"Home Is Where You're Happy"

"Home Is Where You're Happy"

Home is where you're happy and I'm happy here with you,
Or any place on earth that you may be.
Home is where you're happy, just any house will do,
And I'll feel at home as long as you're with me.

This room could not hold me for one short minute;
If you weren't here with me, I'd soon be gone.
That chair is just a chair when you're not in it.
It takes more than rooms and chairs to make a home.

Home is where you're happy and I'm happy here with you,
Or any place on earth that you may be.
Home is where you're happy, just any house will do,
And I'll feel at home as long as you're with me.

Time, someday, may cause this house to crumble,
But we'll move into another, love and all.
And if time, someday, should make your footsteps stumble,
I'll be there to catch you, should you fall.

Home is where you're happy and I'm happy here with you,
Or any place on earth that you may be.
Home is where you're happy, just any house will do,
And I'll feel at home as long as you're with me.
"Home Motel"

"Home Motel"

What used to be my home has changed to just a place to stay
A crumbling last resort when day is through
Sometimes between sundown and dawn somehow I find my way
To this home motel on Lost Love Avenue
No one seems to really care if I come here at all
And the one who seems to care the least is you
I'm gonna hang a neon sign with letters big and blue
Home Motel on Lost Love Avenue
"Homeward Bound"
(originally by Simon And Garfunkel)

"Homeward Bound"
(originally by Simon And Garfunkel)

I'm sittin' in the railway station got a ticket for a destination
On a tour of one night stands my suitcase and guitar in hand
And every stop is neatly planned for a poet and a one man band
Homeward bound I wish I was homeward bound
Home where my thought's escaping home where my music's playing
Home where my love lies waiting silently for me

Every day's an endless stream of cigarettes and magazines
And each town looks the same to me for movies and the factories
And every stranger's face I see reminds me that I long to be
Homeward bound...

But all my words come back to me in shades of mediocrity
Like emptiness and harmony I need someone to comfort me
Homeward bound...
"Horse Called Music"

"Horse Called Music"

High on a mountain in western Montana
A silhouette moves 'cross a cinnamon sky
Riding alone on a horse he called Music
With a song on his lips, and a tear in his eye

He dreams of a time, and a lady that loved him
And how he would sing her sweet lullabies
But we don't ever ask him
And he never talks about her
Guess it is better to just let it slide

But sang "ooh" to the ladies
And ooh, he made some sigh
Now he rides away on a horse he called Music
With a pain in his heart and a tear in his eye

He rode the Music from Boston to Bozeman
For not too much money, but way to much ride
But those were the days when a horse he called Music
Could jump through the moon and sail across the sky

Now all that's left is a time-old worn cowboy
With nothin' more than the sweet by-and-by
And trailing behind, is a horse with no rider
A horse he calls memories that she used to ride

And he sang "ooh" to the ladies
And ooh, he damn near made some fall right down and die
Now he rides away on a horse he called Music
With a pain in his heart and a tear in his eye

High on a mountain in western Montana
Two crosses cut, through a cinnamon sky
Marking the place where a horse he called Music
Lays with a cowboy in the sweet by-and-by...
"House Of Gold"

"House Of Gold"

People steal, they cheat and lie
For wealth and what it will buy
Don't they know on the judgement day
That their gold and silver will melt away

I'd rather be in a deep, dark grave
And know that my poor soul was saved
Than to live in this world in a house of gold
And deny my God and doom my soul

Jesus said ,come on to me
I'll break sin's chains and set you free
I'll carry you to a home on high
Where you'll never, never die

What good is gold and silver, too
When your heart's not good and true
Sinner hear me when I say
Fall down on your knees and pray

Jesus died there on the cross
So this world would not be lost
Sinner hear now what I say
For someday you'll have to pay

What good is gold and silver too
If your heart's not good and true
Sinner, hear me when I say
Fall down on your knees and pray
"How Great Thou Art"

"How Great Thou Art"

