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„Od zbunjujuće ideje o 'jednom Bogu u tri Boga' i 'tri Boga u jednom Bogu'—neobjašnjivoj izreci teologije—neprijatelj rado vodi do onoga što se čini racionalnijom, iako ne manje pogrešnom idejom—da ne postoji nikakvo trojstvo i da je Krist samo stvoreno biće. Ali Božji veliki plan je jasan i logičan. Postoji trojstvo, a u njemu postoje tri osobnosti... Ove su božanske osobe usko povezane u Božjem djelu...” Zapisnik konferencije Unije, 19. srpnja 1909., sv. 13, br. 29
(Napisao pionir adventizma J. N. Loughborough)
“From the confusing idea of ‘one God in three Gods,’ and ‘three Gods in one God’—the unexplainable dictum of theology—the enemy gladly leads to what appears to be a more rational, though no less erroneous idea —that there is no trinity, and that Christ is merely a created being. But God's great plan is clear and logical. There is a trinity, and in it there are three personalities…These divine persons are closely associated in the work of God…” Union Conference Record, July 19, 1909, Vol. 13, No. 29
(Written by J. N. Loughborough)
Godhead definicija:
1. the essential being of God; the Supreme Being. (bitno Božje biće; vrhovno biće.)
2.. the Holy Trinity of God the Father, Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit. (Kršćanstvo. Presveto Trojstvo Boga Oca, Krista Sina i Duha Svetoga.)
god·head, divinity; godhood.
god·head, Rare. a god or goddess; deity.
Božanstvo odnosi se na bit ili supstancu (ousia) Boga u kršćanstvu — Boga Oca, Sina i Duha Svetoga.
2RH 1881-9-27: "Krist je bio taj koji je govorio zakon sa Sinaja. Krist je bio taj koji je dao zakon Mojsiju, ugraviran na kamenim stolovima. To je bio zakon njegovog Oca; a Krist kaže: "Ja i moj Otac smo jedno."
2RH 1881-03-01: "Otac i Sin razgovarali su s Mojsijem sa stijena."
2RH 1881-9-27: “It was Christ who spoke the law from Sinai. It was Christ who gave the law to Moses, engraven on tables of stone. It was his Father’s law; and Christ says, “I and my Father are one.”
2RH 1881-03-01: “The Father and the Son spoke to Moses from the rocks.”
YI 1900-06-21: "Ali Krist je jednak Bogu, beskonačan i svemoguć. Mogao je platiti otkupninu za čovjekovu slobodu. On je vječni, samopostojeći Sin, na kojeg nije došao jaram; i kad je Bog upitao: "Koga ću poslati?" mogao je odgovoriti: "Evo me; pošalji me." Mogao se zakleti da će postati čovjekova sigurnost; jer on je mogao reći ono što najviši anđeo ne bi mogao reći, ja imam moć nad svojim životom, »moć da ga položim, i . . . moć da ga ponovno uzmem."
Primijetite da se Isusa naziva "svemogućim".
YI 1900-06-21: “But Christ is equal with God, infinite and omnipotent. He could pay the ransom for man’s freedom. He is the eternal, self-existing Son, on whom no yoke had come; and when God asked, “Whom shall I send?” he could reply, “Here am I; send me.” He could pledge himself to become man’s surety; for he could say that which the highest angel could not say, I have power over my own life, “power to lay it down, and . . . power to take it again.
(Napisao pionir adventizma J. N. Loughborough)
“From the confusing idea of ‘one God in three Gods,’ and ‘three Gods in one God’—the unexplainable dictum of theology—the enemy gladly leads to what appears to be a more rational, though no less erroneous idea —that there is no trinity, and that Christ is merely a created being. But God's great plan is clear and logical. There is a trinity, and in it there are three personalities…These divine persons are closely associated in the work of God…” Union Conference Record, July 19, 1909, Vol. 13, No. 29
(Written by J. N. Loughborough)
Godhead definicija:
1. the essential being of God; the Supreme Being. (bitno Božje biće; vrhovno biće.)
2.. the Holy Trinity of God the Father, Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit. (Kršćanstvo. Presveto Trojstvo Boga Oca, Krista Sina i Duha Svetoga.)
god·head, divinity; godhood.
god·head, Rare. a god or goddess; deity.
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Definition of GODHEAD
divine nature or essence; god; the nature of God especially as existing in three persons —used with the… See the full definition
Božanstvo odnosi se na bit ili supstancu (ousia) Boga u kršćanstvu — Boga Oca, Sina i Duha Svetoga.
2RH 1881-9-27: "Krist je bio taj koji je govorio zakon sa Sinaja. Krist je bio taj koji je dao zakon Mojsiju, ugraviran na kamenim stolovima. To je bio zakon njegovog Oca; a Krist kaže: "Ja i moj Otac smo jedno."
2RH 1881-03-01: "Otac i Sin razgovarali su s Mojsijem sa stijena."
2RH 1881-9-27: “It was Christ who spoke the law from Sinai. It was Christ who gave the law to Moses, engraven on tables of stone. It was his Father’s law; and Christ says, “I and my Father are one.”
2RH 1881-03-01: “The Father and the Son spoke to Moses from the rocks.”
YI 1900-06-21: "Ali Krist je jednak Bogu, beskonačan i svemoguć. Mogao je platiti otkupninu za čovjekovu slobodu. On je vječni, samopostojeći Sin, na kojeg nije došao jaram; i kad je Bog upitao: "Koga ću poslati?" mogao je odgovoriti: "Evo me; pošalji me." Mogao se zakleti da će postati čovjekova sigurnost; jer on je mogao reći ono što najviši anđeo ne bi mogao reći, ja imam moć nad svojim životom, »moć da ga položim, i . . . moć da ga ponovno uzmem."
Primijetite da se Isusa naziva "svemogućim".
YI 1900-06-21: “But Christ is equal with God, infinite and omnipotent. He could pay the ransom for man’s freedom. He is the eternal, self-existing Son, on whom no yoke had come; and when God asked, “Whom shall I send?” he could reply, “Here am I; send me.” He could pledge himself to become man’s surety; for he could say that which the highest angel could not say, I have power over my own life, “power to lay it down, and . . . power to take it again.
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