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  1. arcadius

    Practice with Sentences

    Practice with Sentences-J.D. Bentley-For years there has been insufficient provision of specific material for practice with sentences. We speak mostly in sentences, not in individual words or in unrelated verb-parts or in tricky linguistic tests. Our speech and writing are creative-the...
  2. arcadius

    Grammar Scan-Diagnostic Tests for Practical English Usage-3rd edition

    Grammar Scan-Diagnostic tests for Practical English Usage 3rd edition- What are these tests? They are diagnostic tests, designed to be used with Practical English Usage (Third Edition). They will help you to check what you know, and what you don't know, about English grammar and usage. By...
  3. arcadius

    Practical English Usage 3rd Edition

    Practical English Usage 3rd Edition-English, like all languages, is full of problems for the foreign learner. Some of these points are easy to explain - for instance, the formation of questions, the difference between since and for, the meaning of after all Other problems are more tricky, and...
  4. arcadius

    Practical English Usage 2nd Edition-International Student's Edition

    Practical English Usage 2nd Edition-International Student's Edition-English, like all languages, is full of problems for the foreign learner. Some of these points are easy to explain-for instance, the formation of questions, the difference between since and for, the meaning of after all. Other...
  5. arcadius

    Improving what you write

    Improving what you write-Falk S. Johnson-This book seeks to help you improve your writing quickly and thoroughly. As aids to quickness, it offers two special features: It provides a series of pre-tests to reveal which parts of the book you may skip and which you should study. Thus you spend time...
  6. arcadius

    Short Cuts to Effective English

    Short Cuts to Effective English-Here's what's different about this book-there are NO rules or terms of grammar in it. You learn to speak and write correctly by a brand-new method that has worked for tens of thousands. It's fast and easy. It will work for you! Experience shows that people who...
  7. arcadius

    Rapid Review of English Grammar

    Rapid Review of English Grammar-Rapid Review of English Grammar is not a text for beginners. Neither is it "intermediate" or "advanced." It is a remedial text, designed for students whose knowledge of English is extensive but imperfect when they come to the United States to study in our colleges...
  8. arcadius

    The Dictionary of Do's and Don'ts

    The Dictionary of Do's and Don'ts: A Guide for Writers and Speakers-is an indispensable companion for writers, students, speakers, editors, teachers, and all who care about saying what they mean and meaning what they say. Enjoyable to read and instructive to browse through, it is a sophisticated...
  9. arcadius

    The Five Language European Dictionary

    The Five Language European Dictionary-The need for a practical and novel type of dictionary, enabling its users to understand and be understood immediately in the five principal Western languages, has always been felt; even more so today, when mass tourism has reached the proportions of a...
  10. arcadius

    Using English-Your Second Language

    Using English: Your Second Language is intended as a main or supplementary textbook for college students or adults who have completed basic courses in English as a second language and are well on their way to effective communication in speech and writing. Students with a fairly high level of...
  11. arcadius

    Writing with a Purpose Short Edition

    Writing with a Purpose Short Edition-James M. McCrimmon-This shorter form of Writing with a Purpose is issued at the urging of those instructors who wish to use the material on rhetoric but do not use a handbook. The text is the same as that of the first three parts of the fifth edition, except...
  12. arcadius

    Vocabulary in Context

    Vocabulary in Context-Harry B. Franklin, Herbert G. Meikle and Jeris E. Strain and the Staff of the English Language Institute-This text is one part of “An Intensive Course in English.” The other three parts emphasize the mastery of English sounds (Pronunciation), grammatical structures...
  13. arcadius

    A Practical English Grammar 4th edition

    A Practical English Grammar is intended for intermediate and post-intermediate students. We hope that more advanced learners and teachers will also find it useful. The book is a comprehensive survey of structures and forms, written in clear modem English and illustrated with numerous examples...
  14. arcadius

    A Practical English Grammar Exercises 3rd edition-Volume 2

    A. J. Thomson, A. V. Martinet, "A Practical English Grammar: Exercises 2, 3rd edition A Practical English Grammar Exercises 3rd edition Volume 2-This is one of two books of exercises designed to accompany Thomson and Martinet's Practical English Grammar. They provide intermediate learners with...
  15. arcadius

    A Practical English Grammar Exercises 3rd edition-Volume 1

    A. J. Thomson, A. V. Martinet, "A Practical English Grammar: Exercises 1, 3rd edition A Practical English Grammar Exercises 3rd edition Volume 1-This is one of two books of exercises designed to accompany Thomson and Martinet's Practical English Grammar. They provide intermediate learners with...
  16. arcadius

    Речник синонима

    Речник синонима-Када сам се затекао у Трсту 1992. године, у јеку ратова у бившој Југославији, почео да се бавим писањем, што новинарских текстова, што преводима, што писама пријатељима, постало ми је јасно да на нашем, тада српско-хрватском говорном подручју, изразито недостаје једно специјално...
  17. arcadius

    Језичке доумице-новије и старије

    Егон Фекете-Језичке доумице: новије и старије Аутора ове књиге не треба посебно представљати; његовастручна реч о језику, компетентна, промишљена, одмеренавећ одавно се у нашој јавности с пажњом слуша на радију,ревносно чита у дневној штампи. Људи којима је стало до тога да нам изражајна...
  18. arcadius

    Турцизми у савременом српском књижевном језику

    Турцизми у савременом српском књижевном језику (семантичко-деривациона анализа)-Предмет овог истраживања је семантичко-деривациони опис турцизама у савременом српском књижевном језику, као и утврђивање њиховог статуса на синхронијској равни. Постављено је неколико циљева: испитивање семантичких...
  19. arcadius

    Нормативна граматика српског језика

    Граматика као део језика јесте систем морфолошких и семантичких категорија, односно њима обухваћених јединица, њихових облика, значења и функција. Граматику у ширем смислу чине сва правила по којима су језичке јединице организоване и по којима се оне употребљавају. Граматика као део лингвистике...
  20. arcadius

    Презимена су чувари нашег језика

    „Имена властита, људска, мјесна, имена брдима, ријекама нијесy ничим мање важна од других којих му драго ријечи, да паче, многа су не само за познавање језика бесцјено благо, него су често и прави и најпоyзданији чувари и гласници народне xисторије. Камо среће да их се што више може дознати!”...