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Следећи термин који ћу показати је Велики Архитекта Универзума (Great Architect the Universe) који је замасоне веома битан, јер многи се варају да се ту мисли на нашег Бога (Адонај - Господ), наравно да мисле на свог "Светлоношу Луцифера" који по њима није тако зао како га ми претстављамо, већ је Адонај тај који је зло. Све је то лепо замаскирано и само они који су у врху те секте имају сазнања о таквој једној истини. Срећом да се са развојем интернета знање раширило и многе тајне које су чуване по таквим култовима бивају откривене. Чак и многи чланови не схватају ком богу служе. Ево шта се каже на званичном сајту масона Србије:

"Pošto masonska božanstva (Tor, Val, Šiva, Pan, Oziris i dr) zapravo predstavljaju Sotonu pod raznim maskama, i pošto je zmija prisutna na sve strane u masonstvu, a Biblija jasno kaže da je zmija Sotona, vidimo da masoni u stvari obožavaju Sotonu (Lucifera). Naravno, i sami masonski pisci otvoreno priznaju koga obožavaju! Koga? Nikog drugog do Sotonu (Lucifera)! Hačinson na sledeći način opisuje čovekov pad:
“Ali avaj, on [Adam] je pao! Neposlunošću je proćerdao svu svoju slavu i sreću; i na sreću, usred tog uzvišenog stanja Sotona je odneo pobedu.”

Fusnota koja ide uz ovu rečenicu daje sledeće objašnjenje:

“Tako je došlo do uvođenja zmije među masonske simbole... Obožavanje zmije vodi poreklo od istog izvora.” Na drugom mestu u ovoj knjizi, u fusnoti stoji citat izknjige Ključ za Novi Zavet koji kaže: “Kad se prevedu na hrišćanstvo, kriva tumačenja koja potiču iz egipatske filozofije glase ovako: jevrejski Bog je Demijurg... a zmiji koja je prevarila Evu treba odati priznanje za pokušaj da spasi čovečanstvo od robovanja Demijurgu.”

Pajk ponosno govori: “...Lucifer, Svetlonoša! Kakvo čudno i tajanstveno ime za jednog Duha Tame! Lucifer, Sin Jutra! Da li to on donosi Svetlost...? Budite sigurni da donosi!” (naglasak je u originalu)

Jasno nam je iz masonskih izvora da zmiju ili Sotonu (Lucifera) masoni treba da obožavaju. Zapravo, “masonska izgubljena reč” ima veze s njim. Masoni tragaju za tzv. “izgubljenom rečju”, koja je navodno pravo ime za Boga, ali je izgubljena. Na trećem stupnju masonu se daje zamena za tu reč i nalaže da se obrati “sjajnoj zvezdi Danici”. Vajt pretpostavljada je ta reč koja se otkriva na trećem stupnju “imala
sličnu vrednost kao i dobra stara reč abrakadabra” "
Naslov originala: Hidden Secrets of Masonry, by Dr. Cathy Burns

SDA masoni 2.JPG

Šta je Slobodno Zidarstvo?

Mogu li se ove moralne vrednosti i ubeđenja bliže i sadržajnije objasniti?
Njihov sadržaj se na najkraći način može objasniti: Verom u Velikog Arhitektu Svih Svetova - kao savršeno moralno biće i verom u sve vrednosti koje iz toga proističu, ubeđenjem u ispravnost demokratsko - pluralističkog, odbacivanjem svega što je dogmatsko i totalitarno.

Šta pri tom podrazumevate pod Velikim Arhitektom svih svetova?

Veliki Arhitekta Svih Svetova je naš Veliki Majstor. Sva naša učenja i način rada zasnivaju se na veri u Vrhovnog Tvorca, u njegovu savršenost i bez te vere u njegove moralne zakone, oni bi bili potpuno nedelotvorni. Sve naše težnje usmerene su ka približavanju i pojedinaca i društva u celini ovom idealu. Mi nismo religiozno udruženje i to ne želimo biti. Za nas nije važno kojoj veri Brat pripada. Naš put ne vodi kroz dogme, versko izjašnjavanje i katehizme jer, upravljanje sakramentima je stvar crkava. Naš put je okrenut otkrivanju svetlosti istine i tu dogmama nije mesto. Slobodno zidarstvo nije zamena za veru ili crkvu.

Tekst preuzet sa sajta Regularne Velike Lože Srbije.
Copyright 2010. by Lodge Aurora (c) All rights reserved.

Ellen G. White: “The great Architect has formed and fashioned the scenes of nature that they may
have an important bearing upon man's intellectual and moral character. These are to be God's
school to educate the mind and morals. Here the mind may have a vast field for study in the display
of the majestic works of the Infinite One. The rocks are among the precious things of earth,
containing treasures of wisdom and knowledge. In the rocks and mountains are registered the fact
that God did destroy the wicked from off the earth by a flood.” {OHC 252.2}
Ellen G. White: “God, the great Architect, has built these lofty mountains, and their influence
upon climate is a blessing to our world. They draw from the clouds enriching moisture. Mountain
chains are God's great reservoirs, to supply the ocean with its water. These are the sources of the
springs, rills, and brooks, as well as the rivers. They receive, in the form of rain and snow, the
vapors with which the atmosphere is charged, and communicate them to the parched plains below.”
{OHC 253.4}

Ellen G. White: “The great Architect has formed and fashioned the scenes of nature that they may
have an important bearing upon man's intellectual and moral character. These are to be God's
school to educate the mind and morals. Here the mind may have a vast field for study in the display
of the majestic works of the Infinite One. The rocks are among the precious things of earth,
containing treasures of wisdom and knowledge. In the rocks and mountains are registered the fact
that God did destroy the wicked from off the earth by a flood.” – Our High Calling (1961), page
252, paragraph 2

Ellen G. White: “God, the great Architect, has built these lofty mountains, and their influence
upon climate is a blessing to our world. They draw from the clouds enriching moisture. Mountain
chains are God's great reservoirs, to supply the ocean with its water. These are the sources of the
springs, rills, and brooks, as well as the rivers. They receive, in the form of rain and snow, the
vapors with which the atmosphere is charged, and communicate them to the parched plains below.”
– Our High Calling (1961), page 253, paragraph 4

Ellen G. White: “Christ's church on earth is to resemble heaven, a temple built after the pattern of
things shown in the holy mount. Man must give up his ideas, his plans, and devices, and let God
work out His original intentions. The great Designer must not be impeded in His work by human
wisdom. His work and purpose have not been understood. Through the miscalculations of man, the
church today is so misshapen that it can not be accepted by the great Builder. Human counsel has
been so abundant, that individual experience is rare. Men are placed where God should be. God's
plans are turned aside, and men's measures brought in to fashion and mould. But the great and
perfect Designer pronounces the work imperfect. The temple that He is building after the pattern of
things in the heavens must have the exact proportions assigned it by the Architect, whose pattern is
without a flaw. He has brought the golden measuring rod from heaven, and every worker is
employed only as he works under His superintendence, and according to His plans.” – Lake
Union Herald, December 23, 1908, paragraph 2, Article Title: Extract from an Unpublished
Testimony Written March 13, 1897 (Concluded)

Ellen G. White
: “God desires every human being in our world to be a worker together with him.
This is the lesson we are to learn from all useful employment, making homes in the forest, felling
trees to build houses, clearing land for cultivation. God has provided the wood and the land, and to
man he has given the work of putting them in such shape that they will be a blessing. In this work
man is wholly dependent upon God. The fitting of the ships that cross the broad ocean is not alone
due to the talent and ingenuity of the human agent. God is the great Architect. Without his cooperation,
without the aid of the higher intelligences, how worthless would be the plans of men.
God must aid, else every device is worthless.” – The Review and Herald, May 28, 1908,
paragraph 4

Ellen G. White: “When our Creator formed the world to be a habitation for man, its arrangements
were prepared by the God of wisdom to help the mental as well as the physical wants of man. The
great Architect has formed and fashioned the scenes of nature that they may have an important
bearing upon man's intellectual and moral character. These are to be God's school to educate the
mind and morals. Here the mind may have a vast field for study in the display of the majestic works
of the Infinite One.” – Manuscript Releases Volume Three [Nos. 162-209] (1990), page 216,
paragraph 2

