"Grave Robber"

"Grave Robber"

[Based on Hebrews 9:27, John 4:14, 1 Peter 1:24, Romans 8:11, 1 Corinthians 15:26, 51-55, Revelation 7:17]

There's a step that we all take alone
An appointment we have with the great unknown
Like a vapor this life is just waiting to pass
Like the flowers that fade, like the withering grass
But life seems so long and death so complete
And the grave an impossible potion to cheat
But there's One who has been there and still lives to tell
There is One who has been through both Heaven and hell
And the grave will come up empty-handed the day
Jesus will come and steal us away

Where is the sting, tell me where is the bite
When the grave robber comes like a thief in the night
Where is the victory, where is the prize
When the grave robber comes
And death finally dies

Many still mourn and many still weep
For those that they love who have fallen asleep
But we have this hope though our hearts may still ache
Just one shout from above and they all will awake
And in the reunion of joy we will see
Death will be swallowed in sweet victory

When the last enemy is done from the dust will come a song
Those asleep will be awakened - not a one will be forsaken
He shall wipe away our tears - He will steal away our fears
There will be no sad tomorrow - there will be no pain and sorrow
"Hallowed Be Thy Name"

"Hallowed Be Thy Name"

We will worship the Maker of all things
Almighty God, to You our voices sing
Hallowed be Thy Name
Hallowed be Thy Name

You are the Holy One
Father, Spirit, Son
King of kings and Lord of lords
Hallowed be
Hallowed be
Hallowed be Thy Name
"Hand On My Heart"

"Hand On My Heart"

Got Your hand on my heart and
I won't walk away
Got a hold of my life and I'm here to stay
Got Your hand on my heart

I remember when You first touched my heart
And the seed of life within began its start
Now I've finally found security
Now I finally see I'm Yours eternally
You've got Your hand on me

Got Your hand on my heart and
I won't walk away
Got a hold of my life and
I'm here to stay
Got Your hand on my heart
And now I know
That You won't let me go
You're never gonna let me go

I don't want to lose another day
Feeling You're a million miles away
I just want to know without a doubt
I will always feel Your loving hand is reaching out

I feel Your touch every night, every day
With Your hand on my pulse
I won't easily stray
But if I ever do, a gentle tug will pull me through

I just have to let You know
That I love You so
"He Came, He Saw, He Conquered"

"He Came, He Saw, He Conquered"

[Based on Genesis 3:15, Matthew 28:6, John 20:19, Revelation 6:2]

He came alone into the battle
He knew nobody else could face His foe
He left His throne, He left His glory
He knew nobody else could ever go
He called the bluff, He took the challenge
He came into this world to seek and save
No one could know, no one could fathom
The way to win was only through the grave
They laid Him in His tomb
They thought they'd sealed His doom
But He rose
He rose!

He came, He saw, He conquered death and hell
He came, He saw, He is alive and well
He was, He is, and only He forgives
He died, He rose, He lives
He came, He saw, He conquered!

The doors were locked, they heard Him knocking
They were afraid they would be taken, too
Familiar voice said, "Come and follow"
Come and see the things the Lord can do
They went to where He lay
The stone was rolled away
He rose
He rose!

He came into this world
He saw humanity
He heard the SOS
He met the enemy
The enemy was conquered
The enemy was conquered!
"He's Been In My Shoes"

"He's Been In My Shoes"

[Based on Hebrews 2:18, 4:15]

Here in my hour of need
I'm lonely, forsaken again
I'm wounded and left here to bleed
With no solace from a stranger or friend
Who hears my cry to revive and restore?
One who has been here before

He's been in my shoes
Been down this road before
He's been tested, too
He's been through this door
He feels the pain and He heals the bruise
He's been in my shoes
He's been in my shoes

The union of God in a man
Is a mystery that I can't understand
And now with my suffering known
I'm reminded that I'm never alone
Who has been tried and been tempted this way?
Jesus who now hears me pray

He was a man just like me
But He lived His life blamelessly
Now I'm beginning to see
He holds my hand
He understands
"Heart Of A Hero"

"Heart Of A Hero"

[Based on Psalm 31:24]

The fearless giant faced a brave young shepherd boy
He said, "Your God is dead and your nation soon destroyed"
But the son of Jesse proved what God can do in the heart of a hero

