
Jel bre ladokejac sta si se uvatio za tog jarca pa ga ne pustas?jel ti mnogo znaci?sta to nije jasno u ovom stihu?А сутрадан виде Јован Исуса где иде к њему, и рече: Гле, јагње Божије које узе на се грехе света.’’..... posle koje krštava Isusa, a onda On odlazi u pustinju da ga kuša Azazael (sotona).

Dali ti je to jasno!!!????

Ovo je taj jarac koga vi reklamirate:
Pogledajte prilog 31441

A ne koji prima grehe sveta na sebe bratko!!bezite od baba jelene!!ona je vestica a ne prorok.

Svetlonosa!! to je vas Isus.

Pogledajte prilog 31442 Pogledajte prilog 31443 Pogledajte prilog 31444

To je vas bog!!

Pusti tog jarca i jelenu i idi bre Hristu ispasavaj se kroz blagodat a ne kroz zakon jaram koji su vam natovarili Miler,jelena itd radi profita i bogatstva.

Drugi jarac !

Ovo je u potpunoj suprotnosti sa kontekstom onoga sto biblija govori o Hristu kao žrtvi koja umire na krstu a koje su strarozavetne žrtve koje su se prinosile na žrtvenik bile samo simbol.
Dakle, suština je u tome da je jedan jarac bio žrtvovan na žrtvenik, a drugi je bio proteran u pustinju da tamo umre, jedan je umirao na žrtvi a drugi u pustinji.

1. U kojoj suprotnosti !?
Da li imaš STIHOVE ili samo adventističku konstataciju ?

2. Kojim ARGUMENTIMA dokazuješ da je drugi jarac završio SMRĆU U PUSTINJI !?
Mogao je ostati živ na 10 načina !

Prema tome, Isus je po toj simbolici umro na krstu za grehe ljudske, a nije otišao u pustinju da tamo okonča svoj život.
Tvoja simbolika je potpuno pogrešna

1. Zašto već drugi put spominješ Isusovu smrt na krstu. Ovo je klasično adventističko SPAMOVANJE ! Nije sporan prvi jarac, već drugi.
Ipak se vi najopasniji sada to lepo vidim. Definitivno! Evo i dokaza:

2. Dva ili tri puta sam ja napisao (a i Faky potvrdio) da drugi jarac predstavlja Hrista koji završava u pustinji – Da bi ti sada ovde KONSTATOVAO DA SAM JA REKAO DA JE HRIST OTIŠAO U PUSTINJU DA OKONČA SVOJ ŽIVOT !
I ovo je ko zna koji put na ovoj temi da se služite INSINUACIJAMA !!!

Isus jeste nakon krštenja otišao u pustinju, ali si zaboravio da kažeš ko ga je tamo čekao, jer po bibliji to je upravo bio sotona đavo koji prebiva u pustinji.

U razgovoru sa prijateljima, neformalno smo došli do zaključka da JARAC u oba slučaja predstavlja Hrista. U prvom slučaju (na koji je pao žreb za žrtvovanje) znači Hristovu smrt na Krstu Golgote. A u drugom slučaju (koji se pušta) predstavlja Hristovu kušnju u pustinji posle Njegovog krštenja na Jordanu. Jer upravo tada Jovan Krstitelj izgovara onu čuvenu rečenicu : ’’ А сутрадан виде Јован Исуса где иде к њему, и рече: Гле, јагње Божије које узе на се грехе света. ’’..... posle koje krštava Isusa, a onda On odlazi u pustinju da ga kuša Azazael (sotona). Znači Hrist (jarac koji se pušta) uzima grehe celog čovečanstva i odlazi 40 dana u pustinju da ga kuša đavo........
Ovo je 100-ti put da sam se uverio.

"Кад нечисти дух изиђе из човјека, иде кроз безводна мјеста ( PUSTINJU ) тражећи покоја, и
не нашавши рече: да се вратим у дом свој откуда сам изишао" ( Luka 11. 24 )

Naime, ljudi onoga vremena su verovali da je pustinja mistično mesto gde vladaju zle sile.
Iz tog razloga biblija vezuje đavola za pustinju, i zato Isus odlazi u pustinju da ga đavo kuša.

Prema tome, simbolika je jasna, jarac koji je proteran u pustinju je sam sotona na koga će u času suda biti bačeni gresi kojih je on začetnik i sa njima biti bačen u ognjeno jezero.
Po adventisičkoj nauci – stihove koje si dao ama baš nikave veze nemaju sa drugim jarcem koji se pušta u pustinju i za koga vi tvrdite da je sam sotona ! Uostalom tu nauku ima samo Adventistička Crkva. Normalno to nije dokaz da je lažna - Dokaz su Biblijski stihovi. Ali i tu nemate povezanosti između drugog jarca i sotone !!! Imate samo Adventističko tumačenje Pisma.

Na sotonu neće biti bačeni gresi u svojstvu spasenja, jer Isus je preuzeo grehe ljudske na sebe umrevši na krstu da bi platio cenu našeg prestupa, već će biti biti bačeni da on sa njima umre u ognjenom jezeru kao začetnik greha, na njega će se na kraju vratiti svo zlo koje je prouzrokovao i on će primiti pravednu kaznu a to je večna smrt.
Oba JARCA se uzimaju od Jevreja za žrtvovanje jednog. Pošto se baca kocka, Jevreji neznaju na koga će pasti - Znači oba jarca su od godinu dana bez mane, kakav je Mojsijev zakon o žrtvenim životinjama. (stihovi 5-9).
Kada se baci ždreb jedan jarac se prinosi na žrtvu, a njegova krv se unosi u Svetinju nad Svetinjama radi očišćenja. Sve se ovo dešava na Yom Kipur – sveti dan kod Jevreja koji se dešava 1 X godišnje....( stihovi 15-17).
Jarac na koji padne ždreba da se odvede u pustinju za Azazaela se pušta. (stih 10).
2. Pošto su oba jarca od godinu dana i bez mane – Po Adventistima ispada da je jedan Hrist a drugi sotona – Odnosno da ista stvar predstavlja dve potpuno rzličite ličnosti !? A to se opet ne uklapa po Bibliji (Јован 14:30 Већ нећу много говорити с вама; јер иде кнез овог света, и у мени нема ништа.) !?
Nemoguće je da ista životinja – Jarac od godinu dana, bez mane, na koga se prebacuju naši gresi – Predstavlja u jednom slučaju Hrista, a u drugom sotonu. Praktično znači da ih izjednačavamo !? A vidimo po Pismu da oni nemaju ništa zajedničkog......
4. Pismo kaže da GREHE LJUDI, odnosno celog čovečanstva uzima Hrist ( Јован 1:29 А сутрадан виде Јован Исуса где иде к њему, и рече: Гле, јагње Божије које узе на се грехе света.
1. Коринћ.15:3Јер вам најпре предадох шта и примих да Христос умре за грехе наше, по писму,
1. Јован 3:5 И знате да се Он јави да грехе наше узме; и греха у Њему нема. ) – Kako sada ovde uzima i Hrist i sotona naše grehe !?