Ellen G. White
: “Day by day the human structure performs its work under the great Master
, who superintends every function of the body, seeking to make it into a glorious temple
for Himself.--Letter 17, 1895.” – Manuscript Releases Volume Three [Nos. 162-209] (1990),
page 308, paragraph 1

Ellen G. White
: “Day by day the human structure performs its work under the great Master
, who superintends every function of the body, seeking to make it into a glorious temple
for Himself. . . . When God works so wondrously, man the human agent, should become intelligent
in regard to the machinery of his body, that this temple of God shall not be misused.” – Letter 17,
1895. – Manuscript Releases Volume Three [Nos. 162-209] (1990), page 350/351, paragraph 4

Ellen G. White
: “The fitting of the ships that cross the broad ocean is not alone due to the talent
and ingenuity of the human agent. God is the great Architect. Without His co-operation, without
the aid of the higher intelligences, how worthless would be the plans of men! God must aid, else
every device is worthless.” – Notebook Leaflets from the Elmshaven Library Vol. 1 (1945),
page 89, paragraph 8

Ellen G. White: “Laborers together with God." How few understand the full meaning of the
words! We can not work by ourselves. God works, and we work. Let us study the words of
Inspiration. "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God which worketh in
you both to will and to do of his good pleasure." "Ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building."
The great Architect wants to form us into a holy temple for himself. Only those who are partakers
of the divine nature can understand this. Those who walk even as Christ walked, who are patient,
gentle, kind, meek, and lowly in heart, those who yoke up with Christ and lift his burdens, who
yearn for souls as he yearned for them--these will enter into the joy of their Lord. They will see with
Christ the travail of his soul, and be satisfied. Heaven will triumph, for the vacancies made in
heaven by the fall of Satan and his angels will be filled by the redeemed of the Lord.” – The
Review and Herald, May 29, 1900, paragraph 12

Ellen G. White
: “The great God has reared His mighty structures in the granite rocks, in the
towering mountains, in clefts, in the gulches, in the gorges, and in the castle rocks, and in the caves
of the earth. And with these surroundings-- the work of God's power--how thankless the heart who
needs images of man to worship. The heathen who worship nature, the works of the divine hand,
are idolaters. But does not their worship strike the senses as more sensible than the worship of
images bearing the mold and impress of finite man? Everything about us teaches us from day to day
lessons of our Father's love and of His power, of His laws to govern nature, and that lie at the
foundation of all government in heaven and in earth. These rich tokens of God's matchless power, if
they will not call the mind to the Creator of heaven and earth, if they will not awaken gratitude in
these dull and thankless hearts, will images and shrines of dead men do this? We look upon nature.
We see the fields clothed with carpets of living green. We see the variety of His works. In this house
God has builded for man, every part of this house, diverse it may be from another, but we trace in
unmistakable tokens the handiwork of the great Architect. There is beauty in the valleys, awful
grandeur in the solemn masses of cleft rocks, majesty in the towering mountains that look as if they
touched the heavens. There is the lofty tree with its delicately formed leaves, the spires of grass, the
opening bud and blooming flowers, the forest trees, and everything points the mind to the great and
living God.” Ms 62, 1886, pp. 28, 29. ("Second Visit to Italy," April 15-29, 1886.) White Estate
Washington, D.C. January 26, 1955 Manuscript Releases Volume One [Nos. 19-96] (1981),
page 309, paragraph 5, page 310, paragraph 1.

Ellen G. White: “In his isolated home John was able to study more closely than ever before the
manifestations of divine power as recorded in the book of nature and in the pages of inspiration. To
him it was a delight to meditate on the work of creation and to adore the divine Architect. In
former years his eyes had been greeted by the sight of forest-covered hills, green valleys, and
fruitful plains; and in the beauties of nature it had ever been his delight to trace the wisdom and
skill of the Creator. He was now surrounded by scenes that to many would appear gloomy and
uninteresting; but to John it was otherwise. While his surroundings be desolate and barren, the blue
heavens that bent above him were as bright and beautiful as the skies above his loved Jerusalem. In
the wild, rugged rocks, in the mysteries of the deep, in the glories of the firmament, he read
important lessons. All bore the message of God's power and glory.” – The Acts of the Apostles
(1911), page 571, paragraph 2, page 572, paragraph 1

Ellen G. White: “In his isolated home John was able to study more closely than ever before the
manifestations of divine power as recorded in the book of nature and in the pages of inspiration. To
him it was a delight to meditate on the work of creation, and to adore the divine Architect. In
former years his eyes had been greeted by the sight of forest-covered hills, green valleys, and
fruitful plains; and in the beauties of nature it had ever been his delight to trace the wisdom and
skill of the Creator. He was now surrounded by scenes that to many would appear gloomy and
uninteresting; but to John it was otherwise. While his surroundings might be desolate and barren,
the blue heavens that bent above him were as bright and beautiful as the skies above his loved
Jerusalem. In the wild, rugged rocks, in the mysteries of the deep, in the glories of the firmament,
he read important lessons. All bore the message of God's power and glory.” – The Retirement
Years (1990), page 174, paragraph 3, page 175, paragraph 1

Ellen G. White: “Patmos, a barren rocky island in the Aegean Sea, had been chosen by the Roman
government as a place of banishment for criminals. But to the servant of God this gloomy abode
proved to be the gate of heaven. He was shut away from the busy scenes of life and from active
labor as an evangelist, but he was not excluded from the presence of God. In his desolate home he
could commune with the King of kings and study more closely the manifestations of divine power in
the book of nature and the pages of inspiration. He delighted to meditate upon the great work of
creation and to adore the power of the Divine Architect. In former years his eyes had been greeted
with the sight of wood-covered hills, green valleys, and fruitful plains; and in all the beauties of
nature he had delighted to trace the wisdom and skill of the Creator. He was now surrounded with
scenes that to many would appear gloomy and uninteresting. But to John it was otherwise. He
could read the most important lessons in the wild, desolate rocks, the mysteries of the great deep,
and the glories of the firmament. To him all bore the impress of God's power and declared His
glory.” – The Sanctified Life (1889), page 72, paragraph 1

Ellen G. White: “Patmos, a barren, rocky island in the Aegean Sea, had been chosen by the
Roman government as a place of banishment for criminals. But this gloomy abode proved, to the
servant of God, to be the gate of Heaven. He was shut away from the busy scenes of life, and from
his active labors as an evangelist; but he was not excluded from the presence of God. In his
desolate home he could commune with the King of kings, and study more closely the manifestations
of divine power in the book of nature and the pages of inspiration. He delighted to meditate upon
the great work of creation, and to adore the power of the Divine Architect. In former years his eyes
had been greeted with the sight of wood-covered hills, green valleys, and fruitful plains; and in all
the beauties of nature he had delighted to trace the wisdom and skill of the Creator. He was now
surrounded with scenes that to many would appear gloomy and uninteresting. But to John it was
otherwise. He could read the most important lessons in the wild, desolate rocks, the mysteries of the
great deep, and the glories of the firmament. To him, all bore the impress of God's power, and
declared his glory.” – The Review and Herald, March 1, 1881, paragraph 7

Ellen G. White: “In his isolated home John was able to study more closely than ever before the
manifestations of divine power as recorded in the book of nature and in the pages of inspiration. To
him it was a delight to meditate on the work of creation, and to adore the divine Architect. In
former years his eyes had been greeted by the sight of forest-covered hills, green valleys, and
fruitful plains; and in the beauties of nature it had ever been his delight to trace the wisdom and
skill of the Creator. He was now surrounded by scenes that to many would appear gloomy and
uninteresting; but to John it was otherwise. While his surroundings might be desolate and barren,
the blue heavens that bent above him were as bright and beautiful as the skies above his loved
Jerusalem. In the wild, rugged rocks, in the mysteries of the deep, in the glories of the firmament,
he read important lessons. All bore the message of God's power and glory.” – The Review and
Herald, September 5, 1912, paragraph 12

