OsmAnd+ Navigacija

OSM su najdetaljije mape. I više nego potrebne za navigaciju. Brojeva nema jer ih CRO OSM zajednica unosi ručno. Što je veoma teško i sporo.
Beograd i veći gradovi su bili pokriveni solidno. Čak odlično.
Ali zadnjih meseci otkad je geodetski zavod dao sve podatke, pa i kućne brojeve, na raspolaganje svima ubedljivo su najbolje za SRB.

MNE je najgora. Što je i logično. BiH, koliko sam video solidno je pokrivena sa kućnim brojevima.
OsmAnd + Offline Travel Maps & Navigation v4.7.6

All-in-One: armeabi-v7a + arm64-v8a + x86 + x86_64

What's New:
• New "Speedometer" widget compatible with Android Auto
• Configure the map screen by adding multiple "Quick Action" buttons
• Improved readability of data in graphs
• Added filters by sensor data for tracks
• Added support for additional GPX tags
• Customize "Distance during navigation": choose between precise or round up numbers
• Unified UI for track selection
• OpenStreetMap login switched to OAuth 2.0

Mod Info:
OsmAnd Live / Paid features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers + Providers + Services;
Optimized and zipaligned graphics and cleaned resources for fast load;
Debug code removed;
Analytics disabled;
AOSP compatible mode;
Languages: Full Multi Languages;
CPUs: armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64;
Screen DPIs: 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi;
Original package signature changed;
Hidden content
You need to react to this post in order to see this content.
OsmAnd + Offline Travel Maps & Navigation v4.7.9

All-in-One: armeabi-v7a + arm64-v8a + x86 + x86_64

What's New:
• New "Speedometer" widget compatible with Android Auto
• Configure the map screen by adding multiple "Quick Action" buttons
• Improved readability of data in graphs
• Added filters by sensor data for tracks
• Added support for additional GPX tags
• Customize "Distance during navigation": choose between precise or round up numbers
• Unified UI for track selection
• OpenStreetMap login switched to OAuth 2.0

Mod Info:
OsmAnd Live / Paid features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers + Providers + Services;
Optimized and zipaligned graphics and cleaned resources for fast load;
Debug code removed;
Analytics disabled;
AOSP compatible mode;
Languages: Full Multi Languages;
CPUs: armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64;
Screen DPIs: 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi;
Original package signature changed;
Hidden content
You need to react to this post in order to see this content.
OsmAnd + Offline Travel Maps & Navigation v4.7.10

All-in-One: armeabi-v7a + arm64-v8a + x86 + x86_64

What's New:
• New "Speedometer" widget compatible with Android Auto
• Configure the map screen by adding multiple "Quick Action" buttons
• Improved readability of data in graphs
• Added filters by sensor data for tracks
• Added support for additional GPX tags
• Customize "Distance during navigation": choose between precise or round up numbers
• Unified UI for track selection
• OpenStreetMap login switched to OAuth 2.0

Mod Info:
OsmAnd Live / Paid features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers + Providers + Services;
Optimized and zipaligned graphics and cleaned resources for fast load;
Debug code removed;
Analytics disabled;
AOSP compatible mode;
Languages: Full Multi Languages;
CPUs: armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64;
Screen DPIs: 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi;
Original package signature changed;
Hidden content
You need to react to this post in order to see this content.
OsmAnd + Offline Travel Maps & Navigation v4.7.11

All-in-One: armeabi-v7a + arm64-v8a + x86 + x86_64

What's New:
• New "Speedometer" widget compatible with Android Auto
• Configure the map screen by adding multiple "Quick Action" buttons
• Improved readability of data in graphs
• Added filters by sensor data for tracks
• Added support for additional GPX tags
• Customize "Distance during navigation": choose between precise or round up numbers
• Unified UI for track selection
• OpenStreetMap login switched to OAuth 2.0

