Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds

"Finishing Jubilee Street"

"Finishing Jubilee Street"

I'd just finished writing "Jubilee Street"
I laid down on my bed and fell into a deep sleep
And when I awoke, I believed I'd taken a bride called Mary Stanford
And I flew into a frenzy searching high and low
Because in my dream the girl was very young

I said, "Hey little girl, where do you hide?
You draw lightning from the sky"

All of this and her dark hair
All of this and her dark hair, oh Lord

See that girl
Comin' on down
Comin' on down
Comin' on down

See that girl
Comin' on down
Comin' on down
Comin' on down

Last night your shadow scampered up the wall, it flied
It leaped like a black spider between your legs, and cried
My children
My children
They are lost to us

All of this and her dark hair, oh Lord
All of this and her dark hair, oh Lord

See that girl
Comin' on down
Comin' on down
Comin' on down

See that girl
Comin' on down
Comin' on down
Comin' on down

See that girl
Comin' on down
Comin' on down
Comin' on down

See that girl
Comin' on down
Comin' on down
Comin' on down
"Foi Na Cruz"

"Foi Na Cruz"

Foi na cruz, foi na cruz
Que um dia
Meus pecados castigados em Jesus
Foi na cruz
Que um dia
Foi na cruz

Love comes a-knocking
Comes a-knocking upon our door
But you, you and me, love
We don't live here any more

Foi na cruz, foi na cruz
Que um dia
Meus pecados castigados em Jesus
Foi na cruz
Que um dia
Foi na cruz

A little sleep, a little slumber
A little folding of the hands to sleep
A little love, a little hate, babe
A little trickery and deceit

Foi na cruz, foi na cruz
Que um dia
Meus pecados castigados em Jesus
Foi na cruz
Que um dia
Foi na cruz

Dream on 'till you can dream no more
For all our grand plans, babe
Will be dreams forever more

Foi na cruz, foi na cruz
Que um dia
Meus pecados castigados em Jesus
Foi na cruz
Que um dia
Foi na cruz
"From Her To Eternity"

"From Her To Eternity"

Ah wanna tell ya 'bout a girl
You know, she lives in Room 29
Why that's the one right up top a mine
Ah start to cry, ah start to cry-y
O ah hear her walkin'
Walkin' barefoot cross the floorboards
All through this lonesome night
And ah hear her crying too
Hot tears come splashin' down
Leakin' through the cracks
Down upon my face, ah catch 'em in my mouth!
Walk 'n' Cry, Walk 'n' Cry-y!
From her to eternity
From her to eternity
From her to eternity
Ah read her diary on her sheets
Scrutinizin' ev'ry li'l piece of dirt.
Tore out a page 'n' stufft it inside my shirt.
Fled outta the window
And shinning it down the vine
Outta her nightmare and back into mine.
Mine! O mine!
From her to eternity
From her to eternity
From her to eternity
Cry! Cry! Cry!
She's wearin' them bloo-stockens, ah bet!
And standin' like this with my ear to the ceiling
Listen, ah know it must sound absurd
But ah can hear the most melancholy sound
Ah ever heard!
Walk 'n' Cry! Kneel 'n' Cry-y!
From her to eternity
From her to eternity.
"From Her To Eternity (Der Himmel Version)"

"From Her To Eternity (Der Himmel Version)"

Ah wanna tell ya 'bout a girl
You know, she lives in room 29
Why... Why... that's the one right up top a mine
Ah start to cry, Ah start to cry

O Ah hear her walkin'
Walkin' barefoot cross the floor-boards
All thru this lonesome night
Ah hear her crying too.
Hot-tears come splashin on down
Leaking thru the cracks,
Down upon my face, Ah catch'em in my mouth!
Ah catch'em in my mouth!
Ah catch'em in my mouth!
Walk'n'cry Walk'n'cry-y!!!

From her to eternity!
From her to eternity!
From her to eternity!

Ah read her diary on her sheets
Scrutinizin' every lil bit of dirt
Tore out a page'n'stufft it inside my shirt
Fled outa the window,
And shinning it down the vine
Outa her night-mare, and back into mine
Mine! O Mine!

From her to eternity!
From her to eternity!
From her to eternity!
Cry! Cry! CRY!