Ellen G. White: “More than one hundred years before the flood, the Lord sent an angel to Noah, to
make known unto him his purpose in regard to the sinful race, that his Spirit would not always
strive with man, but that he would send a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy man and beast.
He would not leave the race ignorant of his design; but would, through Noah, warn the world of its
coming destruction, that the inhabitants might be left without excuse. Noah was to preach to the
people, and also to prepare an ark as God should direct him for the saving of himself and family.
Not only was he to preach, but his example in building the ark was to be a continual testimony of
war.ning to the world, showing that he believed what he preached. His simple, childlike faith, and
his implicit obedience, notwithstanding the opposition he received, was an evidence to the world of
his sincerity. He was firm as a rock to duty, directing the work of that singular building, under the
guidance of the Divine Architect. Every blow struck upon the ark was a witness to the people.” –
The Signs of the Times , February 27, 1879, paragraph 11

Ellen G. White: “Patmos, the place of John's exile, was a barren, rocky island in the Aegean Sea,
which had been chosen by the Roman Government as a place of banishment for criminals. In
former years his life had been spent among wood-covered hills, green valleys, and fruitful plains;
now his lonely home was amid scenes of desolation that to many would have appeared gloomy and
uninteresting. But to him it was otherwise. Although shut away from the busy scenes of life, and
from active labor as an evangelist, he was not excluded from the presence of God. He could
commune with the King of kings, and study the manifestations of divine power as revealed in the
book of nature, and on the page of inspiration. He had delighted to trace the wisdom and skill of the
Creator in the beauties of his handiwork; and now he could see tokens of the same divine Architect
in the rocky wilds of Patmos.” – The Signs of the Times , February 5, 1885, paragraph 4

Ellen G. White: “The Lord has provided His church with capabilities and blessings, that they may
present to the world an image of His own sufficiency, and that His church may be complete in Him,
a continual representation of another, even the eternal world, of laws that are higher than earthly
laws. His church is to be a temple built after the divine similitude, and the angelic architect has
brought his golden measuring rod from heaven, that every stone may be hewed and squared by the
divine measurement, and polished to shine as an emblem of heaven, radiating in all directions the
bright, clear beams of the Sun of Righteousness. The church is to be fed with manna from heaven,
and to be kept under the sole guardianship of His grace. Clad in complete armor of light and
righteousness, she enters upon her final conflict. The dross, the worthless material, will be
consumed, and the influence of the truth testifies to the world of its sanctifying, ennobling
character...” – Christian Experience and Teachings of Ellen G. White (1922), page 208,
paragraph 1

Ellen G. White: “The angelic architect has brought his golden measuring rod from heaven, that
every stone may be hewed and squared by the divine measurement, and polished to shine as an
emblem of heaven, radiating in all directions the bright, clear beams of the Sun of Righteousness.”
– In Heavenly Places (1967), page 281, paragraph 4

Ellen G. White: The Lord has provided His church with capabilities and blessings, that they may
present to the world an image of His own sufficiency, and that His church may be complete in Him,
a continual representation of another, even the eternal world, of laws that are higher than earthly
laws. His church is to be a temple built after the divine similitude, and the angelic architect has
brought his golden measuring rod from heaven, that every stone may be hewed and squared by the
divine measurement and polished to shine as an emblem of heaven, radiating in all directions the
bright, clear beams of the Sun of Righteousness. The church is to be fed with manna from heaven
and to be kept under the sole guardianship of His grace. Clad in complete armor of light and
righteousness, she enters upon her final conflict. The dross, the worthless material, will be
consumed, and the influence of the truth testifies to the world of its sanctifying, ennobling
character...” – Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923), page 17/18

Ellen G. White
: "The Lord has provided his church with capabilities and blessings, that they may
present to the world an image of his own sufficiency, and that his church may be complete in him, a
continual representation of another, even the eternal world, of laws that are higher than earthly
laws. His church is to be a temple built after the divine similitude, and the angelic architect has
brought his golden measuring rod from heaven that every stone may be hewed and squared by the
divine measurement, and polished to shine as an emblem of heaven, radiating in all directions the
bright clear beams of the Sun of Righteousness. The church is to be fed with manna from heaven,
and to be kept under the sole guardianship of his grace. Clad in complete armor of light and
righteousness, she enters upon her final conflict. The dross, the worthless material, will be
consumed, and the influence of the truth testifies to the world of its sanctifying, ennobling
character.” – General Conference Daily Bulletin, February 27, 1893, paragraph 10, Article
Title: Dear Brethren of the General Conference General Conference Proceedings.-Eleventh Meeting.-

Ellen G. White: "The Lord has provided His church with capabilities and blessings, that they may
present to the world an image of His own sufficiency, and that His church may be complete in Him,
a continual representation of another, even the eternal world, of laws that are higher than earthly
laws. His church is to be a temple built after the divine similitude, and the angelic architect has
brought his golden measuring rod from heaven, that every stone may be hewed and squared by
divine measurement, and polished to shine as an emblem of heaven, radiating in all directions the
bright, clear beams of the Sun of Righteousness. The church is to be fed with manna from heaven,
and to be kept under the sole guardianship of His grace. Clad in complete armor of light and
righteousness, she enters upon her final conflict. The dross, the worthless material, will be
consumed, and the influence of the truth testifies to the world of its sanctifying, ennobling
character...” – Selections from the Testimonies Setting forth Important Principles Relating to
Our Work in General, the Publishing Work in Particular, and the Relation of Our Institutions
to Each Other. (1898), page 4, paragraph 1

Ellen G. White: “The temple service, formed after the divine pattern, and once so pure, so sacred
and so holy, had been tainted with evil. It could not be remodeled. It was mingled with the defective
plans of men, and could not be rebuilt by human power. The true heavenly Architect, he who
created men, "so loved the world, that he gave his only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in
him should not perish, but have everlasting life." One sent from heaven came to restore the ruined
temple in its sacred and beautiful proportions.” – The Signs of the Times , December 16, 1897,
paragraph 6
Poslednja izmena:

Nas cenjeni diskutant Adrian, pokusao je da nekakvu sliku, na kojij je masonski simbol, pripise advnetistima na osnovu koje je hteo da dokaze da su oni slobodi zidar ili masaoni.

Zahvaljujemo Adrianu na velikom trudu koji je ulozio da pronadje spornuto sliku, jer njenim pronalaskom, a ista se ne nalazi u Loma Lindi kao sto je on mislimo, nego u Kongresnoj biblioteci u Vasingtonu, on je dokazao da ta slika ne prpada adventismima i da je njegova izjava neosnovana, jer niti je umjetnik bio adventista niti je slika adventisticka.

Najveci dokaz da je Adrianov pokosaj neispravan je, sto je verovatno isti umetnik napravio slicnu sliku Jakovu Vajtu, koja se i dans cuva u Adventistickoj univerziteskoj arhivi biblioteke Loama Linda, A NA KOJOJ NE POSTOJI MASONSKI ZNAK. Time je nedvosmisleno dokazano da adventisti nemaju nista zajednickoga sa masonima.
(Sliku koju je umetnik uradio po narudzbini Jakova Vajta, prilozio je Nikoprodaja mozte te je videti na njegovom komentaru)

Tako je Adrian svojim pronalaskom sporne slike dokazao da adventisti nisu masoni.
Da je Adrian student u mome razredu ja bih mu rekao: Dobio si keca, sedi i cuti.

Ipak zahvaljujemo Adrianu na njegovom trudu kojim je dokazao istinu.


Kao sto i sami vidite, Adtrian ne odustaje, on je zaista ulozio veliki trud, i sada da dokaze da u delima Elene Vajt nalaze se masonska terminologija.

Sta vi mislite, da li je Adrian sada u pravu?

Ovo su "dokazi" koje Adrian navodi u odbrani svoje teze:
(Zbog lakseh pregleda izdvojio sam samo te posebne izraze, a vi cete ih pronaci u Adrianovom tekstu oznacene crkvenom bojom)

Ellen G. White: " All-seeing, the Ever-sleepless Eye was upon him. "
"God's allseeing eye read their hearts"

Ellen G. White: "God's all-seeing eye"

Ellen G. White: "God's all-seeing eye notes the defects"

Ellen G. White: " His all-seeing eye."

Ellen G. White: "by the all-seeing eye of"

Ellen G. White: " the all-seeing eye, exclaiming, "Search me, O God,"

Ellen G. White: "His all-seeing eye was upon them."

Ellen G. White: "Nothing is hid from the allseeing eye of Him with whom we have to do."

