Europe Endless

Europe Endless

Europe endless
Endless endless endless endless
Europe endless
Endless endless endless endless

Life is timeless
Europe endless
Life is timeless
Europe endless

Europe endless
Endless endless endless endless
Europe endless
Endless endless endless endless

Parks, hotels and palaces
Europe endless
Parks, hotels and palaces
Europe endless

Promenades and avenues
Europe endless
Real life and postcard views
Europe endless

Europe endless
Endless endless endless endless
Europe endless
Endless endless endless endless

Elegance and decadence
Europe endless
Elegance and decadence
Europe endless

The Hall Of Mirrors

The Hall Of Mirrors
The young man stepped into the hall of mirrors
Where he discovered a reflection of himself
Even the greatest stars discover themselves in the looking glass
Even the greatest stars discover themselves in the looking glass

Sometimes he saw his real face
And sometimes a stranger at his place
Even the greatest stars find their face in the looking glass
Even the greatest stars find their face in the looking glass

He fell in love with the image of himself
and suddenly the picture was distorted
Even the greatest stars dislike themselves in the looking glass
Even the greatest stars dislike themselves in the looking glass

He made up the person he wanted to be
And changed into a new personality
Even the greatest stars change themselves in the looking glass
Even the greatest stars change themselves in the looking glass

The artist is living in the mirror
With the echoes of himself
Even the greatest stars live their lives in the looking glass
Even the greatest stars live their lives in the looking glass

Even the greatest stars fix their face in the looking glass
Even the greatest stars fix their face in the looking glass

Even the greatest stars live their lives in the looking glass
Even the greatest stars live their lives in the looking glass

Showroom Dummies

Showroom Dummies

1 2 3 4 [in German]

We are standing here
Exposing ourselves
We are showroom dummies
We are showroom dummies

We're being watched
and we feel our pulse
We are showroom dummies
We are showroom dummies

We look around
and change our pose
We are showroom dummies
We are showroom dummies

We start to move
And we break the glass
We are showroom dummies
We are showroom dummies

We step out
And take a walk through the city
We are showroom dummies
We are showroom dummies

We go into a club
And there we start to dance
We are showroom dummies
We are showroom dummies

[Repeat to fade:]
We are showroom dummies


I'm the Antenna
Catching vibration
You're the transmitter
Give information!
Wir richten Antennen ins Firmament
(We are aiming antenna to the sky)
Empfangen die Tone die Niemand kennt
(Receiving tones no one knows)
I'm the transmitter
I give information
You're the antenna
Catching vibration
Es Strahlen die Sender Bild, Ton und Wort
(The transmitters send image, sound and speech)
Elektromagnetisch an jeden Ort
(Electromagnetically to every town)

I'm the Antenna
Catching vibration
You're the transmitter
Give information!
Radio Sender und Horer sind wir
(We're radio transmitters and receivers)
Spielen im Ather das Wellenklavier
(Playing the waves-keyboard in the Ether)
I'm the antenna catching vibration
You're the transmitter give information
I'm the transmitter I give information
You're the antenna catching vibration

La Forme

La Forme

Inspiration Expiration
Contraction Decontraction
Ventilation Rotation
Extension et Flexion
Preparation Musculation
Concentration et Condition
Regeneration Relaxation
Hydratation Alimentation
La forme
The Voice Of Energy (Die Stimme Der Energie)

The Voice Of Energy (Die Stimme Der Energie)

Hier spricht die Stimme der Energie
Ich bin ein riesiger elektrischer Generator
Ich liefere Ihnen Licht und Kraft
Und ermogliche es Ihnen Sprache, Musik und Bild
Durch den Ather auszusenden und zu empfangen
Ich bin Ihr Diener und Ihr Herr zugleich
Deshalb hutet mich gut
Mich, den Genius der Energie


This is the Voice of Energy
I am a giant electrical generator
I supply you with light and power
And I enable you to receive speech,
Music and Image through the Ether
I am your servant and lord at the same time
Therefore guard me well
Me, the Genius of Energy