pomoć oko rosetta stone

pozdrav da li ima netko da bi mi pomogao oko insalacije rosseta stone tj.aktivacije
probao sam 4-5 i više nemam živaca pokušavati.(preko ovog programa učim engleski jezik)
dođe do lekcije br.2 a onda traži aktivaciju
rossetu sam skinio s torrenta
ako netko ima da bi mi želio pomoći preko teamviewer (ili nekog sličnog programa jer do sada nisam koristio teamviewer ili neki drugi za ovakvu pomoć)


- Once installed, the application will connect to the internet immediately.
- If you have a software firewall, DO NOT BLOCK any of the Rosetta Stone applications otherwise it will not run properly. You must block access through the host file.


Before installing the software add the following lines to your hosts file: rosettastone.com launch.rosettastone.com amp.rosettastone.com resources.rosettastone.com updates.rosettastone.com

Here is a great guide on how to edit the hosts file on Windows: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/27350/beginner-geek-how-to-edit-your-hosts-file/

DO NOT OPEN the program without modifying the hosts file first.

Installation Procedure

1. Run the installation, and DO NOT start the application.
2. Copy and replace the cracked files to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Rosetta Stone\Rosetta Stone Language Training"
3. Now you can start the application.
4. If you see the Activation Window asking for a serial number, simply select the Activated Products tab and then click Continue

Installing a Language Pack

Close the application and copy (or move) the desired languages (.rsd files) to:

- Windows XP: %Documents and Settings%\All Users\Application Data\Rosetta Stone\Language Training\AutoInstall

- Windows 7/8/10: "C:\ProgramData\Rosetta Stone\Language Training\AutoInstall"

Start the application, it will detect the rsd file and install it.

Once installed, the .rsd archive file is automatically transferred to Installed subfolder in the above folder.

A window will appear asking for a serial number. Select the Activated Products tab and then click Continue

Now to install the language pack updates, close out of Rosetta Stone application. Copy the relevant .rsd update files to to:

- Windows XP: %Documents and Settings%\All Users\Application Data\Rosetta Stone\Language Training\Updates

- Windows 7/8/10: "C:\ProgramData\Rosetta Stone\Language Training\Updates"

Note: You may have to create the Updates directory if you do not see it.

Now open Rosetta Stone and it will update the language packs.

problem pravim vjerovatno jer ne razumjem sve što piše ovdje,a upravo rossetu instaliram da naučim.
lijep pozdrav
volio bi da mi pomogne neka osoba koja je duže na forumu tj.da imam povjerenje da mi ne "prčkati" po kompijuteru :D
pozdrav da li ima netko da bi mi pomogao oko insalacije rosseta stone tj.aktivacije
probao sam 4-5 i više nemam živaca pokušavati.(preko ovog programa učim engleski jezik)
dođe do lekcije br.2 a onda traži aktivaciju
rossetu sam skinio s torrenta
ako netko ima da bi mi želio pomoći preko teamviewer (ili nekog sličnog programa jer do sada nisam koristio teamviewer ili neki drugi za ovakvu pomoć)


- Once installed, the application will connect to the internet immediately.
- If you have a software firewall, DO NOT BLOCK any of the Rosetta Stone applications otherwise it will not run properly. You must block access through the host file.


Before installing the software add the following lines to your hosts file: rosettastone.com launch.rosettastone.com amp.rosettastone.com resources.rosettastone.com updates.rosettastone.com

Here is a great guide on how to edit the hosts file on Windows: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/27350/beginner-geek-how-to-edit-your-hosts-file/

DO NOT OPEN the program without modifying the hosts file first.

Installation Procedure

1. Run the installation, and DO NOT start the application.
2. Copy and replace the cracked files to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Rosetta Stone\Rosetta Stone Language Training"
3. Now you can start the application.
4. If you see the Activation Window asking for a serial number, simply select the Activated Products tab and then click Continue

Installing a Language Pack

Close the application and copy (or move) the desired languages (.rsd files) to:

- Windows XP: %Documents and Settings%\All Users\Application Data\Rosetta Stone\Language Training\AutoInstall

- Windows 7/8/10: "C:\ProgramData\Rosetta Stone\Language Training\AutoInstall"

Start the application, it will detect the rsd file and install it.

Once installed, the .rsd archive file is automatically transferred to Installed subfolder in the above folder.

A window will appear asking for a serial number. Select the Activated Products tab and then click Continue

Now to install the language pack updates, close out of Rosetta Stone application. Copy the relevant .rsd update files to to:

- Windows XP: %Documents and Settings%\All Users\Application Data\Rosetta Stone\Language Training\Updates

- Windows 7/8/10: "C:\ProgramData\Rosetta Stone\Language Training\Updates"

Note: You may have to create the Updates directory if you do not see it.

Now open Rosetta Stone and it will update the language packs.

problem pravim vjerovatno jer ne razumjem sve što piše ovdje,a upravo rossetu instaliram da naučim.
lijep pozdrav
volio bi da mi pomogne neka osoba koja je duže na forumu tj.da imam povjerenje da mi ne "prčkati" po kompijuteru :D

Prvo uzmi i ukloni taj program detaljno sa nekim programom my uninstaller ili revo uninstaller!
Restartuj komp onda dodaj u host fajl to sto ti je napisano u uputstvu ako ti slucajno ne dozvoli onda moras preuzeti vlasnistvo nad host fajlom! rosettastone.com launch.rosettastone.com amp.rosettastone.com resources.rosettastone.com updates.rosettastone.com

Instaliraj program kad se zavrsi instalacija nemoj ga pokretati vec krek od tog programa kopiras na ovoj putanji
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Rosetta Stone\Rosetta Stone Language Training"
Ako ti trazi serijal klikni na Activated products i izaberi continue!
Ako možeš javi mi se u privatne poruke pa da dogovorimo vrijeme za teamviewer

Želio bi se i ovim putem zahvaliti korisniku foruma radja71
koji mi je pomogao potrošio je dosta vremena da mi pomogne
hvala radja71
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