XBMC 13 - Beta i Final verzije

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Da, znam kako bi trebalo jer sam koristio i gledao na Frodo verziji i beta verziji gothama, ali ovde znaci nista se ne pojavi, ne daje znake da registruje uopste moj klik. Pozz
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XBMC 13.1 beta1 Gotham


Only a week ago we released the stable version of 13.0 codename “Gotham”. So far, from the responses we have received, people are pretty excited about it and are happily using it. Now that more people are starting to use the stable release, several issues popped up, that we now hope to address with this 13.1 beta1 release. Do note that this release contain only fixes and no new features. So it should be safe to install on top of current 13.0 release.


    * Better recovery of VDPAU on errors.
    * Fixes for cropping of interlaced content using VDPAU.
    * Fix for FLAC tracks with large embedded images not playing.
    * Fix for crash if librtmp wasn’t available.
    * Fix for ffmpeg building on linux using later versions of librtmp.
    * Fix for broken m4a, mp4 playback with paplayer.
    * Fix for the hint text not being shown in editcontrols once unfocused.
    * Fix minor memory leak in PlayMedia builtin function.
    * Fix albumartist use in song smartplaylists.
    * Use unique client broadcast UID in the PVR api.
Ja sam podesio prevode na confluence i rade, a zatim sam skinuo i instalirao CCM i prevodi i dalje rade.
Mene interesuje da li će biti ubačeni i titlovi.com i prijevodi-online.org u izvore "naših" prevoda???
Ja sam podesio prevode na confluence i rade, a zatim sam skinuo i instalirao CCM i prevodi i dalje rade.
Mene interesuje da li će biti ubačeni i titlovi.com i prijevodi-online.org u izvore "naših" prevoda???
titlovi.com autor je obacao da ce spremit to....ovu skriptu radi onaj koji vec je odradio podnapisi.net te opensubtitles.org....za prevodi-online ne bi znao dal ce biti nesto ili ne....mislim da bi bilo potrebno pisati na oficijelni forum...
XBMC 13.1 beta2 Gotham

Now that more people are starting to use XBMC 13.0 codename “Gotham,” several issues have popped up which thorough testing hadn’t previously revealed. We have already released a 13.1 beta1 which has several fixes and improvements compared to the 13.0 stable release. Since then, our developers have added even more improvements which should resolve a few remaining issues.
To that end, we are announcing this 13.1 beta 2 release. Do note that this release contain only fixes and no new features. Although we call this a beta release it should be safe to install on top of current 13.0 release as changes are minimal and confirmed working. In due time we will of course release a 13.1 stable version after we are confident, there are no regressions, aka problems caused by these fixes, compared to 13.0 stable. Should you find any problems, you can find how to report these at the bottom of this blog post.

Fixes done in 13.1 beta 2

    * Fix resume point of certain PVR items begin stale on playback.
    * Fix weirdness when certain TVs query XBMC’s UPnP server and it
    starts running a bunch of add-ons which cause popups on the XBMC
    * Fix crash at exit while airplay is playing.

Fixes done in previous 13.1 beta 1 which are also included

    * Better recovery of VDPAU on errors.
    * Fixes for cropping of interlaced content using VDPAU.
    * Fix for FLAC tracks with large embedded images not playing.
    * Fix for crash if librtmp wasn’t available.
    * Fix for ffmpeg building on linux using later versions of librtmp.
    * Fix for broken m4a, mp4 playback with paplayer.
    * Fix for the hint text not being shown in editcontrols once unfocused.
    * Fix minor memory leak in PlayMedia builtin function.
    * Fix albumartist use in song smartplaylists.
    * Use unique client broadcast UID in the PVR api.


XBMC 13.1 Gotham – RC1

Now that more people are starting to use XBMC 13.0 codename “Gotham,” several issues have popped up which thorough testing hadn’t previously revealed. We have already released two 13.1 beta versions, which had several fixes and improvements compared to the 13.0 stable release. To that end, we are announcing this 13.1 RC1 release which include these fixes. Do note that this release contain only fixes, and no new features. Although we call this a release candidate release, it should be safe to install on top of your current 13.0 install, as changes are minimal and confirmed working. Should you find any problems, you can find how to report these at the bottom of this blog post.

This release candidate contains the fixes compared to previous 13.0

    * Fix resume point of certain PVR items begin stale on playback.
    * Fix weirdness when certain TVs query XBMC’s UPnP server and it
    starts running a bunch of add-ons which cause popups on the XBMC
    * Fix crash at exit while airplay is playing
    * Better recovery of VDPAU on errors.
    * Fixes for cropping of interlaced content using VDPAU.
    * Fix for FLAC tracks with large embedded images not playing.
    * Fix for crash if librtmp wasn’t available.
    * Fix for ffmpeg building on linux using later versions of librtmp.
    * Fix for broken m4a, mp4 playback with paplayer.
    * Fix for the hint text not being shown in editcontrols once unfocused.
    * Fix minor memory leak in PlayMedia builtin function.
    * Fix albumartist use in song smartplaylists.
    * Use unique client broadcast UID in the PVR api.

XBMC 13.1 Gotham - stabilna verzija!

Now that more people are starting to use XBMC 13.0 codename “Gotham,” several issues have popped up which testing hadn’t previously revealed. After releasing two betas and a release candidate, it’s time for a final 13.1 release. The incorporated fixes are the ones already mentioned in the release candidate announcement, nonetheless we will list them again below. Do note that this release contains only fixes, and no new features. This 13.1 release can be safely installed on top of any previous XBMC releases. Please read the important notice at the bottom as well. Should you find any problems, you can find how to report these at the bottom of this announcement. Very likely we will release another bug-fix release after this version, with additional fixes and small improvements. These are however to intrusive to already include in this 13.1 release, as they need careful testing.

This 13.1 release contains the fixes compared to previous 13.0

  • * Fix resume point of certain PVR items begin stale on playback.
  • * Fix weirdness when certain TVs query XBMC’s UPnP server and it
    starts running a bunch of add-ons which cause popups on the XBMC
  • * Fix crash at exit while airplay is playing
  • * Better recovery of VDPAU on errors.
  • * Fixes for cropping of interlaced content using VDPAU.
  • * Fix for FLAC tracks with large embedded images not playing.
  • * Fix for crash if librtmp wasn’t available.
  • * Fix for ffmpeg building on linux using later versions of librtmp.
  • * Fix for broken m4a, mp4 playback with paplayer.
  • * Fix for the hint text not being shown in editcontrols once unfocused.
  • * Fix minor memory leak in PlayMedia builtin function.
  • * Fix albumartist use in song smartplaylists.
  • * Use unique client broadcast UID in the PVR api.
XBMC 13.2 Gotham – beta 1


* Fix onplaybackstarted event for external players
* Don’t show OSD menu DVD menu with mouse/touch
* GetText and delete sound option for add-on developers
* Fix wrong sample-rate selection on OSX
* Fix optical usb devices with > 2 channels on OSX
* Fix firewall popups in OSX on start-up
* Make the fake full-screen option only visible when running OSX snowleopard
* Fix overlapping subtitles
* Fix accented letters. Example: “VARIéS” rather than “VARIÉS”
* Prompt for master pin in case the add-on manager is locked
* Update GUI translations
* Update included add-ons
* Fixed several bugs and memory leaks