""Why Do You Take That Tone With Me?""

""Why Do You Take That Tone With Me?""

Who do you think you are
Why do you take that tone with me
Why do you take that tone with me

Here I am the star
I’ve never been treated this shamefully
(So)Why do you take that tone with me

Arthouse résumé
Why do you take that tone with me
Why do you take that tone with me

Save it for some Swede
Never employ that tone with me
Never employ that tone with me

Why should I have to share
A crisis that you feel inside
An anger that’s an ocean wide

Such a lack of flair
I’ve never been treated this shamefully
Why do you take that tone with me
Why do you take that tone with me

Who do you think you are
Why do you take that tone with me
Why do you take that tone with me

Somewhere you’re the star
(But) never when you are near to me
Why do you take that tone with me
I’ve never been treated this shamefully
(So) why do you take that tone with me

You never again will work with me
Why do you take that tone with me
So, why do you take that tone with me
"(Baby, Baby) Can I Invade Your Country?"

"(Baby, Baby) Can I Invade Your Country?"

Oh, say can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and one more thing,

Can I invade your country, oh baby, baby, can I invade your country?
Oh baby, baby, can I invade your country?
Oh baby, baby, can I invade your country?
Invade your country?

Oh, say can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and one more thing,

Can I invade your country, oh baby, baby, can I invade your country?
Oh baby, baby, can I invade your country?
Oh baby, baby, can I invade your country?

Oh baby, baby, can I invade your country?
Oh baby, baby, can I invade your country?
Oh baby, baby, can I invade your country?
Oh baby, baby, can I invade your country?
Invade your country?

Countries, planets, stars
Galaxies so far
Don't let freedom fade
Baby, let's invade

Countries, planets, stars
Galaxies so far
Don't let freedom fade
Baby, let's invade

Countries, planets, stars
Galaxies so far
Don't let freedom fade
Baby, let's invade

Baby let's invade
Can I invade your country,
Oh baby, baby, can I invade your country?
Baby let's invade

Take it out!
Take it out!
Take it out!
Take it out!
Take it out!
Take it out!
Take it out!
Take it out!

Oh, say can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?

O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and one more thing,

Can I invade your country, oh baby, baby, can I invade your country?
Oh baby, baby, can I invade your country?
Oh baby, baby, can I invade your country?
Oh baby, baby, can I invade your country?

Oh baby, baby, can I invade your country?
Oh baby, baby, can I invade your country?
Oh baby, baby, can I invade your country?
Oh baby, baby, can I invade your country?
Invade your country?

Baby let's invade
Baby let's invade
Can I invade your country, oh baby, baby
Can I invade your country
Can I invade your country, oh baby, baby
Can I invade your country
Invade your country
"(No More) Mr. Nice Guys"

"(No More) Mr. Nice Guys"

Just when sin is quite the thing, there's one
who holds quite tight to what had worked before
What's his outlet, what's his secret,
is it something one can buy at some drug store?
Could the gospel be his girl,
Does he exercise by breaking 2 by 4's?

Just what is his game?
Could he be enticed?
No one's quite lame
No one's quite nice

No more Mr. Nice Guys
Few are left but him
No more Mr. Nice Guys
The Nice Guys cannot and the Nice Guys
shall not, the Nice Guys will not win

She expressed a strong desire in relieving him of his anxiety
She succeeded very well for now she's mother to a nice family
If you had to call a winner you would call it her,
though she might disagree

He could be enticed
His game had to end
But he's still quite nice
She sees other men than him

No more Mr. Nice Guys
Nice guys won't suffice
No more Mr. Nice Guys
The Nice Guys cannot and the Nice Guys
Shall not, the Nice Guys won't suffice
"(She Got Me) Pregnant"

"(She Got Me) Pregnant"

She got me pregnant
Done using me
I'm just a memory

You know how these girls can be they treat you all so casually
They wine you and they dine you and expect a little la-dee-dee
And then you learn that though she's several thousand miles away
There is a part of her she's given you and now you have to deal with being
She got me pregnant,
She got me pregnant
She got me pregnant
Done using me
I'm just a memory

She got me pregnant,
She got me pregnant
She got me pregnant
Done using me
I'm just a memory

You know how society is showing some sobriety
By letting individuals decide on how they get their thrills
And if there is a consequence then you are left to deal with it
Government will not be there to tell you what to do if you get
She got me pregnant,
She got me pregnant
She got me pregnant
Done using me
I'm just a memory

She got me pregnant,
She got me pregnant
She got me pregnant
How can it be
Acted responsibly

I offer you I offer you a simple word of warning
Think it's never gonna happen to you, better, better, better think again

She got me pregnant,
She got me pregnant
Done using me
I'm just a memory

She got me pregnant,
She got me pregnant
She got me pregnant
How can it be
Acted responsibly

A wham and bam and thank you sir is all that I would get from her
I never should have given in I never should have given her
The golden opportunity to love me and to leave me
Without giving me the time of day and she is half the world away
I'm pregnant
She got me pregnant,
She got me pregnant
She got me pregnant
Done using me
I'm just a memory

She got me pregnant,
She got me pregnant
She got me pregnant
How can it be
Acted responsibly

She got me pregnant
Done using me
I'm just a memory
"(When I Kiss You) I Hear Charlie Parker Playing"

