- Učlanjen(a)
- 28.03.2013
- Poruka
- 13.330
Velika je tvoja mrznja decko.To sto si postavio je III vek nase ere,
Sto ne pogleda papirus "papyrus fouad 266"(fragmenti grcke septuaginte)sa pve strane ove teme koji potice po nekima iz II veka nase ere,a za neke cak iz I veka nase ere.Jasno se vidi jevrejski tetragramaton JHVH unutar grckog teksta i to na vise mesta.Zasto bi ja ikoga pa i tebe lagao.
Ziv bio i video taj fragment.Inace otkrili su taj fragment pre nekih 50ak godina ....
Kakva mrznja? O cemu ti?
Dokazi da je iz 3. veka?
Evo sta pise za njega:
''Papyrus Rylands 458 is a copy of the Pentateuch in a Greek version of the Hebrew Bible known as the Septuagint. It is a papyrus manuscript in roll form. The manuscript has been assigned palaeographically to the 2nd century BC and it is the oldest known manuscript of the Greek Bible. The manuscript has survived in very fragmentary condition.''
Sto se tice tog tvog papirusa(papyrus fouad 266), tu je takodje postojalo _________ prazno mesto za ubacivanje Tetragrama. Evo sta kaze strucnjak za grcki:
Albert Pietersma was the first to claim that Fouad contains some pre-hexaplaric corrections towards a Hebrew text (which would have had the Tetragrammaton). Pietersma also states that there is room for the reading ΚΥΡΙΟΣ (The Lord), but the second scribe inserted the Tetragrammaton instead.[10]
Dakle uzmimo taj tvoj ''najstariji'' tekst, opet potvrdjuje istu pricu o ''praznom mestu'' i omogucavanju citaocu da sam unese u tekst KIRIOS ili YHWH u skladu sa svojim citanjem...
izvor: wikipedia.
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