O Lord my God
When I in awesome wonder
Consider all the worlds
They hands have made
I see the stars
I hear the rollin' thunder
Thy power throughout
The universe displayed.
Then sings my soul
My Savior God, to Thee,
How great Thou art
How great Thou art
Then sings my soul
My Savior God, to Thee
How great Thou art
How great Thou art!
When Christ shall come
With shouts of acclamation
And take me home
What joy shall fill my heart
Then I shall bow
In humble adoration
And there proclaim,
"My God, how great Thou art!"
Then sings my soul
My Savior God, to Thee,
How great Thou art
How great Thou art
Then sings my soul
My Savior God, to Thee
How great Thou art
How great Thou art!
How great Thou art
How great Thou art!
"How Long Have You Been There"

"How Long Have You Been There"

I've been walking in the shadows for so long that I forgot the sun can shine
I've turned away from everone and everything that wanted to be mine
Somehow I always shot my eyes and heart to everything that I could share
Now I'm standing still and I'm wondering just how long have you been there

And every path I've taken I have turned around and quickly closed the door
It seems as though I knew if I ever stop to feel I want more
I kept a steady run so my eyes could never focus anywhere
Now I'm standing still and I'm wondering just how long have you been there

How long have you been standing there protecting me from love that shouldn't be
Knowing all alone that I could realize that you were meant for me

Now I've got to mend every broken fence and bridge that I have burned
I've got to clear away the cobwebs in my heart so I can start to learn
For I realize that you've been waiting just to teach me how to care
Now I'm standing still and I'm wondering just how long have you been there

And now I'm standing still and I'm wondering just how long have you been there
"How Long Is Forever"

"How Long Is Forever"

I fell too hard and much too deep in love with you
I let you come and go at will it seems
You're back again this time you say forever
But I wonder just how long forever means
How long is forever this time
How long until one night you don't come home again
How long is forever this time how long until I'm all alone again

People say I'm foolish when I take you back
And it could be they're right but who can say
You'll be welcome here within my arms forever
Even when forever ends for me today
How long is forever this time...
"I Ain't Gonna Give Nobody None O' This Jelly Roll"
(feat. Asleep at the Wheel)

"I Ain't Gonna Give Nobody None O' This Jelly Roll"
(feat. Asleep at the Wheel)

I ain't gonna give nobody none of my jellyroll
How 'bout your short'nin' bread
Oh, I wouldn't give you a piece a pie to save your soul
I guess that's what you said
My Ma told me today, when she went away
To buy groceries
To be a good boy, she'd give me a toy
'Cause I'm my Mama's pride and joy
There ain't no use of anyone to keep a hangin' 'round
Maybe I'm waitin' on your Ma
You don't know my Ma, she'd really put you down
Put me down
Ma's bakin' up a storm, and her oven is still warm
I know you want it, but you can't have it
And I ain't gonna give you none
You dirty boy!

I ain't gonna give nobody none of my jellyroll
Oh, such a stingy chap!
I wouldn't give you a piece a pie to save your soul
How 'bout a zuzu snap
Her cherry pie is fine, her layer cake divine
But I'm tellin' you twice, you can't get a slice
Unless you're extra special nice
Now, there ain't no use of you to just keep a hangin' 'round
Oh, pretty please
I love you but I hate to put you down
Yeah, my jellyroll is sweet
That it is!
It sure is hard to beat
Well, I know they want it
But, they can't have it
Yeah, ho-ho Miss Nelly, I mean my jellyroll

Dibs on the dishpan
I got seconds
"I Almost Lost My Mind"

"I Almost Lost My Mind"

When i lost my baby, I almost lost my mind
When i lost my baby, I almost lost my mind
My head is in a spin since she left me behind

I passed a million people but can't tell who I meet
I passed a million people, I can't tell who i meet
'Cause my eyes are full of tears; where can my baby be?

I went to the Gypsy and had my fortune read
I went to see a Gypsy, I had my fortune read
I hung my head in sorrow when she said what she said

Well, I can tell you, people, the news was not so good
Well, I can tell you, people, the news was not so good
She said, "Your baby has quit you, this time she's gone for good"

Bye, baby ...