Jehovini svedoci!

U Isaiji 5:21 čitamo sledeće: Teško onima koji su mudri u svojim očima i razumni sami pred sobom!


Tako je,to si dobro rekao i veruj mi poznajem takvih dosta i obično imaju posle kanona nekog svog ZADNJEG proroka ili proročicu koji OBAVEZNO izračunaju ono što Isus nije rekao a to je vreme kraja i tačne datume znaju...a onda sledeća ,sitnica, je hula na Duha Svetog da Ga predstavljaju energijom i neriraju Duhovne darove koje verni imaju za izgradnju TELA HRISTOVA.
Oni imaju obavezno SVOJE ,istine, za ovo ili ono vreme i često je menjaju jer svetlost postaje jača...neverovatan je njihov intelekt.

Obavzno su ,skromni, i ,ponizni, sa svoje svete visine i ,sve znaju, a nagrada za to im je neki čin -unapređenje u zvanju kao vojska koja ide na verne da ih šiba ljudskim ludostima.
Veoma pažljivo slušaju i to im je odlika ali samo ako govorite njihovu nauku a ako počnete Pismom onda vas žale jer ne vide sebe niti mogu zbog vrata koji drži pogled visoko.
Izići će MNOGI LAŽNI pa koji su to što ih ima puno učitelja a mi imamo SAMO JEDNOG UČITELJA i zamisli zove se Duh Sveti.
Vidiš kako je ,,energja,, pametna i pečati za život svoje učenika a ljudska ludost vuče svoje za njihovim vođama.
Moj učitelj je živ i u meni je i čujem mu glas a da li vi čujete vaše učitelje Rašu, Jelicu, Budu....
Gde su vaši učitelji tamo idete i vi...zašto vas uši svrbe....odbacite slepca i ljudsku mudrost pa prihvatite istinu da bi vas oslobodila od ropstva bezakonja.
Tako je,to si dobro rekao i veruj mi poznajem takvih dosta i obično imaju posle kanona nekog svog ZADNJEG proroka ili proročicu koji OBAVEZNO izračunaju ono što Isus nije rekao a to je vreme kraja i tačne datume znaju...a onda sledeća ,sitnica, je hula na Duha Svetog da Ga predstavljaju energijom i neriraju Duhovne darove koje verni imaju za izgradnju TELA HRISTOVA.
Oni imaju obavezno SVOJE ,istine, za ovo ili ono vreme i često je menjaju jer svetlost postaje jača...neverovatan je njihov intelekt.

Obavzno su ,skromni, i ,ponizni, sa svoje svete visine i ,sve znaju, a nagrada za to im je neki čin -unapređenje u zvanju kao vojska koja ide na verne da ih šiba ljudskim ludostima.
Veoma pažljivo slušaju i to im je odlika ali samo ako govorite njihovu nauku a ako počnete Pismom onda vas žale jer ne vide sebe niti mogu zbog vrata koji drži pogled visoko.
Izići će MNOGI LAŽNI pa koji su to što ih ima puno učitelja a mi imamo SAMO JEDNOG UČITELJA i zamisli zove se Duh Sveti.
Vidiš kako je ,,energja,, pametna i pečati za život svoje učenika a ljudska ludost vuče svoje za njihovim vođama.
Moj učitelj je živ i u meni je i čujem mu glas a da li vi čujete vaše učitelje Rašu, Jelicu, Budu....
Gde su vaši učitelji tamo idete i vi...zašto vas uši svrbe....odbacite slepca i ljudsku mudrost pa prihvatite istinu da bi vas oslobodila od ropstva bezakonja.

Nemam za sada sta da dodam.
Zdravo svima,i izvinite sto ste me malo duze cekali.
Baumester ,dobio si od Gere velikog prijatelja,a tu ce se ubrzo naci i poulbuster i tvoj nikeprodaja.
Gerice nisi odgovorio na moja pitanja iz #1166
I sad ispade da ja bezim od odgovora.....nema me ,nema pa ne odgovorim na neko gerino,baumasterovo,poulbusterovo ili nikeprodajino pitanje???
Pa ja sam vam bre odgovorio na sva pitanja,jedino da se igram s vama gluvih telefona,copy-paste/
Posto je ovo tema o jehovinim svedocima,drzite se teme.

1.Zasto ste izbacili ime Jehova iz cele Biblije???
Kad cete izbaciti i ime Isus?Cudi me da niste postavili ime Isus i u starom savezu?
Ubacite ime Isus u stari savez,ako ste dovoljno hrabri?
Niste odgovorili na ovo osnovno pitanje
Pošto od njih nećeš dobiti odgovora dragi moj RIS BG ja ću ti na to pitanje odgovoriti.

Jednostavno zato što oni nisu Jehovini već Baalovi! Lokalni im je to Gospod Bog množine.

