OsmAnd+ Navigacija

OsmAnd+ Maps & Navigation v2.3.5

OsmAnd+ Maps & Navigation v2.3.5
Requirements: Android 4.0+
Overview: Osmand is opensource navigation application with raster/vector maps


Osmand+ is an open source navigation application with access to a wide variety of global open street map data. All map data (vector or tile maps) can be stored on the phone memory card for offline usage. Osmand also offers offline and online routing functionality including voice guidance.
Osmand+ is the paid application version, by buying it you support the project, fund the development of new features, and receive the latest updates.
Some of the core features:
- Complete offline functionality (store downloaded vector or tile maps in a selectable folder)
- Compact offline vector maps for the whole world available
- Unlimited downloading of country or region maps directly from the app
- Offline Wikipedia feature (download Wikipedia POIs), great for sightseeing
- Overlay of several map layers possible, like GPX or navigation tracks, Points of Interest, favorites, contour lines, public transportation stops, additional maps with customizable transparency
- Offline search for addresses and places (POIs)
- Offline routing for short distances (experimental)
- Car, bicycle, and pedestrian modes with:
- Optional automated day/night view switching
- Optional speed-dependent map zooming
- Optional map alignment according to compass or direction of motion

Sta je novo - V. 2.3.5

- OSM Live Beta. A whole new system of encouraging mappers and providing more details and frequent map updates to users.

- New map markers interface. Add the points to the map easily and manage them in seconds.
- Reworked route preparation.
- See the highway shields corresponding to the real format accepted in a country.
- Now you can tap a location and get its address in the context menu.
- The public transport routes information is now available in a stop's context menu.

This app has no advertisements

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.APK install file


*instaliraj apk fajl i kopiraj osmand folder u telefon
* u osmand folderu se nalazi base mapa celog sveta, srbija wiki, srbija europe, ostale mape skinite preko wifi
Poslednja izmena od urednika:
OsmAnd+ Maps & Navigation VERZIJA 1.8.2


OsmAnd+ (OSM Automated Navigation Directions) is a map and navigation application with access to the free, worldwide, and high-quality OpenStreetMap (OSM) data. All map data can be stored on your device's memory card for offline use. Via your device's GPS, OsmAnd offers routing, with optical and voice guidance, for car, bike, and pedestrian. All the main functionalities work both online and offline (no internet needed).
OsmAnd+ is the paid application version. By buying it you support the project, fund the development of new features, and receive the latest updates.

Some of the main features:

• Works online (fast) or offline (no roaming charges when you are abroad)
• Turn-by-turn voice guidance (recorded and synthesized voices)
• Optional lane guidance, street name display, and estimated time of arrival
• Supports intermediate points on your itinerary
• Automatic re-routing whenever you deviate from the route
• Search for places by address, by type (e.g.: restaurant, hotel, gas station, museum), or by geographical coordinates

Map Viewing
• Display your position and orientation on the map
• Optionally align the map according to compass or your direction of motion
• Save your most important places as Favorites
• Display POIs (point of interests) around you
• Can display specialized online tile maps
• Can display satellite view (from Bing)
• Can display different overlays like touring/navigation GPX tracks and additional maps with customizable transparency
• Optionally display place names in English, local, or phonetic spelling

Use OpenStreetMap and Wikipedia Data
• High quality information from the best collaborative projects of the world
• Global maps from OpenStreetMap, available per country or region
• Wikipedia POIs, great for sightseeing
• Unlimited free download, directly from the app
• Always up-to-date maps (updated at least once a month)
• Compact offline vector maps
• Select between complete map data and just road network (Example: All of Japan is 700 MB, or 200 MB for the road network only)
• Also supports online or cached tile maps

Safety Features
• Optional automated day/night view switching
• Optional speed limit display, with reminder if you exceed it
• Optional speed-dependent map zooming
• Share your location so that your friends can find you

Bicycle and Pedestrian Features
• The maps include foot, hiking, and bike paths, great for outdoor activities
• Special routing and display modes for bike and pedestrian
• Optional public transport stops (bus, tram, train) including line names
• Optional trip recording to local GPX file or online service
• Optional speed and altitude display
• Display of contour lines and hill-shading (via additional plugin)

Directly Contribute to OpenStreetMap
• Report map bugs
• Upload GPX tracks to OSM directly from the app
• Add POIs and directly upload them to OSM (or later if offline)
• Optional trip recording also in background mode (while device is in sleep mode)

OsmAnd is open source and actively being developed. Everyone can contribute to the application by reporting bugs, improving translations, or coding new features. The project is in a lively state of continuous improvement by all these forms of developer and user interaction. The project progress also relies on financial contributions to fund the development, coding, and testing of new functionalities.

Approximate map coverage and quality:
• Western Europe: ****
• Eastern Europe: ***
• Russia: ***
• North America: ***
• South America: **
• Asia: **
• Japan & Korea: ***
• Middle East: **
• Africa: **
• Antarctica: *

Most countries around the globe available as map downloads!

From Afghanistan to Zimbabwe,from Australia to the USA. Argentina, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Mexico, UK, Spain, ...

