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Debt crisis: live - Telegraph
SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten
Dodato posle 5 minuta:
Чиста раса постаје коначно Турска, да нас више дебили не зајебавају. Ми смо сви људи. Какве везе има ко је ко шта је шта. Сви смо становници бледе, плаве тачке. А гину нам људи узалуд, због глупости незнања и похлепе.
srpskinacionalisti.com • Тема - Немци ће бити мањина у Немачкој
Dodato posle 7 minuta:
Ја волим сва жива бића, а људи се убијају без везе, сујетом, незнањем, похлепом, измишљеним друштвеним статусима, фолирањем, пљачком, а само због некаве позиције у чопору, који смо назвали друштво. Баш ме брига за странке, за награде, титуле и признања, ја волим уметност, науку истину и живот.
Стално се питам: "ДАЛИ СМО МИ УОПШТЕ ЉУДИ" или болесне звери..
Dodato posle 38 minuta:
Јадни моји људи Зоки, Гога, Анђа, Љиља итд. да не набрајамо
Сви мртви, а нико није ништа крив. Медицина не греши, судство не суди, полицајце убијају деца, лопови на слободи, уништили привреду незнањем, продају наше унучиће.......
До када више да ми соле памет. Сви се љуте кад кажем истину, па и моје рођено дете. Зато сам сада сам и уживам о истини, а казна ће свима сигурно доћи. То је већ више пута речено. Неки доби људи укинули смрну казну и сада нам свака будала убија "безгрешно" чланове "ДЕМОКРАТСКОГ" друштва. Јадни моји дивни, покојни људи, убиле их неке похлепне звери, али видеће их дека ускоро у 11-једанаестој димензији.
Srbiji teško bez Zorana | Glas javnosti
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мој канал
YouTube user: bujbuisa videos
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kab.flv videos
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krimi.flv videos
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doktori.flv videos
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100% у праву
:thinking: :thinking:
razlogzasmrt videos
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Dejvid Ajk super:???::???:
razlogzasmrt videos
Prema tome nema "Bezgresnih"
Dodato posle 27 minuta:
Дивно и истинито
Rečeno i prećutano: Gosti - Ljubodrag Simonović i Ratko Božović - YouTube
Линукс је игра без граница, можеш да се играш и ствараш колико ти душа хоће, зато га и волим. А зато је и бесплатан, не треба капитал за машину, а пружа све. Моја деца из комшилука уживају у бесплатном линуксу. Није крива технологија, криви су болесни људски мозгови. Ја познајем технологију и технику и мислима да се неће човек изгубити у виртуалном универзуму.
Dodato posle 3 Sati 31 minuta:
Прочитајте, шта нам је рекао наш пријатељ Арчибалд Рајс
di_4.flv - YouTube!
Косово и Метохија
Serbian-American Community Network
Arčibald Rajs - Čujte Srbi
arcibald rajs cujte srbi (pdf document) | (Free File Download, File Backup, File Sharing and Publishing) fliiby.com
Dodato posle 14 minuta:
Smrti nema -Tajna Akademika Behtereva
Dodato posle 1 37 minuta:
Сад добро размислите шта нам раде:yea:
Specijalna oru
HAARP - Novosti
www.galaksija.info • Pogledaj temu - Mikrotalasno oru~je
Forum Internet Portala Istocnog Sarajeva > Психолошко ратовање
Eksperimentalna parapsihologija – Rusija
Carl Sagan on Human Brain - YouTube
Dodato posle 14 Sati 13 minuta:
Шта ако странци виде да Сједињене државе ИЗВОЗЕ ТЕРОРИЗАМ??? Да моји Срби размисле о болесном свету. Имам и о вакцинама Х1 Н1, али је велико јер је скенирано. У питању је продаја магле и интелектуалне својине.