Ellen G. White: "God's all-seeing eye notes the defects of all and the ruling".

Ellen G. White: "The character, the motives, the desires and purposes, are as clear
as the light of the sun to the eye of the Omnipotent."

Ellen G. White: " working under the eye of an all-seeing God."

Ellen G. White: "God's All-Seeing Eye."

Ellen G. White: " The all-seeing eye of Jehovah detected in you"

Ellen G. White: " The most secret things lie open to his all-seeing eye."

Ellen G. White: "The ways of man are before theeyes of the Lord." He "knoweth the thoughts." "The eyes of the Lord are in every place,"

Ellen G. White: " of God's law than we can hide from his all-seeing eye."

Ellen G. White: " but discerned by the all-seeing eye"

Ellen G. White: " The most secret things lie open to His all-seeing eye. When the Judge of
all men shall make His investigation, many of those whom human estimation has placed first will be placed last"

Ellen G. White: " This all-seeing eye is ever upon you."
Nisam proveravao navode, verujem da je to Adrian pravilno prepisao.
Moram priznati da je Adrian u delima Elene Vajt naso dosta tih izraza, za koje on misli da su masonskog porekla. Zahvaljujem se Adrianu sto je dao opsirnije tekstove kao i reference.

Sta vi mislite, da li ovim Adrian nepobitno dokazuje da su adventisi masoni?

Najpre da pokusamo prevest sta je to All seeing eye?

Pod ovim izrazmo, hriscani shvataju oko Gospoda Boga koje bdije nad ovom zemljom i njenim stanovnicima. Nesto slicno veruju i masoni, mozda se njihovo verovanje razlikuje, ali u njemo je ista ideja.

Danas Adrian na forumu brani teolosku tezu pod naslovom: Dela Elene Vajt i masonski izrazi.

Svi ucesnici foiruma su clanovi ispitne komisije, zato pazite doboro, jer na kraju moracete da Adrianu date ocenu kako je u ovom junackom poduhvatu uspeo.

Kao uvod u svoju tezu, Adrian je podneo veoma poucian iozvestaj o istrazivanju profesora Zorana Nikolica. Ja licno ovo nisma znao i zahvaljujem mu na ovim informacijama.

Odmah na pocetku da kazem, svojom sledecom izjavom, Adrian je dokazao da je njegova kritika na dela Elene Vajt neosnovana. Evo kako:

Adrian je pronasao da Nikolic tvrdi da "JE VELIKI BROJ GRADJEVINA u Beogradu ukrasen masonskim simbolima i da se isti nalaze na spomenicima u grobljima."
Ja bih dodao i ovo, a bilo bi zanimljivo ispitati, to svevidno oko nalazi se na prozorima u boj na nekim crkvama i katedralama. To pokazuje da je taj izraz i simbol opste poznati izraz u svetu, a ne samo da je masonski.

Posto se to nalazi na raznim zgradama i spomenicima, znaci da je jako prosireno. Da li u svim slucajevima ima samo masonski znacaj ili moze imati i potpuno drugo znacenje? Prema ovoj izjavi izgleda da je pole Beograda zatrovano masonskim ucenjem. Pravoslavci, da li je to moguce?

Adrian istice i jednu veoma vaznu istinu, da taj simbol "Svevidnog oka, ne potice od masona, nego da su ga oni usvojili, a ono postoji od starina."

Ovo je veoma znacajna izjava.

Zanaci ako bi nekakav hulnik naslika to "masonsko" oko koje sve vidi na tarabi, na asvaltu na ulici ili na prvoj stranici pornografskog casopisa, i ako bi ga masoni tuzili sudu i zahtevali da to ikloni, jer huli na njihov simbol, ne bi ga mogli dobiti na sudu, posto to nije samo njigov simbol, nego je od vajkada postojalo u svetu, a to znaci da je univerzalno. To znaci da bi jedan pravoslavac ili adventista mirne duse mogao da ima sliko tok Oka koje sve vidi, i da pod tim razume Oko Visnjega koje bdije nad svetom, a da nema nikakve veze sa masonima, jer taj znak nije samo masonski simbol, nego su ga ljudi oduvek koristili.

Ovim je Adrian, ponovo, sam svojim pronalskom oborio tvrdnju da ako u delima Elene Vajt ima ista ili slicna misao da je to masonko, ne mora da bude, mozda i nije.

Za zakljucak Adrianove teze, ispitna komisija zahteva da Adrian u zakljucku odgovori na sledeca pitanje:

Tekstovi su sledeci:

"Zemlja kojom se stara GOSPOD BOG TVOJ i na koju su jednako OBRACENE OCI GOSPPODA BOGA TVOJEGA." 5. Mojsijeva 11,12.


"ALI BESE OKO BOZJE NAD staresinama judejskim." Jezdra 5,5.

Jov kaze Bogu: "NITI CE ME VIDETI OKO koje me je vidjalo." O Jovu 7.8.

"OKO KOJE GA JE GLEDALO, nece vise. O Jovu 10.9.

"GLE OKO JE GOSPODNJE NAD ONIMA, koji ga se boje i nad onima koji cekaju milost njegovu." Psalam 33,18.

"OCI SU GOSPODNJE NA SVAKOME MESTU. Gledajuci zlo i dobro." Price 15,3.

"OCI GOSPODNJE CUVAJU ZNANJE, a poslove bezboznikove obara." Price 22,12.



"I na sred prestola i oko prestola cetiri ziva bica PUNA OCIU." Otkrivenje 4,6.

"Cetiri ziva bica imaju krila i unutra PUNA OCIJU." Orkrivenje 4,8.

"JAGNJE STAJASE KAO ZAKLANO I IMASE SEDAM ROGOVA I SEDAM OCIJU, koje su sedam Duhova Cozjih poslanih po svemu svetu." Otkrivenje 5,6.

"Gle OCI SU GOSPODNJE upravljene na ovo gresno carstvo da ga zatrem sa zemlje." Amos,9,8


Adriane, da li su i to masonski izrazi?

Ispitna komisaija zakljucuje, da je izraz "OKO KOJE SVE VIDI" najpre opsta ideja koja se upotrebljavala vekovima pre nego sto su postali masoni. To sto su istu ideju usvojili i masoni, ne znaci da bi hriscani trebali da je odbace, jer i onako ne priznaju masonko ucenje.

Drugo, komisija zakljucuje da je upotreba iste terbinologije u delima Elene Vajt, BIBLKIJSKA, jer nepobitni dokazi su pokazali da su upotrebljavani u Svetom spismu od pocetka pa do kraja.

Prema tome Elen Vajt se sluzi biblijskom terminologijom, a ne masonskom, i u tom pogledu njeni spisi su ispravni, a nas istrazivac Adrian je pao na ispitu. Sedi i cuti!

Taj nas prijatelj Adrian, ssad je nasao Adventisticku crkvu u Texasu i on daje tumecenje sta bi to moglo da znaci "Nosisoci svetlosti".
Pa to je ono o cemu Adrijan i nema pojma.

Ispod natpisa Crkve Adian postavlja pitanje?
Šta je Slobodno Zidarstvo?

Covece, kakve veze ima slobodno zidarstvo sa crkvom ciji naziv si pokazao? Bas nikakve.

Mogu li se ove moralne vrednosti i ubeđenja bliže i sadržajnije objasniti?

Koje to moralne vrednosti?
Moralne vrednosti masonstva ili moralne vrednosti Adventista?
Izvini, Adriane, ovde igras pokvarenu ulogu.

Ili govorio o masonima ili o adventistima a ne pravis se lud.

Objsani sta si hteo ovim da kazes?
Poslednja izmena od urednika:
Adventizam je sekta,a sta je uopste sekta?

Dobro jutro brate Gero,
Pre svega izvinjavam se sto nisam stigao pre da odgovorim na toje primedbe i pitanja.
Ti znas da te ja neprestano podupirem, jer mi se svidjaju tvoji komentari.

Ti kazes da si pravoslavac a to znaci prvo slavljenje Bog, pa i ja sam takav pravoslavac.
A ti znas da adventista znaci cekalac ponovnog Hristovog dolaska, a u to i ti verujes, pa i ti si adventista, je li tako?
Onda smu zaista braca.

