Win 11 Boot And Upgrade FiX KiT v2.2

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Size: 2232014 bytes (2179 KiB)
CRC32: 6B0240DC
CRC64: E1CE9A5AE9022871
SHA256: CDAB459E892861A66C171D28A1B20333078E6E9ABF685A33A1D182FC4D07909F
SHA1: 7CA66C50E15C03C689626EB9F0D54980C15ADAE2
BLAKE2sp: 09DCB75D57AF7861C1969DE6A337EB2B504FFC0DF561EE2D8B16C678B7535266

PW = MDL2021



Replaced the UFWS cmd by UFWS v1.4, now modifying the index info on install.wim/esd to circumvent the win 11 minimum system requirements when clean installing or upgrading.
UFWS enables you to do ISO upgrades without the need for disconnecting from internet.
The tool now uses only one folder for the used files, thanks to @W_fantasma at MDL.
Added an "Upgrade_Fail_Fix.cmd" to the root of the ISO, meant for when upgrading has failed.
Replaced the date assessment for ISO fix date by code suggestion by @RPO at MDL
Added 2 new settings on the cmd file directly:

I've put in direct CMD settings for adding ei.cfg and boot.wim optimization.

SET "EI_CFG_ADD=1" <--- This sets the script to add the generic ei.cfg (if one already exists, the existing one will be renamed to "EI.CFG.Ori"), when set to "0" the generic ei.cfg will not be copied, existing ones will remain on the ISO.
SET "Boot_WIM_Opt=1" <--- This sets the script to run the optimize (rebuild) command for boot.wim, when set to "0" it won't.​
Jedno pitanje,imam problem sa sistemom:ažurira mi se neki program tipa nod32 i zatraži sistem restart,restartujem pc i posle ne može da podigne sistem nikako već 4 put da mi se dešava to i moram da podižem novi sistem ispočetka.Jel neko ima sličan problem ili možda rešenje neko?

Moji prvi utisci sistem se brze podize to definitivno, lepo izgleda vuzuelno je extra odradjena, krekovi koji su radili na windows 10 rade normalno i na windows 11 da ne bude zabune Home verziju koristim, web stranice brze otvara i to znatno brze chrome radi brze bar za 40 posto ,sve u svemu za sad nije lose uopste, mislim da ce finalna verija biti OK, preporucujem probajte insajder verziju necete se pokajati...
E super, svidja mi se sto ovako iz prve ruke cujem sve ove pohvale. Kod mene je win 10 koji u zadnjih 6-8 mjeseci vec dva puta nanovi instaliram. Sad ne znam sam da li da cekam finalnu ili da instaliram ovu verziju 11-ke. Ne znam da li i moja konfiguracija bas sve podrzava. Po mome misljenju je na granici. procesor i5 790, RAM 8GB, HDD 250 (nije ssd), grafika ATI 5450 1GB