Jehovini svedoci!

Isaija 2.2-4 U poslednjim danima gora Jehovinog doma biće utvrđena iznad gorskih vrhova i uzdizaće se iznad bregova i k njoj će se sticati svi narodi. Mnogi će narodi ići i govoriće: Dođite ! Pođimo na JEHOVINU goru u dom Jakovljevog Boga. On će nas poučavati svojim putevima i hodićemo njegovim stazama.

Proročanstvo se ispunilo !

Isaija 24.15-16. Zato će tamo gde je svetlost slaviti JEHOVU. NA MORSKIM OSTRVIMA SLAVIĆE IME JEHOVE izraelovog Boga.S kraja zemlje čujemo pesme: Slava onome koji je pravedan.

Proročanstvo se ispunilo !

Isaija 43.7. Svakoga ko se MOJIM IMENOM ZOVE i koga sam stvorio na svoju slavu koga sam sazdao i koga sam načinio.

Ko se danas zove imenom Božijim ?

Isaija 43. 10. VI STE MOJI SVEDOCI govori JEHOVA i moj sluga kog sam izabrao da bi ste znali i verovali mi i razumeli da sam ja onaj isti.Pre mene ni jedan bog nije bio načinjen i posle mene neće biti ni jednog.

Na koga se odnosi ovaj stih ?

Odkrivenje 3.20. Evo stojim na vratima i kucam.Ako ko čuje moj glas i otvori vrata ući ći k njemu i večeraću s njim i on sa mnom.

Da se ne shvati pogešno zadnji stih večeraću s njim i on sa mnom ne mora da znači doslovno.

Ovi stihovi nesumnjivo ukazuju na Jehovine Svedoke.Stih koji govori da će na morskim ostrvima slaviti JEHOVU napisan je pre više od 2700 godina ali mi smo svedoci da se taj stih obistinio. Uzmimo za primer dvorane Jehovinih Svedoka u Japanu i pacifičkim ostrvima gde se danas u tim dvoranama pevaju pesme u slavu JEHOVE. Prorok je opisao svoje vizije koje mi danas možemo da vidimo.
Poslednja izmena:
Ма како дирљиво нема шта. Као прво нико не зна како се тачно изговара име Бога.

То није ни битно Бог се Мојсију представио "Ја сам онај који јесам" и то је суштина Његовог имена и тачан назив.

''Originalni hebrejski tekst Starog zaveta nije bio vokaliziran. U to vreme je "tetragrammaton" YHWH smatran za nešto veoma sveto. Umesto da se to izgovori, korišćena je zamena - "Adonaj" (adonay = Moj Gospod). Dokazano je da Izraelci nisu nikada govorili, ili upotrebljavali reč "Jehova", već isključivo "Jahve" (Yahweh).

U nekim prevodima Svetog pisma, koji žele naglasiti ovo pitanje, tj. gde u izvornom tekstu stoje slova "JHWH", zamenjeno je sa rečju "GOSPOD", i to s velikim slovima, kako bi čitatelj znao da na tom mestu stoji "JHWH". Da je odluka pala baš na "GOSPOD", a ne na "Jahve" postoje dva dobra razloga:

1. Božje ime "JHWH" izgovarano je kao "Jahve", ali ni to nije sigurno da je tako, jer prema mnogim naučnicima izgovor je mogao glasiti "Jahvo", i ovo je samo jedan indirektno zaključen oblik imena i nije dovoljan za utvrđivanje njegovog pravilnog izgovora. Činjenica je da mi danas ne možemo sa sigurnošću utvrditi kako se ova reč pravilno izgovara.

2. Već u grčkom prevodu Starog zaveta, Septuaginti (nastaloj u 3. veku n.e. u Aleksandriji) "JHWH" je preveden sa "Kyrios" (=Gospod). A takođe i u Novom zavetu, gde se navode mesta iz Starog zaveta, stoji "Gospod" umesto "JHWH".
Ove teškoće oko poznavanja pravilnog izgovora četiri hebrejska slova "JHWH" priznaje i samo "Udruženje Novog sveta", dakle sami JS! Oni u svojoj "Rajskoj knjizi" (43,23), kažu: "Slično je s Božjim imenom. Nepoznat je tačan izgovor, iako neki naučnici smatraju pravilnim Jahve." Tako, graditi neku veru na nečemu što je možda-možda, nije baš mnogo pametno, a to upravo radi organizacija JS. Zar vas ne brine činjenica, da možda Boga zovete pogrešnim imenom?

Više je nego jasno da "Jehova" nije ime, već "derivat" tetragramatona "YHWH". Isus i njegovi apostoli nisu nikada rekli ni "Jehova", ni "Jahve", već "GOSPOD".<H3>Ali, ostavimo ta nagađanja oko imena po strani, jer možemo napraviti istu grešku kao i Izraelci: da dajemo čast imenu (slovima) a ne samom Bogu.<H3>Bog se kroz istoriju čoveku - Izraelu - otkrivao preko svojih IMENA. Svako ime Božje je otkrivalo KO stoji iza tog imena. Za Izraelce je ime bilo vrlo važno, jer je ono označavalo karakternu osobinu koju ima, ili nosi dotična osoba. Dakle, ljudima se Bog u Svetom pismu otkrivao kroz mnoga svoja "imena", otkrivajući na taj način KO je On, i KAKAV je On. Na primer, u 1. Mojsijevoj 14:17-24 (mnogo pre Mojsija) On se je otkrio Abramu kao "El Elyon", odnosno kao "Uzvišeni Bog". Nakon toga, kada je Bog promenio ime Abramu u Abraham, i Sarai u Sarah, on se tada Abrahamu otkrio kao "El Shaddai", "Svemogući Bog" (1. Mojsijeva 17:1). Ovo je veoma važno znati, jer je do tada Abram poznavao Boga kao "Uzvišenog", ali ne i kao "Svemogućega Boga" koji može staru nerotkinju blagosloviti i učiniti je majkom, a nemoćnog i starog čoveka, Abrahama, ocem.

Kasnije, kao što znamo, na pitanje Mojsija šta reći Izraelcima KO ga šalje k njima (2. Moj. 3:13-14), Bog se objavio kao "Jahve" (Yahweh) - "Ja sam onaj što JESTE", što ima odrednicu "večnosti", dakle Bog sebe naziva "Večnim Bogom". Ovo je bilo vrlo važno ime, jer se Bog tu otkrio i kao JEDINI BOG; i to u zemlji gde su Izraelci prebivali, i gde se obožavao faraon i idoli koji su predstavljani kao bogovi. Dakle, "Jahve" im je otkrio istinu: NEMA BOGA OSIM MENE!<H3>Lista Božjih imena je veoma dugačka, evo samo nekih najpoznatijih:

<H3>- "Bog koji se brine" ili "Bog koji vidi" - Yahweh Jirah (1. Moj. 22:14);

- "Bog je zastava moja" - Yahweh Nissi (2. Moj. 17:15);

- "Bog koji leči" - Yahweh Rapha (2. Moj. 15:26);

- "Bog koji posvećuje" - Yahweh M'Kaddesh (3. Moj. 20:8);

- "Bog naša pravednost" - Yahweh Tsidkenu (Jer. 23:6);

- "Bog je naš mir" - Yahweh Shalom (Sud. 6:24);

- "Bog je naš pastir" - Yahweh Rohi, (Ps. 23:1);

- "Bog je naš otkupitelj" -Yahweh T'sur, (Ps. 19:14).

