prijatelju, ja i pored najbolje volje ne mogu da vidim gde si ti ovim potvrdio ovu svoju tvrdnju:

Bibliju Jehovinih svedoka su preveli Jezuiti Jezuiti Jose Marija Bover, i A Markes.

Molim te, budi ljubazan i pokaži mi gde piše da je pomenuti gospodin bio jedan od prevodilaca pomenutog prevoda.
Ovaj izvor sam pronasao u jednoj knjizi, pa cu pogledati da li postoje reference, ali sam proverio da postoji i na internetu u Engleskom Jeziku.

Uglavnom tu u dva citata iz dole prilozenog teksta pise sledece ( crvenim slovima):

"Prevod Jehovinih svedoka "Novi svet , napisali viši jezuiti Jose Maria BOVER i A. Merkz, a zatim Vestcott i Hort"

"Jehovini svedoci su dete Katolicke crkve"

"Ovo Satanisticko društvo
( tvorce biblije novi svet ) Katolička crkva je koristila u cilju da se proizvede Prevod Novog Sveta"

Evo celog teksta:

Westcott and Hort took two waste Catholic Sources (the Sinaiticus and the Vaticanus) to produce their waste version of the Bible, Nestle and the New World Translation of the Jehovah's Witnesses, written by Senior Jesuits Jose Maria Bover and A. Merkz, followed Westcott and Hort.

From the Forward of the 1950 version NWT:

"The original writings of the Christian Greek Scriptures, commonly called the New Testament, were inspired. No translation of these Sacred writings into another language, is inspired... The Greek text that we have used as a basis of our NW translation is the widely accepted Westcott and Hort text (1881) by reason of its admitted excellence. But we have also taken in to consideration other texts including that prepared by D. Eberhard Nestle and that compiled by the Spanish Jesuit scholar Jose Maria Bover and that by the other Jesuit scholar A. Merk..."

9. *The Jehovah's Witnesses used Jesuits and Roman Catholic manuscripts to aid in the translation of the New World Translation.

'GREEK TEXT: The Greek Text that we have used as the basis for the New World Translation is the widely accepted Westcott & Hort text (1881), by reason of its acknowledged excellence. But we have also taken into consideration other texts, including those prepared by D. Eberhard Nestle, the Spanish Jesuit scholar Jose Maria Bover, and another Jesuit scholar, A Merck. The UBS text of 1875 and the Nestle-Aland text of 1979 were cinsukted to update the critical apparatus of this edition." The Forward, The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures, 1985, page 8.


Jehovah's Witnesses EXPOSED!

Compiled and Edited by David J. Stewart

The Jehovah Witnesses are a Satanic organization, based upon the occult of Freemasonry. Charles Taze Russell was a 33rd Degree Freemason; as was Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon cult. Carefully notice the Masonic cross at the upper left corner of the photo below...

The Masonic cross used by the Masonic Jehovah's Witnesses

Russell and the Watch Tower Bible and Track Society in the Greatest Masonic Center Cemetery

The picture below is the same scene as above, but without the zoom.
Notice the illuminati pyramid. This is where Charles Taze Russell is buried.

Below is a close-up of the inscription on the pyramid above.
This is irrefutable proof that Jehovah Witnesses are inseparably linked to Satanic Freemasonry.

Below: Notice the Freemasonry cross, the Knights Templar symbol. Charles Taze Russell was a Knights Templar.

Below: Notice the Masonic cross in this Freemasonry meeting hall.

The founders of both "faiths," the Mormons and Jehovah's witnesses, were of the Illuminati bloodline. Charles Taze Russell, who founded the Watchtower Society (Jehovah Witnesses), was of the Illuminati Russell bloodline, which also founded the infamous Skull and Bones Society at Yale University. Charles Taze Russell was a Satanist, a pedophile according to his wife, and a friend of the Rothschilds. Indeed it was the Rothschilds who funded the Jehovah's Witness operation into being, along with other Illuminati bankers, through "contributions" by organizations like the Rothschild-controlled B'nai B'rith. This was proved in a court of law in 1922. One of the key people involved in this was Frank Goldman who later became President of B'nai B'rith. Why would an organization set up (in theory) to help Jewish people and promote the Jewish faith, be funding into existence the Jehovah's Witnesses??? I think the name Rothschild answers the question. Russell was also a high degree Freemason and Knights Templar. He promoted Zionism, another Rothschild creation (see Hitler was a Rothschild), on behalf of his friends and backers.

