Tehnokratija, NWO, Covid i vera..

I dalje ostaje da mRNA vakcine zaista ne sadrže reverznu tanskriptozu, kao što je i rečeno od početka.

mRNA cjepivo i ne mora sadržavati reverznu transkriptazu da bi se ugradila u čovjekov genom. Dovoljno je da mRNA molekula, pa tako i mRNA molekula cjepiva, na svome kraju ima tzv. poli-A rep, da bi se ugradila u ljudski genom. A mRNA molekule cjepiva imaju na svome kraju poli-A rep. ;) Evo ukratko točnog opisa mehanizma upisivanja (transkripcije, ugradnje) bilo koje mRNA molekule u čovjekov genom, pa tako i mRNA molekule cjepiva.

1. Čovjekov genom ima oko 500 000 kopija L1 elemenata, odnosno čak 17% naše DNA čine L1 elementi.

2. L1 elementi sami sebe kopiraju preko procesa kojeg nazivamo reverzna transkripcija, i tako nastaju L1 mRNA molekule.

3. Ova L1 mRNA molekula na ribosomima se prevede u dva tipa proteina - ORF1p i ORF2p

4. ORF2p protein je reverzna transkriptaza koji se u citoplazmi veže na jedan od krajeva mRNA molekule kojeg nazivamo poli-A rep. Jedini uvjet da se ova "reverzna transkriptaza" (ORF2p protein) veže na mRNA molekulu, jeste da ta mRNA molekula ima već spomenuti - poli-A rep.

5. mRNA molekule iz cjepiva imaju poli-A rep. :)

Dodatak: Osim činjenice da ova mRNA cjepiva imaju molekule s poli-A repom, dakle ispunjavaju uvjet da se ugrađuju i mijenjaju ljudski genom, uočeno je da su mRNA molekule cjepiva još dodatno inženjerski modificirane, i to na način da se što više poveća vjerojatnost njene ugradnje u ljudski genom. Zašto? Pobogu, najprije lažu da se ne mRNA molekula iz cjepiva ne može ugraditi u ljudski genom, a onda se još pokazuje kako su oni sami modificirali te mRNA molekule da ih se što više ugradi u ljudski genom!?!?!? Zaista, što ovime spremaju čovječanstvu?

Jedan čovjek koji je život proveo baveći se cjepivima i cijepljenjem izjavljuje:

Ako ikada uvedu Covid putovnice, onda je laku noć društvu, laku noć znanosti, laku noć čovječanstvu. (dr. Sucharit Bhakdi)

A ako nekoga interesira tko je "taj dr. Bhakdi", i odakle njemu pravo da docira, evo pa neka prouči tko zaista je on.

Sucharit Bhakdi (สุจริต ภักดี [sut̚˨˩.t͡ɕa˨˩.rit̚˨˩ pʰak̚˦˥.diː˧]; born Sucharit Punyaratabandhu, สุจริต บุณยรัตพันธุ์, 1 November 1946, in Washington, D.C.) is a retired Thai-German microbiologist. In 2020 and 2021 Bhakdi became a prominent source of misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic, claiming that the pandemic was "fake" and that COVID-19 vaccines were going to decimate the world's population.

He was a professor at the University of Mainz, where from 1991 to 2012 he was head of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene. The university disassociated itself from Bhakdi's views on the Coronavirus pandemic. In 2021 Bhakdi's publisher broke off relations following the appearance of an online video in which Bhakdi made antisemitic comments.

Bhakdi's parents are Thai diplomats.[7] In an interview, Bhakdi stated that his mother studied at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.[8]

Bhakdi studied at the Universities of Bonn, Gießen, Mainz and Copenhagen, and at the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology in Freiburg.[4]

He studied medicine at the University of Bonn from 1963 to 1970, during part of which (from 1966 to 1970) he was a scholarship holder of the German Academic Exchange Service.[9] Bhakdi worked for a while as a private assistant to the internal medicine specialist Walter Siegenthaler [de].[8] In February 1971 he received his doctorate in medicine. From 1972 to 1978, he studied at the Max Planck Institute for Immunobiology in Freiburg on scholarships from the Max Planck Society at the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology in Freiburg and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.[4]

He worked at the University of Copenhagen for a year before moving to the Institute of Medical Microbiology at the Justus Liebig University in Gießen, where he worked from 1977 to 1990. In July 1979 he habilitated.

