SF Vip plejer

Is there a way to go back to only one directory up in "Series" section instead of going back to the highest level? i.e. if I'm on "EN Series- Friends - Season 4 - Episode 13" and want to watch Season 5 - Episode 12 next, when I click on "back" it goes back to "EN Series" and have to wait for it to load list all over again...
@salezli Now the blue selector/highlight disappears from previous lists when you go back which makes it very hard to use with long lists...or remember at my age. It stays on whatever you have selected only on the highest level. If possible, it should stay on the last selected folder when you go back for all levels...

Current behavior: i.e. Selection: English Series - Friends - Season 5 -> if you go back all the seasons are listed from the top without blue, go back one level more and all the series names are listed from the top again instead of highlighting Friends blue and if it's a long list it's not even on the screen, go back to top level and english series is highlighted blue as it should be and it is on the screen whatever its sorting rank is...
- Allow to create custom favorite folder
- Allow to search channel or folder name
- Allow to move favorite channels in to folder
- Allow to shrink/expand favorite folder

This update will also solve my problem of only seeing channels from the favorites list.
- Allow to create custom favorite folder
- Allow to search channel or folder name
- Allow to move favorite channels in to folder
- Allow to shrink/expand favorite folder

This update will also solve my problem of only seeing channels from the favorites list.
:) I needed that kind of organization as a main feature for the panels/users list but I solved (kind of) it by creating empty users and dragging next to respective categories. When my hand twitches while dragging it causes a chaos but it is manageble. :)

it should stay on the last selected folder when you go back for all levels...
@salezli You might want to correct the same 'highlight the previous selected category when back is clicked' behavior for VOD, too....
And maybe 2 other bugs which you might want to fix:
- when you double click a category in VOD or Series if it is already sorted by name (and of course if the list is longer than one page), it shows the bottom of the list or a random level instead of the top.
- for live tv, if the channel list is sorted by name, sometimes it doesn't allow you to add to favorites unless you re-sort it by #
Favorites do not stick on one particular server's alternative panels (crystal-ott, spainott, etc). When you add channels to favorites and select them from favorites list it works fine in the same session. However, if you 1. add to favorites, 2. log out, 3. log back in, 4. select a channel from the favorites list to the panel you get "loading failed" error... despite the channel works from the live channels list .
As I came across this problem on only one server's panels among a hundred I guess it's a server issue.
This player is absolutely fantastic, Salezli make fantastic job. Is there a chance to add the ability to change the position of the channel list so that it can also be moved to the left side, and add an option to put folders in favorite list.
Odlican program, svaka cast!

2 pitanja:
1. Za neke programe je potrebno da se koristi user agent unutar m3u liste:
#EXTVLCOPT:http-user-agent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux; U; Viera; Diga; de-DE)
na primjer:
#EXTINF:-1, ime tv stanice
#EXTVLCOPT:http-user-agent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux; U; Viera; Diga; de-DE)

Da li ovo moze da se doda u SF Vip player? Ako ne direktno, onda da se omoguci dodatne opcije za mpv, npr:
u mpv.conf fajlu.
Probao sam da dodam user agent u mpv.conf u SF Vip player folderu, ali ne radi.

Ako dodam to isto u mpv conf u folderu mpv playera na drugoj lokaciji, tv stanica se prikaze.
Takodje radi i: mpv --user-agent=Android http://ip.adresa.m3u8

2. pitanje (manje bitno)
da li se moze dodati podrska za "group-title" tag unutar #EXTINF linije, npr:
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="something.uk" tvg-logo="my logo url" group-title="News", my station name
Tako da se mogu grupisati kanali po grupama koristeci "group-title" i eventualno drzavama koristeci tvg-country="AR" npr.

Hvala, pozz
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