In his book The Watchtower & the Masons Fritz Springmeier says:

"It has always been disconcerting that the Masons are so adept at smokescreens. The leader of the Anti-Masonic political party in the 1830-1840’s turned out to be a Mason. Both C.T. Russell and J. Rutherford printed material that was less than favorable to Freemasonry. And yet I now know that C.T. Russell was a Freemason, a Knights Templar. I also know that Rutherford worked intimately with Freemasons who were his good friends."

The Occult Roots of the Jehovah's Witnesses

Read the eye-opening, Be Wise As Serpents (free online .PDF book), by political prisoner and Christian, Fritz Springmeier.

Be Wise As Serpents...

Read the eye-opening, Occult Theocracy (free online .PDF book), by Edith Starr Miller.
She wrote the book in 1933 and lists Charles Taze Russell as a Knights Templar Mason on page page 737...

Read the eye-opening, The Watchtower And The Masons (free online .PDF book), by political prisoner and Christian, Fritz Springmeier.


This Satanic society used Catholic Church Sources in order to produce its New World Translation.
Westcott and Hort were two Satanists, founders of the Hermes Club and members of famed Russian witch Madam Blavatsky's Theosophy cult.

Dr. Bill Grady said it best in his excellent book, Final Authority...

“Wescott and Hort, were a pair of unsaved liberals whose open Vatican sympathies cast them as the consummate Jesuit plants.”

“To regain her corner on the market, Rome created an elite paramilitary Gestapo unit that would make Himmler’s SS appear like a Sunday school… sparking what historians call, the counter-Reformation. The infamous Society of Jesus was founded by Ignatius De Loyola in 1534, more commonly known as the Jesuits….”

They are the most militant arm of papal power to this day. Their goals were to reclaim those that had left Catholicism and to attack the reliability of the Textus Receptus. They would use ANY METHOD to regain control including confiscation, treachery, torture and assassination. Jesuits will stop at nothing to bring the whole world under subjection to the Vatican. The Jesuits ploy was to entice Protestants back to Rome. They knew they could not bring anyone back into the bondage of Catholicism as long as true believers clung to the pure text. So the Jesuits plotted to replace our Bible with pro-Catholic readings of Jerome’s Vulgate. This would cause the Protestant scholars to believe our text was unreliable, unreadable and not scholarly. Once programmed, the scholars would attack the pure text, all the while, believing they were doing God’s service."

Westcott and Hort took two waste Catholic Sources (the Sinaiticus and the Vaticanus) to produce their waste version of the Bible, Nestle and the New World Translation of the Jehovah's Witnesses, written by Senior Jesuits Jose Maria Bover and A. Merkz, followed Westcott and Hort.

From the Forward of the 1950 version NWT:

"The original writings of the Christian Greek Scriptures, commonly called the New Testament, were inspired. No translation of these Sacred writings into another language, is inspired... The Greek text that we have used as a basis of our NW translation is the widely accepted Westcott and Hort text (1881) by reason of its admitted excellence. But we have also taken in to consideration other texts including that prepared by D. Eberhard Nestle and that compiled by the Spanish Jesuit scholar Jose Maria Bover and that by the other Jesuit scholar A. Merk..."

9. *The Jehovah's Witnesses used Jesuits and Roman Catholic manuscripts to aid in the translation of the New World Translation.

'GREEK TEXT: The Greek Text that we have used as the basis for the New World Translation is the widely accepted Westcott & Hort text (1881), by reason of its acknowledged excellence. But we have also taken into consideration other texts, including those prepared by D. Eberhard Nestle, the Spanish Jesuit scholar Jose Maria Bover, and another Jesuit scholar, A Merck. The UBS text of 1875 and the Nestle-Aland text of 1979 were cinsukted to update the critical apparatus of this edition." The Forward, The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures, 1985, page 8.

"In the broad left-hand column of the pages will be found the Greek text edited by B F Westcott and F J a Hort, and published in 1881." By Way of Explanation, The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures - 1985, page 5.

The Occult Connection Between Jehovah's Witness, Mormonism, and Catholicism

Jehovah Witness False Religion

Freemasonry is Straight from Hell

Secret Societies and Satanism

Freemasonry - Mankind's Deathwish

False Religions

God's Simple Plan

Izvor: Jehovah s Witnesses Exposed! - Jesus is Savior
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