Scientific and medical career​

Bhakdi was appointed C2 professor at Gießen in 1982. He spent a further year in Copenhagen and became C3 professor of medical microbiology (at Gießen again) in 1987 before being appointed to the University of Mainz in 1990. From 1991 he headed the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene as a C4 professor.[4]

Bhakdi retired on 1 April 2012.[10] Since 2016 he has been a visiting scholar at the University of Kiel.[11][12][13]

Prior to his retirement, Bhakdi produced scientific work in the fields of bacteriology and atherosclerosis, and published multiple scientific articles in these areas.[14] Awards he received include the Order of Merit of Rhineland-Palatinate.[15]

Research career​

The immune system​

From 1972, Bhakdi researched the functioning of the body's non-specific defenses at the Max Planck Institute for Immunobiology in Freiburg. He contributed to a better understanding of the mechanisms with which the large molecules of the complement system in the blood render exogenous substances harmless.[9] In 1978 Bhakdi discovered a protein that attacks and damages cells by sinking into the cell membrane, resulting in the formation of a pore (see membrane attack complex).[16] This was the enforcer molecule of the complement system, which is formed on the surface of foreign cells as a result of a chain reaction involving the immune system. This was followed by the discovery that bacteria, in turn, can also produce pore-forming proteins.[17] Today it is known that the vast majority of pathogenic bacteria produce pore formers that damage host cells. In 1984 the Royal Society in London invited Bhakdi to present the concept of cell membrane damage by pore formers.[18] From then on, Bhakdi concentrated on research on this topic.[19]


Investigation of the complement system led Bhakdi to the area of atherosclerosis. In 1989 he discovered through animal experiments that the complement component 5 is activated in the vessel walls where low density lipoprotein (LDL) is deposited.[20]

According to current understanding, atherosclerosis is a polygenic disease caused by a complex interplay of several environmental and genetic factors, especially cholesterol. This is transported in the blood via LDL and absorbed by the cells that need it via cellular receptors. However, it can accumulate in the blood vessel walls during transport and oxidize there or even beforehand. This attracts monocytes, which take up the oxidized LDL and turn into "foam cells". These then trigger chronic inflammatory reactions that damage the vascular wall.

In 1998, Bhakdi and his team of colleagues put forward the "Mainz hypothesis" that atherosclerosis is only caused monocausally by the lack of removal of LDL.[21] According to Bhakdi's hypothesis, LDL is generally not oxidized, but cholesterol is also absorbed by monocytes and foam cells are formed. However, the high density lipoprotein (HDL) can remove cholesterol again. If, however, a certain amount of LDL accumulates locally on the vascular wall and cannot be removed, part of the immune system causes inflammatory reactions that lead to atherosclerosis. In this way, early-stage atherosclerosis could be reversed if the LDL blood level (and blood pressure) was lowered and the HDL level increased.[22] Bhakdi's hypothesis, however, is not reflected in current opinion.[21]

Memberships and functions​

  • Member of the Collaborative Research Centres of the German Research Foundation "Proteins as Tools in Biology" at the University of Giessen (1987-1990),
  • Deputy Spokesperson of the Collaborative Research Center "Immunopathogenesis" (1990-1999)
  • Spokesperson of the Collaborative Research Center "490 Infection and Persistence in Infections" in Mainz (2000-2011).[9]
  • Co-founder and board member of the Association of Physicians and Scientists for Health, Freedom and Democracy, which was founded in May 2020 and lost its non-profit status in October 2020.[23] The purpose of the association is to take action against the German government’s measures to contain the corona pandemic.[12]
In autumn 2020 he was one of the first signatories of the "appeal for free debating spaces" (Appell für freie Debattenräume [de], a German adaptation of the project "A Letter on Justice and Open Debate" by the American Thomas C. Williams, which was previously launched in the USA.).[24]

He was Editor in Chief of Medical Microbiology and Immunology from 1990 to 2012.[25]

Prominence during COVID-19 pandemic​

See also: COVID-19 misinformation
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Bhakdi started a YouTube channel proposing that the number of deaths stemming from SARS-CoV-2 infection had been overstated. In November 2020 his account was terminated for violating YouTube's community guidelines.[26] One of his first videos was published 18 March 2020; it went viral, with 300,000 views by 23 March.[27] In the video, he predicted the worst "horror scenario" would be a million infections and 30 deaths a day in Germany, and that death rates in Northern Italy and China were higher only because of high air pollution there (even though Germany typically has more deaths due to pollution than Italy).

