- Učlanjen(a)
- 03.06.2010
- Poruka
- 14.303
To je do perspektive, objasnio sam.
Medjutim, da krenemo od pretpostavke da si u pravu:
Zasto onda brod ne stoji ukoso ispod horizonta, zasto stoji pravo?
On uvek stoji pravo!
Da je zemlja krug stojao bi ukoso!!!
Mire moj ujak je pomorac, Viša pomorska u Kotoru, upravitelj mašine, iz Paname je preko Pacifika stigao u Kinu. Što je po tvojoj teoriji nemoguće.
Zato i jeste prokopan Panamski kanal da bi se skratilo obilaženje Južne Amerike i da bi brodovi iz tog dijela stizali u Kinu, Koreju i taj dio Azije.
In the information provided with the video, the director also states that the planet Venus can be seen rising in the night sky at around the 42 second mark.
From night to day: The video cuts to darkness for a few seconds before it's approach to San Francioco
The route: Narita to San Francisco airport takes almost 10 hours
Sunrise over the Pacific: The footage also captures the early morning light as the plane approaches California
The video begins with the Boeing 747-400’s journey from takeoff at Narita airport in Tokyo, to landing in San Francisco, and has dazzled viewers since it was posted on YouTube.
- Koliko čovjek treba da isključi razum i da vjeruje u ravnu Zemlju.
From night to day: The video cuts to darkness for a few seconds before it's approach to San Francioco
The Panama Canal decreases by 11,000 kilometers the distance between Shanghai and New York on the Manhattan Bridge CMA CGM Service, compared to a route via Cape Horn.
Po teoriji Mireta, Antonije i Adriana ovo se ne moglo izvesti.
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