She's wearing them bloo-stockens, ah bet!
and standin' like this with my ear to the ceiling
Listen, Ah know it must sound absurd
but Ah can hear the most melancholy sound
Ah ever heard!
Walk'n'cry! Kneel'n'cry-y!

From her to eternity!
From her to eternity!

O tell me why? O tell me why?
Oh Why? Why? Why?
O tell me why and don't tell me a lie!
Why the ceiling still shakes? Shakes! Shakes! Shakes!
Why the fixtures turn to serpents and snakes?

This desire to possess her is a wound
and its naggin at me like a shrew
but, Ah know, that to possess her
Is, therefore, not to desire her.

O o o then ya know, that lil girl would just have to go!
Go! Go-o-o! From her to eternity!

From her to eternity
"Gates To The Garden"

"Gates To The Garden"

Past the ivy-covered windows of
The Angel
Down Athenaeum Lane to the cathedral
Through the churchyard I wandered
Sat for a spell there and I pondered
My back to the gates of the garden
My back to the gates of the garden
My back to the gates of the garden

Fugitive fathers, sickly infants, decent mothers
Runaways and suicidal lovers
Assorted boxes of ordinary bones
Of aborted plans and sudden shattered hopes
In unlucky rows, up to the gates of the garden
In unhappy rows, up to the gates of the garden
In unlucky rows, up to the gates of the garden

Won't you meet me at the gates
Won't you meet me at the gates
Won't you meet me at the gates
To the garden

Beneath the creeping shadow of the tower
The bell from St. Edmunds informs me of the hour
I turn to find you waiting there for me
In sunlight and I see the way that you breathe
Alive and leaning on the gates of the garden
Alive and leaning on the gates of the garden
Alive and leaning on the gates of the garden

Leave these ancient places to the angels
Let the saints attend to their keeping of the cathedrals
And leave the dead beneath the ground so cold
For God is in this hand that I hold
As we open up the gates of the garden

Won't you meet me at the gates
Won't you meet me at the gates
Won't you meet me at the gates
To the garden
"Get Ready For Love"

"Get Ready For Love"

Get ready for love! Praise Him!
Get ready tot love! Praise Him!
Get ready for love! Get readyl

Well, most of all nothing much
ever really happens
And God rides high up in the ordinary sky
Until we find ourselves at out most distracted
And the miracle that was promised
creeps quietly by

Calling every boy and girl
Calling all around the world
Calling every boy and girl
Calling all around the world

Get ready for love! Praise Him!
Get ready for love! Praise Him!

The mighty wave their hankies from their
high-windowed palace
Sending grief and joy down in supportable doses
And we search high and low without
merty or malice
While the gate to the Kingdom swings
shut and closes

Calling every boy and girl
Calling all around the world
Calling every boy and girl
Calling all around the world

Praise Him till you've forgotten
what you're praising Him for
Praise Him till you've forgotten
what you're praising Him for
Then praise Him a little bit more

Yeah, praise Him a little bit more
Praise Him till you've forgotten
what you're praising Him for
Praise Him tillyou've forgotten what
you're praising Him for
Praise Him a little bit more
Yeah, praise Him a little bit more

Get ready for love! Praise Him!
Get ready for love! Get ready!

I searched the seven seas and I've looked
under the carpet
And browsed through the brochures
that govern the skies
Then I was just hanging around, doing
nothing und looked up to see
His face burned in the retina of your eyes

Calling every boy and girl
Calling all around the world
Calling every boy and girl
Calling all around the world

Get ready for love! Praise Him!
Get ready for love! Praise Him!
"God Is In The House"

"God Is In The House"

We've laid the cables and the wires
We've split the wood and stoked
the fires
We've lit our town so there is no
Place for crime to hide
Our little church is painted white
And in the safety of the night
We all go quiet as a mouse
For the word is out
God is in the house
God is in the house
God is in the house
No cause for worry now
God is in the house

Moral sneaks in the White House
Computer geeks in the school house
Drug freaks in the crack house
We don't have that stuff here
We have a tiny little Force
But we need them of course
For the kittens in the trees
And at night we are on our knees
As quiet as a mouse
For God is in the house
God is in the house
God is in the house
And no one's left in doubt
God is in the house

Homos roaming the streets in packs
Queer bashers with tyre-jacks
Lesbian counter-attacks
That stuff is for the big cities
Our town is very pretty
We have a pretty little square
We have a woman for a mayor
Our policy is firm but fair
Now that God is in the house
God is in the house
God is in the house
Any day now He'll come out
God is in the house