Bhakdi has made a number of false statements about the COVID-19 pandemic, saying that the pandemic is a "fake", that face masks and quarantines are "nonsense" and that the COVID-19 vaccines are deadly and will decimate the global population.[3]

He has been otherwise criticised for his theses on the COVID-19 pandemic; according to Medical Tribune [de], they are considered unscientific by a majority of experts.[28]

Bhakdi's criticisms of the COVID-19 pandemic response​

His criticisms of states' (most particularly Germany's) reactions to the COVID-19 pandemic have included:

  • Writing an open Letter in March 2020 to German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel regarding the "socio-economic consequences of the drastic containment measures which are currently being applied in large parts of Europe"[29]
  • Posting videos on YouTube claiming, for example, that the government was overreacting because the virus posed no more threat than influenza, and that any COVID-19 vaccine would be "pointless".[30]
  • Participation in May 2020 in the writing of a "position paper of the BMI" by an employee of the German crisis management department.[31][32][33] The Federal Ministry distanced itself from the position, calling the paper a "private opinion" circulating on official letterhead, and released the chief government councilor Stephan Kohn from duty.[34]
  • He is the co-author of Corona, False Alarm? Facts and Figures (2020), German: ('Corona Fehlalarm?') ISBN 978-3-99060-191-4[35][36] and Corona Unmasked. Neue Daten, Zahlen, Hintergründe. (Goldegg, Berlin/Wien 2021, ISBN 978-3-99060-231-7. An earlier book of his was published in 2016, Schreckgespenst Infektionen – Mythen, Wahn und Wirklichkeit (tr. "Bogeyman Infections - Myths, Delusions and Reality") ISBN 978-3-903090-66-8.[37] He published these books together with his wife, Karina Reiss [de], a biologist and biochemist at the Quincke Research Center, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel.[38]
  • Describing Germany in December 2020 as a "health dictatorship", saying he wanted to emigrate to Thailand because of this.[39]

Responses to Bhakdi's claims​

Bhakdi's claims, in particular in his YouTube videos and in the book Corona Fehlalarm?, have been extensively fact-checked and found to be variously unsubstantiated, misleading, or false.[40][41]

In Germany, fact-checking activity has included articles at ZDF,[27] the Austrian independent fact-checkers Minikama [de],[29][42] dpa,[43] SWR3[44] and the German non-profit correctiv.org.[30] In March 2020, ZDF said "His theses are unscientific, his numbers too low",[27] Minikama that his statements are "contrary to the scientific consensus of numerous experts, professors and colleagues and was described as largely dubious, unscientific and incorrect".[42] Correctiv fact-checked one of Bhakdi's YouTube videos in June 2020, and found a number of problematic claims, including the claim that any COVID-19 vaccine would be "pointless", and that the virus posed no more threat than influenza.[30]

On the basis of fact checks by Correctiv, ZDF, die Welt, Der Spiegel and Bayerischer Rundfunk, the Süddeutsche Zeitung summed up in April 2020: "What Wodarg and Bhakdi say is not completely wrong, but they mix facts with speculation and disinformation."[45] Writing for Foreign Policy, in September 2020 Tyson Barker (Head of DGAP's Technology & Global Affairs Program)[46] described Bhakdi as a prominent example from a "crop of debunked but credentialed so-called experts minting conspiracy theories and undermining fact-based information".[47]

In October 2020 the University of Mainz issued a statement to the effect that it does not support Bhakdi's views.[5][48][49]

Political activism, antisemitism​

In 2021, Bhakdi was a founder of the new German political party dieBasis [de], which emerged out of the "Querdenken" political movement, standing as a candidate in the 2021 German federal election in North Rhine-Westphalia.[50][51][52] In April 2021, the antisemitism commissioner for the state of Baden-Württemberg identified the Querdenken movement as providing space for antisemitic conspiracy theories, noting that Bhakdi singled out the German-Jewish minister of education in Schleswig-Holstein, Karin Prien, as "poisoning our children with CO2".[53]

