Ja sam na slicnoj konfi. 512 mb 1.8gh 6200 ami mislim da je bila 256mb ali naisam siguran igrao:
Red Alert 2, Yuris Revenge, C&C Generals, C&C Zero Hour, Tomb Raider Anniversary, GTA Vice City, GTA San Andreas, NFS Underground, NFS Underground 2, NFS Most Wanted, NFS Carbon, Settlers 10th Anniversary, Settlers 6, PES (05, 06 ..08,09), FIFA, DiRT, Sims 2, The Punisher, Scarface, Overlord, Prince of Persia Warrior, Prince of Persia 3, Prince of Persia 4, Infernal, Marc Ecko`s Getting Up, Just Cause, Sniper Elite, Faces of War, Age of Empires III, F.E.A.R., Medal of Honor, Hitman, Hitman Blood Money, Freedom Fighters, Spore, Tycoon City New York, Roller Coaster Tycoon, Rainbow Six 3, Far Cry, Code of Honor, Code of Honor 2, LEGO Star Wars 2, The Gotfather, Splinter Sell Chaos Theory, Diablo 2. Spisak je malo duzi i to su igrice kojih sam mogao da se setim