Juce sam doziveo da mi ukinu premium nalog na rapidshare AG. Vec dve godine redovno uplacujem tri meseca i 100GB extra i to sam ucinio i pre par dana , znaci uplatio sam oko 3000, 00 dinara i nocas mi ukinu nalog zbog toga sto sam sa njihovih servera skidao sadrzaj koji se smatra zabranjenim. Nisam mogao da verujem. Nikada nisam nista postavio na njihove servere , samo sam skidao sta mi se svidja i evo kako izgleda taj mail za one koji razumeju engleski jezik.
Dear customer,
Your RapidShare Premium Account 4244279 has been shut down. At violation
of our Conditions of Use, we are authorized to block your access and delete
your files. See our Conditions of Use by clicking this link:
RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting
Illegal downloads are being hosted on our servers, voiding the Conditions
of Use. We have detected and deleted the files and are now in the process
of closing accounts that have downloaded these files.
This is to ensure that more illegal content does not appear on our servers.
We do not support nor encourage the usage of illegal software, music or
other media.
Login: 4244279
Password: ********
You may purchase another Premium Account by clicking this link:
RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting
However repeatedly violating the terms will lead to the closure of your
Premium Account.
Best regards,
Your RapidShare Support Team
RapidShare AG
Gewerbestrasse 6
6330 Cham
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Znaci ne treba vise ni uplacivati kod njih jer to moze svima da se desi.
Sramota i bezobrazluk i to od Svajcaraca !
Mica69 Nov član
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Pridružio se: 27 Dec 2008, 03:08
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