Marianne Faithfull

"City Of Quartz"

"City Of Quartz"

Charming, someone to fear
Handsome, very much here
Evil, dancing through fire
Whore of Babylon, world famous clear

...Something to charm
Danger, someone to harm
Falling into the mire
Climbing - higher and higher

...Someone to fear
Handsome, very much here
Evil, dancing through fire
Whore of Babylon, world famous clear

...Ivory tower
Longing, for something now
Waiting, hour after hour
Give me some of your power

Citadel, a prison of sorts
Only the rich make the laws
Using repression and force
Whore of Babylon, city of Quartz

...Someone to fear
Hidden, and very much here
Hatred summoned so near
Whore of Babylon, world famous clear


When cockleshells turn silver bells
Then will my love return to me
Then will my love return to me
Then will my love return to me

Love return to me
Love return to me
Love return
Love return
Love return to me.

In pastures green
I shall be seen
With my true love right by my side
With my true love right by my side
With my true love right by my side

Love right by my side
Love right by my side
Love right by
Love right by
Love right by my side.

When I return then you shall learn

That I shall be my true love's bride
That I shall be my true love's bride
That I shall be my true love's bride

Be my true love's bride
Be my true love's bride
Be my true love's
Be my true love's
Be my true love's bride.

When love gets old it grows cold
And then true love will fade away
And then true love will fade away
And then true love will fade away

True love fades away
True love fades away
True love fades
True love fades
True love fades away.
"Come And Stay With Me"

"Come And Stay With Me"

I'll send away all my false pride
And I'll forsake all of my life.
Yes, I'll be as true, as true can be
If you'll come and stay with me.

Lovers of the past I'll leave behind,
There'll never be another on my mind.
I'll do all I can so you'll feel free
If you'll come and stay with me.

The promises I made most faithfully,
I'll keep still, should you decide to leave.

I'll try and see that you have all you need
If you'll come and stay with me.

We'll live a life no one has ever known,
But I know you're thinking that I'm hardly grown.
But oh, thank god, at last and finally
I can see you're gonna stay with me.

But oh, thank god, at last and finally
I can see you're gonna stay with me.
"Come My Way (Version 1)"

"Come My Way (Version 1)"

The wild mountain thyme that grows around my door
Has grown there for two score years or more
And I've grown weary waiting for love to say
"come my way, come my way."

The brook that sings and twinkles in the sun
Has danced this mercy dance since time begun

But o how weary and how long the day will he say
"come my way."

Lovers all around, I wish you joy
Happiness to every girl and boy.
But sometimes spare a thought of me and say
"love come her way," come my way.
"Come My Way (Version 2)"

"Come My Way (Version 2)"

The wild mountain thyme that grows around my door
Has grown there for two score years or more
But I've grown weary waiting for love to say,
"come my way, come my way."

The brook that sings and twinkles in the sun
Has danced this mercy bounce since time begun

But o how weary and how long the day
Will he say, "come my way."

Lovers all around, I wish you joy,
Happiness to every girl and boy.
But sometimes spare a thought of me and say
"love come her way," come my way.
"Complainte De La Seine"

"Complainte De La Seine"

Au fond de la seine
Il y a de l'or,
Des bateaux rouilles,
Des bijoux, des armes.
Au fond de la seine
Il y a des morts.
Au fond de la seine
Il y a des larmes.

Au fond de la seine
Il y a des fleurs,
De vase et de boue
Elles sont nourries.
Au fond de la seine
Il y a des c?urs
QuI souffrirent trop
Pour vivre la vie.

Et puis des cailloux
Et des bites grises,
L'âme des egouts
Soufflant des poisons,
Les anneaux jetes
Par des incomprises,
Des pieds qu'une helice
A coupes du tronc.

Et les fruits maudits
Des ventres steriles,
Laits blancs avortes
Que nul n'aima,
Les vomissements
De la grand' ville,

Au fond de la seine
Il y a cela.

O seine clemente
O? vont des cadavres,
Au lit dont les draps
Sont faits de limon.
Fleuve des dechets
Sans fanal nI havre,
Chanteuse bercant
La morgue, ils le font.

