TOM TOM Navigacija


Koliko vas ima koji vozite balkan sa TomTom Go ili Amigo u automodu?

Kakva su vasa iskustva danas u Julu 2024?

Koliko sam primjetio neke rute koje znam, rutira odlicno, nista losije od GM, iGO, ST sa Here mapama itd.

Eh sada pitanje je kakva je situacija Bosna, Hrvatska, Srbija, Slovenija po pitanju rutiranja, prisutnosti POI, rerutiranja narocito ako ne zelimo ici autoputem itd?

Ovdje u DE je usudio bih se reci BEZGRESNA skoro.

Meni je TomTom Go najbolja od svih i najbolje mi radi i rutira. Cesto i Sygic imam ukljucen pored ili Google mape ali TomTom je za mene najpouzdanija, narocito kad se koristi offline. U kolima imam fabricku multimediju sa Garmin navigacijom, takodje mi veoma dobro radi ali gledam uvek da imam istovremeno 2 aktivne navigacije, za svaki slucaj, ako neka zataji da imam rezervu i obicno TomTom tu bude ona koja je bolja.

Sto se tice rada u razlicitim zemljama, Isti utisak je na mene ostavila gde god da sam vozio a zadnjih 5-6 godina sam vise puta vozio kroz Grcku, Bugarsku, Tursku, Italiju (prolazio kroz Hrvatsku samo), Sloveniju, Madjarsku pa i Rumuniju, naravno i Srbiju, i moje misljenje se nigde nije promenilo.
Poslednja izmena:

Hvala ti na komentaru. Ja sam prije par godina na nagovor naseg druga @david0vich probao TomTom i od tada sam aktivno samo na TomTom. Kao i ti u autu kroz Android Auto imam Sygic, Google Maps i naravno TomTom GO. Kao rezerva na telefonu imam Sygic Truck i iGO.

Vise puta se pokazalo bar ovdje u Njemackoj da je TomTom Go najbolji izbor, narocito kada je u pitanju saobracaj i rutiranje. Im brzi, bolji saobracaj od Google Maps. Koliko znam Sygic koristi njihov servis kao i Apple Maps.

Nisam nesto puno vozio sa TT na balkanu ali ovaj put namjeravam. Probao sam neke rute i ostao zapanjen kako dobro rutira. Mislim da su jedna od najkompletnijih navigacija kada se sve uzme u obzir. Steta samo sto ne mozemo rucno ubacivati kamere pa mi je uvijek aktivan kao backup.

TomTom AmiGO - GPS Navigation 9.547.0

arm64-v8a + armeabi-v7a

Install TomTom AmiGO at no cost and enjoy an ad-free navigation experience! Your new intelligent driving companion will show you the best ways around live traffic, speed cameras *, and hazards. Get ready for a hassle-free drive.
• Speed Camera Warnings: know your average speed and drive within speed limits with fixed and mobile speed camera alert.
• Real-time Traffic Alerts: avoid blocked and closed roads and get an update when the traffic jam ahead of you is slow-moving.
• Easy Navigation: pinpoint incidents on the map and navigate with clear guidance.
• Android Auto: follow navigation from your car's display on a larger screen.
• Trusted Arrival Times: Proprietary maps, coming from 20+ years of experience, provide you the most accurate traffic information.
• Ad-free: focus on the road - no interruptions.
• Privacy-focused: your data is always protected - we will never sell your data or serve ads.
• Beautiful Interface: visual guidance of the maps and instructions to all your destinations.
• Drive to your Calendars & Contacts: search for the addresses stored on your phone straight through AmiGO.
• Report Incidents: share radar, jam, hazards, and more traffic updates with other drivers.
• Auto start / stop via Bluetooth connection: get alerts and instructions through your car speakers with the hands-free protocol.
• Overlay Mode: see speed camera * and traffic updates with AmiGO's widget, even when you don't need navigation.
• Simple Lane Guidance: follow easy instructions and the route bar for turn-by-turn navigation.

