Slape i Darth cesto krive adventisti da u svojim bolnicam vrse abortuse. Pozitivno znam da to nije slucaj u Americi.
To me je negnalo da potrazim informacije kako katolicke zene u Americi odnose se prema abortusu.
I evo sta sam nasao:
Prema Institutu koji planira porodicu evo sta oni kazu sta katolkinje rade po tom pitanju.
2002. godine izvrseno je u Americi 10,683 abortosa zena od 15-44 godina strarosti.
Od tih su 27 posto katolkinje i 23 posto od njih su u braku.
Tako svaka 16, zena koja ima abortus je udata i katokinja je.
Vidite sada svi, koliko ucenje Katolicke crkve, koja zabranjuje abortus utice ne njihove vernike.
Crkva prica jedno, a zene po svome, rade sta im se svidja.
We need to recognize that the faces of Catholic women who choose abortion are not always what we may presume.
The Guttmacher Institute, formerly Planned Parenthood’s research arm, regularly surveys women on their decision to undergo an abortion. I looked at data from a 2002 national survey of 10,683 abortion-procuring women between the ages of 15 and 44. (More recent detailed data is not publicly available, but the broad demographic trends reported by Guttmacher, including the percentage of women getting abortions who are Catholic, have remained relatively stable, suggesting that the data on subgroups still have validity.) In this data set, 27 percent were Catholic, and of those, nearly 23 percent were married. In other words, one out of every 16 women procuring an abortion is married and Catholic.
To me je negnalo da potrazim informacije kako katolicke zene u Americi odnose se prema abortusu.
I evo sta sam nasao:
Prema Institutu koji planira porodicu evo sta oni kazu sta katolkinje rade po tom pitanju.
2002. godine izvrseno je u Americi 10,683 abortosa zena od 15-44 godina strarosti.
Od tih su 27 posto katolkinje i 23 posto od njih su u braku.
Tako svaka 16, zena koja ima abortus je udata i katokinja je.
Vidite sada svi, koliko ucenje Katolicke crkve, koja zabranjuje abortus utice ne njihove vernike.
Crkva prica jedno, a zene po svome, rade sta im se svidja.
We need to recognize that the faces of Catholic women who choose abortion are not always what we may presume.
The Guttmacher Institute, formerly Planned Parenthood’s research arm, regularly surveys women on their decision to undergo an abortion. I looked at data from a 2002 national survey of 10,683 abortion-procuring women between the ages of 15 and 44. (More recent detailed data is not publicly available, but the broad demographic trends reported by Guttmacher, including the percentage of women getting abortions who are Catholic, have remained relatively stable, suggesting that the data on subgroups still have validity.) In this data set, 27 percent were Catholic, and of those, nearly 23 percent were married. In other words, one out of every 16 women procuring an abortion is married and Catholic.