In a video released as part of his campaign, Bhakdi articulated antisemitic views, saying Israel is "even worse" than Nazi Germany, and "That’s the bad thing about Jews." The Austrian publisher Goldegg Verlag [de] of three of Bhakdi’s books on the pandemic, said that it was severing ties with the author.[6][49][54][55] Bhakdi was criticised by antisemitism commissioners for the states of Berlin and Baden-Württemberg.[56][57][58]


Professional awards​

Negative award​

Following the publicity accorded to Bhakdi's statements and publications regarding Covid-19 during 2020, the Gesellschaft zur wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung von Parawissenschaften (English: Society for the Scientific Investigation of Pseudosciences) named him as winner of the 2020 Goldenes Brett considered as the "most astonishing pseudo-scientific nuisance" of the year.[68]
To je slučajan proces, ne namera.

Kao drugo L1 linije su 99,9% neaktivne. Ako dođe do ugradnje u njih neće doći do replikacije a time ugradnja nema nikakav efekat.

Kao treće i da dođe do ugradnje u neku od onih 0,01%, što je ravno "čudu" (a ne nekom redovnom dešavaju), kakve uopšte može da postoji opasnost od spike prozeina(u slučaju da se čudo desi)...

Sve su to priče neosnovane.
To je slučajan proces, ne namera.

Šta je to slučajno?

Kao treće i da dođe do ugradnje

Kako sada - i da dođe do ugradnje???? Zar vaša okultno-pseudoznanstvena vakcinologija nije utemeljena na aksiomu da - nikako ne može doći do ugradnje mRNA u genom???? ;)

Prof. Arnon Afek, zamjenik ravnatelja Medicinskog centra Sheba, rekao je u ponedjeljak da se čini da je četvrta doza cjepiva neizbježna.

“Ali čini se da ćemo morati uzeti i četvrtu, i petu i šestu i sedmu dozutko zna koliko. Ali u redu je, sretni smo što ih imamo, nema svaka zemlja na svijetu cjepiva.”
Mutavci, tražite svoje četvrte, pete, šeste, sedme i tko zna koje sve doze cjepiva ubojice.
Ravno čudu.

Pre će su ugraditi ili pogoditi mesto u retrotranspozonu gde postoji mogućnost replikacije sam virus, zar ne? On ima 20 proteina naspram samo jednog iz mRNA cjepiva. Zar nije tako?

Kao drugo, mRNA cjepivo se brzo razgrađuje nasuprot virusu koji traje danima i nedeljama dok mRNA cjepivo samo dva dana te polovina biva razgrađena već u toku prva dva sata.

Pod tri, prirodno zaražavanje proizvodi 1000 do milion puta veće virusni opterećenje, pa su šanse i po tom pitanju 1000 do milion puta veće od mogućih komplikacija od samog virusa nego od mRNA cjepiva.

Pod četiri, u virusu SARS-COV2 ima 20-tak proteina. Neki od njih su izuzetno otrovni za razliku od spike proteina. Tako otrovni itekako mogu ugroziti. Veći raspon ugrožavanja i trovanja od spike proteina.

Ako treba strahovati od ugradnje, treba od samog virusa SARS-COV2.
Poslednja izmena:
Ravno čudu.

Pre će su ugraditi ili pogoditi mesto u retrotranspozonu gde postoji mogućnost replikacije sam virus, zar ne? On ima 20 proteina naspram samo jednog iz mRNA cjepiva. Zar nije tako?

Kao drugo, mRNA cjepivo se brzo razgrađuje nasuprot virusu koji traje danima i nedeljama dok mRNA cjepivo samo dva dana te polovina biva razgrađena već u toku prva dva sata.

Pod tri, prirodno zaražavanje proizvodi 1000 do milion puta veće virusni opterećenje, pa su šanse i po tom pitanju 1000 do milion puta veće od mogućih komplikacija od samog virusa nego od mRNA cjepiva.