Kad sam uporedio Pravoslavnu i Katolicku crkvu nisam uporedi verovanje i ucenje, nego sam uzeo u obzir samo jedan segment, a to je ispunjenje Hristovog naloga o propovednjau svim narodima i postast broja vernika.

Tada sam rega da katolicki monasi, a ima ih dosta, jezuiti, franjevci, dominikaanci i drugo, su veoma aktivni i da putuju u razne zemlje propovedaju i otvaraju samostane svoga red i crkve. Spomenuo sam majku Terezu koja je primer u tome.

Medjutim, Pravoslavne autokefalne crkve nemaju razvijemu misonarsku sluzbu i to je steta velika.
Toliko miliona pravoslavaca,a gde su misonari?
To svakako utice na brojno stranje vernika, da katolika ima milijardu u stoi miliona, a pravoslavaca jedna cetvrtine.
Ja bih voleo da je drugacvije. Meni su pravoslavni daleko blizi nego katolici sa svojim papskim sitemom.
Ja ne branim niti zastupam ucenje katolicke crkve, nego sam uzeo samo jedan primer radi upoderjena.

A ti si to razumeo da ja propagiram katolicizam na stetu Pravoslavlja, medjutim, nije tako.

Vrlo je to lepo od tebe sto si rekao da e ovaj clanak o sekti copy- paste.

Medjutim, bilo bi dobro da si stavio ime autora, jer po njegopvom pisanju on nema pojma sta pise.

Prvo, Hristova crkva bila je sekta u Judajizmu. Pa sta onda da li to znaci da nije bila na pravome putu? Ni u kom slucaju.
Drugo, celo hriscanstvo kda se skupi zajedno je jedna sekta u svetu koji je vise od tri puta veci.

Adventisti - subotari
(podeljeni su stavovi da li Subotari spadaju u sektu ili ne, ja cu ih staviti u ovu grupu, jer su zvanicno sekta).

Pogresno, zvanicno mi smo Crkva ili Verska zajednica a niko nas ne vodi ako sektu.

Pored zajednickih karakteristika skoro svih sekti, adventisti (subotari) su proricali datum dolaska Hristovog na zemlji nekoliko put , a i danas smatraju da ce Gospod Isus Hristos vrlo skoro doci.

Pa je li autor toga teksta musliman ili je ateista? Da je hriscanin svakako bi verovao u ponovni Hristov dolazak.
I apostoli su verovali i propovedali da ce doci skoro, Pavle je verovao da ce ga ziv docekati.
Poznaje li autor ovoga clanak hriscanstvo i Bibliju? Izgleda da ne poznaje.

Smatraju da je papa antihrit.

Da li to znaci da on papu smatra bratom pravoslavcem? Neka im je srecno.

Adventisticku sektu osnovao je farmer baptista Vilijam Miler,

Wiliam Miler je do smrti ostao baptista. Nije on oznovao Adventisticku crkvu, ali jeste pokrenuo duhovno probudjenje koje je okupilo oko 100.000 ljudi u Severnoj Americi.
Posle se pojavila "prorocica" Helena Vajt (1827-1915), koja je imala vizije i "otkrivenja". Puno je pisala.
Adventisti su imali jos jedan pokusaj proracunavanja vremena drugog Hristovog dolaska (6.2.1925).Dolazak je detaljno opisan ali se nije dogodio.

Advetisti nisu prorocalio Hristov dolazak 1925. godine, to je autor pobrkao sa Jehovnim svedocima.

Kod Srba su se pojavili 1903. godine
Ucenje im se zasniva na Starom zavetu,

Gero, ovaj covek pise neistinu o advnetistima.
Molim te pronadji neka od verovanja Hriscanske adventisticke crkve, koja sam prilozo juce, i ispod svakog verovanja su biblijski tekstovi na kojima se temelji doticno verovanje, pa se uveri da li su to dokazi iz cele Biblije ili samo iz Starog zavet?
Covek nemapojma sta pise.

Nakon Hristovog dolaska na zemlji ce vladati hiljadugodišnje carstvo Hristovo.

Ni to nije tacno, To veriju i uce Jehovini svedoci a to autoru nije poznato.

Oni svetkuju subotom, po cemu su i dobili ime, a ne nedeljom, kao ostali hrišcani.

Napokon, ovo je tacno.

Propagiraju nenasilje i nenošenje oružja, te su cesti slucajevi da Subotari odbijaju sluzenje vojske i ucesce u ratu.
Ni ovo nije tacno, adventisticki hriscani nose oruzje i sluze vojsku ali po mogucnosti radije sluze u neborackim jedinicama.

Ovo je ispravno.
Subotari se izdrzavaju samofinansiranjem, putem clanarine koja iznosi deset odsto od prihoda svakog clana, a to je cini jednom od najbogatijih verskih zajednica.

Delimicno nije tacno. Ne postoji nikakva clanarina. Ali je istina da smo prihvatili biblijski nacin izdrzavanja Crkve i pomaganja sirenju Hristovog Jevandjerlja, medjutim, svako dobrovoljno donosi u crkvu po svojoj saveti i da je kao dobrovoljni dar, a ne kao nekakvu clanarin. Moze da bude clan iako ne da ni jednu paru. Ni to nije tacno da se daje od dnevne zarade, farmeri daju jednom ili dvaput godisnje. Daje kada doticni resi a ne da mu to neko trazi.
Adventisticka crkva ima svoje skole, izdavacke kuce, bolnice, klinike u preko 140 zemalja sveta. Subotari se takodje bave misionarskih radom, organizuju koncerte, izdaju casopise, dele letke, a pod njihovim okriljem deluje i više humanitarnih organizacija.

Ovo je potpuno tacno

Brate Gero, drago mi je da smo i ovako mogli prodiskutovati.
Sekta nije pogrdasn rec osim ako je neko tako zamisli.

Drugo, ne mogu se ni sve sekte staviti zajedno.
Velika je razlika od mnogobozackih sekti i hriscanskih.
Mnogi iz nenzanja ili mrznje i crkve svrstavaju u sekte, ali to je njihov problem.

Sve najbolje

PS. Gero,
sad sam pogledao tvoj post od pre dva dana i jako mi je zao da si celu noc izgubio ni zasto.
Ti nisi proucavao sta veruju Adventisti, nego si lutao po tudjem bunjistu na kom su otpaci.
Ono sto si kopirao ja sam citao pre 15 godina. Vise od pola su besmislice.
Ako zelis da doznas sta adventisti veruju i uce, pronadji knjigu "Adventisticki hriscani veruju" i tu ti je sve receno i ono sto procitas je istiito, a ne izmisljeni price onih koji nas ili ne poznaju ili ne zele da nas upoznaju, a jedino zele da nas sto pre nestane, kao sto zu zelju za Isusa imali fariseji.
Poslednja izmena:

Nas cenjeni diskutant Adrian, pokusao je da nekakvu sliku, na kojij je masonski simbol, pripise advnetistima na osnovu koje je hteo da dokaze da su oni slobodi zidar ili masaoni.

Zahvaljujemo Adrianu na velikom trudu koji je ulozio da pronadje spornuto sliku, jer njenim pronalaskom, a ista se ne nalazi u Loma Lindi kao sto je on mislimo, nego u Kongresnoj biblioteci u Vasingtonu, on je dokazao da ta slika ne prpada adventismima i da je njegova izjava neosnovana, jer niti je umjetnik bio adventista niti je slika adventisticka.

Najveci dokaz da je Adrianov pokosaj neispravan je, sto je verovatno isti umetnik napravio slicnu sliku Jakovu Vajtu, koja se i dans cuva u Adventistickoj univerziteskoj arhivi biblioteke Loama Linda, A NA KOJOJ NE POSTOJI MASONSKI ZNAK. Time je nedvosmisleno dokazano da adventisti nemaju nista zajednickoga sa masonima.
(Sliku koju je umetnik uradio po narudzbini Jakova Vajta, prilozio je Nikoprodaja mozte te je videti na njegovom komentaru)

Tako je Adrian svojim pronalaskom sporne slike dokazao da adventisti nisu masoni.
Da je Adrian student u mome razredu ja bih mu rekao: Dobio si keca, sedi i cuti.

Ipak zahvaljujemo Adrianu na njegovom trudu kojim je dokazao istinu.