What's New
OsMo plugin:
- Advanced Live Monitoring
- Share your location to your friends and see their location
- Create and join groups
GPX (My Places):
- Detailed stats by distance, by km
- Supports GPX/KML import (KML to GPX)
Favorites (My Places):
- Assign different colors and setup visibility per group
- Calculate route between route points (GPX)
- More configuration for navigation (autohide buttons, speek in advance)
- Auto start navigation
Lots of other features....


OsmAnd Contour lines v1.0

This plugin provides contour lines and hillshade which can be displayed in OsmAnd's offline maps.
* To download hillshade and contour lines map : Settings → Download Data → Hillshade/Contour Lines
* To enable hillshade layer online maps plugin should be enabled and hillshade should be selected as underlay layer
* Latest update : download functionality is fixed (New OsmAnd is required) *

The global data (between 70 degrees north and 70 degrees south) is based on measurements by SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) and ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer), an imaging instrument onboard Terra, the flagship satellite of NASA's Earth Observing System. ASTER is a cooperative effort between NASA, Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), and Japan Space Systems (J-spacesystems).

What's New
* Make plugin available for tablets
* Fixed download functionality
* Contour lines enabled immediately after download
* Added Hillshade data


OsmAnd Parking v1.0

OsmAnd Parking Plugin is a reminder for your parking position.
This is an additive plugin to the navigation app OsmAnd.
The plugin offers two functions:
- time independent reminder (only a marker on the map).
- time limited reminder with alarm upon time expiration (includes also a marker on the map).

To place a Parking reminder on the map:
1.Tap and hold on the map until a text bubble pops up.
2.Tap on the text bubble and choose Parking reminder from the menu.
3.Set the type of reminder you wish.

Activating/Deactivating OsmAnd Parking Plugin,can be done in Osmand>Settings>Plugin Manager.

What's New
* Make available for tablet

Za probu sam instalirao na svoj smartphone nekoliko navigacijskih programa (Igo, Navigon, Route66, TomTom), i sve rade odlično, ali najbolje karte ima OsmAnd. Jedini on ima ucrtanu moju novu uličicu.
Ali kod njega mi englesko glasovno navođenje radi odlično, a kad izaberem TTS hrvatski ili srpski, živa jeza, žena mi se smije kako to mogu slušati.

Stoga pitam, da li ima koji navigacijski program (od gore nabrojenih, ali i neki drugi dobar) koji može koristiti OsmAnd karte, jer bih tako onda spojio funkcionalnost programa sa odličnim kartama. Hvala za savjet.
OsmAnd plus 1.8.3 APK:
Шта је ново
1.8.3 Fixes:
- Geo Intent , Download names, OsMo Plugin, Crashes
OsMo plugin:
- Advanced Live Monitoring
- Share your location to your friends and see their location
- Create and join groups
GPX (My Places):
- Detailed stats by distance, by km
- Supports GPX/KML import (KML to GPX)
Favorites (My Places):
- Assign different colors and setup visibility per group
Lots of other features....
Za probu sam instalirao na svoj smartphone nekoliko navigacijskih programa (Igo, Navigon, Route66, TomTom), i sve rade odlično, ali najbolje karte ima OsmAnd. Jedini on ima ucrtanu moju novu uličicu.
Ali kod njega mi englesko glasovno navođenje radi odlično, a kad izaberem TTS hrvatski ili srpski, živa jeza, žena mi se smije kako to mogu slušati.

Stoga pitam, da li ima koji navigacijski program (od gore nabrojenih, ali i neki drugi dobar) koji može koristiti OsmAnd karte, jer bih tako onda spojio funkcionalnost programa sa odličnim kartama. Hvala za savjet.
Probaj navigaciju MapFactor GPS Navigation
Ona takodje koristi open street map kao i Osmand i podrzava navodjenje na srpskom jeziku.
Mozes je besplatno preuzeti sa google marketa
Poslednja izmena:
Hvala za savjet. Instalirao sam MapFactor i radi s Osm kartama.
Proračun rute je bio prilično čudan, dok nisam podesio postotke važnosti za autoput i ostale puteve.
Sada radi proračun rute vrlo dobro, zahvaljujući odličnim Osm kartama.
Za samo korišćenje MapFactor navigacije je potrebno izvjesno vrijeme za privikavanje,
jer glasovna uputstva izriče obratno od drugih (pa čak i OsmAnd+) programa.
Na primjer, dok (skoro) svi drugi programi govore : "Za tristo metara, skrenite desno",
ovaj govori : "Skrenite desno, za tristo metara".
Dobro, da ne budem previše offtopic, tema je ipak OsmAnd+ .
Za probu sam instalirao na svoj smartphone nekoliko navigacijskih programa (Igo, Navigon, Route66, TomTom), i sve rade odlično, ali najbolje karte ima OsmAnd. Jedini on ima ucrtanu moju novu uličicu.
Ali kod njega mi englesko glasovno navođenje radi odlično, a kad izaberem TTS hrvatski ili srpski, živa jeza, žena mi se smije kako to mogu slušati.

OsmAnd+ Maps & Navigation v2.2.3

Sta je novo -
– New context-sensitive UI for tapping locations on the map and on other screens
– Map screen is now launched directly unless ‘Show dashboard on app start’ is selected
– Configure which cards are displayed on the dashboard and how
– To download maps, regions can be directly selected by tapping on the world map
– POI Search now supports more specific queries
– Improved POI and OSM editing functionality
– Map data download structure and interface reworked