Još jedan dokaz da sam ispravno ovo protumačio a Adventna Crkva lažno – NIKO MI OD KADA SAM POSTAVIO MOJ POST NIJE ODGOOVRIO NA JEDNO PITANJE:
Upravo tako !
Pismo kaže da je JARAC u starozavetnoj tipologoiji uvek predstavljao Hrista (žrtva za greh) . Tako da jarac u Starom Zavetu nikako ne može predstavlajti sotonu !?
Sve predslike i tipologija, iz Starog Zaveta, ukazuju na Hrista ! Nema nijedne koja ukazuje na sotonu. Sve što mi trebamo znati o sotoni iz Biblije je da je on krvnik ljudskog roda, i koje je oružje potrebno da bi se odbranili i zaštitili od njega i njegovih anđela ! I ništa drugo. Ali eto ima neke denominacije koje hoće još nešto da mu stave ili prišiju. Kao npr. da on nosi grehe čitavog čovečanstva. Kako on nije Lucifer, kako on nije ličnost već zlo u nama, kako ni đavo nije crn, kakvim ga predstavljaju, .............
Koja predslika ili tipologija u Starom Zavetu nam govori o sotoni!?

Prema tome ova Adventistička nauka ima za cilj da na mala vrata proturi izjednačavanje Hrista i sotone, jer jednu istu predsliku (jarca od godinu dana bez mane) predstavljaju u jednom slučaju kao Hrista a u drugom kao sotonu.

I još jednu stvar sam pogodio – Na sve ste spremni samo da bi odbranili svoju jeres. I spaovanje i laži i insinuacije –što se lepo može videti u ovom tvom postu. Izmišljaš nešto što ja uopšte nisam rekao.
Poslednja izmena:
Jel bre ladokejac sta si se uvatio za tog jarca pa ga ne pustas?jel ti mnogo znaci?sta to nije jasno u ovom stihu?А сутрадан виде Јован Исуса где иде к њему, и рече: Гле, јагње Божије које узе на се грехе света.’’..... posle koje krštava Isusa, a onda On odlazi u pustinju da ga kuša Azazael (sotona).

Dali ti je to jasno!!!????

Ovo je taj jarac koga vi reklamirate:
Pogledajte prilog 31441

A ne koji prima grehe sveta na sebe bratko!!bezite od baba jelene!!ona je vestica a ne prorok.

Svetlonosa!! to je vas Isus.

Pogledajte prilog 31442 Pogledajte prilog 31443 Pogledajte prilog 31444

To je vas bog!!

Pusti tog jarca i jelenu i idi bre Hristu ispasavaj se kroz blagodat a ne kroz zakon jaram koji su vam natovarili Miler,jelena itd radi profita i bogatstva.


Ma kako da ne Mikane ja jos nevide da ste na ovoj temi bilo gde sto mi stavimo na forum napisali da ima veze,a i kako ce te viste dogmasi, a ne biblisti.
Jel bre ladokejac sta si se uvatio za tog jarca pa ga ne pustas?jel ti mnogo znaci?sta to nije jasno u ovom stihu?А сутрадан виде Јован Исуса где иде к њему, и рече: Гле, јагње Божије које узе на се грехе света.’’..... posle koje krštava Isusa, a onda On odlazi u pustinju da ga kuša Azazael (sotona).

Dali ti je to jasno!!!????

Ovo je taj jarac koga vi reklamirate:
Pogledajte prilog 31441

A ne koji prima grehe sveta na sebe bratko!!bezite od baba jelene!!ona je vestica a ne prorok.

Svetlonosa!! to je vas Isus.

Pogledajte prilog 31442 Pogledajte prilog 31443 Pogledajte prilog 31444

To je vas bog!!

Pusti tog jarca i jelenu i idi bre Hristu ispasavaj se kroz blagodat a ne kroz zakon jaram koji su vam natovarili Miler,jelena itd radi profita i bogatstva.
Pa tako barem kažu. Da je drugi jarac koji se pušta u pustinju za Yom Kipur - taj što si ti dao na slici. I da on nosi naše grehe!
Pa sada ko hoće u to da veruje - Nek veruje!
Jel bre ladokejac sta si se uvatio za tog jarca pa ga ne pustas?jel ti mnogo znaci?sta to nije jasno u ovom stihu?А сутрадан виде Јован Исуса где иде к њему, и рече: Гле, јагње Божије које узе на се грехе света.’’..... posle koje krštava Isusa, a onda On odlazi u pustinju da ga kuša Azazael (sotona).

Dali ti je to jasno!!!????

Ovo je taj jarac koga vi reklamirate:
Pogledajte prilog 31441

A ne koji prima grehe sveta na sebe bratko!!bezite od baba jelene!!ona je vestica a ne prorok.

Svetlonosa!! to je vas Isus.

Pogledajte prilog 31442 Pogledajte prilog 31443 Pogledajte prilog 31444

To je vas bog!!

Pusti tog jarca i jelenu i idi bre Hristu ispasavaj se kroz blagodat a ne kroz zakon jaram koji su vam natovarili Miler,jelena itd radi profita i bogatstva.