Pod četiri, u virusu SARS-COV2 ima 20-tak proteina. Neki od njih su izuzetno otrovni za razliku od spike proteina. Tako otrovni itekako mogu ugroziti. Veći raspon ugrožavanja i trovanja od spike proteina.

Ako treba strahovati od ugradnje, treba od samog virusa SARS-COV2.

Od koga si ovo prepisao? Od one svoje "jednooke ljepotice"? ;)

Čuj, naprdanja me ne interesiraju. Nego sada, kad si konačno sam priznao da je netočno, da je laž, da se mRNA molekula iz cjepiva nikako ne može ugradi u genom, odgovori ovdje pred svima zašto si stotinu puta do sada ponovio tu laž? Nije valjda da tebe laž oslobađa?
Od koga si ovo prepisao? Od one svoje "jednooke ljepotice"?

Lepotica jeste, moraš priznati. Ako si "džentlemn" :). No, ja se nisam bavio njenim izgledom...nisam pojma imao da je taka lepotica...sad ću češće da je citiram:).

No, nije od nje...mada je ona rekla istinu. Istina je da u mRNA vakcinama tj. samom molekulu nema reverzne transkriptoze. To stoji.

A ovo je "sakupljeno" iz relevantnih naučnih izvora. No, ja to volim svojim rečima a ne ko neki što samo citiraju nekoga:). Jer kada ispričaš svojim rečima znači da si razumeo.

Jasno je, da sam SARS-COV2 je rizičniji od mRNK molekula iz vakcine. Takođe i retvovirusi u nama samima mogu da to urade bez problema, da se samoreprodukuju reverznom transkriptozom i da se samougrade u retrotranspozonu na mestu koje se može replicirtati. Najmanja verovatnoće je upravo iz mRNA vakcine. Čak iz DNA(starije vakcine, sa živim ili oslabljenim virusom) vakcine je veća mogućnost od mRNA vakcine.
Lepotica jeste, ... sad ću češće da je citiram:).

Evo, i ja ću je indirektno, preko tvoje tvrdnje, citirati

Ja ti nudim argument..evo pretraži i pročitaj šta kažu naučnici: https://vakcine.ba/covid-19-i-vakcinacija/rnk-vakcine-od-pfizer-i-moderna-ne-mogu-mijenjati-nasu-dnk-i-geneticki-nas-modificirati/
mRNA vakcina ne može da menja genetiku. Opšta informisanost. Pročitaj dobro.

Dakle, lagao si. Evo gore, krivo poučen od jednooke ljepotice lagao si tvrdeći da naprosto nije moguće da se mRNA ugrađuje u genom. Priznaj, je li te imalo sram zbog laži koju si ovdje ponovio stotinjak puta? Imaš li ti uopće "alat" koji čovjeku omogući da se zasrami, zacrveni?
Dakle, lagao si. Evo gore, krivo poučen od jednooke ljepotice lagao si tvrdeći da naprosto nije moguće da se mRNA ugrađuje u genom.

Važno je ono što sada znamo. A znamo da je to i ako moguće, iz samog cepiva mRNA najmanje moguće. Veća je verovatnoća da će se retvorirus u tvom organizmu slučajnim replikovanjem ugraditi u deo transpozone nego iz mRNA vakcine. Hajde budi pošten pa namoj više plašiti naivne da su vakcine opasne...ako su one opasne tvoj sopstvni organizam je opasniji od nje same. :)
Najvažnije je to da si ti lagao. Stotinu puta si slagao, ne jadan put. Zato bi bio red da priznaš, je li te imalo sram zbog laži koju si ovdje ponovio stotinjak puta? Imaš li ti uopće "alat" koji čovjeku omogući da se zasrami, zacrveni?

Sada si počeo da radiš isto ono što si meni zamerao u vezi Loše, samo još na višem stepenu.

Ali sada je jasno zašto se Institut Ruđer Bošković ogradio(na čemu sam ja insistirao) o Lošu. Jer iznosi neosnovane stvari.

Ti sada se baviš samnom da bi prikrio osporbu na Lošin račun, jer je Lošo zaista izneo netačne stvari u pogledu navodne opasnosti iz mRNA vakcina.

Kao što smo videli, vakcine nisu opasne. One su najmanje moguće štetne od svih drugih mogućih varijanti nasumično reverzne transkriptoze.