
Dobro jutro svima,

Nas cenjeni kriticar Adrian, posto mu nije uspelo da dokaze da su adventisti masoni, sad je pokusao da izjave Elene Vajt svrsta u New agere.

Veoma nam je zao, samo nebi bilo na odmet da Adrian nauci da u vreme Elene Vajt New Age mouvgement nije ni postoijao.

Vikopiedija tvrdi: "The New Age movement is a Western spiritual movement that developed in the second half of the 20th century."

Dakle, taj pokret se razvio u drugoj polovini 20. veka a Elen Bajt je umrla u pocetku istog veka.

Zao nam je aAriane i ovoga puta si promasio.

Ako nema nista drugo, samao nastavi sa lutanjem.

Poslovica glasi: "I pop besposlan JARICE krstava." Tako ti i nas Adrian.
Poslednja izmena:
Nas cenjeni kriticar Adrian, koji nam zaista mnogo pomaze u ovoj diskusiji, jer doprinosi da se na veliko raspravlja o ucenju i verovanju Hriscanske adventisticke crkve, a to je veoma dobro.

Medjutim, njega jako buni upotreba izraza LIGHT BEARERS, NOSIOCI SVETLOSTI, i ne zna kako da ih odvoji od Lucifera koji je pre pada bio svetlonosa, a koji je to zvanje izgubio svojim padom, zato sam resi da Adrianu malo pomognem.

Pre svega Bog je Lucifera nazvao svetlonosom i postavio ga na tako visiki polozaj. To je castan polozaj. Samo ga je Lucifer zloupotrebio i na sebe navukao prokletstvo. Da li Bog od svojih sledbenika danas ocekuje da budu svetlonose?

Ko su ti Light bearers - svetlonose?
Ovo je njihova definicija:

"The Lightbearers are a fellowship of Christians with the mission of proclaiming the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ (Revelations 14:6-12) to this generation."

Dakle, to je udruzenje hriscana cija je misija da objave vecno Jevandjelje Isusa Hrista svetu u skladu sa Otkrivenjem 14,6-12.
Kao sto vidite, nema tu nista lose.

Njih je Hristos opisao: "VI STE SVETKOST SVETA. Ne moze se sakriti grad koji lezi na brdu; niti se upali svetilka i stavlja pod mericu, nego na svecnjak, i svetli svima u kuci. Tako neka zasvetli vasa svetlost pred ljudima, da vide vasa dobra dela i proslve Oca vasega koji je na nebesim." Matej 5,14-16. Carnic

Gospod Isus Hristos, od svakoga hriscanina ocekuje da bude kanal istine kroz koga ce teci voda zivota koja izvire iz Izvora zivota.
On pozivba svoje sledbenike da budu nosioci svetlosti u ovom mracnom veku i svetu.

To je ono sto je Gospod Isus rekao: "IDITE DAKLE I NAUCITE SVE NARODE... UCECI IH DA SVE DRZE STO SAM VAM ZAPOVEDIO." Matej 28,19.20.

Po tom se prepoznaju Hristovi sledbenici i razlikuju od onih koji to bisu.

Ako si hriscanin, da li si se i ti odazvao ovom Hristovom pozivu?
Nosis li svetlost Jevandjelja Hristova svetu koji pliva u neznanju i grehu, ili siris mrak i zabunu?
Poslednja izmena:

Nas visoko cenjeni kriticar, Adrian, utrosio je celu sedmicu da pokaze da ne postoji nigde upotreba izraza "svevidno oko" nego samo kod masonaca, i kad Elena Vajt to spominje ni na sto drugo ne ukazuje nego na masonstvo.

A pogledajte nejgovu poslednju izjavu:

07-09-2012 01:39 Adrian BG

"Разлика између ока Божијег или ОЧИЈУ Божијих и "свевидећег ока" је толика да нећу ни трошити време на тако нешто".

Tako je bratko Adriane, najzad si potrefio.

To je ono sto i ja trubim celu sedmicu dana. Nema nkakve veze sa masonskim svevidnim okom ono sto je Elen Vajt upoterebila, jer one ne govori o masoneriji nego o BIBLIJI. Prema tome kad ona govori o Oku koje sve vidi ili Ocima koje sve vide, ona govori o biblijskoj istini o Bozjoj brizi, staranju i sveprisutnosti, sto nema nikakve veze sa masonima.