Miko posto nisi vide post dalje evo! morao sam sve zive linkove da ugasim. Why would Freemasons want to infiltrate religions? According Albert Pike, Grand Commander and Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry, the purpose of infiltrating religions is to corrupt them and fill them with error.
Religion, to obtain currency and influence with the great mass of mankind, must needs to be alloyed [mixed] with such an amount of error as to place it far below the standard attainable by the higher human capacities.” “What is Truth to the philosopher, would not be Truth, nor have the effect of Truth, to the peasant. The religion of the Many must necessarily be more incorrect than that of the refined and reflective few…” The truest religion would, in many points, not be comprehended by the ignorant, nor consolatory to them, nor guiding and supporting for them. The doctrines of the bible are often not clothed in the language of strict truth, but in that which was fittest to convey to a rude and ignorant people the practical essentials of the doctrine. A perfectly pure faith, free from all extraneous admixtures, a system of noble theism and lofty morality, would find too little preparation for it in the common mind and hear, to admit of prompt reception by the masses of mankind; and Truth might no have reached us, if it had no borrowed the wings of Error.” (Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, p. 224, Kessinger Publishing, 2004 edition) emphasis added​
Did William Miller ever repent from his Masonic occult activities? It is possible that he did, but one interesting and suspicious fact that draws attention is that he resigned from the Lodge less than a month after he started to preach about the end of the world:
It cannot be coincidental that Miller resigned from the Masons less than a month after his first public lecture on the end of the world.” (David L. Rowe, God’s Strange Work, William Miller and the End of the World, Rowe: 2008, p. 94), (Washington Association Minutes, 1828)
Another surprising fact takes place many years after Miller supposedly resigned from Freemasonry. An interesting comment from him was found in a letter sent to Truman Hendryx, April 10,1833, written by Miller himself, where at that point he was still showing neither repentance nor remorse about his “previous” Masonic activities.
I never said nor practiced, anything knowingly to injure my country, the Church of Christ, or my fellow creatures.” (Miller to Truman Hendryx, April 10, 1833, Miller Letters)
MILLER PROPHETIC CHART THAT LED THEM TO THE 1844 GREAT DISAPPOINTMENT Miller remained a Freemason for 15 years after becoming a Baptist. It wasn’t until 1831 that he wrote a letter of resignation, probably not because there was anything wrong about being a Freemason but according to him “to consilliate the feelings of my Brethren in Christ” and to avoid “fellowship with any practice that may be incompatible with the Word of God among masons”. (September 10, 1831, Miller Farm), (David L. Rowe, God’s Strange Work, William Miller and the End of the World, Rowe: 2008, p. 93,94) Bold added by blog WILLIAM MILLER’S APOCALYPSE AS DEPICTED IN NEWSPAPER DURING THE TIME OF THE GREAT DISAPPOINTMENT After many failed attempts in setting dates for the end of the world, Miller accepted his failure as a prophet and retired in shame. There was a jump in membership in the Shakers and other movements after the Great Disappointment but most returned to mainstream Protestantism. A small group remained true to Miller’s teachings; they grew into the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Miller himself never truly recovered; he died in 1849 at the age of 67. Some of his failed Apocalyptic prophetic dates where: April 23, 1843, March 21, 1843, March 21, 1844, April 18, 1844, August 1844 and finally October 21, 1844. Was Miller warned against his date setting activities? Yes! Let’s see all the warnings:
  1. “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.” (Matthew 24:36-37 NIV1984)
  2. “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come.” (Mark 13:32-33 NIV1984)
  3. “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.” (Matthew 24:42 NIV1984)
  4. So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.” (Matthew 24:44 NIV1984)
  5. “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.” (Matthew 25:13 NIV1984)
  6. “Therefore keep watch because you do not know when the owner of the house will come back—whether in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or at dawn.” (Mark 13:35 NIV1984)
  7. “Now, brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. “(1 Thessalonians 5:1-2 NIV1984)
  8. “He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority.” (Acts 1:7 NIV 1984)
ANTI-MILLERITE CARTOON – 1843 NEWSPAPER What Bible was Mr. Miller reading? Didn’t he know that Jesus and the apostles strongly condemned this type of date setting activity? Walter Martin’s book “The Kingdom of the Cults”, compares two positions, “Miller versus the Scriptures:
God declared that no man would know the time; Miller stated that he did know the time. God said the times and seasons were within His own power; the Millerites declared that they had the prophetic key given to them. Jesus Christ stated, “No man knows the day or the hour”, but the Millerites set the exact day (October 22, 1844). And history bears a bitter record of their terrible disappointment.” (Walter Martin, The Kingdom of the Cults, p. 539, Ravi Zacharias edition, 2003)
Hiram Edson 1806-1882 After the false prophesy of 1844, a man named Hiram Edson claimed to have received “new light”. Edson commissioned Owen Russell Loomis Crosier to publish the new doctrine of the investigative judgement in the local Day-Star extra newspaper February 7, 1846. Edson meanwhile had sent copies of his new doctrines to as many addresses he could gather. Soon the story would reach James White. Later on, Ellen White would claim that her prophetic visions gave her true interpretation of William Miller 1843-1844 false prophecies. Did Freemasonry stop with William Miller? What about Ellen and James White? Before we continue with the Seventh-Day Adventist, let’s just make a short pause and have a quick review of the symbolic meaning of signs and gestures in historical Freemasonry. That will help us understand a little bit better where all of this sectarian indoctrination comes from. Signs and Gestures Used by Members of Secret Societies According to the article The Hidden Hand that Shaped History, in Freemasonry, signs and gestures have a symbolic meaning:
The symbolic significance of this gesture might explain the reason why it is so widely used by famous Masons. The hidden hand lets the other initiates know that the individual depicted is part of this secret Brotherhood and that his actions were inspired by the Masonic philosophy and beliefs. Furthermore, the hand that executes the actions is hidden behind cloth, which can symbolically refer to covert nature of the Mason’s actions.” (The Vigilant Citizen, The Hidden Hand that Shaped History, Vigilant Report Oct. 20, 2009)​
The picture above shows the occult Book of Fate and Oraculum. Note the illustration of Napoleon giving the hidden hand gesture at the beginning of the book. According to some accounts, the book, known to Napoleon as “The Oraculum“, helped him in many of his historical enterprises.
Napoleon was also said to be aided by occult powers. In 1813 he was defeated at Leipzip and behind him was a ‘Cabinet of Curiosities’ in which a Prussian officer discovered his Book of Fate and Oraculum. Originally this Oraculum was discovered in one of the Royal tombs of Egypt during a French military expedition of 1801. The emperor ordered the manuscript to be translated by a famous German scholar and antiquarian. From that time onward, the Oraculum was one of Napoleon’s most treasured possessions. He consulted it on many occasions and it is said to have ‘formed a stimulus to his most speculative and most successful enterprises’.”(The Vigilant Citizen, The Hidden Hand that Shaped History, Vigilant Report Oct. 20, 2009)​
