"Little Old Fashioned Karma"

"Little Old Fashioned Karma"

There's just a little fashioned karma coming down
Just a little old fashioned justice going round
A little bit of sowing and a little bit of reaping
A little bit of laughing and a little bit of weeping
Just a little old fashioned karma coming down
Coming down coming down just a little old fashioned karma coming down
It really ain't hard to understand
If you're gonna dance you gotta pay the band
It's just a little old fashioned karma coming down

[fiddle - guitar - harmonica - piano]

There's just a little fashioned karma...
"Little Things"

"Little Things"

I hope I won't disturb you with this call
I'm just in town for such a little while
And I thought perhaps you'd like to hear the news
Jeannie's grades were the highest in the school
Billy sure does look a lot like you
I understand your other son does too
And Billy said tell mom I miss her so
These were some little things
I thought you'd like to know

Remember Sam and Peg who lived next door
With them it seemed we always laughed so much
Well Sam and Peg don't live there anymore
I understand they broke up just like us
The house we lived in now has been torn down
Of all the things we owned the last to go
A freeway now runs through that part of town
These were some little things that
I thought you'd like to know
These were some little things that
I thought you'd like to know
"Little Things Mean A Lot"

"Little Things Mean A Lot"

Blow her a kiss from across the room
Say she looks nice when she's not
Touch her hand as she pass her chair
Little things mean a lot

Give her your arm as you cross the street
Call her at six on the dot
Align a day when you're far away
Little things mean a lot

Don't have to buy her diamonds and pearls
Champagne, sables and stuffs
She doesn't care much for diamonds and pearls
She'll laugh and say, "Honey, they just cost money"

So give her your hand when she's lost the way
And give her your shoulder to cry on
Whether the day is sunny or gray
Give her your heart to rely on

Send her the warmth of a secret smile
To show her you haven't forgot
That always and ever, for now and forever
Little things mean a lot

So give her your hand when she's lost the way
And give her your shoulder to cry on
Whether the day is sunny or gray
Give her your heart to rely on

Send her the warmth of a secret smile
To show her you haven't forgot
That always and ever, for now and forever
"Living In The Promiseland"

"Living In The Promiseland"

Give us your tired and weak
And we will make them strong
Bring us your foreign songs
And we will sing along

Leave us your broken dreams
We'll give them time to mend
There's still a lot of love
Living in the Promiseland

Living in the Promiseland
Our dreams are made of steel
The prayer of every man
Is to know how freedom feels

There is a winding road
Across the shifting sand
And room for everyone
Living in the Promiseland

So they came from a distant isle
Nameless woman
Faithless child like a bad dream
Until there was no room at all
No place to run, and no place to fall

Give us our daily bread
We have no shoes to wear
No place to call our home
Only this cross to bear

We are the multitudes
Lend us a helping hand
Is there no love anymore
Living in the Promiseland

Living in the Promiseland
Our dreams are made of steel
The prayer of every man
Is to know how freedom feels

There is a winding road
Across the shifting sand
And room for everyone
Living in the Promiseland
"Local Memory"

"Local Memory"

The lights go out each evening at eleven
And up and down our block there's not a sound
I close my eyes and search for peaceful slumber
And just then the local mem'ry comes around
Piles of blues against the door to make sure sleep will come no more
He's the hardest working mem'ry in this town
Turns out happiness againand then lets loneliness back in
And each night the local mem'ry comes around


Each day I say tonight I may escape him
I pretend I'm happy and never even a frown
But at night I close my eyes and pray sleep finds me
But again the local mem'ry comes around
Rids the house of all good news then sets out my crying shoes
What a faithful mem'ry never lets me down
We're both up till light of day chasing happiness away
And each night the local mem'ry comes around
And each night the local mem'ry comes around


The streets are dark and quiet at London, after midnight.
The silence is the master of darkness, and London can sleep tonight,
protected by the master.
London... London...
You scream the largest portion of the day
London... London...
Rest your lungs, tomorrow's on its way.
"Lonely Little Mansion"

"Lonely Little Mansion"

(I'm a lonely little mansion for sale)
Furnished with everything but love
I'm looking for someone to come live with me
I've got a large picture window
And a yard filled with trees
The sign reads two stories
And that's all that's for sale
But there's so many stories I could tell
My windows are closed and I'm gasping for air
My carpets are spotted
With tear stains here and there
A torn photograph still lies on my floor
And two sweethearts don't live here anymore
I'm a lonely little mansion for sale
And for someone I'd fit just like a glove
I'm a lonely little mansion for sale
Furnished with everything but love
"Lonely Street"

"Lonely Street"

I'm lookin' for that lonely street
I've got a sad, sad tale to tell
I need a place to go and weep
Where's this place called lonely street?

A place where there's just loneliness
Where dim lights bring forgetfulness
Where broken dreams and memories meet
Where's this place called lonely street?

Perhaps upon that lonely street
There's someone such as I
Who came to bury broken dreams
And watch an old love die

If I could find that lonely street
Where dim lights bring forgetfulness
Broken dreams and mem'ries meet
Where's this place called lonely street?

Perhaps upon that lonely street
There's someone such as I
Who came to bury broken dreams
And watch an old love die

If I could find that lonely street
Where dim lights bring forgetfulness
Where broken dreams and mem'ries meet
Where's this place called lonely street?
"Look What Thoughts Will Do"

"Look What Thoughts Will Do"

Once I thought I loved just you
And I thought you loved me too
But today you say we're through
Now just look what thoughts will do

Now another wears the crown
And you think that you have found
Just what makes your world go round
Watch those thoughts they'll get you down
And if within your future years
Your new love should bring you tears
Then you'll think of me I'm sure
But those thoughts won't help you, dear
Once I thought I loved just you
And I thought you loved me too
But today you say we're through
Now just look what thoughts will do

[piano - guitar]

Once I thought I loved just you
And I thought you loved me too
But today you say we're through
Now just look what thoughts will do


What has happened down here is the wind have changed
Clouds roll in from the north and it started to rain
Rained real hard and rained for a real long time
Six feet of water in the streets of Evangeline

The river rose all day
The river rose all night
Some people got lost in the flood
Some people got away alright
The river have busted through cleard down to Plaquemines
Six feet of water in the streets of Evangeline

Louisiana, Louisiana
They're tyrin' to wash us away
They're tryin' to wash us away
Louisiana, Louisiana
They're tryin' to wash us away
They're tryin' to wash us away

President Coolidge came down in a railroad train
With a little fat man with a note-pad in his hand
The President say, "Little fat man isn't it a shame
What the river has done
To this poor crackers land."