Vidis Adriane da vredi diskusija. Najzad si i ti razumeo. Ako sam ti i ja pomogao u tome, drago mi je.

Sve najbolje

Tvrtko, zahvaljujem na korekciji. U pravi si!
Poslednja izmena od urednika:
"The Lightbearers are a fellowship of Christians with the mission of proclaiming the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ (Revelations 14:6-12) to this generation." by E.G.W. (вероватно)

Немам ја ништа против што оправдавате масонске симболе, тако се само потврђује оно што ја износим.

Светлост света да, али СВЕТЛОНОШЕ не, и само не!

Постоји још неколико значајних термина који дефинитивно повезују ову организацију са групом "просветљених" свелоноша које ми знамо као масоне (Saviour of the mystical body - мистично тело, Peter's ladder of eight rounds - Петрове мердевине са осам степеника којима се човек пење ка савршености и то је стављање човека као самоспасиоца где се одбацује да је само Христ та врата која воде у Спасење и савршенство- христоликост, church militant - црквена војска или како већ, wave after wave of glory rolls - талас за таласом славе, chords whose vibrations - акорди који вибрирају, итд.). Нећу се више задубљивати у ово разматрање да не буде сувише заморно, тако да ћу и сада дати само неколико примера од ових термина. Прво да видимо где се то дефинишу речи из Откривења:

5. И на челу њеном написано име: Тајна, Вавилон велики, мати курвама и мрзостима земаљским. (Откривење 17)

Увођење термина црквене војске је јасно видљиво у постојању језуита, али и остале деноминације улазе у "братију". У следећем тексту се састају два термина која сам већ поменуо, тако да се јасно потврђује координирани рад на прављењу разних парајединца (кћери вавилонских).

The Catholic Church is the Mystical Body of Christ

by Fr. William G. Most
Speaking of full membership in the Church, Pius XII, in his Encyclical on the Mystical Body, said it is the society of those who have been baptized, and who profess the faith of Christ, and who are governed by their bishops under the visible head, the Pope, the Bishop of Rome.

The Church came into being when Christ died on the Cross, but it was formally inaugurated on Pentecost, when He sent the Holy Spirit as He had promised. St. Paul speaks of all Christians as members of Christ, so that with Him, they form one Mystical Body (Cf. 1 Cor 12:12-31; Col 1:18; 2:18-20; Eph. 1:22-23; 3:19; 4:13). St. Paul did not use the word Mystical. It was developed more recently to bring out the fact that this union is unique, there is no parallel to it. It is not the same as the union of a physical body, nor that of a business corporation.

(Признаје се да Петар није користио тај термин Mystical и да је развијен касније)

The Church, the Mystical Body, exists on this earth, and is called the Church militant, because its members struggle against the world, the flesh and the devil. The Church suffering means the souls in Purgatory. The Church triumphant is the Church in heaven. The unity and cooperation of the members of the Church on earth, in Purgatory, in Heaven is also called the Communion of Saints. When St. Paul uses the word "Saints" in opening an Epistle, he does not mean they are morally perfect. He has in mind Hebrew qadosh, which means set aside for God, or coming under the covenant. Being such means of course they are called to moral perfection. But of course, not all have reached it in this world.

The word "Saint" in the modern sense means someone who has been canonized by the Church in recent times, or was accepted as such by the Church in earlier times. If a person is shown to have practiced heroic virtue--beyond what people in general do - in all virtues, the title "Venerable" is given; with two miracles by that one's intercession, the title is "Blessed"; two more miracles can lead to canonization and the title of Saint.

Taken from The Basic Catholic Catechism
PART FIVE: The Apostles' Creed IX-XII
Ninth Article: "The Holy Catholic Church; the Communion of Saints"
By William G. Most. (c) Copyright 1990 by William G. Most

The Methodist Church defines the Church Militant as "engaged in constant warfare against the world, the flesh and the devil, and in that respect is distinguished from the Church Triumphant." The Church Militant includes all Christian denominations, such as Methodists, Presbyterians, Baptists, Congregationalists, Episcopalians, among many others.