Now with this is mind, let us proceed with the Seventh-Day Adventist Mystery Babylon Connection. Seventh-Day Adventists, from Cult to Occult THE WHITE FAMILY (1865) – FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: ELLEN, WILLIAM (WILLIE), JAMES AND EDSON (WHITE ESTATE PHOTO) The following segment will document substantial visual proof that the first family of the Seventh-Day Adventists was involved in the cult of Freemasonry. In the next photograph observe carefully the hidden hand sign of James White standing behind Ellen White. If you think this is a mere coincidence, keep reading. HORNELLSVILE, N.Y. CAMP MEETING 1880 – OBSERVE JAMES WHITE’S POSTURE BEHIND ELLEN G. WHITE “KNIGHTS OF THE CHRISTIAN MARK”. TAKE A CLOSE LOOK AT JAMES WHITE GIVING THE SIGN OF THE “KNIGHTS OF THE CHRISTIAN MARK”
Invincible Order of the “Knights of the Christian Mark”
Twice in the Knights of the Christian Mark Masonic Initiation Ritual, it has been revealed in Elder David Bernand’s Book Light on Masonry that Pope Sylvester and Pope Alexander are both invoked. (David Bernard, Light on Masonry, pp. 168, 170, published 1829) The following is an extract of the Initiation Ritual for the “Knights of the Christian Mark” Masonic Order. For better resolution please click on the image:
The following photographs reveal James Edson White and Ellen G. White displaying Masonic postures. Observe and compare them. ON THE LEFT IS J. EDSON WHITE (ELLEN’s SON) DISPLAYING THE “SING OF THE MASTER SECOND VEIL” ELLEN WHITE DISPLAYING THE “SING OF THE FELLOW CRAFT” – A PICTURE SAYS MORE THAN A THOUSAND WORDS… According to the book The Art and Architecture of Freemasonry by James Sevens Curl, “the left hand is the symbol of equity”, page 238.
Ellen White would display her second degree left-handed Masonic sign to initiate the “equity” of the first black leaders of Oakwood Educational Institution. She and her son Edson would boldly flash their allegiances to the Satanic Mystery Religion of snake cult Freemasonry.” (Seventh-Day Abomination Documentary)
COMPARE ELLEN’S POSTURE TO ANN BESANT (CENTER), FOUNDER OF MASONRY FOR WOMEN IN AMERICA HONORABLE MRS. ALDWORTH “THE FEMALE FREEMASON” For those who don’t believe that women can be accepted in the Masonic order, the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry says the opposite. In fact, on page 353 you will find a picture of Mrs. Elizabeth Aldworth (above) as Lady Freemason. Observe the posture of Elizabeth Aldworth posing as “The Female Freemason”. Source: (Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon) TWO WOMEN GIVING THE “SIGN OF THE FELLOW CRAFT” AT SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CAMP MEETING ANOTHER MASON LEADER GIVING THE SIGN OF THE “MASTER SECOND VEIL” AT THE SDA CAMP MEETING “LADY FREEMASON MRS. ELIZABETH ALDWORTH.” ALSO FOUND IN THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FREEMASONRY, p.353, BY ALBERT MACKEY, 33° Above Image ID: 495465 Hon. Mrs. Elizabeth Aldworth – the Female Freemason; Fac-simile of the jewel worn by the honorable Mrs. Aldworth; Insc… [National Freemasons, vol. VIII, no. 19, New York City, May 1...] (1867) Observe the All-Seeing Eye of Freemasonry on the letterhead of the National Freemasons newspaper (previous photo), the same All-Seeing Eye used by James and Ellen White in “The Way of Life” lithograph (next photo). “THE WAY OF LIFE” LITHOGRAPH CONCEIVED BY JAMES AND ELLEN WHITE, 1874
Original lithograph is located at Loma Linda University, White Estate Photographs: To see original in Loma Linda University click on the following link:​
SDA ELDER WIL ""Way of Life"" lithograph conceived by James and Ellen White, 1874. :: White Estate Photographs LIAM C. GAGE – EXPERT LITHOGRAPHER FOR THE REVIEW AND HERALD (WHITE ESTATE PHOTO)
Photo located at: (Loma Linda University Digital Archive, White Estate photos)​
William C. Gage was president and founder of the Gage Printing Company. Gage was also Mayor of the City of Battle Creek, Michigan. He was an expert printer and Lithographer and for many years was engaged in the office of the Review and Herald, publishing company of the Seventh Day Adventists. (The Inland printer/American lithographer, Vol 40, p. 257, 1908) NATHANIEL C. McCLURE, PRESIDENT OF THE SDA CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE (1890-1891, 1894-1896) The previous photo is from Nathaniel C. McClure. He wastwice elected as president of the Seventh-Day Adventist California Conference, serving from 1890-1891 and again from 1894-1896. (Sources: The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, Vol. 97, No. 5, Jan. 29, 1920 (obituary of N. C. McClure), (Northern California Conference of the Seventh-Day Adventist website article on N.C. McClure) In the next photo observe carefully all the Masonic leaders surrounding Ellen White. The leaders are purposely giving the ”Master of the Second Veil” hidden hand sign. Observe N.C. McClure, President of the SDA California Conference, sitting next to Ellen. They would all be active members of the Satanic Fraternal Cult of Freemasonry; and would plainly declare in this 1888 photo at a Reno, Nevada Camp Meeting, their secret allegiance by displaying the “Master of the Second Veil” hidden hand sign. Please click on the photo to have a better look. Ellen G. White spent all her “ministry” surrounded by masons who helped her continue the dark agenda of corrupting the Gospel of Grace by Gnostic Law keeping. It is embarrassing to know that while Ms White was supposedly presenting herself as a prophet to lead congregations, she was also participating with secret societies in the unfruitful deeds of darkness. Galatians 3:10-14
All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law.” Clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because, “The righteous will live by faith.” The law is not based on faith; on the contrary, “The man who does these things will live by them.” Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.” He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit.” (Galatians 3:10-14 NIV 1984)
N.D. FAULKHEAD The N.D. Faulkhead Fraudulent Story While James and Edson White were proven to be practicing Masons; one of Ellen White duplicitous acts of deception, that to this day is still accepted as proof that Ellen White is a prophet of God, would take place in Australia.
Almost one month of travel on the seas, she and her son along with her three literary assistants arrived in Sydney Harbor on December 8, 1891.” (Ellen White, Woman of Vision, p. 276)
The following year, on the account of Ellen White converting an Australian man named N.D. Faulkhead, would come to be the apologetic response the hierarchy in Seventh-Day Adventism would use to claim that Ellen White was opposed to “Secret Societies” and Freemasonry. On December 13, 1892 a board meeting was called in which William White said to N.D. Faulkhead “Mother wishes to see you before you leave”. The meeting was supposedly set to confront N.D. Faulkhead on his “loosing out spiritually”, and giving his full-time work to the publishing house of the SDA in Australia. (Believe in His Prophets, chapter 8, p. 127) Ellen White would pseudo prophecy of “certain (Lodge) meetings that he (Faulkhead) had been attending and of what he had said in those meetings”. Ellen’s son and husband, being Masons themselves would give the information to Ellen White. She would write it down in a 50 page letter she read to N.D. Faulkhead, describing the ritual ceremonies. In it she would describe…
  • “where he had sat,” (the lodge sitting Faulkhead sat in as head of the lodge)
  • “the kind of seat on which he had sat,” (She already knew how the lodge was designed)
  • “the position that he occupied in the lodge.” (She would know that based on her husband and other Mason leaders like John Norton Loughborough and/or Edson White, all being Mason leaders in the SDA movement.
  • “and the attitude that he manifested in transacting its business, for he was one of its top-level men.”
Source: (Believe in His Prophets, chap. 8, pp. 128, 129) parenthetical explanations added
