New Lastun-X7-800-multi 05.11.2014
For reasons of "net" only this time I will post simple branding.
1. Fixed two issues, GLONASS and route_del.
2. Fixed other small bugs ... still are.
3. Depending on the setting of the rooms,
I totally changed this function thus are now only two rooms: Static 2D / 3D and 3D Dynamic. Why so called? because the first room does not use variables in terms of speed, and has only the minimum and maximum distance of 3000 m maximum value gradually move toward the minimum and the second will take the first room but these values will fluctuate between them in terms of speed and will apply only on 3D because it seemed silly to zoom in 2D fluctuate depending on speed. otherwise if you are in 2D for the camera settings are "disable".
For fine adjustment relief I turned off because it can mislead and having negative values. You just need to make settings in the first room, static, and in the second to set values for speed. Simply, after adjust the minimum and maximum values and default value that, if you are static maximum value will be constant up to 3000 m maneuver in Dynamic values will vary depending on the minimum and maximum set speed in this room.
I added a navigation shortcut and overview will be enabled to longclik. The values for the two modes are independent settings, the less speed ....
For a better visualization of variables extra_settings I added an option to use percentages to decimal multiplication rate. maybe there ought to go and over 1, up to 1.5x but there is still time.
Theoretically any resolution can be set to values that are close to what you want, but be careful at high zoom (low in settings) will not be able to set a very high angle, you have to "combines"
LINK: Primo/Skin/Lastun/