Нема на чему, видите да ипак радим за вас. Такође захваљујем на исцрпном броју доказа јер није ни требало много, пар речи и доказали сте да је слика у Конгресној библиотеци и Лома Линди без масонских делова. Свака похвала!

Пожурите само да ваша браћа која раде тамо дохвате гумицу па да побришу то свевидеће око цењене госпође Вајт. Дотле, вероваћемо вам на реч да нема тог фамозног ока и да сте "скокнули" до Вашингтона и Лома Линда универзитета.

Није ваљда да сам ја разлог да се узбудила читава адвентистичка дружина у Америци? Немојте људи, ја сам само обичан човек, много ми дижете цену, а не вредим ни помена пред Богом.

Значи то је та КОНФУЗИЈА која је споменута раније!

Poslednja izmena:
Разлика између ока Божијег или ОЧИЈУ Божијих и "свевидећег ока" је толика да нећу ни трошити време на тако нешто. Сви добро знају да се говори о ћоравом једнооком богу који се од самог почетка Библије протеже до самог краја. Његова имена су различита, тако да имамо Ваала (Баала), Завса, Јупитера, Озириса, Ра, и да не излажем даље јер то је тема за себе. То ви добро знате. Док сте нападали Сведоке све то сте лепо убацивали, а сад када се види да је повезано са вашом организацијом, сад браните исте оне термине које сте користили у вези Сведока. Крајње контрадикторно.

<font size="3"><span style="font-family:arial narrow;">

Када смо код спиритуалистичких и масонских термина немогуће је заобићи канале светлости (channels of light). Можете одгледати брдо документараца о Илуминатима и масонима и познатим Њу Ејџ гуруима који понављају да су неки "канали светлости", да каналишу неке енергије Универзума, да их неки духови користе као канале итд. Све је то из мистицизма и спиритуализма. Господ јесте рекао овако нешто:

16. Тако да се светли ваше видело пред људима, да виде ваша добра дела, и славе Оца вашег који је на небесима. (Матеј 5)
16. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. (Matthew 5)
Тачно се види да Господ нас не назива "каналима" или сл., на шта ће можда неко пробати да оправда "пророчицу" Вајт.

Living Channels of Light
"бла, бла, бла..."

By: Ellen White
Review and Herald
May 27, 1890

[h=2]Direct Channel Of Light[/h]Baal HaSulam, The Study of the Ten Sefirot, Part 1,“Table of Answers for the Meaning of the Words,” Question 47: What is Kav (line)? Kav indicates a discernment of up and down that was not there before. It also designates a much frailer He’arah (emanation) than before.

It’s a feeling that above me, there is another whole staircase, higher degrees and more exalted properties. On the other hand, I feel that I do not receive infinitely on every side, but am limited and can communicate with the Creator only in the form of a direct channel, a tube extending from the top down, which is called a “line.”
These are two totally different experiences. The feeling that you are at the bottom of the line is due to the lack of adhesion with the Creator. A sense of how small my ability to receive is due to the lack of the ability to bestow. This means that one limitation is qualitative and the other quantitative. [50121]

From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/7/2011, Talmud Eser Sefirot

"Vilmsherst nastavlja: “Do ove ‘visine’ stiže se merdevinama sa mnogo zavoja”.59 Merdevine sa mnogo zavoja predstavljaju “bezbroj puteva ili načina pomoću kojih se ljudi uspinju ka duhovnoj Svetlosti koja nas sve okružuje”.60 Biblija, pak, naglašava da postoji samo jedan put na Nebo, ali masonstvo uči da postoji “bezbroj puteva”."
Naslov originala: Hidden Secrets of Masonry, by Dr. Cathy Burns

И мердевине су јако битне као масонски симбол, али о томе касније. Сада је ствар у "каналисању светлости".

[h=1]Tu B'Shvat is the New Year of Trees. What does Kabbalah say about trees?[/h]Question: Tu B'Shvat is the New Year of Trees. What does Kabbalah say about trees?

Answer: Kabbalah teaches that the holidays are channels on which specific spiritual Light is revealed. Holidays enable every person on earth to connect to the unique Light that is available on that day, thereby drawing more Light into their lives.

Kabbalah teaches that every aspect of this world is filled with the Light of the Creator, and that every part of the universe works together for the betterment of the world. Trees and vegetation are an important aspect of both our spiritual and physical world.

On Tu B'Shevat the Creator showers new Light into the trees and vegetation of our world. Tu B'Shevat is an opportunity for all of us to connect and receive the new powerful Light that will begin permeating our world this Tu B'Shevat.

Rabbi Michael Berg

Утицај Кабале на масоне и читав свет сада је толики, да практично не прође дан да човек не згреши "конзумирајући" ово пиће пропасти. Од најпростијег хороскопа, медитација, сабирања светлости и космичких енергија и ко зна каквих погани још, па до најдубљег изучавања ове вавилонске заоставштине којим се руководе сви који имају или петокраку/шестокраку звезду, пирамидице, мердевине, степенице и још много тога што нам игра пред очима сваки дан. Да не залазим дубоко у окултне баљезгарије, довољно је и ово што сам до сада напоменуо. Остатак и није на нама хришћанима да изучавамо и испитујемо, већ само вољу Божију.

Ellen G. White: “Those who are inclined to regard their individual judgment as supreme are in
grave peril. It is Satan's studied effort to separate such ones from those who are
channels of light,
through whom God has wrought to build up and extend His work in the earth.” AA 164.

Ellen G. White
: “Every follower of Jesus has a work to do as a missionary for Christ, in the
family, in the neighborhood, in the town or city where he lives. All who are consecrated to God are
channels of light. God makes them instruments of righteousness to communicate to others the light
of truth.” – Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 632. – Christian Service (1925), page 18, paragraph 2

Ellen G. White: “The glory of the church of God is in the piety of its members; for there is the
hiding of Christ's power. The influence of the sincere children of God may be esteemed as of little
worth, but it will be felt throughout time, and rightly revealed in the day of reward. The light of a
true Christian, shining forth in steadfast piety, in unwavering faith, will prove to the world the
power of a living Saviour. In His followers Christ will be revealed as a well of water, springing up
into everlasting life. Although scarcely known to the world, they are acknowledged as God's
peculiar people, His chosen vessels of salvation, His
channels whereby light is to come to the
world.” – Review, March 24, 1891. – Christian Service (1925), page 19, paragraph 2

Ellen G. White: “Workers for Christ are never to think, much less to speak, of failure in their work.
The Lord Jesus is our efficiency in all things; His Spirit is to be our inspiration; and as we place
ourselves in His hands, to be
channels of light, our means of doing good will never be exhausted.
We may draw upon His fulness, and receive of that grace which has no limit.” – Gospel Workers, p.
19. – Christian Service (1925), page 261, paragraph 3

Ellen G. White
: “All who are consecrated to God will be
channels of light. God makes them His
agents to communicate to others the riches of His grace. His promise is, "I will make them and the
places round about My hill a blessing; and I will cause the shower to come down in his season;
there shall be showers of blessing." Ezekiel 34:26.” – The Desire of Ages (1898), page 141,
paragraph 4

Ellen G. White: “The youth who finds joy and happiness in reading the word of God and in the
hour of prayer is constantly refreshed by drafts from the Fountain of life. He will attain a height of
moral excellence and a breadth of thought of which others cannot conceive. . . . Those who thus
connect their souls with God are acknowledged by Him as His sons and daughters. They are
constantly reaching higher and still higher, obtaining clearer views of God and of eternity, until the
Lord makes them
channels of light and wisdom to the world.” – Maranatha (1976), page 122,
paragraph 3

Ellen G. White: “The youth who finds joy and happiness in reading the word of God and in the
hour of prayer is constantly refreshed by draughts from the Fountain of life. He will attain a height
of moral excellence and a breadth of thought of which others cannot conceive. Communion with
God encourages good thoughts, noble aspirations, clear perceptions of truth, and lofty purposes of
action. Those who thus connect their souls with God are acknowledged by Him as His sons and
daughters. They are constantly reaching higher and still higher, obtaining clearer views of God and
of eternity, until the Lord makes them
channels of light and wisdom to the world.” – Messages to
Young People (1930), page 431, paragraph 1

