Windows 8 {Chat}

Windows 8.1 Phone Activation Helper v 1.1 By AR_Alex


1. Run Windows 8.1 Activator version 1.1(.bat) as an administrator.
2. Select the option on the screen
<1> Activate Windows 8 Pro
<2> Activate Windows 8 Pro WMC
3. There are currently 10 working Retail Keys chose any key you wish to use click 1 till 10
[As soon as we notify any keys blocked we will replace with working one]
4. After click the key number you will be direct to `Select your country of region` screen
5. Just click enter you will be on Installation Screen



Name: Windows 8.1 Activator version 1.1.(.bat)
Size: 6.33 KB
CRC32: A5261E7C
MD5: 06B141C08FF4397AADB9409D38E072A5SHA-1: B5990D8BE29C40C24FE4B949525B3135EBC3DA15

Carry on rest of the procedure via Skype as usual posted on main instruction

6. Next you will get installation ID in this step you enable Internet Connection...


7. Use Skype Free Microsoft Call Center to Get Confirmation ID....


Important Notice: When you are talking to Robo make sure you DIAL 1 for every question you have been asked dialling other numbers caused your installation ID BLOCKED!Dial UK number free call using skype [+448000188354] I strongly suggest use this number first or

US Minor Outlying Island] [+18007548300]First question are you home user or business ***[answer home user -dial1]*** Important Type installation ID without making mistakeAfter second question how many computer you activate using this key ***[Only One Dial 1]***Important

After giving Installation ID, the end of the call Talking Robot will give you Confirmation ID fill them related box correctly or click start if you did not hear ang Group Number Properly to be repeated.


9. Click Activate Windows.......


10. Check your activation status and genuine
Right click the start menu and choose "command prompt (admin)

slmgr /ato

Other Command Activation Check Prompt

Check Activation remain grace period:
slmgr.vbs /dlv

Volume activation
expireslmgr /xpr


Upgrading Windows 8.1 Windows Media Center Over Activated Windows 8.1 Pro

Things you need to know before even start Upgrading Progress:

1. If you activate Windows 8 Retail Keys make sure you are using Core Edition or Windows 8 Pro with upgradable WMC Edition to order to use Retail Keys cause Windows 8.1 Pro Volume License Edition need MAK Keys to activate and there is NO Get more features with new edition of Windows option on Volume License Edition


2a. Have you actually download your copy of Windows 8 trustable source and unmodified version if not please use the download link i provide all MSDN Untouched version you will see them

2b. Have you ever tried to activate your copy with any of the Hacktivator you will largely find on internet if you did uninstall them and also make sure scan and clean your system files doing this simple step:
Open cmd with elevated privileges, (run as admin), and enter:

sfc /scannow

About Windows 8 Pro With WMC Activation:

If you want to activate Windows 8 with WMC you need to follow this way and its the only way.

1. Install Windows 8.1 **CORE Edition or Upgradable Windows 8.1 Pro** >>>> Activate Offline via skype with *****Retail Keys*****
2. Go to the ad features option and install the WMC Keys lets Windows install all necessary tool FOR WMC Edition
3. PC will restart
4. Now activate WMC Retail Keys earlier you install to convert W8 Pro to W8 Pro with WMC*** All Retail Keys, Windows 8 Core Edition download link and detail instruction first page
When you call MS Via Skype common mistake people do:
During call Robo will ask you 2 Question Dial 1 every question you have been asked cause if you dial 2 any of those question your Installation ID will blocked there is no way to activate therefore you need to change the key and get other installation ID!

Dial UK number free call using skype [+448000188354] I strongly suggest use this number first or

US Minor Outlying Island] [+18007548300] First question are you home user or business ***[answer home user -dial1]*** ImportantType installation ID without making mistakes. After second question how many computer you activated ***[Only One Dial 1]***Important

All the Keys i have checked and posted into Pastebin Link If some reason any of the keys blocked by MS try other keys cause usually not all the keys blocked at the same time! If you are new comers we use sharecode link in this forum you need to read about how to open share code link topic . Please do not PM and ask me where is the keys are they are on page one on the top of the topic!

