"Get In The Swing"

"Get In The Swing"

Get in the swing, pal
Get in the swing
With everybody and everything

My friends are here
Mind if you go out and not come back again
Well, thanks a lot
Hooray, hooray
The night is younger than the girl who's got the touch
But not by much

Well, I ain't no Freud, I'm from L.A.
But I know certain things
That they also serve who sit and wait
They're cheaper than painting
And don't need explaining


When Salmon spawn
A ton of water blocks their motion,
Spoils their game
But on they go
Thrashing 'til their mission is fulfilled or else
Oh, but they have their friends
And have a warm bed waiting
Just like I do with you
I'm happy, so happy, I'm happy, oh happy


All for one, one for all


Hello down there
This is your creator with a questionaire
Hello up there
I don't have the time to fill out questionaires
"Girl From Germany"

"Girl From Germany"

How I wished my folks were gracious hosts and not dismayed
But wit and wisdom take a backseat girl when you're that afraid
Oh no, bring her home and the folks look ill
My word, they can't forget, they never will
They can hear the storm troops on our lawn when I show her in
And the F? is alive and well in our panelled den
Oh no, bring her home and the folks look ill
My word, they can't forget that war, what a war

My word, she's from Germany
Well, it's the same old country but the people have changed
My word... Germany
With its splendid castles and its fine cuisine

Well, the car I drive is parked outside, it's German-made
They resent that less than the people who are German-made
Oh no, bring her home and the folks look ill
My word, they can't forget that war, what a war, some war

My word... Germany
Well, it's the same old country but the people have changed
My word... Germany
With its splendid castles and its fine cuisine, its lovely German women
And its wonderful rivers that do flow from her hills

My word, she's from Germany
Well, it's the same old country but the people have changed
My word, she's from Germany
With its splendid castles and its fine cuisine

My word, she's from Germany
Well, it's the same old country but the people have changed
My word, she's from Germany
With its splendid castles and its fine cuisine

My word, she's from Germany
Well, it's the same old country but the people have changed
My word, she's from Germany
With its splendid castles, its fine cuisine, its lovely German women and you and me!
"Girls On The Brain"

"Girls On The Brain"

I searched the whole encyclopedia from A to Z
And had no luck, no luck
It listed beriberi, menopause, and even halitosis
No luck, no luck
And then I asked my brother who is kinda thick
Tell me what I got, I'm feeling really sick

Brother keep away from me
You got girls on the brain
It's really rough when you got
You got girls on the brain

Everytime I go to church
I just can't think about the Lord at all
(Girls on the brain) At all
(Girls on the brain) At all
Everytime I go to work
It seems I'm always walking into walls
(Girls on the brain) Them old walls
(Girls on the brain) Oh no

It's getting worse and worse
And then you pat me on the back
In fifty years you may outgrow it
Just like that
But until then I got
I got girls on the brain

Girls on the brain
Girls on the brain
Boy I'm in pain
They drive me insane
It's really rough when you got
You got girls on the brain
(God knows it's rough)

I'll give this hundred dollar bill
To anybody who can help at all
Don't everybody shout at once
It seems there's nothing can be done at all
It's getting worse and worse but lately
I can live with it
I'm starting to enjoy it
Just a little bit

Like it or not I got
I got girls on the brain
Like it or not I got
I got girls on the brain
"Gone With The Wind"

"Gone With The Wind"

Burn Atlanta tonight
Hey, for a buck we could stay here all night
Long live the Confederate plight

It's history, it drags on and on
It wasn't my fault it lasted 'til dawn
Your mammy's got to think like me
It's praised by the academy
And she'd rather Gable than your dad
So tell her please I'm an innocent lad
I'm telling her

Gone with the Wind - there's a lot to be said for it
But I can't think just what
We didn't watch a lot
Gone with the wind - there's a lot to be said for it
But I don't know just what
We didn't catch the plot
But we could mention that the South might rise again.

Cut! Now we want you to fall
Down the stairs without breaking your fall
Using no hands at all
That's fine, now again from the top
And make sure your face is not seen when you drop
So what did you do today?
I fell down the stairs today
For portraying Vivien Leigh they doubled the basic fee

We're telling you, Gone with the Wind
There's a lot to be said for it
But I don't know just what
They don't tell my type the plot
Gone with the Wind
There's a lot to be said for it
But I couldn't say just what
All I did was bruise a lot
But they mention that the South will rise again

The South will rise again they're saying
But frankly, I don't give a damn

I'm telling you, Gone with the Wind
There's a lot to be said for it
But I don't know just what
Without spoiling the plot
Gone with the Wind - there's a lot to be said for it
But I don't know just what
We didn't watch a lot
Gone with the Wind - there's a lot to be said for it
But I couldn't say just what
All I did was bruise a lot
Gone with the Wind - there's a lot to be said for it
But I couldn't say just what
They don't tell my type the plot
"Good Morning"

"Good Morning"

Good morning
Who are you?
I woke up and saw you
I'm dreaming, still dreaming
My life is now about to have some meaning

Good morning
I'm thinking
I must have
Been drinking
And said something clever
It must have been the best line from me ever

Thank you, God, for something rare as this
What surely must have been a holy night of bliss
Gratitude for having thought of me
I know your time is tight, and yet you thought of me

Good morning
You woke up
Got dressed up
Hair messed up
While I fix you breakfast
I hope it's just your laugh that is infectious

Good morning
In sorrow
I know that
You'll be with some winner
Who's richer, younger, maybe even thinner

Rubles in the bank and petrol in the tank of some Mercedes Benz
Who spends and spends and spends on booked up restaurants
A thousand phony fronts
But will he ever wish you a good morning?