Well-meaning little therapists
Goose-stepping twelve-stepping Tetotalitarianists
The tipsy, the reeling and the drop down pissed
We got no time for that stuff here
Zero crime and no fear
We've bred all our kittens white
So you can see them in the night
And at night we're on our knees
As quiet as a mouse
Since the word got out
From the North down to the South
For no-one's left in doubt
There's no fear about
If we all hold hands and very quietly shout
God is in the house
God is in the house
Oh I wish He would come out
God is in the house
"Green Eyes"

"Green Eyes"

Kiss me again, rekiss me and kiss me
Slip your frigid hands beneath my shirt
This useless old fucker with his twinkling cunt
Doesn't care if he gets hurt

Green eyes, Green eyes
Green eyes, Green eyes

If it were but a matter of faith
If it were measured in petitions and prayer
She would materialise, all fleshed out
But it is not, nor do I care

Green eyes, Green eyes
Green eyes, Green eyes

So hold me and hold me, don't tell me your name
This morning will be wiser than this evening is
Then leave me to my enemied dreams
And be quiet as you are leaving, Miss

Green eyes...
Green eyes, Green eyes
Green eyes, Green eyes
Green eyes, Green eyes
"Grief Came Riding"

"Grief Came Riding"

A grief came riding
On the wind
Up the sun on river Thames
I was sittin' on the bank with my mouth open
When I felt it entering

I began thinkin' about our wedding day
And how love was a vow
I was thinkin' about the chamber door
Only we can enter now

I began thinkin' about our ancient friends
And of kissin' them goodbye
And then the wind blew under Battersea bridge
And a tear broke from my eye

I started thinkin' about London
And nothing good ever came from this town
and if the Thames weren't so filthy
I would jump in the river and drown

Don't be afraid
Come on down
I'm just sittin' here
Thinking loud

Now look there just blow the water
See the saviour of the human race
Where the fishes and the frogs
Has found his final resting place

Blowin' people far apart
Blowin' others so they collide
Blowin' some poor bastard right out of the water
blowin' another one over the side

Hear the ancient iron bridge
And listen to it groan
with the weight of a thousand people
Leavin' or returning home

To their failures
To their bordoms
To their husbands
And their wife's
who are carving them up for dinner
before they even arrive

Don't be afraid
Come on down
I'm just sittin' here
And thinkin' of love

And look they just blow the water
See the saviour of the human race
Where the fishes and the frogs
Has found his final resting place

Don't be afraid
Come on down
I'm just sittin' here
Thinkin' of love


On the first day of May I took to the road
I'd been staring out the window most of the morning
I'd watched the rain claw at the glass
And a vicious wind blew hard and fast
I should have taken it as a warning
As a warning As a warning
As a warning

I'd given my nurse the weekend off
My meals were ill prepared
My typewriter had turned mute as a tomb
And my piano crouched in the corner of my room
With all its teeth bared
All its teeth bared All its teeth bared
All its teeth bared.

Hallelujah Hallelujah
Hallelujah Hallelujah

I left my house without my coat
Something my nurse would not have allowed
And I took the small roads out of town
And I passed a cow and the cow was brown
And my pyjamas clung to me like a shroud
Like a shroud Like a shroud
Like a shroud

There rose before me a little house
With all hope and dreams kept within
A woman's voice close to my ear
Said, "Why don't you come in here?"
"You looked soaked to the skin"
Soaked to the skin Soaked to the skin
Soaked to the skin

Hallelujah Hallelujah
Hallelujah Hallelujah

I turned to the woman and the woman was young
I extended a hearty salutation
But I knew if my nurse had been here
She would never in a thousand years
Permit me to accept that invitation
Invitation That invitation
That invitation

Now, you might think it wise to risk it all
Throw caution to the reckless wind
But with her hot cocoa and her medication
My nurse had been my one salvation
So I turned back home
I turned back home I turned back home
Singing my song

The tears are welling in my eyes again
I need twenty big buckets to catch them in
And twenty pretty girls to carry
them down
And twenty deep holes to bury them in
The tears are welling in my eyes again
I need twenty big buckets to catch them in
And twenty pretty girls to carry them down
And twenty deep holes to bury them in