Practise Your Grammar Portable 6th Grade


Practise Your Grammar Portable 6th Grade-Based on Practise Your Grammar series.

  • Clear and concise presentation of grammar rules
  • Variety of exercises practicing grammatical structures
  • Helpful tips and contrastive analysis
  • Vocabulary suitable for each level
  • Check Yourself sections offering review, error correction and mixed practice
  • From Grammar to Reading - sections using grammar as an aid to reading comprehension
  • From Grammar to Writing sections - using suitable grammatical structures in writing
  • Help section with rules in student's mother tongue and charts
  • Interactive with games and self-check tests

Info: There are 2 ways to start this test. Way No 1 is to click on PractiseYourGrammar6.exe. It's standalone SWF player.

The second way is to use Internet Explorer. Click File > Open Browse, you won't see swf file. Don't you worry about a thing. Slide to Files of type and change to view All files. Now you see swf file. Click on it. Internet Explorer will inform you that Active plugin wants to run. To view restricted content, click the Information bar, and then click Allow Blocked Content.

The Web page with SWF based will be open and you can start the test.

Now you should choose some name in order to start the test. Go to next page. It will ask you to choose Hebrew or Arabic. Tick anyone of your choice. Don't worry. The test is completely on English.


Инфо: Постоје два начина за покретање програма. 1). Први је кликом на PractiseYourGrammar6.exe. То је SWF player. Никаква инсталација није потребна.
2). Други је користећи Internet Explorer. Дакле File > Open Browse. Нећете видети .swf фајл. То је ОК.
Испод Files of type промените на All files. Сад се види. Сад следе информације од Internet Explorer-а.
Аctive plugin wants to run. To view restricted content, click the Information bar, кликните на Allow Blocked Content.

Излетеће pop-up window са информацијом да садржај може да нашкоди...Не обазирите се на то већ кликните на YES.

Укуцајте било које име. Изаберите један од два понуђена језика. Ништа не брините. Цео тест је на енглеском.


File Size: 8.40 MB File Type: exe, SWF

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