KODI 14.0 Helix

pulsar mozes pauzirati kad krene...za istream ne znam...verovatno autori nisu jos prepravili taj adon za kodi....a pvr.iptvsimple morao bi raditi ok jer kod mene lepo ide....
Ok,neznam za iptvsimple,sve je normalno skenira kanale,epg ali kad otvorim sve ja black i ne otvara-hvala-pitat ću admina

Tema je o Kodiju pa članovi javite se -kakav je?Po meni se još radi na njemu(nadograđuje)
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Meni kada god pokusam da pustim neki video ono prikazuje zelenu boju, a ton ide.
Sva podesavanja i teme su na gothamu samo sam ga zamenio Kodijem ovim zanjim. Mogu reci da ISTREAM ne radi ostalo je super. Tako da...Preporuke za Kodi, mnogo je brzi, radi dobro bar za sada...Videcemo cekamo finalnu verziju... :) Jel moze neko da postavi top addonove za video :) I da..Pulsar....Kako dodati skripte one stalno pise skripta je pukla za yifi za tpb za iso hunt a na kraju neki film i pusti s tim sto mi za search ne radi :D
Sva podesavanja i teme su na gothamu samo sam ga zamenio Kodijem ovim zanjim. Mogu reci da ISTREAM ne radi ostalo je super. Tako da...Preporuke za Kodi, mnogo je brzi, radi dobro bar za sada...Videcemo cekamo finalnu verziju... :) Jel moze neko da postavi top addonove za video :) I da..Pulsar....Kako dodati skripte one stalno pise skripta je pukla za yifi za tpb za iso hunt a na kraju neki film i pusti s tim sto mi za search ne radi :D
Da istream ne radi,a mislim koliko sam za sada vidio i neki glazb.addoni.Inače je brži,a za sada rade samo par skinova.Koji skin koristite?Top addon mi je genesis.
Meni kada god pokusam da pustim neki video ono prikazuje zelenu boju, a ton ide.

System --Settings--Video--Playback--Allow hardware acceleration--ISKLJUCI

da, kako bind napisao....neki strimovi nece sa ukljucenim DXVA2 mada kod mene je to ukljuceno i radi normalno....no, verovatno nemam takvih strimova pa radi.....inace ko jos nije testirao novi kodek HEVC h.265 mogu reci da radi bez greske....kodi je verovatno trenutacno jedini plejer na kojem taj novi kodek savrseno radi....ja sam ga jucer probao,neku seriju....i kvalitet odlican, a sta je najbitnije kod toga je da je fajl duplo manji nego kod starijeg h.264 720p.....

Sva podesavanja i teme su na gothamu samo sam ga zamenio Kodijem ovim zanjim. Mogu reci da ISTREAM ne radi ostalo je super. Tako da...Preporuke za Kodi, mnogo je brzi, radi dobro bar za sada...Videcemo cekamo finalnu verziju... :) Jel moze neko da postavi top addonove za video :) I da..Pulsar....Kako dodati skripte one stalno pise skripta je pukla za yifi za tpb za iso hunt a na kraju neki film i pusti s tim sto mi za search ne radi :D

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Kodi 14.0 Helix – Release candidate 3

Below we will give a snapshot of the most important fixes done since the first release candidate.

  • * Bump FFmpeg to 2.4.4
  • * Fix problem with setting content on new and existing video sources
  • * Fix spinner in video settings for choosing hardware or software decoding
  • * Fix recording history in PVR
  • * Separate sort order in PVR window for each directory
  • * Fix PVR preview video scaling for AMLCodec on Android
  • * Fix restart option on Win 8.1
  • * Fix crashes on certain Intel GPU when playing video
  • * Fix crashes on certain videos on Android 5.0 devices (Nexus Player and ADT-1)
  • * Fix LPCM (audio/L16) streaming via UPnP
  • * Use correct art type when appending art to item lists
  • * Fix python PIL package on Windows that caused crash on weather add-on
  • * Updated GUI translation files

Kodi 14.0 Helix Unwinds


The Next Generation of Video Codecs
To begin, Kodi has been updated to use FFmpeg 2.4.4. For users, this means Kodi will now be capable of playing back h.265 (also known as HEVC) and VP9 video codecs. The use of HEVC and VP9 could result in dramatically smaller video files sizes with exactly the same level of quality. A 40 GB file could be compressed to 20 GB. Users with particularly large libraries or interest in 4K video may be especially likely to appreciate this update. Software support for the VP9 video codec is also included.

The caveat to this update is that the decoding of h.265 is entirely software based. This means most low power systems, such as those operating Android or iOS, may struggle compared to the heftier HTPCs or Intel NUCs and ZOTAC ZBOXes that are running desktop and laptop processors.

Library Improvements
The Kodi Library is getting improvements both coming in and going out. On the input side, library scanning is receiving a massive speed boost, which should make the initial scan on Android and iOS devices quite a bit more spritely.

On the output side, work continues, slowly but surely, on UPnP. Kodi is now significantly more compatible with servers like PlayOn and MediaBrowser, as client-related bugs have been dealt with. Further, communication between Kodi UPnP clients and Kodi UPnP servers continues to improve with proper or additional support for categories like date added, ratings, votes, and artwork, along with sorting for those new categories. UPnP search functions are also slowly working their way into Kodi.

More User Control Over Kodi
Two new features have been introduced with Kodi that should give users even more control over how the software works. First, users can now prevent add-ons from updating without a forced update, prevent add-on update notifications, or simply continue to work with add-ons auto-updating as they do today. To change add-on update settings, visit the Add-ons folder in System Settings; then, if you are using Confluence, open the side panel by clicking the left button or arrow on your keyboard or remote. The Add-ons side panel includes a number of options in addition to update settings, such as the option to hide any add-ons that aren’t expected to work in your region.

Second, in the past the virtual keyboard on the screen that users of tablets and remote controls are forced to deal with has always been set to the western standard QWERTY style. It is now possible to change the layout to a variety of other language options. To do so, visit the International section of the Appearance folder in System Settings and select Keyboard layouts. (Pro-tip: If you are an English speaker living in the US, Australia, or New Zealand, you can also select a version of English that better suits your spelling style from the Language portion of the International section.)