* Bishop H.M. Turner, D.D., LL.D. (1885). The Genius and Theory of Methodist Polity, or the Machinery of Methodism. African Methodist Episcopal Church. Retrieved 7 July 2011. "13 Q. What do the visible and invisible church constitute? A. The church militant, or military church, which is engaged in constant warfare against the world, the flesh and the devil, and in that respect is distinguished from the "church triumphant." 14 Q. What do you mean by "Church Triumphant?" A. The church triumphant is in heaven, and consists of those who have washed their robes and made them immaculate and pure "in the blood of the Lamb." 15 Q. The church militant then is upon earth? A. Yes; and comprehends all Christian denominations; viz., Methodists, Presbyterians, Baptists, Congregationalists, Episcopalians and many others. 16 Q. Do you mean to say that it takes all the church denominations of the world to constitute the "church militant?" A. I do. For all these so-called churches are only so many religious societies forming the "Church militant," which are recognized by Christ in the aggregate."

Ellen G. White: Point the youth to Peter's ladder of eight rounds, and place their feet, not on the
highest round, but on the lowest, and with earnest solicitation urge them to climb to the very
top. {Mar 84.1}

Ellen G. White: “Beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue
knowledge; and to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness;
and to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity. 2 Peter 1:5-7. Point the
youth to Peter's ladder of eight rounds, and place their feet, not on the highest round, but on the
lowest, and with earnest solicitation urge them to climb to the very top.” – Maranatha (1976),
page 84, paragraph 1

Ellen G. White: “The Lord has constituted the husband the head of the wife to be her protector; he
is the house-band of the family, binding the members together, even as Christ is the head of the
church and the Saviour of the mystical body. Let every husband who claims to love God carefully
study the requirements of God in his position. Christ's authority is exercised in wisdom, in all
kindness and gentleness; so let the husband exercise his power and imitate the great Head of the
church.” 216 {AH 215.1}

Ellen G. White: “Our Redeemer determined on nothing less than that through His merits the love
of God should be transfused through the soul that believes in Him. As our life, the vitality of God's
love is to circulate through every part of our nature, that it may abide in us as it dwells in Christ
Jesus. United with Christ by living faith, the Father loves us as the members of Christ's mystical
, of which Christ is the glorified head.” {TMK 19.4}

Ellen G. White: “Exercise Authority With Humility--It is no evidence of manliness in the husband
for him to dwell constantly upon his position as head of the family. It does not increase respect for
him to hear him quoting Scripture to sustain his claims to authority. It will not make him more
manly to require his wife, the mother of his children, to act upon his plans as if they were infallible.
The Lord has constituted the husband the head of the wife to be her protector; he is the house-band
of the family, binding the members together, even as Christ is the head of the church and the
Saviour of the mystical body. Let every husband who claims to love God carefully study the
requirements of God in his position. Christ's authority is exercised in wisdom, in all kindness and
gentleness; so let the husband exercise his power and imitate the great Head of the church.” – The
Adventist Home (1952), page 215, paragraph 1

Ellen G. White: “Our Redeemer determined on nothing less than that through His merits the love
of God should be transfused through the soul that believes in Him. As our life, the vitality of God's
love is to circulate through every part of our nature, that it may abide in us as it dwells in Christ
Jesus. United with Christ by living faith, the Father loves us as the members of Christ's mystical
, of which Christ is the glorified head.” – That I May Know Him (1964), page 19,
paragraph 4

Ellen G. White: “God has a church upon the earth who are His chosen people, who keep His
commandments. He is leading, not stray offshoots, not one here and one there, but a people. The
truth is a sanctifying power; but the church militant is not the church triumphant. There are tares
among the wheat. "Wilt thou then that we . . . gather them up?" was the question of the servant; but
the master answered, "Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them."
The gospel net draws not only good fish, but bad ones as well, and the Lord only knows who are
His.” – Counsels for the Church (1991), page 240, paragraph 1

Ellen G. White: “The Church Triumphant.--The work is soon to close. The members of the church
who have proved faithful will become the church triumphant.” (Letter 32, 1892). –
Evangelism (1946), page 707, paragraph 1

