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"The Seventh Day: Revelations from the Lost Pages of History"

The Seventh Day Promo Trailer

In "The Seventh Day: Revelations from the Lost Pages of History", Hal Holbrook weaves together the testimony of scores of scholars - historians and theologians - to trace the true story of the Sabbath. No matter which day, if any, you observe as a day of rest, no matter what you believe about the Sabbath, "The Seventh Day" will open your eyes to an unexpected past - Revelations from the Lost Pages of History.
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"The Seventh Day: Revelations from the Lost Pages of History"


Otkrica sa izgubljenih stranica istorije

Otkrica sa izgubljenih stranica istorije 1

SEDMI DAN - 1 deo
Govori o postanju sveta, pojava teorije o evoluciji, nedostatci teorije evolucije, verovatnoca slucajnog nastanka proteinskog molekula, Inteligentan Dizajner u prirodi, dan odmora nakon svrsetka stvaranja, sedmodnevni ciklus, Avram zajednicka tacka dodira raznih religija, cetvrta zapovest kao pecat Stvoritelja, jevrejski narod i postovanje dana odmora...

Otkrica sa izgubljenih stranica istorije 2

SEDMI DAN - 2 deo
Ukratko sta je bilo u prvom predavanju. Zatim govori o Isus i sedmi dan odmora, Jevrejsko slavljenje Shabata (subote), sedmi dan odmora posle raspeca Isusa, prvi hriscani i dan odmora, razlozi razdvajanja hriscana i jevreja, aleksandrijski hriscani prvi svetitelji nedelje, Justin Mucenik i pocetak slavljenja nedelje u Rimu, nedelja Dan Sunca, razvoj paganskog kulta obozavanja sunca u Rimu, car Konstantin legalizuje hriscansku crkvu i uvodi nedeljni zakon 321 godine, sabor u Laodikeji u 4 veku i svetkovanje subote, 5 vek i svetkovanje subote...

Otkrica sa izgubljenih stranica istorije 3

SEDMI DAN - 3 deo
Ukratko sta je bilo u prethodna dva predavanja. Zatim govori o Iracu svetom Patriku i Keltskoj crkvi, slavljenje subote u Keltskoj crkvi 6-8 vek, kraljica Margareta i borba protiv slavljenja subote u 11veku u Skotskoj, o dekretu nedeljnog zakona cara Konstantina iz 321godine, 602 godina papa Grugur I proglasava sevtkovatelje subote antihristima, crkva u Milanu u 7 veku slavi subotu, nametanje obaveznog subotnog posta (gladovanja subotom) od otpadnika Marciona u 2 veku sto Rimska crkva kasnije nastavlja sa nedeljnim gozbama (4 vek papa Silvester), protivnici subotnjeg posta biskup Hipolit 3 vek Avgustin i istocna crkva je protiv posta, 692 i sabor u Konsantinopolju donosi odluku protiv subotnog posta koju rimski papa ne postuje, 867 godina Fotije patrijarh Konstantinopoljski proglasava sizmu rimskom papi u 8 tacaka od koje je jedna po pitanju subote, 1054 godina potpuni razlaz istocne i zapadne crkve, prevare i cuda da bi se potkrepilo svetkovanje nedelje (padanje pisma sa neba, pretnje zverima i nedacama ako se ne svetkuje nedelja, razni pokreti koji su se suprotili rimskoj crkvi Albizani, Katari, Pasagina, Valdezani i slavili subotu, Viklif (njegove pristalice Lolardi) pocetak reformacije...

Otkrica sa izgubljenih stranica istorije 4

SEDMI DAN - 4 deo
Ukratko sta je bilo u prethodnim predavanjima. Zatim govori o 15 vek i gusenje reformacije koja je naglasavala svetkovanje Subote u Rusiji, u 16 veku kriza u Etiopiji zbog subote, papa Grgur IX 1231. godine osniva inkviziciju koja je odnosila zivote vekovima, 15-16 vek u Spaniji inkvizicija protiv jevreja, svetkovatelja subote i muslimana, 16-19 vek inkvizicija u Portugalu, 16-17 vek i inkvizicija u Indiji i proganjanje jevreja i svetkovatelja subote, 16 vek pojava Martina Lutera i reformacije, 1545 godine sabor u Trentu (odluka da je predanje ili tradicija crkve isto vazna kao i Biblija), 16 vek i Anabaptisti, 16 vek i formiranje anglikanske crkve u engleskoj i pojava puritanaca, 16-18 vek svetkovanje subote u Engleskoj...

