"From The Dionysian Days"

"From The Dionysian Days"

Golden apples from the grove fall down the tree
And make all the Bacchants gather in Arcady
To dance on the Festival of the Tragedy
And eat the fruits of ecstasy

In the midwood twilight, on his pipe plays the faun
In the green temple, from the dionysian days, watch the dawn

Goat-foot God, rise your Rod, be free, and know the world
Hath need of thee and Arcady
Oh Goat-foot God, play your pipe, tonight, wild and free
Your melody out of Arcady
"Genocidal Raids"

"Genocidal Raids"

Nascency of evil
Money genuflect
Inner mind excrescence
Depraving object
Dollar paranoia
Dominance of hate
Enchanting like a drug
They need it desperate

Genocidal raids
They have praised the Oath
In United States
Now they sell death

And they will die
Why buy death?

Die a certain death

Must we take this hell?
Of the human race
Some are starved
Others live in galore
Just ain't right
That some are getting pittance

Carrion of a dog lying dead
Disembowel this animal eat the flesh

They're coming in the night
And they have to fight
About a piece of offal
That's the feral world

Eat the flesh and get sick, see the dead
Fatal life slips away get no help
They're coming in the night
And they have to fight
About a piece of offal
That's the feral world

In South Africa
Give oppression gold
Help them blast the Black

Then you will die
Why buy death?



Fall deep into Void
(In the) black hole of Nothing

Hail, Flow of Vergelmar
Hail, Flow of Vergelmar
Hail, Flow of Vergelmar
Hail, Old Void!

Hail, Flow of Vergelmar
Heat of creation
Hail, Flow of Vergelmar
Hail, Old Void!

Spark in the Nothingness
Heat of creation
Make the ice start to melt
Life wake up in the void

Ymer is born, fire and ice
Chaos will form, Megin will rise
Ymer is born, fire and ice
Chaos will form, Megin will rise

Fader Ymer drack från urkon
En ström av mjölk som gav oss liv
Fader Ymer drack från urkon
En ström av mjölk som gav oss liv

Öppna gapet i rymdens mitt
Flöda av blod från Ymers kropt
Världar skapas utav hans kött
Nio {till} antal på Yggdrasil
Öppna gapet i rymdens mitt
Flöda av blod från Ymers kropt
Världar skapas utav hans kött
Nio {till} antal på Yggdrasil
Öppna gapet i rymdens mitt
Flöda av blod från Ymers kropt
Världar skapas utav hans kött
Nio {till} antal på Yggdrasil
Öppna gapet i rymdens mitt
Flöda av blod från Ymers kropt
Världar skapas utav hans kött
Nio {till} antal på Yggdrasil

Ymers gap - Ymers runa
Ymers ond - Ymers urlag
Ymers gap - Ymers runa
Ymers ond - Ymers urlag

[English translation of Swedish part]

[The Black Hole]

Father Ymer drank from the primal cow
A stream of milk which gave life to us all

A void has opened in the middle of space
A rush of blood from Ymer's body
New worlds take shape throughout his flesh
All the nine of them upon Yggdrasil

Ymer's mouth – Ymer's rune
Ymer's suffering – Ymer's primal law
"Gothic Kabbalah"

"Gothic Kabbalah"

Listen when the Sibyl speak
{Of} prophecies and ciphers in the sky
Adulruna is her name
I will follow – come to me!

Fifteen runes {were} revealed to me
A holy message from the Frey to Man
Secret letters in my mind
The door is open in your dreams

From ancient days the Sibyl speaks to me
Through the northern wind
The Talisman of Gothic Kabbalah {she} reveals to me
The staves and runes are written in the sky
Read the book of Gog
The Talisman of Gothic Kabbalah {will} unite your soul

Kabbalah Upsalica
Odin, Thor and Frey, you'll find them here
I'm the runic kabbalist, the door is open in your dreams

From thrones and temples of the mighty gods
In the halls above the words and runes of
Gothic Kabbalah {are} once again revealed
The soul will fly, ascending into the sky to the halls above
The words and runes of Gothic Kabbalah
They'll break he chains

From ancient days the Sibyl speaks to me
Through the northern wind
The Talisman of Gothic Kabbalah {she} reveals to me
The staves and runes are written in the sky
Read the book of Gog
The Talisman of Gothic Kabbalah {will} unite your soul