(Hebrew Bá'ál; plural, Be'alîm.)
A word which belongs to the oldest stock of the Semite vocabulary and primarily means "lord", "owner". So in Hebrew, a man is styled baal of a house (Exodus 22:7; Judges 19:22), of a field (Job 21:39), of cattle (Exodus 21:28; Isaiah 1:3) of wealth (Eccles, v, 12), even of a wife (Exodus 21:3; cf. Genesis 3:16). The women's position in the Oriental home explains why she is never called Bá'alah of her husband). So also we read of a ram, "baal" of two horns (Dan, viii, 6, 20), of a baal of two wings (i.e. fowl: Eccles., x, 20). Joseph was scornfully termed by his brother a baal of dreams (Genesis 37:19). And so on. (See 2 Kings 1:8: Isaiah 41:15; Genesis 49:23; Exodus 24:14, etc.) Inscriptions afford scores of evidence of the word being similarly used in the other Semitic languages. In the Hebrew Bible, the plural, be'alîm, is found with the various meanings of the singular; whereas in ancient and modern translations it is used only as a referring deities. It has been asserted by several commentators that by baalim the emblems or images of Baal (hámmanîm, máççebhôth, etc.) should be understood. This view is hardly supported by the texts, which regularly points out, sometimes contemptuously, the local or other special Baals.

Evo još malo o njihovom Bogu na Vikipediji

Baʿal, (bāʾ-ʿayn-lām), is a Semitic word signifying "The Lord, master, owner (male), keeper, husband". Cognates include Standard Hebrew (Bet-Ayin-Lamed; בַּעַל / בָּעַל, Báʿal, Akkadian Bēl and Arabic بعل. The feminine form is Baʿalat (Hebrew בַּעֲלָה Baʕalah, Arabic بعلـة baʿalah) signifying "lady, mistress, owner (female), wife".
The words themselves had no exclusively religious connotation, they are a honorific title for heads of households or master craftsmen, but not for royalty. The meaning of "lord" as a member of royalty or nobility is more accurately translated as Adon in Semitic.
Baʿal ul bayt in modern Levantine Arabic is widely used to mean the head of the household, literally 'Master of the House' and has a somewhat jocular, semi-mocking connotation.[citation needed] In modern Levantine Arabic, the word báʿal serves as an adjective describing farming that rely only on rainwater as a source of irrigation. Probably it is the last remnant of the sense of Baal the god in the minds of the people of the region. In Amharic, the Semitic word for "owner" or "husband, spouse" survives with the spelling bal.

Duboki su to njima koreni.
pa nisam znao da su i oni balsiti?Pa oni su onda opasna sekta.
Ja sam mislio da su oni Atanasijevci,ili Konstantinovci,trojicari...
to mu dodje nesto kao satanisti,zar ne?
Pa sto onda ne ubace lepo ime Bala u Biblije ,ako je to njihov Bog?

Znaci zato sto su balisti,samo zato su izbacili ime Jehova iz Biblije.
Rasel je napravio temelj mnogima za izlazak iz te stale....
nazalost ovi tvoji su jos uvek u njoj.
Pokusavaju da naprave vatru trenjem vlaznog drveta,
Risko ubacite Rasela i stalu bolumentu,mozda vam bude lakse ;)

Draga gospođo nema potrebe da se uzrujavaš, pročitaj da proširiš svoje vidike i budi zahvalna da ima neko ko ti pomaže da svataš pravu sliku stvari.
Draga moja ima li šta sa čim se ti ne slažeš od ovoga šta je ovde napisano? molim da pročitaš to što sam boldovao i budi toliko ljubazna pa napiši svoj komentar jer tu lepo piše kako Jehova je ljubomoran Bog i nećeš moći obožavati i njega i Baala.

The Israelites never abandoned the worship of Yahweh. They simply added the worship of Ba‘al to their worship of Yahweh (called syncretism). They had one God for crises and another god for everyday life. The actual worship of Ba‘al was carried out in terms of imitative magic whereby sexual acts by both male and female temple prostitutes were understood to arouse Ba‘al who then brought rain to make Mother Earth fertile (in some forms of the myth, represented by a female consort, Asherah or Astarte).
When crops were abundant, Ba‘al was praised and thanked for his abundant rain. It is in this context that drought had such impact throughout the biblical traditions. Not only was lack of rain a threat to survival, it was also a sign that the gods of the Ba‘al myth were unhappy. It is this context that the "contest" between Elijah and the prophets of Ba’al carries such significance. The issue is really who controls the rain, Ba‘al or Yahweh.
Hosea suggests and Jeremiah graphically depicts the debauchery and excesses that developed in the worship of Ba‘al. Because of the sexual overtones of Ba‘al worship, it was easy to use the metaphor of adultery or prostitution to describe the problem that such syncretism raised for Israel. The prophets are consistent in condemning Ba‘al worship as a sign of being unfaithful to their covenant relationship with Yahweh. It is also in this context that the idea of Yahweh being a "jealous" God comes into play (see God as a "jealous" God). The idea here is not an emotional or arrogant dimension, but rather simply an assertion that if God alone is God, as the shema in Deuteronomy 6:4 asserts, then they cannot worship both Yahweh and Ba‘al.
It is likely in response to the Ba‘al myth that Israelites eventually developed their profound doctrine of creation. If Yahweh were to be the only God, then he had to fulfill the role taken by the gods of the Canaanite pantheon. The primary revelation of God for the Israelites was in the exodus. From this experience they could easily work backward to understanding that the same God who created them as a people was the Creator of the world in which they lived. Or, to express this idea from the opposite perspective, Ba‘al worship was a denial that God was really the creator and sustainer of the world. It is from this perspective that many of the names and titles carried by Ba‘al were taken over and transformed to apply to Yahweh (for example, "rider of the clouds" in Psalm 68:4). That was simply a theological way for the Israelites to say that whatever the Canaanites claimed that Ba‘al did, it was actually Yahweh who did those things (see Speaking the Language of Canaan).
Rasel je napravio temelj mnogima za izlazak iz te stale....
nazalost ovi tvoji su jos uvek u njoj.
Pokusavaju da naprave vatru trenjem vlaznog drveta,