In the course of her description of what he had done and said, and the position he had occupied, she gave a sign with her hand, and said, “The angel gave me this message for you, but I cannot relate all that was given to me.” She stopped. “Why, Sister White,” he said, “do you know what you have done?” She was not aware that she had done anything unusual. Then he told her that she had given the secret sign that is known only to Masons.” “She went on a little longer, and told him that she had heard him addressed as “Worshipful Master” and other names or titles of that nature. She talked of Freemasonry and the impossibility of a man’s being a Freemason and a Seventh-day Adventist at the same time. Once more she made a certain movement that she said her attending angel had made to her.” “Again Mr. Faulkhead was startled and turned deathly pale. “Sister White, do you know what you have done? No woman knows that. No woman is ever allowed to hear or see what is going on in those meetings, and yet you have described a particular meeting in which I took a very important part, and you have told not only what I said, but what I did.” (Believe in His Prophets, chap. 8, pp. 128, 129)
Ellen White would claim that ”her attending angel” revealed the Knights Templars hand sign she showed to N.D. Faulkead. According to Arthur White (Ellen’s Grandson), these were N.D. Faulkhead words:
“I told her that she had given me the sign of a Knight Templar” said Faulkhead. (Ellen G. White Volume 4, The Australian Years 1891 – 1900, By Arthur White, p.52 / N.D. Faulkhead, Oct. 5, 1908)
N.D. Faulkhead would claim that the Lord had spoken to him through Ellen White’s revelation of his secret society activity. He would later see that as complete verification that he would resign from all lodges. Signing and giving approval to A.G. Daniels the day after to mail his resignation. Faulkhead would claim to have received opposition to his lodge resignation, “so he had to serve his terms of office another nine months… but he had taken a firm position and stood by it. Ellen White wrote encouraging letters in support of his stand. He was victorious at last.”
With the expiration of his term as officer of several of the lodges, the complete victory was won, and Mr. Faulkhead was able, on September 18, 1893, to write to Ellen White and her son.” “Dear Brother and Sister White: It gives me much pleasure to tell you that my term of office as Master of the Masonic Lodge expired last month. And I feel to thank God for it.” (Ellen G. White Volume 4, The Australian Years 1891 – 1900, By Arthur White, p.55 / N.D. Faulkhead, Oct. 5, 1908) Emphasis added
Not only is this story a fictitious lie, but the verifiable proof is here. The whole thing was an invented story that needed to be explained. Later on, Arthur White (Ellen’s Grandson) would have to go on damage control mode and add more to it to continue the lie. The following document for the State Library of Victoria, Australia, will prove the whole story as a fabricated lie just to hide their own masonic activities. THE MASONS GROUP – STATE LIBRARY OF VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA, PHOTO DATED 1896 The information in the document above reads: Masons group Andrew Barrie, Henry Weedon Date(s) of creation: 1896 1 photograph: album silver: 11.2 X 18.5 cm Reproduction rights own by the State Library of Victoria Accession No: H96.160/490 Image No: cc000486 This photo dated 1896 by the State Library of Victoria, not only reveals N.D. Faulkhead did not leave his Masonic affiliation in 1893, but the “complete victory” as Ellen White’s grandson Arthur L. White claimed, was the continuation of perpetuating the deceptive lie of Ellen White being a prophet. STATE LIBRARY OF VICTORIA AUSTRALIA PROVING THAT N.D. FAULKHEAD WAS STILL A FREEMASON IN 1896 According to the SDA publication, N.D. Faulkhead would still be “the treasurer” of Echo Publishing Company during the same year (1896) this photo was taken.
The entitled prefix of the photo is called “Mason Group”
STATE LIBRARY OF VICTORIA PHOTO PROVES THAT N.D. FAULKHEAD WAS STILL A FREEMASON IN 1896 Above: Lord Brassey, Governor of Victoria, would be front and center of the photo. LORD BRASSEY, GOVERNOR OF VICTORIA
Milton Raymond Hook, a Seventh-Day Adventist Religious Educator, Author and Church Historian says in reference to N.D. Faulkhead:
Faulkhead apparently reduced his attendance and membership of some Masonic Orders quite drastically but did not cut himself off completely. Masonic records show that he resigned from the United Grand Lodge in June 1894, but was re-affiliated in 1896. He still maintained the friendly business contacts which brought a steady flow of non-denominational printing work. In 1923, while waiting for a train to take him home one evening, he collapsed and died on the Malvern station platform. Services were held at both the Windsor and Warburton churches, and the Freemasons conducted the graveside ceremony.” (Milton R. Hook, Letters to Aussie Colonials: Case studies from the E.G. White Letters, Seventh-day Adventist Heritage Series, pp. 3,4)​
My personal advise; if you are an honest and humble Christian looking for the truth, you have already found it. The truth is Jesus Christ the Son of God and He lives in your heart. Get out of this religious institution while you still can. You are being deceived…
Leave the Cult and Follow Jesus Christ
Part of the information obtained for this post was made available online by the independent ministry of Edifying Others. Their research and hard work is greatly appreciated. Edifying Others can be accessed online at:
The Following are More Examples of Hidden Hands that Shaped History
FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: NAPOLEON III (NEPHEW OF NAPOLEON BONAPARTE), ABRAHAM LINCOLN, FREDERIC AUGUSTE BARTHOLDI, NATHAN ROTHSCHILD, FRANCISCO PIZARRO LEFT TO RIGHT: JOHN WILKES BOOTH, FRANKLIN PIERCE, JAMES A. GARFIELD, RUTHERFORD B. HAYES, ANDREW JOHNSON. The individuals above are: John Wilkes Booth (Assassinated President Lincoln), Franklin Pierce (14th President of the United states), James Garfield (20th President of the United States), Rutherford B. Hayes (19th President of the United States), Andrew Johnson (17th President of the United States and 1st President to be impeached). LEFT TO RIGHT: FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE, VLADIMIR LENIN, MIKHAIL KATKOV, SETH READ, GIACOMO ANTONELLI Description of the individuals above:
  • Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900): German philosopher that started the “God is Dead” movement. He also was an early influence of what would later become Nazi ideology.
  • Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924): Russian Communist revolutionary responsible for the bloody 1917 Russian Revolution
  • Mikhail Katkov (1818-1887): Russian occultist, journalist and publisher of Moscow Gazette and also many books for Occultist Helena Blavatsky
  • Seth Read (1746–1797): The man Instrumental in putting the Latin motto “E PLURIBUS UNUM” (Out of Many, One) on U.S. coins.
  • Giacomo Antonelli (1806–1876): Powerful influential Cardinal and Secretary of the Papal States under Pope Pius IX. Antonelli was involved in the 1865 plot to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln.
  • William Tecumseh Sherman (1820-1891): American Civil War Union General
  • William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898): Four times Prime Minister of England
  • Elisha Hunt Rhodes (1842-1917): Civil War Union Army Lieutenant and Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island.
  • Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1749-1832): Famous German writer, artist, and politician.
  • Joseph Smith III (1832–1914): Eldest surviving son of Joseph Smith, Jr., founder of the Latter Day Saint movement known as (Mormons).
Copy/paste- Leave the cult Sta tu ima vise da se prica sve je jasno ko dan! Ne stavim ja to zato sto vas mrzim vec da vidite kako je sve to pocelo i kuda vas vodi. Pozdrav od Gere.