Ellen G. White: “Has God no living church? He has a church, but it is the church militant, not
the church triumphant. We are sorry that there are defective members. . . .While the Lord brings
into the church those who are truly converted, Satan at the same time brings persons who are not
converted into its fellowship. While Christ is sowing the good seed, Satan is sowing the tares. There
are two opposing influences continually exerted on the members of the church. One influence is
working for the purification of the church, and the other for the corrupting of the people of God...”
– The Faith I Live By (1958), page 305, paragraph 2

Ellen G. White: “Some people seem to think that upon entering the church they will have their
expectations fulfilled, and meet only with those who are pure and perfect. They are zealous in their
faith, and when they see faults in church members, they say, "We left the world in order to have no
association with evil characters, but the evil is here also;" and they ask, as did the servants in the
parable, "From whence then hath it tares?" But we need not be thus disappointed, for the Lord has
not warranted us in coming to the conclusion that the church is perfect; and all our zeal will not be
successful in making the church militant as pure as the church triumphant.” [TM 47 (1893)]. –
Last Day Events (1992), page 61, paragraph 3

Ellen G. White: “Wait upon the Lord in faith. The Lord draws out the soul in prayer, and gives us
to feel His precious love. We have a nearness to Him, and can hold sweet communion with Him. We
obtain distinct views of His tenderness and compassion, and our hearts are broken and melted with
contemplation of the love that is given to us. We feel indeed an abiding Christ in the soul. . . . Our
peace is like a river, wave after wave of glory rolls into the heart, and indeed we sup with Jesus
and He with us. We have a realizing sense of the love of God, and we rest in His love. No language
can describe it, it is beyond knowledge. We are one with Christ, our life is hid with Christ in God.
We have the assurance that when He who is our life shall appear, then shall we also appear with
Him in glory. With strong confidence, we can call God our Father. Whether we live or die, we are
the Lord's. His Spirit makes us like Jesus Christ in temper, and disposition, and we represent Christ
to others.” – Heaven (2003), page 176, paragraph 1.

Ellen G. White: “In this state of mind I remained for three weeks, with not one ray of light to
pierce the thick clouds of darkness around me. I then had two dreams which gave me a faint ray of
light and hope. After that I opened my mind to my devoted mother. She told me that I was not lost,
and advised me to go and see Bro. Stockman, who then preached to the Advent people in Portland. I
had great confidence in him, for he was a devoted and beloved servant of Christ. His words affected
me and led me to hope. I returned home, and again went before the Lord, and promised that I would
do and suffer any thing if I could have the smiles of Jesus. The same duty was presented. There was
to be a prayer meeting that evening which I attended, and when others knelt to pray I bowed with
them trembling, and after two or three had prayed, I opened my mouth in prayer before I was aware
of it, and the promises of God looked to me like so many precious pearls that were to be received by
only asking for them. As I prayed the burden and agony of soul that I had so long felt left me, and
the blessing of God came upon me like the gentle dew, and I gave glory to God for what I felt, but I
longed for more. I could not be satisfied till I was filled with the fullness of God. Inexpressible love
for Jesus filled my soul. Wave after wave of glory rolled over me until my body grew stiff.
Everything was shut out from me but Jesus and glory, and I knew nothing of what was passing
around me.” – A Sketch of the Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White (1851), page 3/4.

Ellen G. White: “In this state of mind I remained for three weeks, with not one ray of light to
pierce the thick clouds of darkness around me. I then had two dreams which gave me a faint ray of
light and hope. After that I opened my mind to my devoted mother. She told me that I was not lost,
and advised me to go and see Bro. Stockman, who then preached to the Advent people in Portland. I
had great confidence in him, for he was a devoted and beloved servant of Christ. His words affected
me and led me to hope. I returned home, and again went before the Lord, and promised that I would
do and suffer any thing if I could have the smiles of Jesus. The same duty was presented. There was
to be a prayer meeting that evening which I attended, and when others knelt to pray I bowed with
them trembling, and after two or three had prayed, I opened my mouth in prayer before I, was
aware of it, and the promises of God looked to me like so many precious pearls that were to be
received by only asking for them. As I prayed the burden and agony of soul that I had so long felt
left me, and the blessing of God came upon me like the gentle dew, and I gave glory to God for
what I felt, but I longed for more. I could not be satisfied till I was filled with the fullness of God.
Inexpressible love for Jesus filled my soul. Wave after wave of glory rolled over me until my body
grew stiff. Everything was shut out from me but Jesus and glory, and I knew nothing of what was
passing around me.” - The Review and Herald, July 21, 1851, paragraph 4.