Three men refused to bow to the idol made of gold
They knew they could burn for not doing what they're told
They'd rather face the fire than to kneel to a god made by hands

It takes the heart of a hero
To stand for what's right
It takes the heart of a hero
To lay down your life

There are idols to be worshipped and giants in the land
They'll drag you down, attack your faith and slay you if they can
So let your heart be filled with the courage and strength of the Lord

Have the faith of a child
And the power of God
And when you call on His name
He will give you the heart of a hero

Will you stand for what's right?
Would you lay down your life?
Do you have heart?
"Hello Again"

"Hello Again"

[Based on Revelation 21:4]

Everybody has to say their goodbyes
While they wipe away the tears from their eyes
Everybody bids a fonder farewell
When they know there won't be any sequel
Everybody says a Sayonara
When they know they won't be back tomorrow
Everybody hopes to have reunions
Back together with the ones they knew once

There's a salutation that's reserved for heaven's own

Hello again- we're back together
Hello again- we're here forever
Hello again- rejoined in heaven
Hello again

Everybody's gonna be there waiting
They just want to see you graduating
Gonna see the ones who've gone before us
They'll be cheering in a mighty chorus
Everybody will be glad to see ya
Even if it wasn't their idea
Every argument will be forgotten
We remember them for now but not then

When we see each other there'll be just one thing to say...

Say goodbye to the loneliness forever (Never be alone)
Say hello to the garden once again
Say goodbye to this world of stormy weather
Say hello to the One who calls you "friend"
I can't wait until we're reunited and we say...
"Hey World"

"Hey World"

[Based on Jeremiah 1:5, Acts 17:25]

It could have gone either way when it came down to the choice
To keep the life within a life that had no voice
It must have surely seemed the harder road to choose
To be so young to have to say who had the most to lose
But she came through like a champ and she blessed the world that day
Then gave the hope of a better life when she gave him away
Now the innocence and joy is there each day he wakes
Expressions of his love of life in every breath he takes
He could have been thrown away before he had a chance to say

Hey world, I am here and I have something to give
Hey world, I'm alive and I am wanting to live

He turned to lock the door as he wiped away a tear
The hopelessness of missing love, his adolescent fear
As he struggled for the strength to put the gun away
He found the courage and the hope to face another day
He could have been blown away before he had a chance to say

Down the corridor or life in between our death and birth
We may start to lose our way in the search to find our worth
Our value comes in the fact we live
Life is a gift only God can give
"Hit You Where You Live"

"Hit You Where You Live"

[Based on 1 Timothy 4:12, Ephesians 4:1]

You want to change - with all of your might
You want to do right in His sight

It's His delight to give you your desire
It's His desire to set your life on fire

Sometimes it hurts when reprimanded
It hurts Him more than it's hurtin' you
He'll pick you up from where you landed
When He knocks you down, turns your life around
He'll turn your life around

Hit you where you live you can't hold it back
When you're struck by His love you will know
Hit you where you live, it's so close to home
When you're all sold out the mark will show
Let Him hit you where you live

The evidence leads to conviction
When we don't live everything we say
There's got to be a crucifixion
We can live dying everyday

You've got to tell Him He's free to take a shot
He wants to hit you with everything He's got

A lost and dying world is dying to know
He lives
The only way they'll know what He has to give
Is when we're hit where we live
"Hollow Eyes"

"Hollow Eyes"

[Based on Matthew 25:35-48]

Another day in Nigeria the children beg for bread,
The crops failed, the well ran dry
When they lost the watershed

A baby dies, its mother cries, the children gather 'round
They're wondering what the day will bring
Will they be the next one found?

Do you dare to gaze into their hollow eyes, hollow eyes?
Are they staring holes in you with their hollow eyes,
Hollow eyes, hollow eyes?

In the crowded sheds the children lay their heads
To escape the Haitian heat
The hunger pains drive them to the street
Wond'ring if today they'll eat
Some find food in the refuse heap, others find disease
Some find it harder just to live when they can die with ease.

The least of these is hungry.
The least of these is sick.
The least of these needs clothing.
The least of these needs drink.
The least of these knows sorrow.
The least of these knows grief.
The least of these has suffered pain, and Jesus is His name.

Do you dare to gaze into His hollow eyes, hollow eyes?
Is He staring back at you with His hollow eyes,
Hollow eyes, hollow eyes?