Nisam imao vremena da pisem, a i zaboravio sam na ovu temu.
Ali necu ti ostati duzan. Kazes nema dokaza da u
Ovo je najstariji poznati manuskript grcke Septuaginte
Papyrus Rylands 458 , i u njemu ponavljam
Ono sto postoji je 'prazno mesto ostavljeno za citaoca koji zeli da ubaci ime'(naravno ako ga zna citati i pisati).
Ovaj manuskript potvrdjuje celu moju pricu gore, a to je da je Spetuaginta prvobitno pisana bez imena YHWH a sa imenom KIRIOS, a kasnije se dodaje ime YHWH u onim verzijama koje su pisane za Jevreje, to su posebne verzije - naspram onih pisanih za Grke.
To ne kazem ja vec brojni naucnici to potvrdjuju.
Dakle sta kazu naucnici o ovom manuskriptu:
''Papyrus Rylands 458 is a copy of the
Pentateuch in a
Greek version of the
Hebrew Bible known as the
Septuagint. It is a
papyrus manuscript in roll form. The manuscript has been assigned
palaeographically to the 2nd century BC and
it is the oldest known manuscript of the Greek Bible.
Palaeographically the manuscript has been assigned to the mid-2nd century BC. It is the oldest known manuscript of the Septuagint. It is believed it came from
Fayyum, where there were two Jewish synagogues..
The P. Ryl. 458 (perhaps the oldest extant Septuagint manuscript) there are blank spaces, where the copyist probably had to write the Tetragrammaton. Leading some scholars such as C. H. Roberts to believe that it contained letters.
[12] According to
Paul E. Kahle, the Tetragrammaton must have been written in the manuscript where these breaks or blank spaces appear.
The manuscript has been used in discussions about the Tetragrammaton, although there are actually blank spaces in the places where some scholars such as C. H. Roberts believe that it contained letters.[3] According to Paul E. Kahle, the Tetragrammaton must have been written in the manuscript where these breaks or blank spaces appear.[4]''
Pazi sta kazu, oni samo pretpostavljaju da su na tim mestima pisali ime YHWH, ali ga
u ovom manuskriptu nema! Istorija i brojni izucavaoci se slazu da najraniji manuskripti Septuaginte uopste nisu imali YHWH.
Evo i slika:
Sledeci najstariji manuskript koji
(ponavljam ovo su najstariji poznati manuskripti, starijih nema) -
Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 656 (signed as
P.Oxy.IV 656) – is a greek fragment of a
Septuagint manuscript written on papirus in
codex form. This is a manuscript discovered at
Oxyrhynchus, and it has been catalogued with number 656.
Palaeographycally it is dated to late second century or early third century C.E.
The fragments contains
Genesis (14:21-23, 15:5-9, 19:32-20:11, 24:28-47, 27:32,33,40,41), written in
koine greek.
On places where occurs the tetragrammaton is the word kyrios written un nomina sacra, the characters are differents than other. A second writter could delete the tetragramaton and replace it with KY, because the space is bigger. ''
Opet nema imena, a oni veruju da su prazna mesta ostavljena za citaoca da ubaci YHWH.
Sledeci malo kasniji rukopis sa prostorom ostavljenom citaocu da sebi upise JHWH:
Papyrus Berlin 17213 – is a manuscript written in
koine greek, this is a fragment of the
septuagint dated to 3rd century CE.
Contains fragments of
Genesis 19, 11–13, 17–19.
Contains a blank space for the name of God apparently, although Emanuel Tov thinks that it is a free space ending paragraph.[1] This fragment is also referred to as number 995 on the
list of the manuscripts of the Septuagint according to the classification of
Alfred Rahlfs.
Sada vise ne mozes lagati da je neko izbacivao ime!
Najranije verzije Septuaginte NISU IMALE IME!
A ti si tvrdio suprotno, da su sve najranije imale ime YHWH, a iz ovih kasnijih je izbaceno.
Ovde vidimo da je KiRIOS prethodio YHWH.
Ja sam ti logicki, a sada i materijalno dokazao, pa ti vidi sta ces.
Starijih rukopisa od ovih nema!
Marko ja mislim da ti mozes mnogo da doprineses ovoj temi, a ja sam se pomalo i umorio...