Evo Tripa koji kaze "jedna je crkva adventisticka" a onda nabroji 50 000 protestantskih zajednica "Bozjih crkava" govoreci kako su nas sve one blagoslovile tehnikom i napretkom drustva!
Mire, nisu oni jedna "crkva" niti su crkva. Ima ih:
Handbook of Denominations in the United States, 12th ed., describes the following churches as "Adventist and Sabbatarian (Hebraic) Churches":
[TD]Main article:
The Christadelphians were founded in 1844 by John Thomas and had an estimated 25,000 members in 170 ecclesias, or churches, in 2000 in America.
Advent Christian Church
[TD]Main article:
Advent Christian Church[/TD]
Advent Christian Church was founded in 1860 and had 25,277 members in 302 churches in 2002 in America. It is a "first-day" body of Adventist Christians founded on the teachings of William Miller. It adopted the "conditional immortality" doctrine of Charles F. Hudson and
George Storrs, who formed the "Advent Christian Association" in
Salem, Massachusetts, in 1860.
Primitive Advent Christian Church
[TD]Main article:
Primitive Advent Christian Church[/TD]
Primitive Advent Christian Church is a small group which separated from the Advent Christian Church. It differs from the parent body mainly on two points. Its members observe foot washing as a rite of the church, and they teach that reclaimed backsliders should be baptized (even though they had formerly been baptized). This is sometimes referred to as rebaptism.
Seventh-day Adventist
[TD]Main article:
Seventh-day Adventist Church[/TD]
Seventh-day Adventist Church, founded in 1863, had over 19,500,000 baptized members (not counting children of members) worldwide as of June 2016.
[8] It is best known for its teaching that Saturday, the seventh day of the week, is the
Sabbath and is the appropriate day for worship. However, it is the second coming of Jesus Christ along with the Judgement day, based on the three angels message in Revelation 14:6–13, that is the main doctrine of SDA.
Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement
[TD]Main article:
Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement[/TD]
Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement is a small offshoot with an unknown number of members from the
Seventh-day Adventist Church caused by disagreement over military service on the Sabbath day during
World War I.
Davidian Seventh-day Adventist Association
[TD]Main article:
Shepherd's Rod[/TD]
Davidians (originally named
Shepherd's Rod) is a small offshoot with an unknown number of members made up primarily of voluntarily disfellowshipped members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. They were originally known as the Shepherd's Rod and are still sometimes referred to as such. The group derives its name from two books on Bible doctrine written by its founder,
Victor Houteff, in 1929.
Branch Davidians
Branch Davidians were a split ("branch") from the Davidians.
A group that gathered around
David Koresh (the so-called
Koreshians) abandoned Davidian teachings and turned into a
religious cult. Many of them were killed during the infamous
Waco Siege of April 1993.
Church of God (Seventh Day)
[TD]Main article:
General Conference of the Church of God (Seventh-Day)[/TD]
Church of God (Seventh-Day) was founded in 1863 and it had an estimated 11,000 members in 185 churches in 1999 in America. Its founding members separated in 1858 from those Adventists associated with
Ellen G. White who later organized themselves as Seventh-day Adventists in 1863. The Church of God (Seventh Day) split in 1933, creating two bodies: one headquartered in Salem, West Virginia, and known as the
Church of God (7th day) – Salem Conference and the other one headquartered in Denver, Colorado and known as the
General Conference of the Church of God (Seventh-Day). The
Worldwide Church of God splintered from this.
Church of God and Saints of Christ
[TD]Main article:
Church of God and Saints of Christ[/TD]
Church of God and Saints of Christ was founded in 1896 and had an estimated 40,000 members in approximately 200 congregations in 1999 in America.
Church of God General Conference
Many denominations known as "
Church of God" have Adventist origins.
[TD]Main article:
Church of God General Conference[/TD]
Church of God General Conference was founded in 1921 and had 7,634 members in 162 churches in 2004 in America. It is an Adventist Christian body which is also known as the
Church of God of the Abrahamic Faith and the
Church of God General Conference (Morrow, GA).
Creation Seventh-Day Adventist
Creation Seventh Day Adventist Church
United Seventh-Day Brethren
[TD]Main article:
United Seventh-Day Brethren[/TD]
United Seventh-Day Brethren is a small Sabbatarian Adventist body. In 1947, several individuals and two independent congregations within the Church of God Adventist movement formed the
United Seventh-Day Brethren, seeking to increase fellowship and to combine their efforts in evangelism, publications, and other .
Other minor Adventist groups