6. If you believe you done all right but still you can not activate using Retail Keys for Windows 8 or WMC then ask me i may be provide one of my unused or less used Retail Keys... Please do not share those keys i PM you any other website!

Step By Step Instruction:
Instruction assuming you are on Upgradable & Activated Windows 8.1 Pro in this instruction more detail about it on the explanation above.

1. Go To Control Panel\System and Security\System


Click on Get More Features with a new edition of Windows

2. Click I already have a product key.


3. Enter Your WMC Promotional Product Key [If you still have Promotional WMC Keys best to use it if you don't then Use the keys below:

Windows 8 RTM Pro WMC Offline Activation RETAIL KeysSite:
Sharecode[SUP][?][/SUP]: /ww8TDCeV


4. Tick accept the license terms and click Add Features



5. Windows will add the WMC Features and after done your PC will Restart

6. Your WMC still not Activated even you add the key earlier that was for add features Installation therefore we need to activate the same key we already use for Installation.!

7. Activating WMC Retail Keys same way we did for Windows 8.1 Pro Activation therefore i do not want to repeat myself see >>>>> How To Activate Windows 8 RTM Via Phone [Permanent] Above and Follow the Instruction from Step 1 to Step 9.
Check your activation status and genuine
Right click the start menu and choose "command prompt (admin)

slmgr /ato


Poslednja izmena:
How to manually backup and restore Windows 8.1 RTM activation

I create this topic about manually backup and restore Windows 8.1 for you guys you do not need rely on any third party software when you need to reinstall your Windows copy, you can easily do it yourself. Other reason is still early age of Windows 8.1 RTM non of the backup and restore software not functioning at the moment.

Important Points you need to know before backup and reinstall procedure:
1. The activation is tied to your specific hardware and OS edition, so keep this in mind.
2. The solution will likely 100% fail if you make changes to hardware and re-install Windows and then trying to restore activation again
3. It has come to my attention that installing certain hardware drivers will break the activation on Windows 8 forcing you to reactivate. One way to prevent this from happening would be to make sure everything is installed and up to date before activating and then take the backup. That way when you have reinstalled Windows and the hardware drivers it should work just fine restoring activation later.
4. Once we buy the retail version of Windows 8, backing up the activation would be a more permanent solution given that you don't change the hardware or OS edition along the road which means you have to reactivate and backup again.
5. This manual backup and reactivate methot was working on KMS Activation but as there is non working KMS Activation i just can not check at this moment however there is no reason why shouldn't if there is in the future.

A. Backup Windows Activation

1. Enable Show hidden files, folders and drivers to order to see and save all activation backup files

Control Panel\Appearance and PersonalizationThen Checked Show hidden files, folders and drivers


2. Go to this location and save spp folder in somewhere save in your other hard drive, partition, usb stick DVD etc....


3. Make sure to verify that the store folder contains these files and folders!


1 file named data.dat which is hidden
1 file named tokens.dat which is visible
1 folder named cache containing a file named cache.dat

B. Reinstall Windows

1. After Windows is reinstalled I suggest running a new Command Prompt as Administrator where you need to type in

slmgr -upk to uninstall the key so the status changes to Unlicensed


2. You need to reboot in Safe mode and easiest way is by using msconfig via Run.


3. Choose the Boot tab and then Safe boot-Minimal, apply and restart when prompted reboot


4. Click Restart PC IN Safe mode


5. After the PC has rebooted in Safe mode open a new Command Prompt as Administrator and type

net stop sppsvc to stop the Software Protection Platform service


6. Go to location:

C:\Windows\System32\spp\ copy and replace the current store folder with the backed up one

Notice: Even i stop Software Protection Platform service still some files Did not let me to copy and replace maybe i was experimenting on Virtual Machine if you can copy and replace some of the files i suggest to use:
WinOwnership Tool By joshcell
Download Link: this tool just drag the spp folder inside application


After that open all the files inside the right folder
Easiest way find the related folder then click Cntrl + A then click OK to send all files all in one make sure you do for every files to the related folder!