Ellen G. White: “The youth who finds joy and happiness in reading the Word of God and in the
hour of prayer is constantly refreshed by drafts from the Fountain of life. He will attain a height of
moral excellence and a breadth of thought of which others cannot conceive. Communion with God
encourages good thoughts, noble aspirations, clear perceptions of truth, and lofty purposes of
action. Those who thus connect their souls with God are acknowledged by Him as His sons and
daughters. They are constantly reaching higher and still higher, obtaining clear views of God and
of eternity, until the Lord makes them
channels of light and wisdom to the world.” – My Life
Today (1952), page 83, paragraph 4

Ellen G. White: “We can do nothing without the help of God. The Spirit of God must work with
our efforts, and if God's blessing attends us, we shall be
channels of light. The Lord is willing to
give us all an experience, which, if improved, will bring us from the lowlands of earth into close,
heavenly relationship with God, and every fiber of selfishness will be uprooted from our natures.” –
Reflecting Christ (1985), page 205, paragraph 6

Ellen G. White: “It is the privilege of every earnest seeker for truth and righteousness, to rely
upon the sure promises of God. The Lord Jesus makes manifest the fact that the treasures of divine
grace are placed entirely at our disposal, in order that we may become
channels of light. We
cannot receive the riches of the grace of Christ without desiring to impart them to others. When we
have the love of Christ in our hearts, we shall feel that it is our duty and privilege to communicate
it.” – Reflecting Christ (1985), page 304, paragraph 2

Ellen G. White: “The youth who finds joy and happiness in reading the word of God and in the
hour of prayer is constantly refreshed by drafts from the
Fountain of life. He will attain a height of
moral excellence and a breadth of thought of which others cannot conceive. Communion with God
encourages good thoughts, noble aspirations, clear perceptions of truth, and lofty purposes of
action. Those who thus connect their souls with God are acknowledged by Him as His sons and
daughters. They are constantly reaching higher and still higher, obtaining clearer views of God and
of eternity, until the Lord makes them
channels of light and wisdom to the world.” – Testimonies
for the Church Volume Four (1876-1881), page 624, paragraph 2

Ellen G. White: “36."The cause of God needs teachers who have high moral qualities, and can be
trusted with the education of others--men who are sound in the faith, and have tact and patience;
who walk with God, and abstain from the very appearance of evil; who stand so closely connected
with God, that they can be
channels of light--in short, Christian gentlemen." – (C.E., p. 213.) –
(Australasian) Union Conference Record, July 26, 1899, paragraph 36

Ellen G. White: “It was an insult to God when David numbered Israel. God's rebuke rested upon
him; for he made himself as God, as though he could tell the strength of the armies of Israel by
their numbers. "This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power,
but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of Hosts." God looks not to the numbers of Israel for the success of
his work. His armies number thousands of thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand. These
co-operate with the men who will connect with God to be
channels of light.” – The Gospel of
Health, September 1, 1898, paragraph 3

Ellen G. White: “This scripture speaks of the vital union which should exist between Christ and
His disciples. Constantly we are to strive to obtain this union. The religion which consists merely of
profession is but pretense. Those whose union with Christ ends with the writing of their names on
the church roll are not
channels of light.” – The Signs of the Times , September 4, 1901,
paragraph 4

Ellen G. White: “The parents who are
channels of light in the home are acknowledged by all
heaven as faithful stewards of the manifold grace of God. They are teachers, educating their
children in lines that make them considerate and compassionate. They know that as Christ's
representatives they are dealing with human minds to teach the beauty of holiness, and to
communicate the knowledge and wisdom of God. Such parents take their children with them in the
heavenward way.” – The Signs of the Times , March 3, 1909, paragraph 2

Ellen G. White: “The Lord Jesus is our efficiency in all things; His Spirit is to be our inspiration;
and as we place ourselves in His hands, to be
channels of light, our means of doing good will
never be exhausted; for the resources of the power of Jesus Christ are to be at our command. We
may draw upon his fullness, and receive of that grace which has no limit.” – An Appeal to Our
Churches in Behalf of Home Missionary Work (1896), page 28, paragraph 1

Ellen G. White: The cause of God needs teachers who have high moral qualities, and can be
trusted with the education of others--men who are sound in the faith, and have tact and patience;
who walk with God, and abstain from the very appearance of evil; who stand so closely connected
with God, that they can be
channels of light--in short, Christian gentlemen." – C. E., p. 213. –
Church Schools (1899), page 19, paragraph 5

Додао бих где се још одражава "каналисање светлости". Ради се о једном покрету који је директно и индиректно укључио велики број људи широм планете. Путем медија и политике су пласиране неке доктрине и мишљења која се код многих понављају, а човек и не види да говори као и остали. То је прича о "многим путевима до Бога", да смо сви у једној заједници и да морамо да наставимо пројекат "ДЕЦА ЦВЕЋА" и још много термина који су већ устаљени, чак и код деце јер много времена проводе поред телевизије и рачунара.

Још једна појава је МЕДИЈУМ или ПОСРЕДНИК који каналише нешто. Можда је најбоље видети и тај део приче.

Mediumship is defined as the practice of certain people—known as mediums—to mediate communication between spirits of the dead and other human beings.[SUP][/SUP] While no evidence has been accepted by the scientific community in support of the view that there has been communication between the living and the dead, some parapsychologists say that some of their research suggests that such communication may have taken place. The practice is associated with several religious belief systems such as Spiritualism, Spiritism, Espiritismo, Candomblé, Voodoo, Umbanda and some New Age groups.

Mediumship is also part of the belief system of some New Age groups. In this context, and under the name "channelling", it refers to a medium (the channel) who is said to receive messages from a "teaching-spirit".

[h=3]Channeling[/h] In the latter half of the 20th century, Western mediumship developed in two different ways. One type involves psychics or sensitives who claim to speak to spirits and then relay what they hear to their clients. Clairvoyant Danielle Egnew is known for her alleged communication with angelic entities.

The other incarnation of non-physical mediumship is a form of channeling in which the channeler goes into a trance (као Елен Г. Вајт), or "leaves their body".

  • Gilmore, Mernie (October 31, 2005). "A spiritual connection". The Express (London).
  • Brandreth, Gyles (Sunday, November 3, 2002). "IS ANYBODY THERE?". The Sunday Telegraph (London).
  • "Glossary of Key Words Frequently Used in Parapsychology", Parapsychological Association website. "Materialization: A phenomenon of physical mediumship in which living entities or inanimate objects are caused to take form, sometimes from ectoplasm." Retrieved January 24, 2006
  • "Medium - Definition". Retrieved 2007-03-23.
  • Wood, Matthew (2007). Possession Power and the New Age: Ambiguities of Authority in Neoliberal Societies. Ashgate Publishing, Limited. ISBN 0-7546-3339-X

Медијумство се дефинише као пракса појединих људи познатих као медијума - посредују комуникацију између духова мртвих и других људских бића. Иако нема доказа који су прихваћени од стране научне заједнице у прилог ставу да је дошло до комуникација између живих и мртвих, неки парапсихолози кажу да нека од њихових истраживања сугеришу да се таква комуникација десила. Пракса је повезана са неколико верских система, као што су Спиритуализам, Спиритизам, Еспиритисмо, Цандомбле, Воодоо, Умбанда и неких ЊУ ЕЈЏ група.

Медијумство је такође део система веровања неких ЊУ ЕЈЏ група. У том контексту, и под именом "каналисање", то се односи на медијума (канал), који каже да прима поруке од "духа-учитеља".


У другој половини 20. века, западно медијумство се развија у два различита правца. Један тип укључује видовњаке или сензоре који тврде да говоре за духовима и онда пренесе оно што су чули својим клијентима. Видовњак Данијела Егнев је позната по својој наводној комуникацији са анђеоским ентитета.

Друга инкарнација, не-видовњачко медијумство, је облик каналисања у којем "канал" иде у транс ( као Елен Г Вајт ), или "оставља своје тело".


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    svevideće oko lucifera.JPG
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Poslednja izmena od urednika:

Oni koji se u 21. veku nazivaju hriscanima, umesto da se trude da doznaju tajnu Hristovog utelovljenja, tajnu krsta, najnu Bozje milosti koja opravdava i spasava gresnika koji se kaje i ostavlja greh, oni se upinju svim slilama DA UPOZNAJU TAJUNE MASONSKOG TAJNOG DRUSTVA.