Heldrasil, O Heldrasil
Den dimhöljda gudinnan Hel
I nio världar styr.
På Gjallarbron, i älven Gjöll
De döda söker Dig.
Allt för många inför Dig förtvivla,
O stora gudinna i Hel,
Ditt sköte är moder till tiden
Hos Dig tager döden sin del.
Se nornorna spinna vår tråd,
Vårt öde styra de
Till Gnipahålan går vår färd
Likt Balder då vi dö.
Vi till Helheim likt Hermod ska resa
Hos Döden vi finna vårt guld,
När Balder en gång kommer ålter
Från Utrid, Verdandi och Skuld.
När Helgrinden ska öppna sig
Då stiger solen upp
Nu återfödd ur vinterns djup
Tillsammans med Höder.
Som en skugga fanns Loke hos Höder
När Balder blev dödad med list.
Och alla försvann ner till Helheim
Med Misteltens magiska kvist.
Se Helgrinden som öppnar sig
Och guden stiger upp
Nu återfödd ur vinterns djup
Med solen som sitt svärd.
Den fördolda gudinnan i Helheim
Bedriver med livet sitt spel.
Ditt sköte är moder till tiden
O stora gudinna i Hel!
[English translation]
In Nine Worlds to reign
O magnific Godess Hel
On Gjallarbron, Above the (river) Gjoll
They want you.
To fast You fall into despair
O magnific Godess Hel
With Your Womb you'r the Mother of times
And the death is part of you
To Gnipahalan we will follow our journey
We'll see the norns making our line
Our destiny their guide
(And) just like Balder we will die
Like Hermod we'll ride to Helheim
And dead, we'll find our Gold,
When come back again
From Urtid, Verdandi and Skuld
When is open the gates of hell
The sun rise
Reborning from the deep winter,
With Höder
When Balder was killed on the trap
Of loki, like a shadow, guiding Höder,
He vanished like everyone in Helheim
By the Mistletoe's magic spear
The God Rises
Behold the opening gates of hell,
Reborning from the deep winter
Hiden Godness of Helheim
He posses the Sun as a Sword,
Play Your game With the life
With Your Womb you'r the Mother of times
O magnific Godess of Hel!



I'm harlequin
Take off the mask
In the feast of the night
I'm going to appear
Dancing with you in the labyrinth
All through the night
In the wild hunt
And chasing your fear

I am a Devil in Hell
Dante could tell
I am one of thirteen

Harlequin, jester of Hell


I am the hellequin
My mask is red and black
{I'm} the sneaking devil
The emissary
I bring you to the play
Into the masquerade.
I am the devil.
I am the winter dream.

You are ensnared in the harlequinade
Yes, ride the bull on saturday night
Wear triangular patches in the comedy.
Hail, Capricorn and the Fairy Queen.

Wear the black mask {of} arlecchino
Join the wild hunt, enter Saturn
Hail the Elf-King.

I'm harlequin
Take off the mask
In the feast of the night.
I'm going to appear
Dancing with you in the labyrinth,
All through the night,
In the wild hunt,
And chasing your fear.

Harlequin, jester of Hell.
Malebranche, thirteen we are.
Odins followers.

"Here Come The Tears"
(originally by Judas Priest)

"Here Come The Tears"
(originally by Judas Priest)

All alone, no one cares
So much to give to you there
You take me now in your arms
Let me rest safe from harm

Oh... I want to be loved
I need to be loved
Won't somebody love me?

Here they come, here come the tears
Here they come, here come the tears
Here they come, here come the tears
Here they come, here come the tears
"Illusions Of Life"

"Illusions Of Life"

Passing through a life in eternal misery
You are denying
Why you can't see, this life is your enemy
Set your soul free through eternity
Now is the question, is this a lie
Never stop asking for reasons why
Why you can't see, this life is your enemy
Set your soul free through eternity
The will is the key
To fight your destiny
Your soul should be free
Through eternity
The sanity can open up your mind
Your soul would rise to never ever more to fall
"In Remembrance"

"In Remembrance"

Draconian age, Typhonic dream
Nuit lead the qliphotic stream
The depths in mind where visions dwell
Projections of an open shell

Into remembrance we transcend
Into memories from a prior supreme darker age

Thy fallen thou shall rise

Into aeons of the dark supreme
A ride on the qliphotic stream
Demonic queen, the whore of Babylon
The one who ride To Mega Therion
"In The Desert Of Set"

"In The Desert Of Set"

Lepaca set
Lepaca set
In the desert of Set the seeds of pandemonium lie
The darkened paradise under the sand await to rise
The ancient passed
Seeds in our minds
That constantly has grown
Now blossom up
Begin to flower
And soon we'll reap the fruits
The domains of the Black Diamond Eye
Opens up as the the dawn of time
Is revived through the completion of
The Circle of Chepera in the desert of Set
Through Aiwass Shaitan
Through Shaitan Set
The message spoken long ago
As Set feed Teth
Future's the past
And Set is rising in our souls
Like Kheperas circle
We'll be fulfilled
As we awake the dream of Bast
Mental perfection
Draconian Cults
Millennium will change aeon
Is on the rise
The new Empire soon to come
To Mega Therion
Behold the Beast
Teth, Lion-Serpent awaken