1899-2-14 Adventska revija i Sabbath Herald (pdf pg 4)
»POGREŠKA koju činimo jest podučavati i propovijedati da je primanje Duha Svetoga blagoslov, utjecaj, trajnina, moć, nešto. To nije bilo koji ili sve to; To nije stvar. On je osoba i kao takva mora biti primljena, a ne kao blagoslov bilo kojeg imena ili vrste. Primite ga, a ne blagoslov. Ne, ne! Ne ništa tako nisko, već treća osoba u Božanstvu – božanstvo koje je čovječanstvo primilo. On nije čin niti iskustvo, već trajni – "drugi Tješitelj" – nova osoba koja dolazi u vaš život i dolazi ostati i kontrolirati. Nemojte pogriješiti; Tisuće su uspjele, i izgubile su sve. Blagoslovi idu; Blaženik ostaje.
THE mistake we are making is to teach and preach that the reception of the Holy Ghost is a blessing, an influence, an enduement, a power, a something. It is not any or all of these; it is no thing. He is a person, and as such must be received, and not as a blessing of any name nor kind. Receive ye him, not a blessing. No, no! not anything so low, but the third person in the Godhead,—divinity received by humanity. He is not an act nor an experience, but an abiding,— “another Comforter,”—a new personage that comes into your life, and comes to stay and control. Don’t make such a mistake; thousands have made it, and have lost all. Blessings go; the Blesser stays.”
1914-05-19-Herbert J. Edmed, južnoafrički misionar-V13-21 (pdf pg 3)
"1. Tko je Duh Sveti?
Duh Sveti je treća Osoba Božje glave.
(a) Osobine Božanstva pripisuju se Duhu Svetom u Božjoj riječi :– "Vječni", Heb 9 ,1 ; " Sveprisutni", Psalam 139 : 7-10 ; " Svemoguć", Luka 1: 35 ; " Sveznajući", 1 Kor 2 : 10, 11 ; "Kreator", posao. 33 : 4 ; itd.
(b) U ovoj studiji moramo prepoznati da Duh Sveti nije samo utjecaj; i Stari i Novi zavjet nazivaju ga stvarnom osobnošću. Bog želi da u Duhu Svetom vidimo više od spasonosnog, prijateljskog utjecaja ; On je naš osobni prijatelj – osobni Bog.«
“1. Who is the Holy Spirit ?
The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the God-head.
(a) The attributes of Deity are ascribed to the Holy Spirit in the Word of God :—” Eternal,” Heb. 9 : 1 ; ” Omnipresent,” Psalms 139 : 7-10 ; ” Omnipotent,” Luke 1: 35 ; ” Omniscient,” 1 Cor. 2 : 10, 11 ; ” Creator,” Job. 33 : 4 ; etc.
(b) In this study, we must recognise that the Holy Spirit is not merely an influence ; both the Old and the New Testaments refer to Him as a real personality. God wants us to see in the Holy Spirit more than a saving, friendly influence ; He is our personal Friend,—a personal God.”
1907-10 Haskell, Škola za obuku Biblije (pdf pg 16)
"očišćen pranjem vode, Ef 5:26 u ime Trojstva, Mt 28:19
“Cleansed by the Washing of Water, Eph. 5 :26 Into the Name of the Trinity, Matt. 28 :19″