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- 14.07.2011
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Ja ti kažem starozavetni jedini Bog JEHOVA se inkarnirao u svog novozavetnog svemogućeg Boga sina da umre na krstu, kažem ti eto tako je starozavetni Bog pomirio svet sa sobom što je sam sebe pomirio sa sobom samim.. TANDARA MANDARA ja ti kažem zato što sam čitao bibliju
Dodato posle 40 minuta:
Christ is not God in personality or identity
Godina i datum izdanja May 30, 1895
Izdavačka kuća
"the third angels message"
Jesus Christ is not the Lord God almighty in personality
"But although Christ's glory was for a time veiled and eclipsed by His assuming humanity, yet He did not cease to be God when He became man...The man Christ Jesus was not the Lord God Almighty, yet Christ and the Father are one." (Ellen White SDA Bible Commentary, vol.5 p.1129)...
Notice the first part says Christ was God. This is a reference to his nature which was clothed with the nature of humanity. Regarding his pre-existent nature Christ was fully God.(John 1:1, Phi 2:6, Hebrews 1) Christ was given his divine(God) nature by his father who is the only true God in personality, individuality and identity. (John 17:3, John 20:17, 1 Cor 8:6)
The second part of the quote says "Christ Jesus was not the Lord God Almighty". This is a reference to his personality and identity. Christ is NOT the Lord God Almighty in identity.
Only one being in the universe is identified as the Lord God Almighty and that is the father. Though Jesus Christ came in his father’s name and as the angel of Jehovah in the OT and also spoke on behalf of Jehovah as Jehovah’s representative. He was not Jehovah himself. Jehovah is his father. He is the mediator between our one God and us.
"The Scriptures clearly indicate the relation between God and Christ, and they bring to view as clearly the personality and individuality of each. [Hebrews 1:1-5 quoted.] God is the Father of Christ; Christ is the Son of God. To Christ has been given an exalted position. He has been made equal with the Father. All the counsels of God are opened to His Son." (Ellen White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 8, page 268)
Da, naravno da je Isus Jehova, zajedno sa Ocem i Svetim Duhom, kada nam ti to kažeš zaključak, Ceca Jeca lažno je svedočila.
Da, kao sto sam i pretpostavio, planski i sa namerom si izvadio pojedine izjave Elen Wajt iz svog konteksta i prikazao ih u laznom svetlu, da bi potkrepio svoju tvrdnju da Isus nije Bog, i da je Elen Wajt toboze bila kontradiktorna, tako da cu ja citirati ceo tekst sa objasnjenjima, pa svako moze da procita i vidi o cemu se tu radi, a za one koji ne znaju Engleski prilazem prevod ovog teksta sa google prevodioca:
Prevod nije 100 % tacan, ali je sustina nepromenjena.
Christ is not God in personality nor identity (Ellen White)
This study requires a careful read. It is my belief that too many have merely surface read what is written in the SOP without carefully analyzing
“Those who seek to remove the old landmarks are not holding fast; they are not remembering how they have received and heard. Those who try to bring in theories that would remove the pillars of our faith concerning the sanctuary or concerning the personality of God or of Christ, are working as blind men. They are seeking to bring in uncertainties and to set the people of God adrift without an anchor.” {E. G. White, Manuscript Release No.760, p. 9} 1905
Many have come to believe that God and Christ are the same personality, the same individual. They fail to distinguish between God and Christ. The Trinity doctrine is the main doctrine that teaches that Christ is God himself in personality. Ellen White said that those who have removed the pillars of our faith and have believed such doctrines are working as blind men. This article does not deny the fact that Christ was God, but explains how he was God. This topic requires study to show yourself approved.
Jesus Christ is not the Lord God almighty in personality
"But although Christ's glory was for a time veiled and eclipsed by His assuming humanity, yet He did not cease to be God when He became man...The man Christ Jesus was not the Lord God Almighty, yet Christ and the Father are one." (Ellen White SDA Bible Commentary, vol.5 p.1129)...