Posto je na mnogim slikama utvrdjeno da masoni kad se slikaju drze jednu ruku u njedrima, sta to znaci? Hocemo li zbog toga iseci ruke, da slucajno koju od njih ne stavimo u polozaj sto je za masone nekakav znak? Vidite kako je to besmislica.

Drugo, ponovoje stavio sliku Way of Life, o kojoj smo na veliko diskutovali. Ista sliika, koja se zove istim imenom, koju je Dzejms Vajt narucio kod istog umjetnika, ali na kojoj ima 16 drugacijih scena od one koja je u Nacionalnoj biblioteci i ova u Loma Lindi nema magicnog oko. Tu sliku sam vam prilozio i mislim da je besmisleno to pokazivati kao nekakav dokaz, jer tas slika sa magicnim okom nema nicega zajednickoga sa advnetistima.

Trece, Masoni se prepoznaju i po svome rulkovanju, pozdravu. I zamisli ako se Gero i Sarrdy pozdrave isto kao i masoni. Da li to znaci da su masoni ili bi trebali da si iseku truke da to ne budu? Kao da samo masoni imaju pravo da u posebnom polozaju drze ruke. Ljudi mani te se gluposti.

Cetvrto, masoni upotrebljavaju i krst. Evo bas sad sam video jedan, isti onakav kaikav se nalazi na svestenickoj odezdi. Na drugom su na njega dstavili Davidovu zvezdu, mac i neke druge gluposti. Sta ce sad raditi hriscani? Hoce li se odreci krsta zbog toga sto su ga prisvojili i masoni i sto su ga obescastiilo? Takav zakljuucak bio bi potpuno nerazuman. Mi hriscani postujemo krsti i znamo zbog cega ga postiujemo, a to sta masoni rade nema nikakve veze sa krstom ni sa Hristom.

Kad sam iz Biblije izneo teks koji izricito kaze da Bozje oko bdije nad njegovim narodom, Adrian je na to odgovorio: "Ali to nema nikakve veze sa masonskim magicnim okom". Pa to je upravo o cemu govorim. Necemo valjda sada i oci sebi pokopati da ne ispadnje da smo masoni. I to sto neki hriscani u katedrale u prozore u boji ugrade magicno oko, to uopste ne znaci da su ga ugradili zato sto su masoni, ili sto veruju u masoneriju, on za njih moze da ima biblkijski znacaj koji nema nikakve vezesa masonima. Zato mislim da sve te slike koje je Gero kopirao, a ima ih na stotine, nemamju nikakve vezesa sa hriscanima, i nema nikakve koroisti da oko toga gubimo vreme.

Svima zelim sve njabolje
Poslednja izmena:
Mikane ovo je jagnje u koje mi verujemo da uze grehe sveta:i28200519_62031_6.jpg