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TomTom AmiGO - GPS Navigation 9.593.0

arm64-v8a + armeabi-v7a

Install TomTom AmiGO at no cost and enjoy an ad-free navigation experience! Your new intelligent driving companion will show you the best ways around live traffic, speed cameras *, and hazards. Get ready for a hassle-free drive.
• Speed Camera Warnings: know your average speed and drive within speed limits with fixed and mobile speed camera alert.
• Real-time Traffic Alerts: avoid blocked and closed roads and get an update when the traffic jam ahead of you is slow-moving.
• Easy Navigation: pinpoint incidents on the map and navigate with clear guidance.
• Android Auto: follow navigation from your car's display on a larger screen.
• Trusted Arrival Times: Proprietary maps, coming from 20+ years of experience, provide you the most accurate traffic information.
• Ad-free: focus on the road - no interruptions.
• Privacy-focused: your data is always protected - we will never sell your data or serve ads.
• Beautiful Interface: visual guidance of the maps and instructions to all your destinations.
• Drive to your Calendars & Contacts: search for the addresses stored on your phone straight through AmiGO.
• Report Incidents: share radar, jam, hazards, and more traffic updates with other drivers.
• Auto start / stop via Bluetooth connection: get alerts and instructions through your car speakers with the hands-free protocol.
• Overlay Mode: see speed camera * and traffic updates with AmiGO's widget, even when you don't need navigation.
• Simple Lane Guidance: follow easy instructions and the route bar for turn-by-turn navigation.

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TomTom AmiGO - GPS Navigation 9.607.0

arm64-v8a + armeabi-v7a

Install TomTom AmiGO at no cost and enjoy an ad-free navigation experience! Your new intelligent driving companion will show you the best ways around live traffic, speed cameras *, and hazards. Get ready for a hassle-free drive.
• Speed Camera Warnings: know your average speed and drive within speed limits with fixed and mobile speed camera alert.
• Real-time Traffic Alerts: avoid blocked and closed roads and get an update when the traffic jam ahead of you is slow-moving.
• Easy Navigation: pinpoint incidents on the map and navigate with clear guidance.
• Android Auto: follow navigation from your car's display on a larger screen.
• Trusted Arrival Times: Proprietary maps, coming from 20+ years of experience, provide you the most accurate traffic information.
• Ad-free: focus on the road - no interruptions.
• Privacy-focused: your data is always protected - we will never sell your data or serve ads.
• Beautiful Interface: visual guidance of the maps and instructions to all your destinations.
• Drive to your Calendars & Contacts: search for the addresses stored on your phone straight through AmiGO.
• Report Incidents: share radar, jam, hazards, and more traffic updates with other drivers.
• Auto start / stop via Bluetooth connection: get alerts and instructions through your car speakers with the hands-free protocol.
• Overlay Mode: see speed camera * and traffic updates with AmiGO's widget, even when you don't need navigation.
• Simple Lane Guidance: follow easy instructions and the route bar for turn-by-turn navigation.

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TomTom AmiGO - GPS Navigation 9.684.0


Install TomTom AmiGO at no cost and enjoy an ad-free navigation experience! Your new intelligent driving companion will show you the best ways around live traffic, speed cameras *, and hazards. Get ready for a hassle-free drive.
• Speed Camera Warnings: know your average speed and drive within speed limits with fixed and mobile speed camera alert.
• Real-time Traffic Alerts: avoid blocked and closed roads and get an update when the traffic jam ahead of you is slow-moving.
• Easy Navigation: pinpoint incidents on the map and navigate with clear guidance.
• Android Auto: follow navigation from your car's display on a larger screen.
• Trusted Arrival Times: Proprietary maps, coming from 20+ years of experience, provide you the most accurate traffic information.
• Ad-free: focus on the road - no interruptions.
• Privacy-focused: your data is always protected - we will never sell your data or serve ads.
• Beautiful Interface: visual guidance of the maps and instructions to all your destinations.
• Drive to your Calendars & Contacts: search for the addresses stored on your phone straight through AmiGO.
• Report Incidents: share radar, jam, hazards, and more traffic updates with other drivers.
• Auto start / stop via Bluetooth connection: get alerts and instructions through your car speakers with the hands-free protocol.
• Overlay Mode: see speed camera * and traffic updates with AmiGO's widget, even when you don't need navigation.
• Simple Lane Guidance: follow easy instructions and the route bar for turn-by-turn navigation.

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Apdejt mape TomTom za PNA uređaje

TomTom Eastern Europe 1135.12395 (Released 08/2024)

PNA: TomTom, Navcore 8.2xx i vise

5F 06 90 0E 77 DA FC B3 75 EC 46 B6 17 33 8D 50 Europe_East-104213.meta ; Europe_East 1135_12395

Torrent - 1.42 GB
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Apdejt mape TomTom za PNA uređaje

TomTom Europe 1135.12404 (Released 08/2024)

PNA: Navcore 11.805 - 12.105

18 DF 6E 2C F3 F0 0B 91 A8 F1 1B 1D 7E 8A E3 3B Europe-104222.meta ; Europe_1135_12404

Torrent - 4.81 GB
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