Notice the first part says Christ was God. This is a reference to his nature which was clothed with the nature of humanity. Regarding his pre-existent nature Christ was fully God.(John 1:1, Phi 2:6, Hebrews 1) Christ was given his divine(God) nature by his father who is the only true God in personality, individuality and identity. (John 17:3, John 20:17, 1 Cor 8:6)
The second part of the quote says "Christ Jesus was not the Lord God Almighty". This is a reference to his personality and identity. Christ is NOT the Lord God Almighty in identity.
Only one being in the universe is identified as the Lord God Almighty and that is the father. Though Jesus Christ came in his father’s name and as the angel of Jehovah in the OT and also spoke on behalf of Jehovah as Jehovah’s representative. He was not Jehovah himself. Jehovah is his father. He is the mediator between our one God and us.
"The Scriptures clearly indicate the relation between God and Christ, and they bring to view as clearly the personality and individuality of each. [Hebrews 1:1-5 quoted.] God is the Father of Christ; Christ is the Son of God. To Christ has been given an exalted position. He has been made equal with the Father. All the counsels of God are opened to His Son." (Ellen White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 8, page 268)
So you can see there Christ is not God and God is not Christ in reference to identity, individuality and personality. They are two completely separate individuals. We have to recognize the difference between the nature of Christ being God, and Christ not being the one true God in identity, individuality and personality. This is an important doctrine.
"The Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of the Father, is truly God in infinity, but not in personality." (Ellen White UL 367 )
“Christ is one with the father, but Christ and God are two distinct personages”(RH June 1, 1905)
"Here we might mention the Trinity, which does away the personality of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ”(James White, December 11, 1855, Review & Herald, vol. 7, no. 11, page 85, par. 16)
"The doctrine of the Trinity which was established in the church by the council of Nice, A. D. 325. This doctrine destroys the personality of God, and his Son Jesus Christ our Lord. The infamous, measures by which it was forced upon the church which appear upon the pages of ecclesiastical history might well cause every believer in that doctrine to blush." (J. N. Andrews, March 6, 1855, Review & Herald, vol. 6, no. 24, page 185)
1Co 8:6 But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.
Php 2:11 And that every should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord(NOT GOD), to the glory of God the Father.(NOT GOD THE TRINITY)
Joh 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God(the Lord God almighty the father), and the Word was God(in respect to his divine nature, which he possessed by inheritance)
A ovo je prevod sa Google prevodioca, za one koji ne znaju dobro Engleski.
Tekst nije u potpunosti pravilno preveden, ali sustina je ta koja je ovde zapisana:
Hristos nije Bog u ličnosti, niti identitet (Elen Vajt)
Ova studija zahteva pažljivo citanje. To je moje verovanje da previše su samo površine čitati šta je napisano u SOP-bez pažljivo analizira Elen Vhiteand studiranje šta se stvarno napisano. Ovaj članak ne govori Hristos nije Bog u odnosu na svog božanstva, suština ili jer forma, verujemo da je "začet je eksplicitno u sliku osobe Bogova" (Elen Vajt, Signs of the 30 Times, maja, 1895.) I po rođenju poseduje ove atribute i prirodu oca iz "najranijih vremena Bog je obećao da će dati Prvorođenog neba da spase grešnika .." {Čežnja veku, str 51}
"Oni koji traže da se uklone stari orijentiri ne drže brzo, one ne sećajući se kako su primili i čuli Oni koji pokušavaju. Da dovedu u teorijama da će ukloniti stuba naše vere u vezi svetilište ili u vezi ličnost Boga ili Hrista, rade kao slepi ljudi Oni traže da dovede u neizvesnosti i da podesite Božji narod prepušten slučaju, bez sidra ".. {E. G. Vajt, rukopisa za štampu No.760, str 9} 1905
Mnogi su počeli da veruju da Bog i Hrist su iste ličnosti, iste osobe. Oni ne uspevaju da se napravi razlika između Boga i Hrista. Doktrinu o Trojstvu je glavni doktrina koja uči da je Hristos sam Bog u ličnosti. Elen Vajt je rekao da oni koji su uklonjeni stuba naše vere i verovali takve doktrine rade kao slepi ljudi. Ovaj članak ne negira činjenicu da je Hristos bio Bog, ali objašnjava kako je on Bog. Ova tema zahteva studija da pokaže sebe odobren.