I videh, i gle...jagnje stajaše kao zaklano...“(Otkrivenje 5:6)​

Apostol Jovan je dobio otkrivenje u vezi događaja koji će uslediti na samom završetku vremena. U 4.poglavlju knjige Otkrivenja on opisuje kako je video prestol na kome je Neko sedeo. Slava tog prestola je bila očigledna. Iz njega su izlazile munje, gromovi i glasovi. Ispred tog prestola je bilo stakleno more poput kristala. Oko tog prestola nalazila su se još 24 prestola na kome su sedele 24 starešine u belim haljinama i sa zlatnim krunama na glavi. Takođe, oko prestola su se nalazile i četiri životinje koje su imale po šest krila i koje nisu imale mira objavljujući da je svet, svet, svet veliki Gospod Bog svedržitelj. Nakon što su životinje odale čast Onome što je sedeo na prestolu, 24 starešine su takođe pale pred Njim i položile svoje krune pred Njegov prestol objavljujući da je On dostojan da primi slavu, čast i silu, jer je sve po Njegovoj volji stvoreno! Jovan je zatim video da Taj što sedi na prestolu drži u svojoj ruci knjigu koja je zapečaćena sa sedam pečata. Jedan anđeo je postavio pitanje ko je dostojan da otvori knjigu i da razlomi njene pečate, ali niko se na nebu, zemlji i pod zemljom nije našao. Jovan je plakao zbog toga, ali mu je jedan starešina rekao: “Ne plači, evo nadvladao je lav, koji je od kolena Judina, koren Davidov, da otvori knjigu i razlomi njenih sedam pečata” (Otkr.5:5). Kada razmišljamo o tome, možda stičemo utisak da će Jovan ugledati nekog grandioznog lava koji je trijumfovao. Lav je simbol snage, odvažnosti i hrabrosti. Lav zadaje strah. U Knjizi starozavetnog proroka stoji zapisano: “Kad lav rikne, ko se neće bojati?” (Amos 3:8). Možda je Jovan očekivao da vidi tog “lava” od koga će zadrhtati. Možda je neko od nas očekivao da će Jovan ugledati neku veličanstveno snažnu i veliku Osobu, pošto je uspela da razlomi te pečate i otvori knjigu. Međutim, Jovan je video kako između prestola gde su bile četiri životinje i starešina stoji jagnje kao zaklano. Isaija proriče kako će Isus biti vođen na zaklanje kao jagnje (Isaija 53:7). Gospod Isus Hrist je taj lav koji je istovremeno i jagnje zaklano za grehe sveta! On je Božije Jagnje koje je istovremeno Gospodar nad gospodarima i Car nad carevima (Otkr.17:14) Jagnje je simbol nežnosti, bezazlenosti, topline, ljubavi i nevinosti. To Jagnje je uzelo tu knjigu iz desnice Onoga što je sedeo na prestolu. Tada su životinje i starešine pale pred Jagnjetom i pevale su novu pesmu sa sledećim rečima: “Dostojan si da uzmeš knjigu i da otvoriš njene pečate, jer si se zaklao i iskupio si nas Bogu krvlju svojom od svakoga naroda, kolena, jezika i plemena, i učinio si nas careve i sveštenike, i carovaćemo na zemlji.” (Otkr.5:9,10).Primetite da se jagnje nalazilo upravo između Božijeg prestola i prestola starešina koje su pevale da ih je Jagnje iskupilo svojom krvlju. To pokazuje da je Gospod Isus taj jedini Posrednik između Boga i ljudi (1.Tim.2:5).Slično kao što je nekada pashalno jagnje spasilo verujuće Jevreje od sigurne smrti (2.Mojs.12), tako i danas Hristova krv spašava svakog grešnika koji dolazi Bogu sa verom i pokajanjem. Jovan Krstitelj je dobio to otkrivenje čim je ugledao Isusa. Rekao je: “Gle, jagnje Božije koje uze na sebe grehe sveta.” (Jovan 1:29). Isus je bio učinjen grehom radi nas, da bi mi postali Božija pravednost u Njemu! (2.Kor.5:21). Gospod Isus je imao savršeno uravnotežen karakter. On je praktikovao lavlju hrabrost i agresivnost kada se radilo o slavi Božijeg imena. Isterao je trgovce iz hrama (Jovan 2:14-16). Nije se plašio mišljenja drugih religioznih ljudi o Njemu. Iako su govorili da je đavo u Njemu, da je poludeo, da vara narod, Gospod Isus je mirno i odano vršio volju svog Oca. Oštro je ukoravao licemerne vernike svog vremena. Lavljom hrabrošću im se suprotstavljao i razotkrivao njihovo pretvaranje. Sa druge strane, imao je jako nežno i toplo srce prema izgubljenim grešnicima. Njegovo srce je bilo puno ljubavi prema svima koji su videli sebe gubitnicima i koju su iskreno želeli i tražili Spasitelja. On je došao da svojom nevinom smrću uzme na sebe njihove grehe i da im pokloni nezasluženi večni život. Svima koji su Ga primili dao je vlast da postanu Božija deca! Zato sada znamo da se nismo iskupili iz svog sujetnog života propadljivim srebrom i zlatom, nego skupocenom krvlju Gospoda Isusa Hrista, kao bezazlenog i prečistog Jagnjeta! (1.Petr.1:18,19)Ceniš li, dragi brate i sestro, to prečisto i bezazleno Jagnje? Je li i naš karakter uravnotežen karatkeristikama lava i jagnjeta, kao što je to bilo u Hristovom životu? Gospode, daj nam snagu da gledamo na Hrista i da stalno učimo od Njega. Neka i mi u našim životima možemo biti kao bezazleno jagnje, sa željom da mirno podnosimo svako progonstvo i da posredujemo za večno dobro naših bližnjih. Pomozi nam da pokažemo lavlju hrabrost u situacijama kada se narušava slava Tvog imena! U Hristovo ime. Amin.

Copy paste:Bozja rec.

Elen Vajt u svojoj knjizi “Evangelizam”, cello poglavlje, TAJNA DRUSTA, posvetila je Slobodnim zaidarima ili masonima. Svakako ce vas zanimatai sta ona o njima pise.

Opasnost tajnih drustava
Gospodnje uputstvo ‘ne vucite u tudjem jarmu nevernika’ ne odnosi se samo na brak izmedju hriscanina i nevernika, nego i na sve saveze u kojima se stranka dovodi u prisne odnose i u kojima je sklad duha i akcija neophodan.

Gospod je objavio preko proroka Isaije: ‘Zdruzujte se narodi, ali cete se potrti. Cujte svi koji ste u daljnoj zemlji: oruzajte se, ali cete se potrti. Dogovarajte se, dogovor ce vam se razbiti’…” Isija 8,9-13.

Neki su u nedoumici da li je na mesto ako hriscanin pristupi Slobodnim zidarima i drugim tajnim drustvima. Neka svi koji postavljaju ovakva pitanja razmisle o navedenom biblijskom tekstu. AKO SMO UOPSTE HRISCANI, mi to moramo viti svuda; mi mora da razmisljamo i postujemo uputstva koja su data da bi od nas ucinila hriscane u sklsadu sa merilima Bozje reci.

Prihvativsi Hrista kao svoga Otkrupitelja, prihvatili smo uslov pod kojim se postaje Boizji saradnik. Ucinili smoi zavet s Njim da celi pripadamo Njemu, da kao verni pristavi Hristove milosti radimo na izgradnji Njegovog carstva u svetu. Svaki hriscanin se obavezuyje da posveti um, dusu i telo Onome koji je platio otkupninu za nase duse….

Iako u tim drustvima moze biti mnogo toga sto izgleda dobro, ipak je sa tim pomesano mnogo onoga zbog cega od dobra nema nikakve koristi i sto ta drusta cine stetnim po dusu…
Oni koji ne prave razliku,’ iuzmedju onoga koji sluzi Bogu i onoga koji Mu ne sluzi’ mogu da budu ocarani tim drustvima, KOJI NEMAJU NISTA ZAJEDNICKOGA SA BOGOM. Medjutim, nijedan ozbiljan hriscanin ne moze da napreduje u takvoj sredini. TU NEMA ZIVOTOTVORNE ATMOSFERE NEBA. Njegova dusa je pusta i on oseca da mu je uskraceno osvezenje Svetoga Duha, kao Gelvujskoj gori rosa i kisa…

Hristos nece nikada navesti svoje sledbenike da daju zakletve koje bi ih ujedinile sa ljudima KOJI NEMAJU NISTA ZAJEDNICKOIGA SA BOGOM, koji ne stoje pod vladajucim uticajem Njegovog Svetog Duha. Jedino pravo merilo karaktera je sveti Bozji zakon i nemoguce je da se oni koji ovaj zakon cine pravilom svoga zivota povezu u tajno i srdacno bratstvo KOJI BOZJU ISTINU PRETVARAJU U LAZ I OMALOVAZAVAJU BOZJI AUTORITET…


Pecat zivoga Bodga nece primiti niko ko odrzava takvu vezu, nakon sto je svetlost istine obasjala njegovu stazu.