Bas kao i vi sto se tice trojstva!!!

Dodato posle 3 minuta:

Draga gospođo nema potrebe da se uzrujavaš, pročitaj da proširiš svoje vidike i budi zahvalna da ima neko ko ti pomaže da svataš pravu sliku stvari.
Draga moja ima li šta sa čim se ti ne slažeš od ovoga šta je ovde napisano? molim da pročitaš to što sam boldovao i budi toliko ljubazna pa napiši svoj komentar jer tu lepo piše kako Jehova je ljubomoran Bog i nećeš moći obožavati i njega i Baala.

The Israelites never abandoned the worship of Yahweh. They simply added the worship of Ba‘al to their worship of Yahweh (called syncretism). They had one God for crises and another god for everyday life. The actual worship of Ba‘al was carried out in terms of imitative magic whereby sexual acts by both male and female temple prostitutes were understood to arouse Ba‘al who then brought rain to make Mother Earth fertile (in some forms of the myth, represented by a female consort, Asherah or Astarte).
When crops were abundant, Ba‘al was praised and thanked for his abundant rain. It is in this context that drought had such impact throughout the biblical traditions. Not only was lack of rain a threat to survival, it was also a sign that the gods of the Ba‘al myth were unhappy. It is this context that the "contest" between Elijah and the prophets of Ba’al carries such significance. The issue is really who controls the rain, Ba‘al or Yahweh.
Hosea suggests and Jeremiah graphically depicts the debauchery and excesses that developed in the worship of Ba‘al. Because of the sexual overtones of Ba‘al worship, it was easy to use the metaphor of adultery or prostitution to describe the problem that such syncretism raised for Israel. The prophets are consistent in condemning Ba‘al worship as a sign of being unfaithful to their covenant relationship with Yahweh. It is also in this context that the idea of Yahweh being a "jealous" God comes into play (see God as a "jealous" God). The idea here is not an emotional or arrogant dimension, but rather simply an assertion that if God alone is God, as the shema in Deuteronomy 6:4 asserts, then they cannot worship both Yahweh and Ba‘al.
It is likely in response to the Ba‘al myth that Israelites eventually developed their profound doctrine of creation. If Yahweh were to be the only God, then he had to fulfill the role taken by the gods of the Canaanite pantheon. The primary revelation of God for the Israelites was in the exodus. From this experience they could easily work backward to understanding that the same God who created them as a people was the Creator of the world in which they lived. Or, to express this idea from the opposite perspective, Ba‘al worship was a denial that God was really the creator and sustainer of the world. It is from this perspective that many of the names and titles carried by Ba‘al were taken over and transformed to apply to Yahweh (for example, "rider of the clouds" in Psalm 68:4). That was simply a theological way for the Israelites to say that whatever the Canaanites claimed that Ba‘al did, it was actually Yahweh who did those things (see Speaking the Language of Canaan).

AApocketz i risko su jedno telo !!!

Razmislite malo.

Ponasanje i pisanje postova su jednake agresivnosti!!!

Dodato posle 5 minuta:

Nadjite mi barem na jednom mestu u grckom orginalu ili u monuskriptu, gde Gospod Isus ili Apostoli govore o jehovi?????

Nema nigde a govore samo i samo o Isusu i Ocu i Svetom duhu, da su oni jedno, tj jednosusni.

Dodato posle 7 minuta:

Mi priznajemo oca, kad je neko iz ortodosnih rekao na forumu, da mi ne priznajemo Oca ili Sina ili Sv duha

Nas simbol vere je mi priznajemo!!! Oca i Sina I Sv Duha!!!bas kao sto rece Gospod u matveju krstite se u ime !!!Oca i Sina i Sv Duha !!! a ne u ime jehove i sina i duha organizacije.
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