Masonski pisac Dž. D. Bak čak kaže da “jedini lični Bog koga masonstvo priznaje jeste apsolutni čovek... Čovek je jedini lični Bog koji postoji”.58 Drugim rečima, po Baku svaki čovek je Bog!

Vilmsherst nastavlja: “Do ove ‘visine’ stiže se merdevinama sa mnogo zavoja”.59 Merdevine sa mnogo zavoja predstavljaju “bezbroj puteva ili načina pomoću kojih se ljudi uspinju ka duhovnoj Svetlosti koja nas sve okružuje”.60 Biblija, pak, naglašava da postoji samo jedan put na Nebo, ali masonstvo uči da postoji “bezbroj puteva”. Vajt čak kaže da “pravednik i sam [predstavlja] merdevine koje vode sa zemlje na nebo”.61 Ovo znači da u masonstvu put ka Nebu jeste sam čovek, a ne Hristos! Tri najvažnije prečke na merdevinama su Vera, Nada i Ljubav. Njihova imena podsećaju na biblijske principe, međutim, sve što postoji u Loži ukazuje na nešto drugo. Ni ova imena u tom smislu nisu izuzetak. Vajt nas obaveštava: “To su Aglaja, Talija i Eufrozina, grčke Harite ili milosnice. Njihova imena su pretrpela prevod na
hrišćanske vrline – Veru, Nadu i Ljubav. Masonstvo je tome donekle doprinelo...”

62 Hačinson nam daje sledeće objašnjenje:
“Antički ljudi su vrlinu Ljubavi predstavljali u obliku boginje... Harite, poznate i kao Gracije, prikazivane su kao tri osobe... i slikane su nage...”63
Sada saznajemo da su “grčke Harite” u stvari tri grčke boginje, i da su obično prikazivane nage! Teško da se one mogu porediti sa biblijskim vrlinama Verom, Nadom i Ljubavlju! Masoni, dakle, obožavaju ne samo “Vrhovno biće”, nego, kao što smo upravo videli, i boginje, preko simbolizma sadržanog u slici merdevina sa “mnogo zavoja”.

Ponovo uočavamo da je masonstvo u suprotnosti sa Biblijom, jer u Mateju 4,10 čitamo: “Gospodu Bogu svome klanjaj se i njemu jedinome služi!” Masonstvo se služi i linijom kao simbolom. Hačinson ističe: “Poput Jakoljevih merdevina, linija spaja nebo i zemlju; pomoću merdevina se uspinjemo na mesto gde ćemo ovu kratku liniju vremena zameniti neprolaznim krugom večnosti”.

Masnostvo, dakle, ističe da se sami uspinjemo na Nebo. Međutim u Jovanu 10,9 Biblija nam izričito stavlja do znanja:
“Ja sam vrata, ako ko uđe kroza me spašće se...”, dok prvi stih objašnjava: “Zaista, zaista vam kažem: Ko ne ulazi na vrata u tor ovčiji nego prelazi na drugom mestu, on je lopov i raz bojnik”. Masonstvo nije put ka Isusu Hristu jer masoni tvrde da se mi sami “uspinjemo na to mesto”, i odbijaju da uđu na vrata, kroz Hrista.

Naslov originala: Hidden Secrets of Masonry, by Dr. Cathy Burns

И тако на даље. Поента целог излагања које се могло наставити је да се поред записа многих људи да је пророчица Вајт била истакнути члан масонске ложе и један од пророка која су оснивали три садашње деноминације (мормони, адвентисти и "сведоци"). У том периоду се појављују велики мистици који и дан данас имају чак и глобални утицај на многе народе, а спомињу се као нечисти дух у облику жабе који излази из друге звери и лажног пророка (Америке која је изнедрила велике покрете и сада признате деноминације). Поред "пророка" појављују се велики мистици који су имали и велики утицај на фимску, музичку и уопште медијску слику данашње стварности. Тачно у том истом периоду. То потврђује пророчанство да ће ти нечисти духови изаћи у одређеном временском периоду да уједињују народе (овако или онако) против Господа, а ту се првенствено мисли на рат са истинама јеванђеља (против Христа).