CIA Red Cell special memorandum on ”What If Foreigners See the United States as an ’Exporter of Terrorism’”
WikiLeaks release: August 25, 2010
WikiLeaks, U.S. Intelligence, U.S. Army, National Ground Intelligence Center, NGIC, classified, SE-CRET, NOFORN, Red Cell
Classified SECRET//NOFORN (US)
February 2, 2010
CIA Red Cell CIA Red Cell
By WikiLeaks Staff (wl-office@sunshinepress.org)
This CIA ”Red Cell” report from February 2, 2010, looks at what will happen if it is internationally understood that the United States is an exporter of terrorism; ’Contrary to common belief, the American export of terrorism or terrorists
is not a recent phenomenon, nor has it been associated only with Islamic radicals or people of Middle Eastern, African or South Asian ethnic origin. This dynamic belies the American belief that our free, open and integrated multicultural society lessens the allure of radicalism and terrorism for US citizens.’ The report looks at a number cases of US exported terrorism, including attacks by US based or financed Jewish, Muslim and Irish-nationalism terrorists. It concludes that foreign perceptions of the US as an ”Exporter of Terrorism” together with US double standards in international law, may lead to noncooperation in renditions (including the arrest of CIA officers) and the decision to not share terrorism related intelligence with the United States
What If Foreigners See the United States as an “Exporter of Terrorism”? (S//NF)
Much attention has been paid recently to the increasing occurrence of
American-grown Islamic terrorists conducting attacks against US targets,
primarily in the homeland. Less attention has been paid to homegrown
terrorism, not exclusively Muslim terrorists, exported overseas to target non-
US persons. This report examines the implications of what it would mean for
the US to be seen increasingly as an incubator and “exporter of terrorism.”
Contrary to common belief, the American export of terrorism or terrorists is not a recent phenomenon, nor has it been associated only with Islamic radicals or people of Middle Eastern, African or South Asian ethnic origin. This dynamic belies the American belief that our free, open and integrated multicultural society lessens the allure of radicalism and terrorism for US citizens.
• Late last year five young Muslim American men traveled from northern Virginia to
Pakistan allegedly to join the Pakistani Taliban and to engage in jihad. Their relatives contacted the FBI after they disappeared without telling anyone, and then Pakistani authorities arrested them as they allegedly attempted to gain access to al-Qa’ida training facilities.
• In November 2008, Pakistani-American David Headley conducted surveillance in
support of the Lashkar-i-Tayyiba (LT) attack in Mumbai, India that killed more than
160 people. LT induced him to change his name from Daood Gilani to David Headley
to facilitate his movement between the US, Pakistan, and India.
• Some American Jews have supported and even engaged in violent acts against
perceived enemies of Israel. In 1994, Baruch Goldstein, an American Jewish doctor
from New York, emigrated to Israel, joined the extremist group Kach, and killed 29
Palestinians during their prayers in the mosque at the Tomb of the Patriarchs in
Hebron which helped to trigger a wave of bus bombings by HAMAS in early 1995.
• Some
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Irish-Americans have long provided financial and material support for violent
efforts to compel the United Kingdom to relinquish control of Northern Ireland. In the 1880s, Irish-American members of Clan na Gael dynamited Britain’s Scotland Yard,
Parliament, and the Tower of London, and detonated bombs at several stations in
the London underground.In the twentieth century, Irish-Americans provided most of
the financial support sent to the Irish Republican Army (IRA). The US-based Irish
Northern Aid Committee (NORAID), founded in the late 1960s, provided the
Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA) with money that was frequently used for
arms purchases. Only after repeated high-level British requests and then London’s
support for our bombing of Libya in the 1980s did the US Government crack down on
Irish-American support for the IRA. (S//NF)
American Freedoms Facilitate Terrorist Recruitment and Operations (S//NF)
Primarily we have been concerned about Al-Qa’ida infiltrating operatives into the United States to conduct terrorist attacks, but AQ may be increasingly looking for Americans to operate overseas. Undoubtedly Al-Qa’ida and other terrorist groups recognize that Americans can be great assets in terrorist operations overseas because they carry US passports, don’t fit the typical Arab-Muslim profile, and can easily communicate with radical leaders through their unfettered access to the internet and other modes of communication.
• Terrorist
groups such as Al-Qa’ida have surely noticed the ease with which Headley
was able to travel multiple times on a US visa between the US, Pakistan, and India
without arousing suspicion from officials.
• Al-Qa’ida
and other extremist groups have also probably noticed that the US
Government has been more concerned with preventing attacks on the US by
homegrown terrorists or foreigners than with Americans going overseas to carry out
attacks in other countries. Most foreign governments do not suspect that American
citizens would plot or perpetrate attacks against their citizens within their borders.
Foreign terrorists have recruited homegrown US extremists for attacks abroad and are
likely to increase the use of this method because so far it has slipped below the radar of the governments of the US and other countries.
