Sygic 15.3.2.
News -
* Redesigned route overview [all waypoints are listed]
* Avoids are moved from route selection into ‚Route options‘ in route overview
* Loading of POIs is much faster [multithread]
* New quicktips
* Viator search in quicksearch
* Share in POI detail
* Click on vehicle – special POI detail
* american search [first street number, then streetname]
* rework of traffic
* rework of notifications [pois on route, railway crossing]
* contacts are ordered after restart
1. Uninstall the previous version and delete the folder Sygic
2. Copy Sygic folder to root internal or external SD
3. Add maps, wcl and with Sygic PC maps DOWNLOADER - 2015.03
4. Add Voices
5. Install APK
6. When you first start Sygic do not send e-mail press SKIP. Do not use WiFi while working aplication
Sygic 15.3.2. - apk
Sygic root folder v186
Napomena - ova verzija ima bug-ova. Ne rade npr. prekrsajne kamere i sl.
Kako sam davno za neke verzije naveo - samo za testiranje.
Starije, provjerene verzije ostavite kopije sadrzaja foldera - Sygic - da mozete vratiti ono sto radi.
Tnx Brown Dog - braonpas