After click OK every files send to the related folder


7. Go to Run and use msconfig and choose Normal boot under General tab this time, apply and click restart when prompted


8. When restarted you can see that the watermarks are gone and by checking the usual

Command Prompt (Admin)

slmgr /atoslmgr.vbs /dlvslmgr -dli


You'll see that it worked and you're activated..
Ja jos isprobavam Win.8,1,a i Win.8-icu sam kratko imao tako da ne mogu pouzdano reci da i ma velike razlike izmedju ova dva OS-a.Meni licno vise odgovara ovaj drugi i jos se ucim na njemu.Nije nista lose istraziti nove stvari ako se ima mogucnosti.A da je brzi od Win.7-ice to je nesumnjivo,ali ima i nekih nedostataka,to jest nisu to nedostaci vec smo se mi navikli na neke stvari i tesko prihvatamo novitete,Dakle kako se kome svidja,ali nije lose probati nove stvari.
da li neko moze da mi pomogne oko aktiviranja windows 8.1?ja sam skinuo mnogo aktivatora ali ni sa jednim nisam nista uspeo.ako neko ima bio bih mu zahvalan da ga odeli u ovoj temi sa ostalima.
probao sam kmspico,I toolkit iz tutorijala al nista ne uspeva,cak sam I trazio novije verzije toolkit-a,ali nista mi ne id.da li ima jos nesto I da li je u pitanju mozda vrzija windowsa ?
probao sam kmspico,I toolkit iz tutorijala al nista ne uspeva,cak sam I trazio novije verzije toolkit-a,ali nista mi ne id.da li ima jos nesto I da li je u pitanju mozda vrzija windowsa ?

ako ti je build 9600 a verovatno jeste onda ni jedna od pomenutih aktivacija ne pije vodu vec se to radi na sasvim drugi nacin.....

Ja znam za dva nacina......jedam pomocu .wim fajla i dism komandi i mountanja ISO koji je slozeniji i jednostavniji pomocu cmd komande ,skype i vrlo malo poznavanja engleskog......

Inace to su Windowsi koji se mogu downloadovati ovde......






Serijski brojevi prilikom instalacije su...


Prilikom aktivacije koristiti neku od cmd komandi......

