"Everybody Move"

"Everybody Move"

Everybody move
Move it up and move it down
Sweet little thing ease it down
Fall in the pool and you'll drown

Everybody move
Wear out the soles of you shoes
Wear out the soles of your feet
Move to the beat, toute de suite

There's a red lite a comin'
There's a red lite a comin'
Slam on the brakes and slow down

Everybody move
Unwanted pounds will disappear
You'll have a itty bitty rear
Better lay off of the beer

There's a new thang a comin'
There's a new thang a comin'
Better do something with your hair
"Everybody's Stupid"

"Everybody's Stupid"

You fell for me, I fell for you
You think I'm great, I think you're good
and that's enough to prove
the point once more
Everybody's stupid, that's for sure

(Oh yeah) Everybody's stupid, that's for sure
(Oh yeah) Everybody's stupid, that's for sure
(Oh yeah) Everybody's stupid, that's for sure
Everybody's stupid, that's for sure

I light my filter, then reverse it
And burn a mouth that's weak on verbs
and nouns and nouns
but I'm not sore
Everybody's stupid, that's for sure
(Oh yeah) Everybody's stupid, that's for sure
(Oh yeah) Everybody's stupid, that's for sure
(Oh yeah) Everybody's stupid, that's for sure
Everybody's stupid, that's for sure


I traded you for Jean and Myra
I traded them for the Mormon Choir
Now I got some music and the Lord
And I'm feeling dumber than before

(Oh yeah) Everybody's stupid, that's for sure
(Oh yeah) Everybody's stupid, that's for sure
(Oh yeah) Everybody's stupid, that's for sure
Everybody's stupid, that's for sure
"Fa La Fa Lee"

"Fa La Fa Lee"

Fa la fa lee, she ain't heavy she's a brother to me
What I need, she can't be
Nature, nurture, who's to say?
But still fa la, fa lee
Anything between us is a felony

Fa la fa lee, she thinks only of the higher parts of me
Such a shame, were I she
I'd set my sights much lower then I'd sing
fa la fa la fa lee
But as it stands now that would be a felony

I sing fa la fa lee, but as it stands now
that would be a felony
"Falling In Love With Myself Again"

"Falling In Love With Myself Again"

Similar mother, similar father, similar dog, cat and fish
And we'll make the same wish
When the birthday candle's lit
We'll both be older
We won't get our wish
Yes, I think that I'm falling in love with myself again

Yes, I think I'm falling in love with myself again
Yes, I think I'm falling
Yes, I think I'm falling
Yes, I think I'm falling in love with myself again

With her hand in my hand and my hand in hers
Don't we look a blur
Me and her and me and her
Hey, kiss her, oh kiss her
Our friends do concur
Yes, I think that I'm falling in love with myself again


I can't see with you in front of the mirror staring, staring
I can't hear myself think with all that music blaring, blaring

Yes, I'm falling
Falling, falling
Falling, falling yes, I'm falling
Yes, I think I'm falling in love with myself again

I bring home the bacon and eat it myself
Here's to my health
Hope that I am feeling well
I'm burning the candle at both ends, oh well
Yes, I think that I'm falling in love with myself again


Yes, I think I'm falling in love with myself again
Yes, I think I'm falling
Yes, I think I'm falling
Yes, I think I'm falling in love with myself again


One gallon for that certain start
Two gallons once around the park
I don’t need any servicing
Just fill-er-up with anything
Five gallons gets me up the hill
Six gallons, I don’t need no pills
I’m never gonna stop again
So fill-er-up with premium
Ten gallons, everyone’s a her
Eleven gallons, I’m a blur
I’m coming and I’m going
So fill-er-up with premium
Twelve gallons gets me out of town
Where no one’s poor or black or brown
And nothing ever seems to change
I’m past all that, just fill-er-up
Fifteen, gallons, more, more
Twenty gallons, more, more
I feel I’m running out of steam
So fill-er-up with gasoline
Fill me up with premium
Fill me up with anything [etc.]
"Fletcher Honorama"

"Fletcher Honorama"

Fletcher Honorama won't you rally 'round
the man who's on a limb?
Sing the songs that please him very softly
while we jolt him with a hymn

Please, go easy now with him
Because this is his final whim
So be sure that the boy don't die before the morn

Fletcher Honorama shall we justify the eighty Junes you've seen?
Since that might be stretching things
we'll merely sing the songs that made you scream

Please, go easy now with him
Because this is his final whim
So be sure that the boy don't die before the morn

Intakes and mistakes and lunch pails
and headaches were willed to your one living twin
I think that maybe you should have kept half
of them, after all you worked for them
After all you worked for them

Telecast in fifty states and brought to you
by Anti-Wrinkle Dew
That's Fletcher Honorama see the world
now from a different point of view

You, go easy now with him
Because this is his final whim
So be sure that the boy don't die before the morn
So be sure that the boy don't die before the morn
"Forever Young"

"Forever Young"

I'm gonna beat the devil and stay forever
(Forever young, forever young)
I can't be pushed around and I won't get older
(forever young, forever young)
Forever young, forever young, tonite and every nite
Forever young, forever feeling right
I'll sit and watch the history books get thicker
(Forever young, forever...)