Појављује се и Helena Petrovna Blavatsky која је оснивач Теозофског покрета и Њу ејџа. Доласком у Њујорк 1873. године (занимљиво) почиње са својим "деловањем које ће се одразити и на геополитичко стање, а и општу културу и медије. Опет, није она најбитнија већ правим преглед изласка многих учења и саблазни које имају утицај на садашњост и комплетно човечанство. Овде би се могао посебно отворити питање систематске мануфактуре пророка, мистика и духовних учитеља који су утицали на комплетан смер кутурно-религијског заокрета човечанства.


Nas visoko cenjeni kriticar, Adrian, utrosio je celu sedmicu da pokaze da ne postoji nigde upotreba izraza "svevidno oko" nego samo kod masonaca, i kad Elena Vajt to spominje ni na sto drugo ne ukazuje nego na masonstvo.

A pogledajte nejgovu poslednju izjavu:

07-09-2012 01:39 Adrian BG

"Разлика између ока Божијег или ОЧИЈУ Божијих и "свевидећег ока" је толика да нећу ни трошити време на тако нешто".

Tako je bratko Adriane, najzad si potrefio.

To je ono sto i ja trubim celu sedmicu dana. Nema nkakve veze sa masonskim svevidnim okom ono sto je Elen Vajt upoterebila

Па, то и кажем, Божије око нема везу са "свевидећим оком" Елене Г. Вајт, а то се јасно види. Не мораш да објашњаваш, сви су писмени да могу сами да закључе.


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Poslednja izmena:

Kad sam mu dokazao Hristovim recima da On od svojih sledbenika ocekuje da budu nosioci svetla svetu,
pazite kako se on sada izgovara:

"Светлост света да, али СВЕТЛОНОШЕ не, и само не!"

Dobro, kako se zove onaj koji drzi strazu kod vojnog magacina? Zar nije STRAZAR?
Kako se zove onaj koji pravi obucu? Zar nije OBICAR?
Kako se zove onaj koji slika slike? Zar nije SLIKAR?
Kako se zove onaj koji cisti odzak? Zar nije odzacar?

Paq posto svi znamo d aje tako, zbog cega nosioc svetlosti ne bi mogao biti SVETLONOSA?

Neka nam Adrian objasni zbog cega nosilac svetla ne moze biti svetlonosa?
Po kom prncipu?

Prilozio je i ovaj citat Elene Vajt. Sta on u tomer vidi lose?

Ellen G. White: “Our Redeemer determined on nothing less than that through His merits the love
of God should be transfused through the soul that believes in Him. As our life, the vitality of God's
love is to circulate through every part of our nature, that it may abide in us as it dwells in Christ
Jesus. United with Christ by living faith, the Father loves us as the members of Christ's mystical
, of which Christ is the glorified head.” – That I May Know Him (1964), page 19,
paragraph 4

"Nas Otkupitelj je odlucio da nista drugo nego kroz Njegove zasluge Bozja ljubav treba da bude pretecena u dusu koja veruje u Njega. Kao nas zivot, vitalnost Bozje ljubavi treba da cirkulise kroz svaki deo nase prirode, da ona moze da prebiva u nama kao sto prebiva u Hristu Isusu.
Ujedinjeni s Hristo zivom verom, Otac nas voli kao clanove Hristovog misticnog tela, koga je Hristos slavna glava."

Postovani formasi, vidite li vi ovde ista pogresno? Iskreno da kazem, ja ne vidim.
Ona govori o Bozjoj ljubavi koja od Hrista cirkulise kroz celo bice onoga koji verom priznao Hrista kao svoga Spasitelja.
Takodje, istice da je Hristos Glava svog misticnog tela.
Pa zar to nije misticno da je Hristova crkva TELO Hristovo? Zar to nije velika tajna?

Ja se zahvaljujem nasem kriticaru, jer nam pomaze da iznosimo istinu, ali ove njegove primedbe nicemu ne vode.

Nas postovani zanovetalo nastavlja:
Па, то и кажем, Божије око нема везу са "свевидећим оком" Елене Г. Вајт, а то се јасно види. Не мораш да објашњаваш, сви су писмени да могу сами да закључе.