Mod Info:
OsmAnd Live / Paid features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers + Providers + Services;
Optimized and zipaligned graphics and cleaned resources for fast load;
Debug code removed;
Analytics disabled;
AOSP compatible mode;
Languages: Full Multi Languages;
CPUs: armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64;
Screen DPIs: 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi;
Original package signature changed;
Hidden content
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OsmAnd + Offline Travel Maps & Navigation v4.7.12

All-in-One: armeabi-v7a + arm64-v8a + x86 + x86_64

What's New:
• New "Speedometer" widget compatible with Android Auto
• Configure the map screen by adding multiple "Quick Action" buttons
• Improved readability of data in graphs
• Added filters by sensor data for tracks
• Added support for additional GPX tags
• Customize "Distance during navigation": choose between precise or round up numbers
• Unified UI for track selection
• OpenStreetMap login switched to OAuth 2.0

Mod Info:
OsmAnd Live / Paid features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers + Providers + Services;
Optimized and zipaligned graphics and cleaned resources for fast load;
Debug code removed;
Analytics disabled;
AOSP compatible mode;
Languages: Full Multi Languages;
CPUs: armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64;
Screen DPIs: 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi;
Original package signature changed;
Hidden content
You need to react to this post in order to see this content.
OsmAnd + Offline Travel Maps & Navigation v4.7.13

All-in-One: armeabi-v7a + arm64-v8a + x86 + x86_64

What's New:
• New "Speedometer" widget compatible with Android Auto
• Configure the map screen by adding multiple "Quick Action" buttons
• Improved readability of data in graphs
• Added filters by sensor data for tracks
• Added support for additional GPX tags
• Customize "Distance during navigation": choose between precise or round up numbers
• Unified UI for track selection
• OpenStreetMap login switched to OAuth 2.0

Mod Info:
OsmAnd Live / Paid features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers + Providers + Services;
Optimized and zipaligned graphics and cleaned resources for fast load;
Debug code removed;
Analytics disabled;
AOSP compatible mode;
Languages: Full Multi Languages;
CPUs: armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64;
Screen DPIs: 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi;
Original package signature changed;
Hidden content
You need to react to this post in order to see this content.
OsmAnd + Offline Travel Maps & Navigation v4.7.16

All-in-One: armeabi-v7a + arm64-v8a + x86 + x86_64

What's New:
• New "Speedometer" widget compatible with Android Auto
• Configure the map screen by adding multiple "Quick Action" buttons
• Improved readability of data in graphs
• Added filters by sensor data for tracks
• Added support for additional GPX tags
• Customize "Distance during navigation": choose between precise or round up numbers
• Unified UI for track selection
• OpenStreetMap login switched to OAuth 2.0

Mod Info:
OsmAnd Live / Paid features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers + Providers + Services;
Optimized and zipaligned graphics and cleaned resources for fast load;
Debug code removed;
Analytics disabled;
AOSP compatible mode;
Languages: Full Multi Languages;
CPUs: armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64;
Screen DPIs: 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi;
Original package signature changed;
Hidden content
You need to react to this post in order to see this content.
OsmAnd + Offline Travel Maps & Navigation v4.7.17

All-in-One: armeabi-v7a + arm64-v8a + x86 + x86_64

What's New:
• New "Speedometer" widget compatible with Android Auto
• Configure the map screen by adding multiple "Quick Action" buttons
• Improved readability of data in graphs
• Added filters by sensor data for tracks
• Added support for additional GPX tags
• Customize "Distance during navigation": choose between precise or round up numbers
• Unified UI for track selection
• OpenStreetMap login switched to OAuth 2.0

Mod Info:
OsmAnd Live / Paid features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers + Providers + Services;
Optimized and zipaligned graphics and cleaned resources for fast load;
Debug code removed;
Analytics disabled;
AOSP compatible mode;
Languages: Full Multi Languages;
CPUs: armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64;
Screen DPIs: 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi;
Original package signature changed;
Hidden content
You need to react to this post in order to see this content.