• The
ubiquity of internet services around the world and the widespread use of English
on popular websites such as Youtube, Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and various blogs
enable radical clerics and terrorist recruiters to bypass America’s physical borders and influence US citizens. For example, a self-proclaimed recruiter for the Pakistani Taliban reportedly contacted the five men in northern Virginian via YouTube and then exchanged coded emails with the group. Terrorists apparently know that detection is especially difficult in cases where the potential US recruit is not affiliated with any known terrorist group. (S//NF)
Impact on Foreign Relations if US Seen as “Exporter of Terrorism” (S//NF)
If the US were seen as an exporter of terrorism, foreign partners may be less willing to cooperate with the United States on extrajudicial activities, including detention, transfer, and interrogation of suspects in third party countries. As a recent victim of high-profile terrorism originating from abroad, the US Government has had significant leverage to press foreign regimes to acquiesce to requests for extraditing terrorist suspects from their soil.
However, if the US were seen as an “exporter of terrorism,” foreign governments could request a reciprocal arrangement that would impact US sovereignty.
• Foreign
regimes could request information on US citizens they deem to be terrorists or
terrorist supporters, or even request the rendition of US citizens. US failure to
cooperate could result in those governments refusing to allow the US to extract
terrorist suspects from their soil, straining alliances and bilateral relations.
• In extreme cases, US refusal to cooperate with foreign government requests for
extradition might lead some governments to consider secretly extracting US citizens
suspected of foreign terrorism from US soil. Foreign intelligence operations on US soil to neutralize or even assassinate individuals in the US deemed to be a threat are not without precedent. Before the US entered World War II, British intelligence carried out information operations against prominent US citizens deemed to be isolationists or sympathetic to the Nazis. Some historians who have examined relevant archives even suspect that British intelligence officers assassinated Nazi agents on US soil. (S//NF)
Foreign perception of the US as an “exporter of terrorism” also raises difficult legal issues for the US, its foreign allies, and international institutions. To date, the US is not a signatory to the International Criminal Court (ICC) and instead, has pursued Bilateral Immunity Agreements (BIAs) with other countries to ensure immunity for US nationals from ICC prosecution. The US has threatened to terminate economic aid and withdraw military assistance with countries that do not accede to BIAs.
• If foreign regimes believe the US position on rendition is too one-sided, favoring the US, but not them, they could obstruct US efforts to detain terrorism suspects. For example, in 2005 Italy issued criminal arrest warrants for US agents involved in the abduction of an Egyptian cleric and his rendition to Egypt. The proliferation of such cases would not only challenge US bilateral relations with other countries but also damage global counterterrorism efforts.
• If foreign leaders see the US refusing to provide intelligence on American terrorism suspects or to allow witnesses to testify in their courts, they might respond by denying the same to the US. In 2005 9/11 suspect Abdelghani Mzoudi was acquitted by a German court because the US refused to allow Ramzi bin al-Shibh, a suspected ringleader of the 9/11 plot who was in US custody, to testify. More such instances could impede actions to lock up terrorists, whether in the US or abroad, or result in the release of suspects. (S//NF)
Security is becoming a weak point of energy and communications infrastructures, commercial
stores, conference centers, airports and sites with high person traffic in general. Practically
any crowded place is vulnerable, and the risks should be controlled and minimized as much as
possible. Access control and rapid response to potential dangers are properties that every
security system for such environments should have. The INDECT project is aiming to
develop new tools and techniques that will help the potential end users in improving their
methods for crime detection and prevention thereby offering more security to the citizens of
the European Union.
In the context of the INDECT project, work package 4 is responsible for the Extraction of
Information for Crime Prevention by Combining Web Derived Knowledge and Unstructured
Data. This document describes the first deliverable of the work package which gives an
overview about the main methodology and description of the XML data corpus schema and
describes the methodology for collection, cleaning and unified representation of large textual
data from various sources: news reports, weblogs, chat, etc.
Dodato posle 3 minuta:
Да вам дека објасни шта је Викиликс Бави се истином
Category:Yugoslavia - WikiLeaks
CIA Red Cell Memorandum on United States "exporting terrorism", 2 Feb 2010 - WikiLeaks
Dodato posle 5 minuta:
Добри, поштени силеџија, који силује "прелепе" Швеђанке, дали је могуће да је човечанство и судије толико глупо???
Цео свет се бави лажима па и доктори, професори, политичари, банкари, једину истину говоре филозофи, матеметичари и физичари, зато ћете схватити шта је Универзални ум.
Exclusives - Julian Assange Unedited Interview - The Colbert Report - 2010-12-04 - Video Clip | Comedy Central
Justice Stevens Replacement - Jeffrey Toobin - The Colbert Report - 2010-12-04 - Video Clip | Comedy Central
WikiLeaks Military Video - The Colbert Report - 2010-12-04 - Video Clip | Comedy Central