slmgr.vbs -ipk NDFPQ-6FDFB-R668B-88FGX-BKH3H
slmgr.vbs -ipk BNYQG-M97TV-YMK7<wbr>V-CWYTP-MPWXV
slmgr.vbs -ipk PXYNY-W9H9R-C73K<wbr>R-6KQVQ-7T667
slmgr.vbs -ipk NK4YX-VC32H-697K<wbr>2-RC77T-MKH3H
slmgr.vbs -ipk NVQ2W-MQGF3-RYXB<wbr>T-MFJJM-HT667
slmgr.vbs -ipk MT2WQ-NQCTX-W6W3<wbr>G-T297Q-XHF9V
slmgr.vbs -ipk 428WT-NPRYV-FW2V<wbr>M-FQJPX-7XH3H
slmgr.vbs -ipk 76NKF-PYMGM-MC4P<wbr>P-8844F-6Q4DH
slmgr.vbs -ipk PQ77Q-NPR2T-Y3V8<wbr>C-PDHVY-F88XV
slmgr.vbs -ipk M32HC-NPMWM-RHM2<wbr>T-4G9P7-GCKT7
slmgr.vbs -ipk TH2TD-7XN82-D6Q2<wbr>W-67PDM-MY2KV
slmgr.vbs -ipk QYN89-3VF37-PP9X<wbr>K-4MCW9-XKT67
slmgr.vbs -ipk NTJMQ-3G77F-BF9T<wbr>B-87MRB-B4DG7
slmgr.vbs -ipk 73RYF-NDRMX-PGGK<wbr>M-67FBK-DYFDH
slmgr.vbs -ipk GQJXN-6PMCY-PWMR<wbr>2-JY2JC-TMQG7
slmgr.vbs -ipk F6KC2-FNB33-4JQ8<wbr>J-9WRDC-3YFDH
slmgr.vbs -ipk NC3VK-6CT96-8JVT<wbr>8-C662M-PRYQH
slmgr.vbs -ipk JCDXN-2Q4FQ-G44B<wbr>Q-GHGBK-H49T7
slmgr.vbs -ipk BHNB4-WF6WB-KVW7M-43FG2-XTMCY
slmgr.vbs -ipk KCFXT-NQXY6-JJ9P8-DPQJT-6FYQH
slmgr.vbs -ipk KRP6N-7PWBC-6RKKM-DY266-FVRDH
slmgr.vbs -ipk HVF4X-NC69W-QRJDD-49GWY-TXT67
slmgr.vbs -ipk JKMQJ-FN82K-WTDBD-WF2QP-VFPKV
slmgr.vbs -ipk JQNPV-GJ2GH-9MYHX-RTVDV-XD4DH
slmgr.vbs -ipk K4KCR-CN3B8-2V7RF-HQ2XD-YBFDH
slmgr.vbs -ipk KVP2N-PCY6Q-M7TWQ-6QV2V-T273H
slmgr.vbs -ipk BHNB4-WF6WB-KVW7M-43FG2-XTMCY
slmgr.vbs -ipk VRWNB-GF2FG-MJY97-BV9KK-P34DH

Pozvati skajpom besplatni Microsoft broj.....I to postaviti zastavu Engleske I upisati broj za poziv.....


Zatim slediti instrukcije to jest pritisnuti broj 1,a zatim tarabu.....Predstoji upisivanje vaseg ID broja od 48 stavki te po zavrsetku ukucajte broj 1....Sledi onda postupak diktiranja brojeva sa Microsoftove sekretarice i to postupno (kolone A,B.C.....)gde cete upisivati te brojeve.....Posto procita recimo brojeve izkolone A ako niste dobro culi ili upisali pritisnite zvezdicu da se ponovi postupak citanja te kolone.Prelazak za ocitavanje nove kolone je pritiskom na taster taraba....Kada upisete novih 48 brojeva koji budu izdiktirani klikom misa na dugme Activate Windows kao u video tutorijalu aktivira se vas Windows 8.1..

Dakle postupak je jednostavan....Parametre imate i postupiti po video tutorijalu.....

Ovo trenutno provereno funkcionise......
Poslednja izmena od urednika:
Nove tri cmd komande koje provereno rade....Inace ovu verziju 8.1 build 9600 Microsoft bi trebalo zvanicno objaviti 18 oktobra.....

slmgr.vbs -ipk TQQD9-XKNX7-RK7RM-TPKCJ-82KT7
slmgr.vbs -ipk N4C6X-D24WB-J4JCR-MQ8B3-GFYQH
slmgr.vbs -ipk NFMVG-M844W-R8VGR-7BM9Y-MY2KV


Zatim posle aktivacije resetujte racunar i bice vam prilikom sledeceg podizanja operativnog sistema uklonjen desktop vodeni zig sa natpisom Windows 8.1 Pro Build 9600 u donjem desnom uglu.....broj 1 ,te ce vam biti i otkljucana i omogucene do tada zakljucane opcije....Zatim mozete i pristupiti postavljanju zeljene desktop pozadine na sledeci nacin....

Postavljanje slike ili zeljene boje na pozadinu desktopa

Dalje neometano mozete raditi u wasem windows 8.1 buld 9600....



ovaj metod sa pozivom putem skypa je uspeo.napokon aktiviran windows posle puno pokusaja.hvala