
Sound Reading-Donald L. Bouchard
is an intermediate/advanced supplementary text focusing on the listening comprehension and reading skills. Each unit contains several explanatory exercises. The teacher may use this text for student practice in one or both of the skill areas.
Listening Comprehension. These exercises are graded progressively in level of difficulty throughout the text. In all of the listening exercises the teacher is the English language model. Students listen to the teacher for comprehension. It is important to note that the student does not look at the reading while doing the listening comprehension exercises.
Reading for Meaning. These exercises require the students to use each unit reading as a resource for reading comprehension. The exercise types are progressive in complexity and require the students to express themselves orally or in writing. The reading exercises are also self-explanatory.

Table of Contents:

Level 1

Canine Detectives 1
Flexible Work Hours 5
A New Robot 9

Level 2

I 13
II 17
III 21
IV 25
V 29
VI 33
VII 37
IX 45
X 49
XI 53
XII 57
XIV 65
XV 69

Level 3

How Computers are Changing Our World 75
What About Women's Liberation? 83
Collectomania 91

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