</H3>Dakle, moramo biti vrlo pažljivi da ne napravimo istu grešku kao i Izraelci nekad. Oni su poštovali i slavili IME (slova), ali ne i onog KO nosi to ime!''

</H3></H3></H3>Тако да ЈС не узимајте узалуд има Господа Бога.

Da peko71 ti si normalan mladic ili covek, neznam koliko ti je godina i stobom se moze normalno razgovarati, vidi se da se normalno ponasas na forumu nisi kao AApocketz agresivan, pa se necu prema tebi ponasati kao s njim a kako cu se ponasati u buducem zavisi kako ces se ti ponasati prema meni.

Napisao peko 71

Ovi stihovi nesumnjivo ukazuju na Jehovine Svedoke.Stih koji govori da će na morskim ostrvima slaviti JEHOVU napisan je pre više od 2700 godina ali mi smo svedoci da se taj stih obistinio. Uzmimo za primer dvorane Jehovinih Svedoka u Japanu i pacifičkim ostrvima gde se danas u tim dvoranama pevaju pesme u slavu JEHOVE. Prorok je opisao svoje vizije koje mi danas možemo da vidimo.

odgovara gera.

Pitanje za tebe:Dali znas koliko je sekti i kultova u svetu? i svi oni imaju stotine dvorana i svi oni misle da su oni pravi svedoci!!!

Dali ti znas da bog najvise mrzi kad mu se obracaju javno da ih svi vide, on vise voli da se obratis nasamo samo ti i bog, a najvise od svega voli kad citas samo ono sto je on napisao, on je sam istina i nije ti potreban niko ko ce da te uci kako treba da tumacis bibliju, za bibliju treba srce a ne razum, ako srcem budes razumeo bibliju netreba da budes clan nikakve organizacije koje se bogate na vas racun.

Seti se kad je isus rekao dosao sam da im upisem zakone u srcu a ne u razum,jer razum kvari pismo tj rec bozju.

Ti si slobodan covek i treba da verujes u boga samostalno, a ne da vam ispiraju mozak svojim doktrinama, zapamti jedna je doktrina a filozofa je mnogo,zato je i tolika zbrka i biblija je jedna i sto brze to shvatis bice bolje za tebe, gospod voli kad mu se ljudi sami predaju bez posrednika religije.

Sta je religija? religija je savez istomisljenika koji se slazu s istom doktrinom, iako mozda nije tacna, ali ako izneses svoje misljenje onda si protiv te religije i normalno da ce te izbaciti, jer si opasan po njih, prosto rasturices im doktrinu i ekonomiju glavnih vodja te religije.

Zasto ne vrbuju iste JS koji su napustili KS pa bas zato sto su opasni, oni imaju slobodnu volju a ne podcinjenu, normalno da je bolje traziti glupe,
zasto? pa oni neznaju bibliju njih je najlakse zavrbovati!!!

Budi ti JS ako hoces to je tvoje pravo ali ja te molim da detaljnije ispitas ko su oni i sta su oni, zapamti moje reci oni ispovedaju yudomasonstvo tj
procitaj talmud postavio sam tu negde pa ces videti zasto se isus ne priznaje za boga to je sve od jevreja i muslimana.

Napisao peko 71
Isaija 43. 10. VI STE MOJI SVEDOCI govori JEHOVA i moj sluga kog sam izabrao da bi ste znali i verovali mi i razumeli da sam ja onaj isti.Pre mene ni jedan bog nije bio načinjen i posle mene neće biti ni jednog.

Ako bolje procitas bibliju videces da se to uopste ne odnosi na JS. Procitaj i stihove koji su vise i nize.

U jovanu 1:1-17) jasno se vidi ko je isus, isus i jeste sazdatelj tj (JHVH) on je tvorac u ime oca,i oni imaju jednu volju.
A kad neko ima jednu volju onda su ravni, bas kao i kod vas svi imate jednu volju i svi ste ravni.

Da nebih postavljao jedne iste stihove 100 puta prelistaj teme i videces da je isus alfa i omega ,pocetak i svrsetak on je sazdatelj bez sumnje.

Napis. peko 71

Isaija 2.2-4 U poslednjim danima gora Jehovinog doma biće utvrđena iznad gorskih vrhova i uzdizaće se iznad bregova i k njoj će se sticati svi narodi. Mnogi će narodi ići i govoriće: Dođite ! Pođimo na JEHOVINU goru u dom Jakovljevog Boga. On će nas poučavati svojim putevima i hodićemo njegovim stazama.


Ako je to tako onda nema smisla isusovom dolasku, jevreji su najbolje poznavali pismo a nisu prepoznali mesiju, a vi nepoznajete pismo tako kako treba i jos vise nepoznajete gospoda.

Jahve su slavili i jevreji koji su mu najblizi po avraamovom zavetu s bogom, pa ih je bog kaznio za njihove filozofije a sta ce tek biti s vama?

Evo ti jedan link pa pogledaj ako znas engleski:
Secrets of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society aka Jehovahs Secrets of The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society – Robert Howard

Secret Book -

Pa pogledaj ko su tvoji gospodari

Dodato posle 1 25 minuta:

Peko 71 ako imas i malo razuma pogledaj ove linkove a savetujem i ostalima.

Dodato posle 56 minuta:

Tripo ostao sam bez teksta argument je boli glava proverio sam .
Poslednja izmena:
JS smatraju da sve stoji isto od početka. Evo ko su oni ustvari.

2. Petrova 3,3-10 "I ovo znajte najpre da će u poslednje dane doći rugači koji će živjeti po svojim željama, i govoriti: Gdje je obećanje dolaska Njegova? Jer otkako oci pomreše sve stoji tako od početka stvorenja"...
Jer nevaljalice neće da znaju da su nebesa bila otpre...

E JS su baš ti rugači. Ovdje jasno apostol Petar otkriva ko će u zadnje vrijeme da govori "sve stoji od početka stvorenja". Tako su i meni na vratima odmah rekli "sve stoji od početka stvorenja". Zemlja kao Zemlja u smislu stvaranja je ista, ali uslovi na Zemlji nakon Potopa su se dramatično promijenili i to nije ona ista Zemlja kao prije Potopa, zato ovako apost. Petar i kaže.
Da pravo kazes trebalo bi da pogledaju naucni program "mudi" da bi shvatili kako je svet izgledao do potopa.

Dodato posle 4 minuta:

pravo kazes moj prijatelju treba da gledaju biblijski institut "mudi" tamo je mnogo razjasnjeno. EVO LINK;

 Институт Муди: 09 Самое волнующее переживание

Библейский институт имена Дуайта Муди, г. Чикаго представляет серию документарных научно-популярных фильмов о чудесах Божьих творений и о научном обосновании существования Бога.

Скачать бесплатно: depositfiles
Коллекция научных фильмов института имени Дуайта Моуди »

 Институт Муди: 05 Красная река жизни

tripo iskopiraj ove linkove veoma su korisni.A i ostali ako hoce.
Poslednja izmena:
Pitanje za tebe:Dali znas koliko je sekti i kultova u svetu? i svi oni imaju stotine dvorana i svi oni misle da su oni pravi svedoci!!!