I just refuse to be what I'm not this instant
(Forever young, forever young)
I'll meet a million girls in a million places
(Forever young, forever young)
Forever young, forever young, tonite and every nite
Forever young, forever feeling right

You say I'm playing God, but you're old and wasted
(Forever young, forever...)

Bright lights will burn forever and I'll still see them
(Forever young, forever young)
I've broken every rule and I'll break this last one
(Forever young, forever...)
"Frankly, Scarlett, I Don't Give A Damn"

"Frankly, Scarlett, I Don't Give A Damn"

Might as well just say it
Might as well just come out and say it
You have your fans, but frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a damn
All that Moonlight and Magnolia
It just doesn't cut it, it just doesn't cut it anymore
You had your chance, but frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a damn
Ashley Wilkes, gentleman that he is
He'll protect you
You had your fans, but frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a damn
If I wanted to, I could remove all thoughts of him from your head
Like this, like this
Like this, like this
You can lie all you want to do
You can cry all you want to do
You can scheme all you want to do
See if I care
You've had your fans, but frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a damn

Buildings were burning to the right of us
Buildings were burning to the left of us
Those fires are out now
You have your fans, but frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a damn
That soft southern accent
Delivered without the slightest trace of a British accent
Even that's starting to wear on me
I've made my plans, but frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a damn
If I wanted to, I could remove all thoughts of him from your head
Like this, like this
Like this, like this
You can lie all you want to do
You can cry all you want to do
You can scheme all you want to do
See if I care
You had your plans, but frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a damn

We cut each other so much slack
That we were both falling over backwards
You had your chance, but frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a damn
Got my bearings now, know where I'm going now
Out... Out...
You had your chance, but frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a damn

Might as well just say it
Might as well just come out and say it
Might as well just say it
Might as well just come out and say it
I've made my plans, but frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a damn
I've made my plans, and frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a damn
I've made my plans, and frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn
"Funny Face"

"Funny Face"

I looked a lot like a Vogue Magazine
Perfect and smooth, they all called me a dream
Flawless and loveless, no intimacy
I only lived to be seen
Not to be touched, too clean

Funny Face, I want a Funny Face
Funny Face, I want a Funny Face
Billions of dollars are spent on the face
Covering, smoothing, and changing the shape
Everyone wanted a face just like mine
Nobody wanted me
Only to look like me


I'm ungrateful but I don't care
I hear comments from everywhere
Probably nothing behind the face
The face, the face

That was the day that I jumped off the bridge
Trying to end it all, I barely lived
Doctor Lamaar said "your face is a mess"
All of the rest you can guess

I got my one request
(He got his one request)
And I am happy, yes
(And he is happy, yes)
I got my one request
(He got his Funny Face)
And I am happy, yes
And I am happy, happy, happy, happy, happy

Funny Face, I got my Funny Face
Funny Face, I got my Funny Face
"Garbo Sings"

"Garbo Sings"

I’m waiting
I’m waiting
I’m waiting
I’m waiting

I’m not alone on the beach
A statuesque woman is walking towards me
I recognize her
I don’t know if this is really Greta Garbo any more than I know
that this is really Hollywood

(To the woman) ”If it’s not too personal of a question,
are you really Greta Garbo?”

I’m going to turn you ‘round
And I won’t let you down
I’m going to turn you ‘round, and I won’t let you down,
and I won’t let you down

I’m here to guide you home
To somewhere monochrome
But somewhere you will be
A certain kind of free
Dear Ingmar, follow me

You know that you’d be lost without me
You know that you’d be lost without me
You know that you’d be lost without me

Don’t question me tonight
You really look a sight
But soon you’ll have the chance
To give the Bergman glance
To Swedish girls again
A little ways away
A motion picture plays
A film I made when I
Was under Swedish skies
A rising Swedish star
A rising Swedish star

There is a small movie theater near here that is playing the film
that transformed me and I know it will transform you.Will you be
my date, dear Ingmar, to see The Story of Gosta Berling, the
Swedish film that made me a star? I think you will find it
powerful and in ways you might not imagine. Let’s walk.
The movie theater isn’t very far.

You know that you’d be lost without me
You know that you’d be lost without me
You know that you’d be lost without me