Isus Hristos nije Gospod Bog Svemogući u ličnosti
"Ali, iako Hristova slava je za vreme skrivena i senci Njegove pretpostavljajući čovečanstva, ali On nije prestao da bude Bog, kada je postao čovek ... čovek Isus Hrist nije bio Gospod Bog Svemogući, ali Hrista i Otac jedno smo". (Elen Vajt SDA biblijski komentar, Vol.5 p.1129) ...
Obratite pažnju na prvi deo govori Hristos je bio Bog. Ovo je referenca na njegove prirode koja je bila obučena u prirodi čovečanstva. U vezi sa njegovim prethodno postojeća priroda Hrista je bio potpuno Bog (Jovan 1:1, 2:6 Phi, Jevrejima 1) Hristos je dao svoje božanske (Bog) prirode od strane njegovog oca, koji je jedini istiniti Bog u ličnosti, individualnost i identitet .. (Jovan 17:3, 20:17 Jovan 1 Kor 8:6)
Drugi deo citat kaže: "Isus Hrist nije bio Gospod Bog Svemogući." Ovo je referenca na njegove ličnosti i identiteta. Hristos nije Gospod Bog Svemogući u identitetu.
Samo jedno biće u univerzumu je identifikovan kao Gospod Bog Svemogući, a to je otac. Iako je Isus Hristos je došao u ime svog oca, i kao anđeo Gospodnji u OT i govorio u ime Jehove kao predstavnika Jehovine. On nije bio Jehova sebe. Gospod je njegov otac. On je posrednik između naših jedan Bog i nas.
"Pismo jasno ukazuje na odnos između Boga i Hrista, i oni donose da vidite tako jasno ličnosti i individualnosti svakog [Jevrejima 1:1-5 citirao.] Bog je Otac Hrista;.. Hristos je Sin Božiji Da je Hristos dao uzvišen položaj On je izjednačava sa Ocem .. Svi advokati Božiji su otvoreni svom sinu ". (Elen Vajt, Svedočanstva za crkvu, tom 8, str 268).
Tako da možete da vidite Hristos nije Bog i Bog nije Hristos u odnosu na identitet, individualnost i ličnost. Oni su dva potpuno odvojena pojedinaca. Moramo da prepoznamo razliku između prirode Hrista se Boga, i Hristos ne jedan istiniti Bog u identitet, individualnost i ličnost. Ovo je važna doktrina.
"Gospode Isuse Hriste, Jedinorodni Sin od Oca, zaista Bog u beskonačnost, ali ne u ličnosti." (Elen Vajt UL 367)
"Hristos je jedno sa ocem, ali Hristos i Bog su dva različita ličnosti" (RH 1. Juna, 1905)
"Ovde možemo navesti Trojice, koja odbacuje ličnost Boga, i Sina njegova Isusa Hrista" (Džejms Vajt, 11 decembra, 1855. Pregled i glasnik, vol 7, br .. 11, strana 85, st. 16)
"Doktrinu o Trojstvu, koja je osnovana u crkvi od strane saveta u Nici, AD 325 Ova doktrina uništava. Ličnost Boga, i njegovog sina Isusa Hrista, Gospoda našega zloglasnog, mere koje je ona primorana na crkvu. Koji se pojavljuju na stranicama crkvene istorije mogla bi izazvati svaki vernik u toj doktrini u Blush ". (JN Andrevs, 6. marta, 1855, Pregled i glasnik, vol 6, br .. 24, strana 185)
1CO 8:6 Ali za nas postoji samo jedan Bog, Otac, od koga je sve, i mi u njemu, i jednoga Gospoda Isusa Hrista, kroz koga je sve, i mi od njega.
Php 2:11 I da svaki jezik treba da prizna da je Isus Hristos Gospod (nije Bog), na slavu Boga Oca (Bog nije Trojstvo).
Joh 1:1 U početku beše Reč, i Reč beše u Boga (Gospoda Boga nad vojskama otac), i Bog beše Reč (u odnosu na njegove božanske prirode, koje je u posedu nasleđivanje)
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