Da se zadržimo na ovom stihu Isaija 24. 15-16 I zato će tamo gde je svetlost slaviti Jehovu na morskim ostrvima slaviće ime Jehove Izraelovog Boga.S kraja zemlje čujemo pesme : Slava onom koji je pravedan.

Sekti i kultova ima mnogo u svetu ali nađi mi nekoga od njih ko slavi Izraelovog Boga. Ko je bio Bog Avramov Isakov i Jakovljev. Pa JAHVE JEHOVA. Jeli njihov Bog bio sveta troica? Pa nije . Vaš Bog je sveta troica s tim što onaj treći neidentifikovani može da bude i satana. Ovaj stih govori o Izraelovom Bogu. Ko je bio Izraelov Bog. Pa JAHVE.
Jedan i jedini živi Bog su Otac, Sin i Duh Sveti. Vi JS ne možete nigdje da nađete da je Isus stvoren. Roditi ne znači i biti stvoren. U Kološanima gdje piše da je Isus rođen nije ništa sporno, nije stvoren. Pazite dobro jer prvo stvorenje koje je Bog stvorio je upravo bivši anđeo Lucifer ili ti Satana.

Da je Isus oduvijek potvrđuje "iz tebe će mi izaći koji će biti Gospodar u Izailju, kome su izlasci od početka, od vječnih vremena" (Mihej 2,1)

On i Otac su jedno "Ja i Otac jedno smo"(Jovan 10,33)

Oni isto čine "Otac moj dosle čini i ja činim"(Jovan 5,17)

Ljudi Mu govore da je Bog i Isus ih ne kori "Gospod moj i Bog moj"(Jovan 20,28)

Isus kaže da je oduvijek na isti način se predstavlja ljudima kao i Bog Mojsiju "Ja sam pre nego se Avram rodio"(Jovan 8,58) grčka riječ
"EIMI" upotrebljena u ovom tekstu za "JA SAM" doslovno znači "Biti, postojati" što je identično sa "JA SAM ONAJ KOJI JESAM" ili JHWH

Otac svjedoči za sina da je Bog "A sinu: Presto je Tvoj, Bože"(Jevrejima 1,8)

Jovan piše da je Bog "i Bog bješe riječ" (Jovan 1,1)

U Otkrivenju piše da Mu je pravo ime "riječ Božija"(Otkrivenje 19,13)

David kaže da je sam Isus stvoritelj, u Kološanima 1,16 da je kroz Njega je stvoreno sve i za Njega je stvoreno "Rečju Gospodnjom nebesa se stvoriše"(Psalam 33,6)

U njemu je sva punina Božanstva Kološanima 2,9

Grčka riječ za Gospod je Kurios ili Kirios doslovno znači "Onaj kome pripada neka osoba ili predmet" a taj vlasnik je Bog, ona označava osobu da je Bog prema Josifu Flaviju Jevreji su odbili da zovu rimske imperatore Kurios ili Gospod smatrajući da taj naziv isključivo pripada Bogu.

Isus ne kori ljude koji Mu se klanjaju "pritrča neko i kleknuvši na koljena pred njim pitaše ga"(Marko 10,17)

"dođe i pade k nogama njegovim"(Marko 7,25)

"dođe i kleče pred njim"(Marko 5,33)

"i vidjevši ga pade pred noge njegove (Marko 5,22)

"A kad vidje Isusa iz daleka poteče i pokloni mu se"(Marko 5,6)

"I dođe k njemu gubavac moleći ga i na koljenima klečeći pred njim..."(Marko 1,40)

A šta keže Biblija kome se treba klanjati "Bogu se pokloni"(Otkrivenje 22,9) "Ustani i ja sam čovjek"(Dela 10,26)

Isus ima vlast opraštati grijehe Marko 2,10

Ko je vidio Sina vidio je i Oca "ko vidje mene vidje oca, pa kako ti govoriš: pokaži nam oca"(Jovan 14,9)

Isus je u Ocu i Otac u njemu (Jovan 14,11)

Isus izlazi od Oca što znači da nije stvoren "Izađoh od oca"(Jovan 16,28)

Jovan piše da je sve Očevo i Sinovo "I moje sve je tvoje i tvoje moje"(Jovan 17,10)

Jovan piše da je Bog tj. riječ postala tijelo "I riječ postade tijelo"

Isaija isto kaže da je Isus Bog Isaija 9,6

Pa kako vi kažete JS da Isus nije Bog da je stvoren, pa jeste samo nije svemoguć?
Peko 71 ti si prijatelju upao u yudomasonsku talmudsku sektu, koja po svaku cenu hoce da unisti hriscanstvo,kako vi priznate hrista kad ga se odricete isto kao i jevreji ,bog je jedan jedna licnost i nema sina i sv duha. Vi odricete oca i sina i sv. duha , znaci niste hriscani samo, antihristi odricu, oca i sina i sv duha, znaci isus je prosto izmisljena licnost znaci vi pobijate bozju rec koja tvrdi ko je isus a isus je (REC)

Dodato posle 15 minuta:


Secrets of The
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
Their Connection to Freemasonry and the New World Order
Better Known as The Jehovah's Witnesses
By Robert Howard
See an early edition of the Watchtower
with this Masonic crown and cross on its cover.

Notice the surrounding wreath. Yes Gene Rodenberry creator of Star Trek was a mason. Yes the United Nations is made up of the same people who want to bring about a New World Order.
Notice the pyramid in the above picture. The same was erected over Russell's grave.
To Use There Own Words.
"It is not a form of religious persecution to say and to show that another religion is false. for an informed person to expose publicly a certain religion on being false, thus allowing persons to see the difference between false religion and true religion."
(Watchtower 11/15/63, p. 688:)
More will be added to this list as it is gathered. Please check back often.
The following information is excerpts from reliable sources throughout the web. Most of these articles quote from the Watchtowers own printed material, which at one time the Watchtower ordered to be turned in by its members. To fully understand these excerpts one must read the material from which they came. It has been proven that The Watchtower Society has been involved in Enochian magick since its founding by Charles Taze Russell. Russell himself has been linked to a Satanic bloodline and was operating with key figures whose agenda has been a New World order. We all know how important the bloodline was to Christ through David. So is the bloodline to Satan to bring about the Anti-Christ New World Order. Russell was part of this bloodline. To understand the Satanic Bloodlines, start here. The Satanic Bloodlines
To bring about a new world order one would need to infiltrate all matters of government, religion, school systems, police enforcement, etc., etc. The following list is only a partial list. Groups Promoting A Globalist, Anti-American Agenda
You would then need a strong-arm force such as the United Nations to enforce this agenda worldwide.