Opisusjuci Lucifera PRE NJEGOIVOG PAD dok je jos bio SVETLONOSA, prorok Gospodnji kaze:
"Ti si BIO heruvim, pomazan da zklanjas." Jezekilj 28,14.
Trebalo bi da znaju, a na stetu ipak ne znaju, da je Lucifer BIO svetlonosa pre svoga pada i to je bila uzvisena duznost koju mu je Bog dodelio. Imao je najveci polozaj medju andejlima.

Medjutim, zbog njegove oholosti i otpada prorok izjavljuje: "Savrsen bese na putevima svojim DOK SE NE NADJE BEZAKONJE NA TEBI." Jezekilj 28,15.
Prorok dalje obajsnjava: "Ti POKVARI mudrost svoju svetloscu svojom."
Tako Lucifer vise nije svetlonosa nego nosilac muke i mraka, zacetnik svakoga zla: "Suparnik vas djavo, kao lav ricuci hodi i trazi koga da prozdre." 1. Petrova 5,8.

Prorok Isaija ovako opisuje pad toga nekadasnjeg nosioca svetlosti: "A ti se u pakao svrze, u dubinu grobnu." Isaija 14.15.

Na veliku zalost, onaj koji bi trebao da ispituje tajne Biblije - izvor spasonoisne istine i Bozje blagodati, on ispituje masonske tajne koji su ih ubedili da je sotona jos uvek nosilac svetlosti. To je velika zamka varalice koji na taj nacin odvodi ljudeo od Hrista, jedinog izvora spasenja i vodi ih stramputicom.

Drugo IZNENADJENJE JE sto te lutalice i BOZJE SLUGE, koje su pozvane da objave svetu videlo istine, svrstavaju sa Luciferom, koji je svojim padom postao sotona i umesto svetlosti siri tamu.

Izgleda da oni nikad nisu culi za Bozji poziv koji glasi: "USTANI I SVETLI SE!, JER DODJE SVETLOST TVOJA I SLAVA GOSPODNJA OBASJA TE." Isija 60,1. Izgleda da njih jos nebska svetlost nije obasjala i jos nisu upoznali lepotu slave Gospodnje.

Bozja poruka daje i razlog, zbog koga sluge Gospodnje treba da ustanu i objavljuju Gospodnju vest spasenja:
Isaija 60,2.

Oni koje je obasjao Gospod i nad kojima se zaista pokazla slava Bozja su nosioci svetlosti svetu. Njih ne zanimaju masonske tajne, vec nose istinu gladnim i zednim dusama istine.

Svoje nosioce svetlosti Bog poziva: "Iznesite vodu pred zedne, sretnite s hlebom begunce," Isaija 21.14.
O tim nosiocima svetlosti govori prorok.

Bog poziva vesnike istine, koji ce svetloscu istine obasjati ceo svet koji je u mraku neznanja.

Bog zaista od svakoga hriscanina ocekuje da bude KANAL ISTINE kojim ce spasonosna Hristova milost teci do svakoga gresnika koji trazi pot spasenja.

Pred nam je izbor, ili cemo se odazvati pozivu Bozje milosti i poistati njegovi nosioci videla svetu, ili cemo tumarati po mraju i u masonskim zabludama traziti da zadovoljimo svoju radoznalost. U ovo sudbonosno vreme, sta ces ti izabrati?
Poslednja izmena:


Hrišcansko ponašanje

Pozvani smo da budemo pobožan narod koji misli, oseca i radi u skladu sa nebeskim nacelima.
Zbog Duha koji u nama ponovo stvara karakter našeg Gospoda, mi se ukljucujemo samo u ono
što ce u našem životu stvoriti cistotu slicnu Hristu, zdravlje i radost. To znaci da naša zabava
treba da odgovara najvišim merilima hrišcanskog ukusa i lepote.
Dok priznajemo kulturne razlike, naša odeca treba da bude jednostavna, skromna i ukusna,
koja dolikuje onima cija se istinska lepota ne sastoji od spoljašnjeg ukrašavanja,
vec od neprolaznog ukrasa blagog i tihog duha. To takode znaci da pošto je naše telo hram
Svetoga Duha, mi treba da se razumno brinemo o njemu. Pored dovoljnog vežbanja i odmora,
treba da usvojimo i najzdraviju mogucu ishranu i uzdržimo se od neciste hrane utvrdene u Svetom pismu.
Pošto alkoholna pica, duvan i neodgovorno korišcenje droga i narkotika štetno uticu na naše zdravlje i
od njih treba da se uzdržimo. Umesto toga treba da ucestvujemo u svemu što naše misli i telo dovodi u
poslušnost Hristu koji nam želi zdravlje, radost i dobro. (Rimljanima 12,1.2; 1. Jovanova 2,6; Efescima 5,1-21; Filibljanima 4,8; 2. Korincanima 10,5; 6,14-7,1; 1. Petrova 3,1-4; 1. Korincanima 6,19.20; 10,31; 3. Mojsijeva 11,1-47; 3. Jovanova 2)
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Hrišćansko ponašanje 598 b.jpg

Правило форума је да се наведе одакле је нешто цитирано или милион пута поновљено.

21. Hrišcansko ponašanje
Pozvani smo da budemo pobožan narod koji misli, oseca i radi u skladu sa nebeskim nacelima. Zbog Duha koji u nama ponovo stvara karakter našeg Gospoda, mi se ukljucujemo samo u ono što ce u našem životu stvoriti cistotu slicnu Hristu, zdravlje i radost. To znaci da naša zabava treba da odgovara najvišim merilima hrišcanskog ukusa i lepote. Dok priznajemo kulturne razlike, naša odeca treba da bude jednostavna, skromna i ukusna, koja dolikuje onima cija se istinska lepota ne sastoji od spoljašnjeg ukrašavanja, vec od neprolaznog ukrasa blagog i tihog duha. To takode znaci da pošto je naše telo hram Svetoga Duha, mi treba da se razumno brinemo o njemu. Pored dovoljnog vežbanja i odmora, treba da usvojimo i najzdraviju mogucu ishranu i uzdržimo se od neciste hrane utvrdene u Svetom pismu. Pošto alkoholna pica, duvan i neodgovorno korišcenje droga i narkotika štetno uticu na naše zdravlje i od njih treba da se uzdržimo. Umesto toga treba da ucestvujemo u svemu što naše misli i telo dovodi u poslušnost Hristu koji nam želi zdravlje, radost i dobro. (Rimljanima 12,1.2; 1. Jovanova 2,6; Efescima 5,1-21; Filibljanima 4,8; 2. Korincanima 10,5; 6,14-7,1; 1. Petrova 3,1-4; 1. Korincanima 6,19.20; 10,31; 3. Mojsijeva 11,1-47; 3. Jovanova 2)

Šta veruju adventisti

Hršćansko ponašanje
Pozvani smo da budemo pobožan narod koji misli, oseća i radi u skladu sa nebeskim načelima. Zbog Duha koji u nama ponovo stvara karakter našeg Gospoda, mi se uključujemo samo u ono što će u našem životu stvoriti čistotu sličnu Hristu, zdravlje i radost. To znači da naša zabava treba da odgovara najvišim merilima hrišćanskog ukusa i lepote. Dok priznajemo kulturne razlike, naša odeća treba da bude jednostavna, skromna i ukusna, koja dolikuje onima čija se istinska lepota ne sastoji od spoljašnjeg ukrašavanja, već od neprolaznog ukrasa blagog i tihog duha. To takođe znači da pošto je naše telo hram Svetog Duha, mi treba da se razumno brinemo o njemu. Pored dovoljnog vežbanja i odmora, treba da usvojimo i najzdraviju moguću ishranu i uzdržimo se od nečiste hrane utvrđene u Svetom pismu. Pošto alkoholna pića, duvan i neodgovorno korišćenje droga i narkotika štetno utiču na naše zdravlje i od njih treba da se uzdržimo. Umesto toga treba da učestvujemo u svemu što naše misli i telo dovodi u poslušnost Hristu koji nam želi zdravlje, radost i dobro.

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