Thank you, God, for something rare as this
What surely must have been a holy night of bliss
Gratitude for having thought of me
I know your time is tight, and yet you thought of me

And did I stumble have a fall,
Hit my head against a wall
At some point did we trade vows?
Are you just some high-priced service from uptown?

Good morning
Buon giorno
Buenas dias
Hey, where you going?
Hey, where you going?
Does dasvedonya really mean good morning?

Please spare me derision
I'll do my rendition
A lengthy recital
Of every song with foolish in the title

Good morning
Good morning

Good morning
I need you, I need you
Who are you?
"Goofing Off"

"Goofing Off"

Well, the world has started spinning
'Cause the weekend is beginning
So grab anything that moves and bring some cash

Yeah, I'm looking at your body
And I think I need your body
Yeah, the whole entire body, bring it here
And we've got two days to try to forget
A week of crap and crud
And we've got two days, so get over here

We're gonna goof off good
Goofing off, goofing off
I can do it, do it, do it perfectly
Goofing off, goofing off

It's the only thing I gladly do for free
I'm goin' non-stop for 48 hours
Then I'll collapse right here
Then I'll be scooped up and carried to work

And propped up in a chair
Goofing off, goofing off, goofing off

Plough your way through Monday morning
Plough your way through Tuesday morning
Plough your way through Wednesday, Thursday, Friday too
Then the world begins to spin and spin and spin
And spin and spin and I become a raving, raving, ranting fool

We're in the weekend, don't blow it, oh no
Don't blow that two day pass
We're in the weekend, so get up and go
Don't sit down on your ass

Goofing off, goofing off
I can do it, do it, do it perfectly
Goofing off, goofing off
It's the only thing I gladly do for free

I'm goin' non-stop for 48 hours
Then I'll collapse right here
Then I'll be scooped up and carried to work
And propped up in a chair
Goofing off, goofing off, goofing off.
"Gratuitous Sax"

"Gratuitous Sax"

You need another element, you need it right away
What should I do, what should I do?
An element to titillate so they won't go away
I thought of you and how you blew 'til you were blue
And how you blew 'til you were blue
And how you blew 'til you were blue
Throw in some
Gratuitous sax
"Happy Hunting Ground"

"Happy Hunting Ground"

Happy hunting ground, happy hunting ground
They don't talk or act like you do
Happy hunting ground, happy hunting ground
No they sure don't look like you

Who, what, when, where and why everyday
Identify every disease
I drew a blank in my language
And latin and Spanish and Greek
Thrown out, thrown out, so happy at first
I danced 'til I wore out my shoes
Now I'm in trouble, I know it
Please let me back into school

Back in the happy hunting ground
Where all around are fair, fair game
I need the happy hunting ground
'Cause all around it's not the same

How to say it, and not to offend
Well, you're still inside it's OK
As soon as a girl leaves the refuge
Out go the reason they're great
Hips are spreading, and never a smile
They always demand that they drive
Well, I've got to get back inside there
Back where at least they're alive


Happy hunting ground, happy hunting ground
They can sort of dance like you do
Happy hunting ground, happy hunting ground
But they just can't last like you

Some are coming to learn how to read
Others to learn how to write
But I want a better selection
It's larger but poorer outside

It's fair, fair game inside [etc.]


It's fair fair game inside [etc.]

"Hasta Manana Monsieur"

"Hasta Manana Monsieur"

I tried to tell you in the night
That with a girl like you I could do without guided tours
You tried to tell me in the day
That your leading exports were textiles and iron ore

Hasta Manana Monsieur
Were the only words that I knew for sure
Hasta Manana Monsieur
Were the three little words that I knew you'd adore

Leaving my syntax back at school
I was thrown for a loss over gender and simple rules
You mentioned Kant and I was shocked
You know, where I come from, none of the girls have such foul tongues

Hasta Manana Monsieur
Were the only words that I knew for sure
Hasta Manana Monsieur
I'm gonna do it now
C'est la vie, c'est la mort, say no more, no no more
It's all the same , whether here or there or anywhere
There's them who have, and there are the others who have not

Kimono my house mon amour
I am sure that this motion don't need no accompanying words
Guess I was wrong because you've fled
Leaving me with my Michelin Guide and half-empty foreign bed

Hasta Manana Monsieur
Were the only words that I knew for sure
Hasta Manana Monsieur
Were the three little words that I knew you'd adore

Hasta Manana Monsieur
Were the only words that I knew for sure
Hasta Manana Monsieur
Were the three little words that I knew you'd adore
"Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil"

"Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil"

I'm the wife of Clinton
I don't have a problem with all of this
They come and go, of course I know
I know everything
You don't know my thinking
Who I dream of or the gifts that I bring
One thing is clear, the atmosphere
Is thin and it's cold

Hear no evil (Monkey 1 says you shouldn't hear it)
See no evil (Monkey 2 says you shouldn't see it)
Speak no evil (Monkey 3 says you shouldn't speak it)
Hear no evil (Monkey 1 says you shouldn't hear it)
See no evil (Monkey 2 says you shouldn't see it)
Speak no evil (Monkey 3 says you shouldn't speak it)

I am Madame Mao
Following the Tao to the extreme
I know the score, all this and more
They're still in their teens
You don't know my thinking
Who I dream of or the gifts that I bring
One thing is true, I won't leave clues
To where I have been


We on the Potomac love good times
We on the Yangtze love good times
We on the Nile love good times
Can't get enough of good times
More than enough love to go 'round
More than enough power to go 'round
More than enough ids to be found
More than enough bids to go down


Hear no evil
See no evil
Speak no evil

I am Cleopatra
Caesar's former lover, now I am yours
Marc Antony, you're biting off
More than you can chew

Monkey 1 says you shouldn't hear it
Monkey 2 says you shouldn't see it
Monkey 3 says you shouldn't speak it

Hear no evil
See no evil
Speak no evil