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a LUCIFERIAN Initiation." (David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations)

I hate to say this more than you can imagine, but through research and direction of the Holy Spirit, I have come to the conclusion that it is the United States who will help bring about this new world order. Our history is not what we have been taught. Our true history has been hidden by these key figures of power, the Satanic Elite. Satan's right hand men. Rewriting U.S. History Even the late American Professor Revilo P. Oliver, a confirmed atheist, was forced to conclude: "The question of precisely what fires the will of the wealthy supranational elites seeking to manipulate and control world events, has not escaped the attention of serious students of conspiracies and cover-ups. A theory that a conspiracy has been working consciously for many centuries is not very plausible unless one attributes to them a religious unity. That is tantamount to regarding them as Satanists engaged in the worship and service of supernatural evil. The directors of the conspiracy must see or otherwise directly perceive manifestations, which convince them of the existence and power of Lucifer. And since subtle conspirators must be very shrewd men, not likely to be deceived by auto-suggestion, hypnosis, or drugs, we should have to conclude that they probably are in contact with a force of pure evil." Prof. Revilo P. Oliver, (Conspiracy or Degeneracy? USA)
You may be familiar with the term of the Illuminati. The enlightened ones. Some of these are the people who founded this country. The United States. A large portion of men who wrote our constitution. Almost every one of the Presidents have been involved with this group at some level, or have been lead by the power behind them. The group mostly responsible for the United States part of the New World Order has infiltrated the Freemasons. Yes they hide it very well through good deeds and much secrecy. But it is a large portion of the Freemasons who are responsible under the direction of Satan himself for the state of affairs here in the U.S. As I said earlier, almost every President has been involved in Freemasonry. Start here. U.S. Presidents and The Masonic Power Structure
Now we come to Russell's part. Russell was a freemason. It has been recorded in his own material, his admittance to being a Freemason." I am very glad to have this particular opportunity of saying a word about some of the things in which we agree with our Masonic friends, because we are speaking in a building dedicated to Masonry, and we also are Masons. I am a Freemason." Charles Taze Russell. (The Temple of God-Pastor Russell page 120)
The Rothschild's had long had a plan to create a personal fiefdom for themselves and the Illuminati in Palestine and that plan involved manipulating Jewish people to settle the area as their "homeland." Charles Taze Russell, of the Illuminati-reptilian Russell bloodline, was the man who founded the Watchtower Society, better known as the Jehovah's Witnesses. He was a Satanist, a pedophile according to his wife, and most certainly Illuminati. His new "religion (mind-control cult) was funded by the Rothschild's and he was a friend of theirs, just like the founders of the Mormons who were also Rothschild-funded through Kuhn, Loeb, and Co. Russell and the Mormon founders were all Freemasons. In 1880, Charles Taze Russell, this friend of the Rothschild's, predicted that the Jews would return to their homeland. It was about the only prediction Russell ever got right. Why? Because he knew that was the plan. He wrote to the Rothschild's praising their efforts to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine. WAS HITLER A ROTHSCHILD?
No Jesus was the foundation stone; there were no stones chiseled out before he came; none could be accepted before that. He did the great work of founding this great order to which we belong, the order of free and Accepted Masonry. (The Temple of God-Pastor Russell page 121)
You know that in these orders of Masonry, as they progress from one step to another; they learn more and more, and there are Masons in the thirty-second degree that know a great many things that Masons on the fourteenth or sixteenth plane that would not know. (The Temple of God-Pastor Russell page 123)
Albert Pike addressing the 23 Supreme Councils of the world on July 14, 1889:- "To you, Sovereign Grand Instructors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees: 'the Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the LUCIFERIAN Doctrine. . ."
Mat 21:42] Jesus said to them, "Did you never read in the scriptures: 'The stone that the builders (aka Freemasons) rejected has become the cornerstone; by the Lord has this been done, and it is wonderful in our eyes'?
[Mat 21:43] Therefore, I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that will produce its fruit.

A thousand years during which these Knights Templars are to scatter blessings to all the families of the Earth. We may not wear our white feathers now but we will all have white raiment by and by. "They shall walk with Him in white for they are worthy." Now the question arises, How can we become members of this order? Would you like to become one of these Knights Templar on a heavenly plane. (The Temple of God-Pastor Russell page 122) see also: SATANIC SOURCES CLAIM KNIGHTS TEMPLAR TO BE SATANIC! THIS IS MORE PROOF THAT FREEMASONRY IS ALSO SATANIC
All our historians, at least nearly all of them, agree that Freemasonry owes very much to certain occult societies or groups that flourished -- often in secrecy -- during the late Middle Ages, and even into the after-Reformation times. Chief among these were the Rosicrucian's and the Knights Templar. (H. L. Haywood, The Great Teachings of the Lodge (Richmond, Virginia: Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company, 1971), page 94.) C.T. Russell's View of Masonry and Symbolism External Link| mason1.gif
Many articles have proved that Freemasonry is involved with Satanism. Start here. FREEMASONRY PROVEN TO WORSHIP SATAN * FORMER ILLUMINIST WITCH REVEALS WITCHCRAFT TIE TO FREEMASONRY * THE MASONIC NEW WORLD ORDER * Freemasonry Exposed * Communion With the Gods The Pagan Altar of Freemasonry
Who controls the Freemasons? The Jesuits!! Who Controls the Jesuits? Lucifer!! The Black Pope
The Jesuits have met and enforced their Protocols. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
Russell was buried with a pyramid site marker or headstone if you will, with Masonic symbols engraved on it.
The above picture was taken from a Masons site in Texas. They have since removed the picture after this article.

The above crown with the cross is very much a Masonic symbol. A close up of the plaque below reads "Watchtower Bible and Tract Society".
Russell's Instructions for his funeral
I desire to be buried in the plot of ground owned by our Society, in the Rosemont United Cemetery, and all the details of arrangements respecting the funeral service I leave in the care of my sister, Mrs. M. M. Land, and her daughters, Alice and May, or such of them as may survive me, with the assistance and advice and cooperation of the brethren, as they may request the same. Instead of an ordinary funeral discourse, I request that they arrange to have a number of the brethren, accustomed to public speaking, make a few remarks each, that the service be very simple and inexpensive and that it be conducted in the Bible House Chapel or any other place that may be considered equally appropriate or more so. (from Watchtower Reprints, 12/1/16) for those wishing to visit the gravesite: The area is the North Hills area of Pittsburgh. It is in the "Rosemont United Cemeteries at Allegheny, in the Bethel Family plot, according to his request." (Jehovah's Witnesses In The Divine Purpose, 1959, p. 62) Charles T. Russell Gravesite External Link
Owned by our society, in the Bethel Family plot. Look at picture #2 for the society who owns this Bethel family plot. External Links
So I ask you to entertain a question. If Russell wasn't a Mason then why would the Watchtower allow a Masonic erected pyramid to remain at his grave site. It wouldn't be the fact that Russell is buried next to the Greater Pittsburgh Masonic Center would it?
Update: The above crown and cross is the Masons York Rite Knights Templar emblem. See below.
The Crown and cross emblem on the left from this Masonic Drawing clearly indicates the emblem is the York Rite of Masonry Knights Templar. To see the full picture click here.
Some might mistake it for a Christian symbol, but Masonic author Ray Denslow reveals its true meaning:

"The Cross and Crown may be said to be confined almost exclusively to the historical degrees in Masonry as exemplified in the various orders of knighthood of York and Scottish rites. In Gaul we find the cross to have been a solar symbol when it had equal arms and angles; to the Phoenicians it was an instrument of sacrifice to their God, Baal; and to the Egyptians, the crux ansata was his symbol of eternal life." (Ray V. Denslow, Masonic Portraits, Transactions of this Missouri Lodge of Research, vol. #29, p.7---emphasis in the original) External Link
Now that we have established that Russell was a York Rite Knights Templar, same as 32 or 33rd degree Freemason. Lets look at Enochian Magic. What is Enochian Magic? Have you ever heard of Aleister Crowley? He was one of the most evil men besides Hitler to walk this Earth. In his book "Confessions." Crowley claimed that he had been initiated as a 33-Degree Mason in the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Masonry (A&AR). He probably did this in Mexico, where he went after the break-up with the Golden Dawn. To learn a bit more about Crowley start here. Aleister Crowley. See also illuminati_faq.htm The Order Of The Golden Dawn Golden Dawn - Ubermen von der Golden Dawn - Hitler
There are books on the subject available to anyone who wants to learn this Enochian magic. Learn the laws of Enochian Magick, how to use the Watchtowers and the six forces of Magick, learn Enochian Yoga and travel in the Body of Light.
The Enochian Magick of Dr. John Dee: The Most Powerful System of Magick in its Original, Unexpurgated Form
Geoffrey James <img alt="The Enochian Magick of Dr. John Dee: The Most Powerful System of Magick in its Original, Unexpurgated Form" border="0" width="125" height="191"> Order# K367
ISBN# 1-56718-367-0
6'x9", illus., appendices
Price: 14.95
You may have heard people speak of it in hushed tones: Enochian magick! Some say it is dangerous. Others say it is the most powerful magick known. Now you can find out the truth when you read The Enochian Magick of Dr. John Dee by Geoffrey James (previously published as The Enochian Evocation of Dr. John Dee).

This system was received by Dr. John Dee, astrologer to Queen Elizabeth I of England, and his assistant, Edward Kelly. Together, through a series of evocations, they discovered a system of magick so potent that some people fear to use it. Now you can learn the entire Enochian system as never before.

Previously, people went to secondary sources such as the Golden Dawn or Aleister Crowley for information on the Enochian system. Here, for the first time, are the diaries of Dr. Dee, which reveal the entire system so you can use it for a wide variety of magical purposes.

Presented here is the definitive version of the forty-eight angelic keys according to Dee himself. Revealed are the names of the sixteen good angels who are most skilled and powerful in medicine and in the curing of diseases, as well as the sixteen angels of the four elements. Every step of the method by which Dee and Kelly worked their evocations is fully explained so you can recreate their experiments and tap into some of the most powerful magick available.

The Watchtowers. It was believed that angels ruled a certain compass direction and they lived in the ends of the earth (more like the ends of the universe). These angels are to record every event that occurs in the world.
WATCHTOWERS, GUARDIANS OF: 1) A term used to describe the Elementals who are Energy Forms, Raiths or Spirits of the 4 Elements. 2) Originally used in the Enochian Tradition of Ceremonial Magick but whose usage is now widespread. 3) Those Entities connected to the Elements & Directions & certain attributes as follows:
North Air thought & intellect Male yellow
East Earth stable, solid, dependable Female green...
South Fire change, passion, willpower Male red.....
West Water emotions & purification Female blue....
Center Spirit intuitiveness unisexed soul
They are both visible & physical and invisible & spiritual. They are invoked during ritual as protectors of our Circle of Power & sometimes as advisors. Some 'set' these Guardians, during rituals in a more complex exercise than simply invoking the Elements. External Link
See also: The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn ® / Golden Dawn Enochian Magic External Link
Now lets look at a bit of history of Enochian Magic. The Golden Dawn history. This secret society made great impact on the European magic of the XX century with the publishing of its secret material by its former members. According to a story that circulated among the members of the society, it is based on a coded manuscript that Win Westcot, one of the founders, freemason and occultist found in an antique store. Then Westcot contacted Samuel Lidel McGregor Mathers, who was a respectable magician and Egyptologist in that time, and they together decoded the manuscript which consisted of four complicated rituals. In the manuscript they found an address of a certain person called Mrs. Spriengel from Germany who was responsible for a secret magic order, supposedly from the tradition of the Rosicrucian's. From Mrs. Spriengel they received a letter of approval for founding the secret magic order Golden Dawn with the first lodge Isis-Urania in London. The founders and the heads of the society were Mathers, Westcot, and Woodman, another English occultist and freemason. Early Medieval magic
Learn Aumism: the doctrines of the Golden Age. Its Modern day founder is a freemason, Rosicrucian, Martinist Lodges, Knights of the Holy Grail, occultist and so on. Aumism - Universal Religion - The Doctrine of the Golden Age
OK we have proved that Enochian magick is a reality. We see that Russell was involved with Freemasonry and used Freemasonry symbols on his earlier magazines. We also learn that the Freemasons were involved in the occult and The Golden Dawn order, which used Enochian Magic. The Freemason is heavy into the Pyramids and the worship of Isis and Osiris. The ancient Egyptians, for example, constantly refer to a remote Golden Age they called Zep Tepi, 'The First Time' of Osiris, (Both of these terms are older terms for NEW WORLD ORDER) which they believed had long predated the Pyramid Age. The Sphinx: Guardian of the Treasure of the gods External link
We have also learned those three phrases of terminology that are popular with Enochian Magic, and the Freemasons are "Millennial Dawn", "Golden Age" and "Watchtower." Russell named his organization Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. His earlier magazine was called The Golden Age. Before the name of Jehovah's Witnesses was established the followers of Russell's teachings were known as Russellites and Millennial Dawnist. Not a chance this is coincidence.
It is the restoration of that corrupt "Golden Age" of incarnate demons which the Egyptian mystery religion represented and continues to represent. It is an ancient violent and immoral world which developed before the Flood which New Age spirit guides are seeking to re-establish, but which will be swept away by the War of Armageddon. The term "Golden Age" is a very misleading one, as is the term "spirituality" when used in conjunction with Adam Weishaupt whose "spirituality" was referred to as "horrifying." The Illuminati's fundamental principles pervert the noble meaning of spirituality, and are working for the establishment of a "horrifying" "Golden Age." New Age Army Expose, Psychic Warrior Subversion Exposed
Now keep all of this in mind when reading the Watchtowers false predictions, and their constant change of doctrines. Oh yes and a little FYI. (For Your Information). The WT Society performs a secret ritual every year, which is their primary ritual. This ritual is actually the ancient Gnostic (Satanic) ritual of saying no to the body of Christ. Of course the lower rank and files JW's do not know this. This ancient Satanic ritual is now secretly practiced under the disguise of the Memorial Supper - where the elements of communion are passed and no one partakes of the elements. (When I say "no one" I mean that in a qualified sense-only a small group is allowed to partake. The actual figures of how many partake of the elements is a totally fictitious figure according to my sources, which is created at Bethel headquarters in Brooklyn. The_Russell_Bloodline
In their main textbooks for indoctrinating new converts, "You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth," and "Knowledge that Leads to Everlasting Life", the Watchtower Society subtly presents circular reasoning and cleverly formulated arguments garnished with half-truths to begin the process of thought control on unsuspecting individuals sincerely interested in learning about the Bible.
Here is a bit of Watchtower History. At the end of each excerpt will be the link from which it came.
Biblical Test for a Prophet