Otkrica sa izgubljenih stranica istorije 5

SEDMI DAN - 5 deo
Ukratko sta je bilo u prethodnim predavanjima. Zatim govori o Rodzeru Wilijemsu i reformnom pokretu u 16 vek u Severnoj Americi (zalagao se za jedinstvo svih i za odvajanje crkve od drzave), 16-19 vek sirenje Baptista sedmog dana po Americi i njino progonstvo, uspostavljanje nedeljnih zakona u americkim drzavama, dolazak nemca Bezela u Ameriku i otvaranje Manastira Efrata 18 vek, Cincendorf u nemackoj i moravski pokret u 18 veku, Viljem Miler i pojava adventnog pokreta u Americi u 19 veku, 19 vek i Taiping revolucija u Kini i razvoj hriscanstva, Manilak Eskimski prorok na Aljasci u 19 veku, u juzno americkoj prasumi poglavica Ovkva i sirenje istine o suboti, svetkovanje sedmog dana subote u africi, uzdizanju Alijanse za Gospodnji dan u Americi i nametanje nedelje, takozvani „plavi zakon" od 70godina 20 veka i nametanje nedeljnih zakona u Americkim drzavama, sudjenja u Americi, Africi zbog svetkovanja subote i odbijanja da rade subotom, danas vise od 400 crkava i denominacija drze subotu, o adventistima sedmoga dana...

Overview — Part One

1. Origins
Views of human beginnings from Babylonian and Aztec myths as well as from the Bible and the Koran.

2. The Evolution Explanation
Darwin's theory of evolution challenges traditional view of origins.

3. Beyond Chance
A case against blind chance as a logical explanation of human origins.

4. Intelligent Designer
The Bible's portrayal of Creation and the Creator.

5. The Architecture of Time
The week and the Sabbath in the structure of human life.

6. Point of Contact
The weekly Sabbath in man's relationship with God.

7. A Day for All Mankind
The universal and perpetual purpose for the weekly day of rest.

8. Unholy Sabbath
National disaster strikes the "chosen people" due, in part, to their neglect of the Sabbath.

9. Sabbath Around the World
Somehow the concept of Sabbath extended into the culture and language of many peoples.

10. Reform
Revival of Sabbath observance among the Jews who returned from exile results in heroism and tragedy.

Overview — Part Two

1. Religion in Rome
A summary view of Roman religions during the time of Jesus.

2. The Jewish Sabbath
Strict Sabbathkeeping marked the Jews as unique.

3. The Sabbath Reformer
The Bible protrays Jesus as a revolutionary Sabbathkeeper.

4. Prophecy
Jesus predicted that His followers would be still be keeping the Sabbath at the time of the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD.

5. Christians and Jews
The two groups shared a view of a personal God and of the weekly Sabbath, but Christians found new meaning in the holy day.

6. The Christian Sabbath
Clear evidence for Christian observance of the seventh-day Sabbath in the first century AD.

7. Sundaykeepers
Second-century Christians in Alexandria and Rome begin observing the first day of the week instead of the Sabbath.

8. The Day of the Sun
Roman sun worship and its link to Christian Sunday observance.

9. Sunday Law
Emperor Constantine legalizes Sunday as the weekly day of rest in the Roman Empire.

10. The Sabbath Survives
Proof of seventh-day (Saturday) Sabbath observance into the middle of the fourth century.

Overview — Part Three

1. Celtic Christianity
The religious background to the story of St. Patrick.

2. The Real Patrick
Once a slave in Ireland, Patrick responds to a divine call and returns to the Emerald Isle as a missionary.

3. Celtic Sabbath
Saturday observed as the Sabbath by Celtic Christians.

4. Margaret of Scotland
Margaret comes from England, marries King Malcolm, and attempts to reform Sunday observance in Scotland.

5. Assault on the Sabbath
The Church of Rome promotes the Sabbath (Saturday) fast as an expression of anti-Jewish sentiments.

6. Power Struggle
The "Sabbath fast" becomes a key issue in the rivalry between church leaders in Rome and Constantinople.

7. Deceptions
The "letter from heaven" threatens Sunday-breakers.

8. Fight for Truth
Resistance to church/state authority brings tragedy.

9. John Wycliffe: Champion of Conscience
An Oxford professor focuses new attention on the Bible as the supreme authority for Christian faith and practice.

10. The Lollards
Wycliffe's followers take his views throughout England and beyond.

11. The Church vs. the Bible
The church-state establishment opposes the spread of the Bible and the ideas of Wycliffe and the Lollards.

Overview — Part Four

1. Russian Reformation
This Sabbathkeeping movement reached the highest levels of Russian society and led to fiery executions in Moscow's Red Square.

2. Sabbath vs. Sunday in Ethiopia
Jesuit missionaries succeeded in converting the Emperor to Roman Catholicism, but attempts to quash Sabbath observance resulted in civil war.

3. Inquisition
Civil and religious authorities united to root out "heresy."

4. Purging the Church in Spain
Ferdinand and Isabella, the "Catholic Monarchs," used the Spanish Inquisition to rid their church of Jewish heresies.