E prijatelju, ovde si potpuno neposten.
Nije tako nego je ovako:

Elen Vajt ne govori o masonima, nego u svim navodima koje si prilozio iznosi biblijske istine, a ne masonske fantazije.
Ti si ulozio truda da ljudima predstavis da su to masonski izrazi. To i deca vide da nisu, nego su biblijski, a ako ti ne verujes u Bibliju to je tvoj problem.

Nego si poiceo da se zbunjujes i dajes smucene izjave.
Tacno je to, da Bozje oko ili Bozje oci o kojima govori Elena Vajt u svojim spisima, nema ama ni kakve veze sa masobskim glupostima.
To je svima jasno. Nego je neposredno iznosenje biblijske istine. Znam da si se iznenadio kad si procitao da Isus svoje sledbenike naziva nosiocima svetlosti, to ti verovatno nije bilo poznatu.
Zato bih ti savetova da se manes decijih prica i da ovde ljudima ne zauzimas prostor i vreme sa necim sto nema nikakave vrednosti.

Zar ne bi bilo razumno da nam Adrian objasni sta je hteo da kaze sa ovim merdevinama?
One su tu upotrebljene kao simbol napredovanja jednog hriscanina koji treba da nastoji da stekne sledece osobine:
Odozdo na gore:
"Vera, cistota,
znanje,umerenost, trpljenje, poboznost, bratoljublje, ljubav."
Ljudi ovo je za neverovati, Adriasne pa sta ti ovde smeta?
To su duhovni rodovi o kojima pise apostol Pavele u Galatima 5, 22.23.
Hoces li i Pavlova da nabedis d aje mason?
Ovaj Adrian zaista ima ozbioljnih problema.

Adrian je do sada hulio samo na Bibliju, a sada huli i na Bibliju i duhovne rodove.

Ljudi, sami ocenite, da li zaista vredi trositi dragoseno vreme oko takvih gluposti?

Poslednja izmena:
Мислим да су људи способни да сами увиде разлику и јасно исписану реч. Ја разумем да је тешко увидети и признати себи неке очигледне ствари, али за такав чин нико вас неће назвати издајницима већ "блудним синовима" који су се вратили Оцу. И сам сам био залутао, па кад видех своје грешке то ме није спречило да се покајем и вратим Истини. То се и зове учење јер нико није научен рођен. То може само неко ко је заиста слободан и истину ставља изнад свега, ништа му на овој планети није важније.

Ellen G. White: “There is need of each one in every school and in every institution, being, as was
Daniel, in such close connection with the Source of all wisdom, that his prayers will enable him to
reach the highest standard of his duties in every line, that he may be able to fulfill his scholastic
requirements not only under able teachers, but also under the supervision of heavenly intelligences,
knowing that the All-seeing, the Ever-sleepless Eye was upon him. “Special Testimonies on
Education," October, 1893. {FE 230.2}

Ellen G. White: “Many shepherds of the flock, who professed to love Jesus, said that they had no opposition to the preaching of Christ's coming, but they objected to the definite time. God's allseeing eye read their hearts. They did not love Jesus near. They knew that their unchristian lives would not stand the test, for they were not walking in the humble path marked out by Him. These false shepherds stood in the way of the work of God. The truth spoken in its convincing power aroused the people, and like the jailer, they began to inquire, "What must I do to be saved?" But these shepherds stepped in between the truth and the people, and preached smooth things to lead them from the truth. They united with Satan and his angels, crying, "Peace, peace," when there was
no peace. Those who loved their ease and were content with their distance from God would not be aroused from their carnal security. I saw that angels of God marked it all; the garments of those unconsecrated shepherds were covered with the blood of souls.” {EW 233.2}

Ellen G. White: “God's all-seeing eye notes the defects of all and the ruling passion of each, yet
He bears with our mistakes and pities our weakness. He bids His people cherish the same spirit of
tenderness and forbearance. True Christians will not exult in exposing the faults and deficiencies of
others. They will turn away from vileness and deformity, to fix the mind upon that which is
attractive and lovely. To the Christian every act of faultfinding, every word of censure or
condemnation, is painful.” – 5T 94-96255, Counsels for the Church (1991), page 177, paragraph 2.