Accueille le pauvre,
Accueille la femme,
Accueille l'ivrogne,
Accueille le fou,
Mile leurs sanglots
Au bruit de tes larmes
Et porte leur c?ur
Et porte leur c?ur
Et porte leur c?ur
ParmI les cailloux.

Au fond de la seine
Il y a de l'or,
Des bateaux rouilles,
Des bijoux, des armes.
Au fond de la seine
Il y a des morts.
Au fond de la seine
Il y a des larmes.
"Conversation On A Bar Stool"

"Conversation On A Bar Stool"

I'm tired, so tired I can hardly stand,
I can't breathe in the air in this city tonight.
It's taken everything I had to give
And now I just want to get out of here.

But I won't be sorry if you won't be
And I don't want your pity or your sympathy.
But for forty-five dollars I can make it,
You wait and see.

He came from Miami to start out again.
To leave him was easy, I did it all the time.
He said that he loved me and he wanted a child,
If he opened his mouth, he was telling you lies.

But I won't be sorry if you won't be
And I don't want your pity or your sympathy.
But for thirty-five dollars I can make it,
You wait and see.

I was an actress, a girl in the Chorus
On Broadway I danced for a Kennedy.
They know me in London and they know me in Paris,
I'm only talkin' 'cause you looked like you needed a friend.

But I won't be sorry if you won't be
And I don't want your pity or your sympathy.
But for twenty-five dollars I'm half-way
To Miami.


Des coquillages
De longs voyages
Rapportes par mon bien-aime
Rapportes par mon bien-aime
Rapportes par mon bien-aime

Par mon bien-aime
Par mon bien-aime
Par mon bien
Par mon bien
Par mon bien-aime

Je me promenerai
Le long de vallees
Aux cotes de mon bien-aime
Aux cotes de mon bien-aime
Aux cotes de mon bien-aime

De mon bien-aime
De mon bien-aime
De mon bien
De mon bien
De mon bien-aime

Puis quand je reviendrai
Je vous dirai
CeluI quI va me marier
CeluI quI va me marier
CeluI quI va me marier

Va me marier
Va me marier
Va me marier

Quand le temps passe
L'amour vous lasse
Je n'auraI plus de bien-aime
Je n'auraI plus de bien-aime
Je n'auraI plus de bien-aime

Plus de bien-aime
Plus de bien-aime
Plus de bien
Plus de bien-aime
"Corrina, Corrina"

"Corrina, Corrina"

Corrina, Corrina, gal where you been so long?
Corrina, Corrina, gal where you been so long?
I've been worryin' about you baby, baby please come home.

I got a bird that whistles, I got a bird that sings.
I got a bird that whistles, I got a bird that sings,

But I ain't a-got Corrina, life don't mean a thing.

Corrina, Corrina, gal you're on my mind.
Corrina, Corrina, gal you're on my mind.
I was in love thinkin' of you, I just can't keep from cryin'.


Now is the glimmering spinning beginning
Of something I've prayed for and counted the minutes
To be in the shadows of sheltering meadows
Of night, here with you in my arms.

This is the moment that pauses to hold us
As you and I move in a background of wonder,
Surrounded by countless enclosures
Of nocturnal unspoken music of joy.

Counting times you have stood at the foot of my ivory tower
And waited, and called out my name by the hour,
And counted on the wings of my heartstrings
To carry the sound, I have counted on pleading,
You see how I need you, come down.

And now between twilight and midnight I come to you,
Down in my gown of soft moonbeams and starlight,
Bright is the evening, the breezes have fenced us
And nestled against us??

You're here??
And warm.

And mine till the time
When the dawn will awake you,
The morning will shake you,
The highway will take you.

But now all the rays of the moon making bouquets
Will swim through the luster of lingering street lights
We count on the night to hold everything even,
And count on forgetting that you will be leaving,
And destiny's folded and then in the dawn you'll be gone.

But now as the gardens of softening night time
Are blossoming slowly around where we are,
You and I come together
And walk through the dreams of the stars.

So here while the song of the deepening evening
Is singing to me from the light in your eyes,
We can count on each other to move to the beach of tomorrow
And know where we've been.