5. Portugal Exports the Inquisition
Inquisitors carried their campaign of religious persecution into the new territories of Portugal's expanding empire.

6. Authority: Sola Scriptura?
Protestant Reformers insisted on the authority of the sacred Scriptures, while Catholic leaders defended their church's stand on Tradition.

7. Anabaptists
Persecuted by Protestants and Catholics alike, these radical reformers stood for strict adherence to biblical teachings. Among them were new champions of the Sabbath.

8. The Seventh-day Men
While many Puritan preachers insisted on strict observance of Sunday, other prominent Englishmen called for a return to the Sabbath of the Ten Commandments.

Overview — Part Five

1. Roger Williams and Religious Liberty
This nonconformist preacher established the Rhode Island colony on the foundation of freedom of conscience for everybody.

2. To the New World
A Sabbathkeeping Baptist couple emigrate from England to Rhode Island and help establish the first Seventh Day Baptist congregation in America.

3. A Song in the Wilderness
Conrad Beisel and his followers establish a Sabbathkeeping community on Pennsylvania's Cocalico Creek — the Ephrata Coister.

4. A Voice from Germany
Count Ludwig von Zinzendorf directs the Moravian mission to the North American Indians and inspires his community to keep the seventh-day Sabbath.

5. Advent Movement
A Seventh Day Baptist lady shares her Sabbath beliefs with her pastor, and this leads to the establishment of the Seventh-day Adventist church.

6. Kingdom of Heavenly Peace
19th-century China is shaken by the Taiping Revolution, a huge peasant revolt that is shaped, in part, by bibical principles including observance of the seventh-day Sabbath.

7. Eskimo Prophet
In Alaska's Kobuk River valley a man named Maniilaq learns about "seventh-day resting" from one he calls "the Grandfather."

8. The Shining One
Deep in the South American rain forest Chief Owkwa learns about the Sabbath from a bright celestial visitor.

9. Africa
The Sabbath's deep cultural roots in various parts of this continent.

10. Saving Sunday
The secularization of Sunday in 19th-century America leads some political and religious leaders to promote laws that would protect Sunday as the national day of rest and worship.

11. Sabbath on Trial
People who observe Saturday rather than Sunday as their weekly day of worship sometimes face financial hardship and legal trouble because of their beliefs.

12. People of the Sabbath
Although still a small minority, seventh-day Sabbathkeepers are increasing in number around the world.

13. Challenges
Sabbathkeeping theologians respond to critics who contend that observing the seventh-day Sabbath is legalistic or irrelevant for Christians today..

14. Eternal Sabbath
Bible prophecy points to the Sabbath as part of God's plan for a perfect world in the eternal future.
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Sve će to biti isključeno iz crkve!

A ko će onda ostati u vecinom kavezu kad svi odete?
A koliko to Bog ima crkvi...ja čitam JEDNU a ta jedna nema učitelje od ljudi već od Boga,nema hulitelje na Duha i darove duha kao jezici recimo,nema okultiste niti homoseksualce,nema đavoljeg duha koji brani meso, nema pogađače datuma, nema obrnuta proroštva, nema lažne proroke i lažne učitelje,nema žene učitelje niti žene stareš sve vi kao ćerka bludnica imate i zato NISTE BOŽJA CRKVA jer ne poznaste Boga u telu niti se u to IME krstite niti imate darove Duha niti svoj duh I lsusu predajete ništa vi sa Istnom nemate jer vas vodi otac laži u oficirskoj uniformi sa pregačom i rogovima uz glavnu kuvaricu vešticu i plagijatoricu.

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Mržnju ostavite za druge teme!

Obratite pažnju na Hristove reči...

Mat 12:30 Koji nije sa mnom, protiv mene je; i koji ne sabira sa mnom, prosipa.
Mat 12:31 Zato vam kažem: svaki greh i hula oprostiće se ljudima; a na Duha Svetog hula neće se oprostiti ljudima.
Mat 12:32 I ako ko reče reč na Sina čovečijeg, oprostiće mu se; a koji reče reč na Duha Svetog, neće mu se oprostiti ni na ovom svetu ni na onom.
Mat 12:33 Ili usadite drvo dobro, i rod njegov biće dobar; ili usadite drvo zlo, i rod njegov zao biće; jer se po rodu drvo poznaje.
Mat 12:34 Porodi aspidini! Kako možete dobro govoriti, kad ste zli? Jer usta govore od suviška srca.
Mat 12:35 Dobar čovek iz dobre kleti iznosi dobro; a zao čovek iz zle kleti iznosi zlo.
Mat 12:36 A ja vam kažem da će za svaku praznu reč koju kažu ljudi dati odgovor u dan strašnog suda.
Mat 12:37 Jer ćeš se svojim rečima opravdati, i svojim ćeš se rečima osuditi.

Isus Hrist
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