"(When I Kiss You) I Hear Charlie Parker Playing"

Out of the doorway, into the morning
Wish I was a bird that was migratory
Spoken half in jest, catch the bird that's in my nest
Out of the doorway, into the morning
All of them seem to be selling something
Illegal substances, or an hour with no kisses
Though I am tempted, they are pre-empted
You and your rosary are exempted
From criminality, still there is a duality
You'll never know it, I'll never show it

Only I hear it, only I know that
What's apropos for me, may for thee be blasphemy

And the hills are alive with the sound of music

When I kiss you, when I kiss you
I hear Charlie Parker playing
Will I miss you, will I miss you
When the playing ends one night
When I kiss you, when I kiss you
I hear Charlie Parker playing
Will I miss you, will I miss you
When I finally see the light

Where are they going, what are they doing
Who are they chasing, who are they suing
It all ends up OK in this Tennessee Williams play
What are they facing, who are they casing
When you're attacked, tell me, who are you macing
For me it's all just fine, 'cause she's a Frank Lloyd Wright design
The finest of material
A little asymmetrical
But that's the way it goes, my love for her just grows and grows
It's bigger than Fuji, bigger than Fuji
Sometimes she's a little screwy
But all that is offset when we dispense with etiquette

And the hills are alive with the sound of music


Out of the doorway, into the morning
Wish I was a bird that was predatory
Spoken half in jest, catch the bird that's in my nest
There's rebel advances, labor disputes
Somebody's shot and somebody shoots
And hits the bullseye -bam- captured on a portacam

And the hills are alive with the sound of music

"1956 Cannes Film Festival"

"1956 Cannes Film Festival"

Mesdames et messieurs! Le Prix de l’humour poétique du
festival du film de Cannes 1956 est décerné à Ingmar Bergman
pour Sourires d’une nuit d’été!

Ladies and Gentlemen, the winner of the 1956 Cannes film
festival Best Poetic Humour Award is Ingmar Bergman’s Smiles
of a Summer Night!

Mina Damer och Herrar – Utmärkelsen Prix de l’humour
poétique vid 1956 (nittonhundra femtiosex) Cannes Film Festival
tilldelas Ingmar Bergmans “Sommarnattens leende”.
"A Big Surprise"

"A Big Surprise"

No use in our pretending we don't know what we know
We know a lot of things
I know each muscle on your back and every toe
But you've held out on me, I can tell from your eyes
Disguising the ace that you hold

I want a big surprise tonite
A really big surprise tonite
It's boy meets girl and here we go once again

Where is that Yankee ingenuity
Somebody told me how the motion picture would end
I turned and glared at them
And then I read the way the world was going to end
With a whimpering sound, not a banging away
I'm sorry I gave it away

I want a big surprise tonite
A really big surprise tonite

It's boy meets girl and here we go once again
I want a big surprise tonite
A really big surprise tonite

It's boy meets girl and here we go once again
Where is that Yankee ingenuity
I want a big surprise tonite
A really big surprise tonite
It's boy meets girl and here we go once again

Where is that Yankee ingenuity
Break the rules and make a fool out of me
Where is that Yankee ingenuity right now

I want a big surprise tonite
A really big surprise tonite.
"A Fun Bunch Of Guys From Outer Space"

"A Fun Bunch Of Guys From Outer Space"

We're a fun bunch of guys
And we come from outer space
On the planet where we're from
War is even fun
We're a fun bunch of guys

We're a fun bunch of guys
Here to infiltrate and get a tan
We arrived here from the sky
On that cream pie parked outside
We're a fun bunch of guys

We're a fun bunch of guys
We speak English real good
On our T.V.'s in the sky
Your reruns come in fine
We're a fun bunch of guys
"A Song That Sings Itself"

"A Song That Sings Itself"

I don't know why
This dancing doesn't mean a lot to me
All that it does is make me want to be
All alone with you tonight
When I feel you by my side
I go ape

This room is filled with possibilities
Hush now listen and you'll hear
Something bordering on weird
Can you hear

No exaggeration, no hallucination
I can hear it singing now

It's a song that sings itself
It's a song that sings itself
Twelve o'clock and all is well

Young fools are we
We think we own the world and own the stars
And yet in fact we barely own our cars
But in moments such as these
There are future memories
You will see

No exaggeration, no hallucination
I can hear it singing now
Dim all the lights
Squeeze me so tight that logic flies from me

It's a song that sings itself
It's a song that sings itself
Twelve o'clock and all is well
"A Walk Down Memory Lane"

"A Walk Down Memory Lane"

We all expected champagne
But it never did come
But it never did come
We said, "Hey, where's our champagne ?"
And they gave us a gun
Said to go and have fun
So many riches just out of reach
Coming attractions washed up on the beach, oh yeah

Let's take a walk
A walk down memory lane
Past the signs of the times
That lit our little way
And decide what it is
That made it all this way
And decide who it is
That might make it O.K.

The sun bears down on the man
With a girl on his arm
She's a victim of charm
She thinks, Sinatra the man
Think of him as you walk
Think of him as you talk
So many riches just out of reach
Coming attractions washed up on the beach, oh yeah


They say in 10 million years
That the sun'll burn out
And that'll be that
She drinks a couple of beers
Takes a look at the sun
She would love to see that
So many riches just out of reach
Coming attractions washed up on the beach, oh yeah