The test for a prophet is found in Deuteronomy 18:20-22. This scripture teaches that a prophet must be tested by checking his prophecies. Also. Jesus said, "Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. "This is not telling us to examine a prophet's good works. Many false prophets have led moral lives. The fruit of a fig tree is its figs. The fruit of a prophet is his prophecies. One false prophecy (even if some true prophecies are given) and that person is a false prophet. It does not matter how sincere he or his followers are. It does not matter how often his followers pray or what feelings they seem to receive in answer to their prayers. He is a false prophet.
Yes their prediction's unknown to most starts back this far.
1776 "And this long persecution, in which many were purified and made white and tried,' and in which the Mother of Harlots was 'drunk with the blood of the saints and the martyrs of Jesus' (Rev. 17:6) ended as we have already shown, practically in 1776." {BATT 584} [Also see 1799]
1816 Jehovah's Witnesses trace their origins to the nineteenth century Adventist movement in America. That movement began with William Miller, a Baptist lay preacher whom, in the year 1816, began proclaiming that Christ would return in 1843. His predictions of the Second Coming or Second Advent captured the imagination of thousands in Baptist and other mainline churches. Perhaps as many as 50,000 followers put their trust in Miller's chronological calculations and prepared to welcome the Lord, while, as the appointed time approached, others watched nervously from a distance. Recalculations moved the promised second advent from March 1843 to March, 1844, and then to October of that year. Alas, that date too passed uneventfully. The Branch Davidians who died at Waco, Texas, under the leadership of David Koresh also trace their roots to the same Millerite source through a different line of descent. A Short History of the Watchtower Organization
1872 Charles Taze Russell (One of The Satanic_bloodlines who founded the International Bible Students Association. Forerunner to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Before they became known as the Jehovah's Witnesses, they were called Russellites, Millennial Dawnists, and International Bible Students. Russell was a Knights Templar Mason of York Rite, in Allegheny Pa. Confirmed Mason. Also Russell had a secret Rosicrucian membership with the Quakertown, PA group of Rosicrucian's, as revealed by the pyramid he ordered erected over his grave site. His use of the Winged-Sun-Disk.
Russell owned a cemetery in Pittsburgh. Leading Satanists try to own cemeteries for several reasons. First, it facilitates the disposal of human sacrifices, which are buried in pieces below the fresh holes dug for someone else's burial. When the casket is placed in the hole, it would be rare for anyone to dig below the casket level ever again. Second, magic power is associated with cemeteries. The spiritual power of the dead is pulled up by making a circle of light over them, and then within the circle a naked Satanist lays. Third, specific bones are sought such as the skulls and left hands. Left hands are preserved in order to hold candles for certain ceremonies. Confirmed Mason. The_Russell_Bloodline

Full view of Watchtower assembly hall used for years in New York, still in use.
Winged sun god Ra on outside of Queens, New York Assembly Hall
Chrysler uses this symbol to.