Како пише: око (очи) Божије или свевидеће око? Ако на овако јасној и чистој ствари покушавате да преварите људе, како ли тек изгледа када дођу код вас на "студирање" Писма? Не смем ни да помислим, шема је устаљена и ефикасна, гарант. И што је још очигледније: увек је једно свевидеће око, не постоји да су свевидеће ОЧИ, већ само ОКО.
Poslednja izmena:
Мислим да су људи способни да сами увиде разлику и јасно исписану реч. Ја разумем да је тешко увидети и признати себи неке очигледне ствари, али за такав чин нико вас неће назвати издајницима већ "блудним синовима" који су се вратили Оцу.
И сам сам био залутао, па кад видех своје грешке то ме није спречило да се покајем и вратим Истини.

A ko ti garantuje da jos uvek nisi zalutao?.

Adriane, pa sta ti bi da ponovo postiras iste tekstove?
Zar ti nisam nekoliko puta odgovorio na iste?

Ellen G. White: “There is need of each one in every school and in every institution, being, as was
Daniel, in such close connection with the Source of all wisdom, that his prayers will enable him to
reach the highest standard of his duties in every line, that he may be able to fulfill his scholastic
requirements not only under able teachers, but also under the supervision of heavenly intelligences,
knowing that the All-seeing, the Ever-sleepless Eye was upon him. “Special Testimonies on
Education," October, 1893. {FE 230.2}

Adriane, kada bi bila rec o masonima pa da u tom kontekstu upotrebljava ove izraze, moglo bi se to tako razumeti.
Medjutim, ona govorio o Biblisjskim istinama. Govori o istinama koje su hiljadama godina zapisane pre nego sto su postali masoni. Lepo sam ti biblijom dokazao da je to biblijska terminologija.

Pa i ti si sam izneo da ta ideja nije masonka, nego su je masoni usvojili a ona postoji vekovima pre njih.
Prema tome prestani da mlatis praznu slabu, vec postajes smesan.
Како пише: око (очи) Божије или свевидеће око?


Covece, dokle ces se javno brukati?

"Zemlja kojom se stara GOSPOD BOG TVOJ i na koju su jednako OBRACENE OCI GOSPODA BOGA TVOJEGA." 5. Mojsijeva 11,12.


"ALI BESE OKO BOZJE NAD staresinama judejskim." Jezdra 5,5.

Jov kaze Bogu: "NITI CE ME VIDETI OKO koje me je vidjalo." O Jovu 7.8.

"OKO KOJE GA JE GLEDALO, nece vise. O Jovu 10.9.

"GLE OKO JE GOSPODNJE NAD ONIMA, koji ga se boje i nad onima koji cekaju milost njegovu." Psalam 33,18.
Adriane, evo ti JEDNINA OKO.

"OCI SU GOSPODNJE NA SVAKOME MESTU. Gledajuci zlo i dobro." Price 15,3.

"OCI GOSPODNJE CUVAJU ZNANJE, a poslove bezboznikove obara." Price 22,12.



"I na sred prestola i oko prestola cetiri ziva bica PUNA OCIU." Otkrivenje 4,6.

"Cetiri ziva bica imaju krila i unutra PUNA OCIJU." Orkrivenje 4,8.

"JAGNJE STAJASE KAO ZAKLANO I IMASE SEDAM ROGOVA I SEDAM OCIJU, koje su sedam Duhova Cozjih poslanih po svemu svetu." Otkrivenje 5,6.

"Gle OCI SU GOSPODNJE upravljene na ovo gresno carstvo da ga zatrem sa zemlje." Amos,9,8


Adriane, da li su i to masonski izrazi?

"OKO KOJE SVE VIDI" najpre je opsta ideja koja se upotrebljavala vekovima pre nego sto su postali masoni. To sto su istu ideju usvojili i masoni, ne znaci da bi hriscani trebali da je odbace, jer i onako ne priznaju masonko ucenje.

Upotreba iste terbinologije u delima Elene Vajt, je BIBLKIJSKA, jer nepobitni dokazi su pokazali da su upotrebljavani u Svetom spismu od pocetka pa do kraja.

Prema tome Elen Vajt se sluzi biblijskom terminologijom, a ne masonskom, i u tom pogledu njeni spisi su ispravni!
"OKO KOJE SVE VIDI" najpre je opsta ideja koja se upotrebljavala vekovima pre nego sto su postali masoni.

Наравно, спомиње се у провинцији Вавилона - Египту.