Oni koji se prepustaju zelji za stupajnjem u neki savez, IZVRSAVAJU PLAN NEPRIJATELJA. Za uzrokom ce doci i posledice.” Elen Vajt, Evangelizam, p.618-623, originala; a 465- 468 prevod.

Ovo odprilike izrazava mislnjene Adventista o Slobodnom zidarstvu.

Mikane ovo je jagnje u koje mi verujemo da uze grehe sveta:Pogledajte prilog 31446

I videh, i gle...jagnje stajaše kao zaklano...“(Otkrivenje 5:6)​

Copy paste:Bozja rec.

da si procitao pet odsto onoga sto sam o tom predmetu ovde napisao, pa ne bi tako nesto napisao.

Pa ne moslos valjda da si ti jedini na svetu kojoi u to veruje?
Nije ti valjda um toliko zamracen d averujes da ja u to ne verujume.

Necu ti ponovo pisati cele novine, nego samo procitaj ovo nekoliko redaka i razmisli, koliko je pravilna tvoja gornja izjava:

“Hristova Krv je jedino delotvorna. Jedino ona moze da cisti nase grehe. Jedino krv Jednorodnoga Sinsa Bozjega koja cini da se mozemo pribliuziti Bogu, Jedino Njegova krvu ‘cisti grehe celoga sveta’.”
MS 15, 1897.

“Bozja ljubav obznanila se ljudima poreko Isusa; ali milost nije uikinula pravdu. Zakon otkriva osobine Bozjeg karaktera i nijedna josta ili titla iz njega ne moze da se promeni. Da bi se prilagodila coveku u njegovom palom stanju. Bog nije promenio svoj Zakon, VEC JE RADI COVEKOVOG OTKUPLJENJA SEBE ZRTVOVAO U HRISTU. ‘BOG BESE U HRISTU, I SVET POMIRI SA SOBOM’. (2. Koricanima 5.19.” Ceznja vekova, str. 656.

Vanehlsingu, sta ti kazes na ovo?
Poslednja izmena od urednika:
Свакако, само их све напрасно заболи стомак када се сликају, масонске речи и термини се провлаче кроз њене текстове (као и код свих масона), оспоравала је божанску природу Исуса Христа и Тројство, увела је светковање суботе као велику јерес, говорила је да су се људи и животиње укрштали пре Потопа па су тако настајале расе људи, писала је да једење меса смањује интелигенцију (не видим да сте ви нешто интелигентнији од нас који једемо месо), поприма се животињски нагон када се једе месо, мора да се једе вегетаријанска храна да би се смањила сексуална моћ мушкараца по њеној науци (а то је и први и прави разлог увођења вегетаријанског јеловника), други јарац је сотона и он ће платити за грехе праведника, а то му дође да се оспорава Жртва нашег Господа и Спаситеља, Господ је Михаило анђео (модификована Аријева јерес), многи чланови оснивачи су отворено били масони (постоје фотографије и то на адвентистичким изворима)...глупо је да као ви стално понављамо једно те исто.
1. U kojoj suprotnosti !?Da li imaš STIHOVE ili samo adventističku konstataciju ?2. Kojim ARGUMENTIMA dokazuješ da je drugi jarac završio SMRĆU U PUSTINJI !?Mogao je ostati živ na 10 načina !
To je tvoja pretpostavka
1. Zašto već drugi put spominješ Isusovu smrt na krstu. Ovo je klasično adventističko SPAMOVANJE ! Nije sporan prvi jarac, već drugi.Ipak se vi najopasniji sada to lepo vidim. Definitivno! Evo i dokaza: 2. Dva ili tri puta sam ja napisao (a i Faky potvrdio) da drugi jarac predstavlja Hrista koji završava u pustinji – Da bi ti sada ovde KONSTATOVAO DA SAM JA REKAO DA JE HRIST OTIŠAO U PUSTINJU DA OKONČA SVOJ ŽIVOT !PA GDE SAM JA TO REKAO – DAJ MI POST !!!I ovo je ko zna koji put na ovoj temi da se služite INSINUACIJAMA !!! DEFINITIVNO VI NE ČITATE POSTOVE ONIH KOJI VAM OSPORAVAJU JERESI: Ovo je 100-ti put da sam se uverio.
Ja nisam napisao da si ti rekao da je Isus otisao u pustinju da okonca svoj zivot, vec se to zakljucuje iz tvoje izjave da taj drugi jarac pretstavlja Hrista, jer oba jarca su umirala, jedan je bio zaklan a drugi pusten u pustinju gde je umirao ili bio rastrgnut od divljih zveri.Ako je taj jarac bio simbol Hrista, a on ( Jarac ) je umirao u pustinji, to po tvome mora da znaci da je i Hrist trebalo da bude pusten i da umre u pustinji.ali kao sto znamo Isus nije pusten vec je umro viseci na krstu.Prema tome taj jarac ne predstavlja Hrista vec sotonu.
Ti si optuzio Adventiste da oni veruju da sotona preuzima njihove grehe i da Adventisti veruju da je sotiona njihov spasitelj a ne Hristos, a ja sam to demantovao, da na sotonu nisu baceni gresi u svojstvu spasenja, jer Hristos je preuzeo ljudske grehe na sebe zrtvom na krstu, vec dace na kraju istorije svi gresi biti preneseni na zacetnika greha sotonu da on sa njima umre u ognjenom jezeru.
I još jednu stvar sam pogodio – Na sve ste spremni samo da bi odbranili svoju jeres. I spaovanje i laži i insinuacije –što se lepo može videti u ovom tvom postu. Izmišljaš nešto što ja uopšte nisam rekao. [/SIZE]
Ruzno je sto nesto kazes, a posle tvrdis da nisi rekao.. ali to je tvoja stvar.