What is this winged disk? One explanation is: ( Holy Order of The Winged Disk, an old magickal organization dedicated to hermetic, qabalistic, gnostic, rosicrucian, and alchemical practices. The Winged Disk recognizes that there is a seed of truth in every tradition. The International Academy of Hermetic Knowledge is an independent home study program offering the techniques of western magick, spiritual practice, and special guidance not available in any books. Phaedron is named as its director. He implements the Order's philosophy of approaching the subject in a thorough, safe, and realistic manner. As an Adept, he receives sincere seekers, teaches privately, counsels spiritually, and holds small group classes in ritual magick and related esoteric methods. ("Teachings of the Winged Disk"by PhaedronInfo/Order book)
John Russell - Pastor C. T. Russell's stepmother was executor of his will. His mother was the one chosen to dance with famous Mason and Illuminatus Lafayette when he was in Philadelphia. 1. (Nevin, Adelaide Mellier. The Social Mirror A Character Sketch of the Women of Pittsburgh) 2. (Vicinity during the first Century of the County’s existence. Society of today. Pittsburgh, PA: T.A. Nevin Publisher, 1888, p. 19. b. The Pittsburgh Directory) 3. (1878-79 showing Elizabeth the widow of John, and c. John Russell in the 1850 Census, and John Russell’s Will.)
Things Russell Would Currently be Disfellowshipped (excommunicated) For: Anti-organizational teachings, celebrating birthdays, Christmas and holiday observance, military involvement tolerated, not draining blood from food, considering self to be the "faithful and discreet slave," selling "Miracle Wheat," dabbling in the occult and signing his own books. Watchtower Presidential Era Summaries External Link
Charles Taze Russell died Halloween night, or was he silenced? River Phoenix died Halloween night also. Or was he Satanically ritually murdered? "Who Killed River Phoenix?" | Halloween Deaths: Satanic Ritual Murders or Natural Causes?
1874 The Lord became present in October, 1874" {TKIC 1923 Ed 235} [many other references in HOTW, TIAH 170, OLOR 27, HIS2 133]
1874-8 "Our Lord's presence as Bridegroom and Reaper was recognized during the first three and a half years, from A.D. 1874 to A.D. 1878." {TIAH 1913 Ed 239}
1876 January when he was 23 years old, Russell received a copy of The Herald of the Morning, an Adventist magazine published by Nelson H. Barbour of Rochester, New York. One of the distinguishing features of Barbour's group at that time was their belief that Christ returned invisibly in 1874, and this concept presented in The Herald captured Russell's attention. It meant that this Adventist splinter group had not remained defeated, as others had, when Christ failed to appear in 1874 as Adventist leaders had predicted; somehow this small group had managed to hold onto the date by affirming that the Lord had indeed returned at the appointed time, only invisibly. Wealthy Russell paid Barbour's way to Philadelphia and met with him to discuss both beliefs and finances. The upshot was that Russell became the magazine's financial backer and was added to the masthead as an Assistant Editor. He contributed articles for publication as well as monetary gifts, and Russell's small study group similarly became affiliated with Barbour's. Russell and Barbour believed and taught that Christ's invisible return in 1874 would be followed soon afterward, in the spring of 1878 to be exact, by the Rapture-the bodily snatching away of believers to heaven. The Witnesses do not believe in rapture in modern day doctrines, but that only a 144.000 will go to heaven. A Short History of the Watchtower Organization External Link
1878 When this expected Rapture failed to occur on time in 1878, The Herald's editor, Mr. Barbour, came up with "new light" on this and other doctrines. (Sound familiar) Russell, however, rejected some of the new ideas and persuaded other members to oppose them. Finally, Russell quit the staff of the Adventist magazine and started his own. He called it Zion's watchtower and Herald of Christ's Presence and published its first issue with the date July 1879. In the beginning it had the same mailing list as The Herald of the Morning and considerable space was devoted to refuting the latter on points of disagreement, Russell having taken with him a copy of that magazine's mailing list when he resigned as assistant editor. At this point Charles Russell no longer wanted to consider himself an Adventist, nor a Millerite. But, he continued to view Miller and Barbour as instruments chosen by God to lead His people in the past. The formation of a distinct denomination around Russell was a gradual development. His immediate break was, not with Adventism, but with the person and policies of N. H. Barbour. A Short History of the Watchtower Organization External Link
1891 For 62 years, 1891 to 1953, the WTS taught that God resided on the star Alcyone in the Pleiades constellation and that from this star he governed the universe! This belief was taught in 1891 in Volume 3 of Studies in the Scriptures and was based on passages in the Bible. The WTS also taught that the Great Pyramid of Egypt provided additional proof of God's throne in the Pleiades! (The Golden Age 1924 September 10 pp. 793-794) Astrology and the Watchtower Society * Jehovah: Ancient Astronaut?
1902 July 15, While it is true that the white race exhibits some qualities of superiority over any other, we are to remember that there are wide differences in the same Caucasian (Semitic and Aryan) family; and also we should remember that some of the qualities which have given this branch of the human family its preeminence in the world are not such as can be pointed to as in all respects admirable....The secret of the greater intelligence and aptitude of the Caucasian undoubtedly in great measure is to be attributed to the commingling of blood amongst its various branches; and this was evidently forced in large measure by circumstances under divine control. (Zion's Watch Tower, July 15, 1902, p.215-216) Blacks and the Watchtower * The Population Control Agenda
1904 8th of April. Aleister Crowley claimed that, in Cairo at 12 noon exactly and for the following two days at the exact same time—he actually heard a voice in his ear, dictating the words of the text (as if through some transmitter in his brain), and that he transcribed them faithfully. It was not "inspired," then, so much as received. The voice itself claimed to be that of Aiwass, or Aiwaz, "the minister of Hoor-paar-kraat," or otherwise, Horus, the god of force and fire, child of Isis and Osiris, and self-appointed conquering lord of the New Aeon, officially announced through his chosen scribe, "the prince-priest the Beast." This much of Crowley’s controversial life and claims is more or less confirmed. It is, as promised, to be found, there in the writings themselves—the proof as it were is in the pudding. Anyone who has read the work, and suffered the resulting conflictive feelings of admiration and disgust, will not doubt that there is something about the "little red book" that puts it in a class all its own. The whole apparatus of ceremonial magick (as conceived and adapted by the Golden Dawn and its offshoots, many of which were directly influenced by Crowley) that formed the true inner protocol of Nazism (originally spawned by the Thule Society) is dedicated—in theory—to the one single end and purpose of: contact with preterhuman or extraterrestrial forces.
1906 This testimony was given by Mrs. Russell on direct examination on Thursday, April 26, 1906 from a suit for a separation brought by Martha (sic) F. Russell against Charles Taze Russell, her husband, popularly known as Pastor Russell Then he said, "I am like a jellyfish. I float around here and there. I touch this one and that one, and if she responds I take her to me, and if not, I float on to others"; and she wrote that out so that I could remember it for sure when I would speak to him about it. And he confessed that he said those things. Founder of Jehovah's witnesses: CHARLES TAZE RUSSELL- CHILD MOLESTER!
1906 Two of the key early Watchtower Society leaders were Bundy's. These were Walter H. Bundy, who went with Charles Taze Russell to Great Britain on his May 29-31, 1909 trip, and Edwin Bundy who worked at the Bethel Headquarters at the turn of the century and traveled around the U.S. for the Watchtower Society from 1906 to 1910. The_Bundy_bloodline
1914 The supposed end of the "Gentile Times", Jesus would come to judge the earth and annihilate the wicked. A Short History of Jehovah's Witnesses
1914 Russell's prediction for Armageddon fails.
1914 The Watchtower Society started transferring all of the doctrines about 1874 to 1914. They explained that Christ's kingdom had been set up invisibly in 1914, and that although secular governments were still in place, their rule was no longer valid. Based on the Society's writings, Jehovah's Witnesses looked forward to momentous events in the year 1918.
1915 Russell's prediction for Armageddon fails.
1916 Joseph Franklin Rutherford, assumes control of the Watchtower and Bible Tract Society. (Jehovah's Witnesses) In Rutherford's (The Finished Mystery), published in 1917, they said that Armageddon would really break loose in 1918 with the destruction of "Christendom" and all the church members and by 1920 all kingdoms of the earth would pass away. In 1918 the "little flock" would pass beyond the veil and 1921 would be the last year to make it to heaven and would see the death of all in the "great multitude" class. The Finished Mystery claimed, as did other Watchtower material in 1917, that they were directed and supervised by the spirit of the dead "Pastor" Russell and others of the deceased "anointed" class. This is necromancy, or communicating with the dead, which the modern day Watchtower Bible and Tract Society has called spiritism and demonism. (But yet they still use and teach his doctrines, and their Bible inspired by demons) Was Rutherford a Spirit Medium? In relating to friends he could be despotic; in dealing with enemies, ruthless. He was moody and sometimes blunt to the point of rudeness with an explosive temper that could occasionally excite him to physical violence. He also had a streak of self-righteousness, which caused him to regard anyone who opposed him as of the Devil. But most curious was the fact that while in some ways he was a Puritan of Puritans, in others he was thoroughly dissolute. He used vulgar language, suffered from alcoholism, and was once publicly accused by one of his closest associates of attending a nude burlesque show with two fellow elders." (Apocalypse Delayed, University of Toronto Press, 1985, p. 47-48) Jehovah's Organization or Joe's Organization?
“Even though a teetotaler, Moyle can hardly be charged with being overly critical of the drinking habits of his brethren at Bethel, and he was quite accurate in his assessment of the judge’s self-righteous, choleric actions and breakfast-table tirades. Furthermore, he was simply eager to correct what to him were serious examples of unchristian conduct and to stress that Rutherford had an immediate responsibility to remedy the conditions which had caused his resignation and protest. But Rutherford, who sometimes had difficulty in distinguishing his own position from that of Jehovah or Christ Jesus, regarded Moyle’s letter as nothing short of apostasy itself.” (Apocalypse Delayed, page 81 (soft-cover)
Rutherford was cited for contempt of court on at least three occasions. Proof of this is found in Morgan County Book 13, page 251 for August 8, 1894 and Cooper County Book 2, page 376 on May 15,1895. His worst known impropriety in law during the Missouri years was recorded in Permanent File #5113 of the Cooper County Circuit Court dated February 4, 1896 and involved a case heard by Judge Dorsey W. Shackleford. Rutherford was representing the National Cash Register Company against David Nicholson of Boonville.

After Nicholson had levied a writ of attachment on a cash register machine that had been used at the saloon of Charley Merstetter, a deputy constable named Wright went to seize the machine but Rutherford met him at the saloon, held papers before Wright and told him that if Wright would go to see William Muir Williams the attorney representing Nicholson and who later became a state supreme court judge, then Williams would confirm that Rutherford held possession of the machine. Wright left the machine to speak with attorney Williams and upon returning found that machine gone. Rutherford then lied that the machine had been sent on to Sedalia, Missouri, for deputy Wright found it "concealed" in a second office of Rutherford beneath some papers.

The Best is Yet to Come. See pt2

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Геро, свака част на претходном посту. Где само вадиш ове информације? Требаће ми времена, али прегледаћу твоју објаву. Да, хтео сам да те питам да ли је истина да се ЈС не крсте у име Оца и Сина и Светога Духа? Насупрот заповести Господа и Спаса нашега Исуса Христоса: "Идите дакле и научите све народе крстећи их ва име Оца и Сина и Светог Духа." (Мат 28. 19)

Питао сам то пријатеља који је напустио ЈС, међутим он се не сећа тога. Сећа се да су проучавали неку књигу годину дана цца и да су после тога приступили крштењу. Тражио сам њихов обред крштења како изгледа, међутим нигде га нисам нашао.

Молим било кога ко зна одговор да га објави.

За peko71:

Рекли сте:
"Odkrivenje 3.20. Evo stojim na vratima i kucam.Ako ko čuje moj glas i otvori vrata ući ći k njemu i večeraću s njim i on sa mnom.

Da se ne shvati pogešno zadnji stih večeraću s njim i on sa mnom ne mora da znači doslovno."

Шта за Вас значи овај позив на вечеру? Зашто је он у Светом Писму? Интересује ме Ваше мишљење.

Унапред захвалан,

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Blackarow napisao!

Геро, свака част на претходном посту. Где само вадиш ове информације? Требаће ми времена, али прегледаћу твоју објаву. Да, хтео сам да те питам да ли је истина да се ЈС не крсте у име Оца и Сина и Светога Духа? Насупрот заповести Господа и Спаса нашега Исуса Христоса: "Идите дакле и научите све народе крстећи их ва име Оца и Сина и Светог Духа." (Мат 28. 19)

Da mogu ti reci kako se krste a krste se ovako: u ime jehove i sina i duha organizacije!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A evo ti link pa pogledaj on je na ruskom jeziku, ako neznas ruski nadji nekog da ti prevede prosto bices sokiran.

Скачать Свидетели Иеговы (разоблачение) a ako neradi kopiraj link i stavi ga na google tamo ce se pojaviti sajt i trazi dok ti ne otvori video a evo jos jedan probaj i na ovaj:Свидетели ИеговыРазоблачение
Dodato posle 2 minuta:

Sve sto te zanima o JS samo pitaj imam materijala veoma mnogo!!

Pozdrav i tebi brate.

Dodato posle 7 minuta:

Sto se tice posta imam ih veoma mnogo , ja sam zakleti vrag JS jer znam ko su i sta su, oni su najveci neprijatelji nasega gospoda isusa hrista, ako bi sve izneo sta imam onda nebi vise imao sta da trazim na forumu zato ja to polako i takticki, a ako zeles nesto vise da saznas pisi meni ,poelbusteru,tripo 41,na privatnu postu foruma.

"Majka, Jehovin svedok, umrla ubrzo nakon što je rodila blizance, jer je odbila da primi krv.
Njen muž, isto Jehovin svedok, NIJE HTEO da ubedi svoju ženu da primi krv."


Sekte i kultovi hrišćanstva

"Hrišćani" - bez Hrista
Ovo je grupa crkvi koje mogu sebe nazivati "hrišćanima", koriste Bibliju kao njihovo Sveto Pismo, i mogu čak i imati ime Hrista u nazivu njihovih "crkava"...
Ali oni govore da "Isus nije Bog", ili da je "Isus onoliko Bog, koliko je bilo ko od nas" - poput, recimo, Mormona.

- Mormons. The Church of Jesus Christ of the of Latter-day Saints, Book of Mormon
- Jehovah's Witnesses. Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
- Moonies. Unification Church - The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, Sun Myung Moon
- New Age
- Christian Science Church.
- Church of Scientology.
- Church Universal and Triumphant.
- Children of God, Family of Love.
- Worldwide Church of God, of Armstrong.
- Spiritualism, Spiritualistic Churches, Spiritism.
- Unitarian Church
- Universalism
- Unitarianism... Universalism.
- Unity School of Christianity
- Socinianism

DESTRUKTIVNI KULTOVI - Hrišćanski, i ne-hrišćanski

- People's Temple, Jim Jones, Guayana, Jonestown, 913 death
- Branch Davidians, "Waco", David Koresh (Vernon Howell), 82 death
- The Family, Charles Manson, 8 death
- Jeffrey Lundgren, destructive Mormon splinter group, 5 death
- Order of the Solar Temple, 53 death
- Heaven's Gate, 39 death
- Aum Shinrikyo, subway gas attack in Tokyo, Japan, 1995
- Snake Handlers, Serpent Handlers
- Movement of Restoration of "Ten Commandments, in Uganda, 924 death

Ostali Hrišćanski kultovi:

Gnosticism, Neo-Gnosticis, Agnosticism.
Way International.
Holy Order of MANS.
Church of the Living God.
Rev. Ike, United Christian evangelistic Association

International Churches of Christ (ICC) (ICOC)
The Way International
Holy Order of MANS
Church of the Living Word
Crossroads Church of Christ, the Boston Church, the Central London Church of Christ

"Katolici bez Pape"
- The Old Catholic churches
- The Polish Church
- Society of St. Pius X and Fraternity of St. Pius X, Lefebvre,
- Palmar de Troya, Seville, Spain, Clemente Dominguez
- Bayside, N.Y., Veronica Lueken

Sve o POGUBNIM kvazi-hrišćanskim destruktivnim kultovima:

OPŠIRNIJE o "Jehovinim Svedocima", jednoj od NAJAGRESIVNIJIH, i, samim tim, i NAJOPASNIJOJ TOTALITARNOJ SEKTI:



Pred vašim vratima stoje njih dvoje. Lepo su odeveni, i na prvi pogled vrlo su prijatni. Ne, oni nisu pogrešili. Došli su upravo k vama, iako ne znaju ni kako se zovete. Razgovor započinju laskavim rečima, ulagujući vam se, sa namerom da otkriju vaše raspoloženje. No, bez obzira na vaš odgovor, oni će nastojati da pređu prag i da razgovor nastave u vašem stanu. Ako niste bili dovoljno odlučni da nezvane goste zaustavite na vratima, sada vas oni neće pustiti sve dok ne postignu željeni cilj.

Njihova omiljena tema je – priča o poslednjim vremenima. Vi se saglašavate sa njihovim mišljenjem da je i u Rusiji, i u celom svetu, stanje danas teško, da ima mnogo rđavih vesti. Ne verujete da u neko skorije vreme može biti bolje. Dok vas ubeđuju u to da živimo u poslednjim vremenima, oni vas zasipaju citatima iz Biblije. Zadivljeni ste njihovim poznavanjem Svetog Pisma, premda vam nisu simpatični ljudi koji imaju tako jednostavne odgovore na tako složena pitanja. Saglasni ste sa time da svako treba da izučava Bibliju, kao i sa time da se izučavanje mora obavljati pod nečijim rukovodstvom, pošto je u Bibliji mnogo toga nerazumljivo. Neprijatno vam je što su se gosti namrštili kada su ugledali malu ikonu u vašem domu. Zbunjeni ste time što svoju mržnju prikrivaju autoritetom Biblije. Hteli bi ste da im se suprostavite, ali, avaj, ne znate kako. I sada vaši nezvani gosti prelaze na ono glavno. Oni tvrde da je Bog jedan, i da ima samo jedno ime – Jehova. Ko ne misli tako, u zabludi je. Pojedinosti ćete saznati iz krasnih časopisa “Kula stražara” i “Probudi se!”, kao iz brošura i knjiga koje će Vam predložiti da kupite. Još uvek ste podozrivi, ali ste već spremni da posetite njihov kružok na kojem se izučava Biblija.

Možda još uvek niste postali svesni toga, ali u vaš dom je ušla sekta Jehovinih svedoka.

Eto brate za sada, a ima jos mnogo primetices kako ignorisu moje postove, jer nemaju argumente potiv mojih postova, a takodje od tripa, i poelbustera.
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