Marianne Faithfull

"I'm Not Lisa"

"I'm Not Lisa"

I'm not Lisa,
My name is Julie.
Lisa left you
Years ago.

My eyes are not blue,
But mine won't leave you
Till the sunlight
Has touched your face.

She was your morning light,
Her smile told of no night.
Your love for her grew
With each rising sun.

And then one winter day
His hand laid her away,

She left you here
Drowning in your tears,
Here, where you've stayed for years,
Crying,"Lisa, Lisa."

I'm not Lisa,
My name is Julie.
Lisa left you
Years ago.

My eyes are not blue,
But mine won't leave you
Till the sunlight
Shines through your face.

I'm not Lisa.
"I'm On Fire"

"I'm On Fire"

I'm on fire
When I was young
Just for you
And my heart was pure
Such desire
I only wanted love
Just for you
I had allure
Still on fire
High heels ideals
Just for you
And not much fear
My desire
It's easy
Still for you
To make love appear.

And then something sent me
For what they had meant to do
Whatever happened to you?

I'm on fire
Just for you.
No more pain
Such desire
Just for you.

And love did come
But in such disguise -
That I could
Hardly recognise!

I'm on fire
So with trust in fate
Just for you.
And love of life
Such desire
Take my chance
Just for you.
Roll the dice.

And whatever sent me
I'll still be here for you.
Whatever happens, it's true.

And I'm standing still
Try to show the way
Try to change the stage.

I only had to find the key
Surely love would come to me
You'd look into my glittering eyes
And everything will be all right.

And so time passed.
I began to change.
I found that I
Could love again.

I'm on fire
At first it feels
Just for you.
A little strange -
Such desire
Just for you.
No more pain.
Still on fire
Still on fire
No more pain.
Still on fire
Still on fire
No more pain.
Still on fire.
"If I Never Get To Love You"

"If I Never Get To Love You"

If I never get to love you
It won't be that I didn't try.
I'll be trying to possess you
Till the day I die.

If I never get to love you
It won't be that I ran away.
For as long as you will have me
Close to you, I'll stay.

What I wouldn't give to hold you tight
Never, never let you out of sight
Be the one you give your first kiss every morning,
The last one you kiss goodnight.

If I never get to love you
It won't be that I didn't care.
There is nothing that I want more

Or I need more
And my heart would surely break in two,
If I never get to love you.

What I wouldn't give to hold you tight
Never, never let you out of sight
Be the one you give your first kiss every morning,
The last one you kiss goodnight.

If I never get to love you
It won't be that I didn't care.
There is nothing that I want more
Or I need more
And my heart could surely break in two,
If I never get to love you.
"In Germany Before The War"

"In Germany Before The War"

In Germany Before The War
There was a man who owned a store
In nineteen hundred thirty-four
In Dusseldorf
And every night at five-o-nine
He'd cross the park down to the Rhine
And he'd sit there by the shore

I'm looking at the river
But I'm thinking of the sea
Thinking of the sea
Thinking of the sea
I'm looking at the river
But I'm thinking of the sea

A little girl has lost her way
With hair of gold and eyes of gray
Reflected in his glasses
As he watches her
A little girl has lost her way
With hair of gold and eyes of gray

I'm looking at the river
But I'm thinking of the sea
Thinking of the sea
Thinking of the sea

We lie beneath the autumn sky
My little golden girl and I
And she lies very still
"In My Time Of Sorrow"

"In My Time Of Sorrow"

In my time of sorrow,
In my time of feeling bad
Oh what I'd give
Just to relive
All of the good times that I've had.

In my time of sorrow
In my time of feeling alone
There was a time
I could ease my mind
With thoughts of just being on my own.

Changes of life
I'm going through

Keep me from doing
What I know I should do.

In my time of sorrow
In my time where teardrops fall
I can't tell you why
I don't want to try,
But the time has come
For me to say fare well.

In my time of sorrow
In my time of sorrow
In my time of sorrow...
"In The Factory"

"In The Factory"

It's hard to believe,
In the factory,
How they made you
And they made me

Made of ideas,
Made to think and feel
Do you feel too much,
Do you feel too real

You're so full of life,
What do you want with mine
How I loved you once,
How I loved you twice

Did I have to pay
Such a heavy price
How I loved you more
Than my own life

Just to be, you and me
Almost real, almost free

It's hard to believe
In the factory
How satin feels
And the diamonds gleam

How they made our eyes
Made our hearts and minds
How they built us too
Leave it all behind

Just to be, you and me
Almost real, almost free

Just to be, you and me
Almost real, almost free
"In The Night Time"

"In The Night Time"

Standing by the everyman, digging the rigging on my sail
Rain to the sound of harpsichords, to the spell of fairy tale.
The heath was hung in magic mist, enchanted dripping glades,
I'll taste a taste until my mind drifts from this scene and fades
In the night time.

Crystals sparkles in the grass, I polish them with thought.
On my lash there in my eye a star of light is caught.
Fortunes told in grains of sand, here I am is all I know.

Candy stuck in children's hair, everywhere I go
In the night time.

Crystals sparkles in the grass, I polish them with thought.
On my lash there in my eye a star of light is caught.
Fortunes told in grains of sand, here I am is all I know
Candy stuck in children's hair, everywhere I go
In the night time.

In the night time.
In the night time.
In the night time...
"Incarceration Of A Flower Child"

"Incarceration Of A Flower Child"

Do you remember me? how we used to be helpless and happy and blind?
Sunk without hope in a haze of good dope and cheap wine?
Laying on the living-room floor on those indian tapestry cushions you made
Thinking of calling our first born jasmine or jade.

Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it to me,
Don't think about it, don't think about it, don't think about it, don't think about what it might be,
Don't get up to open the door, just stay with me here on the floor,
It's gonna get cold in the 1970's.

You wouldn't listen, you thought you knew better, you just to had to speak to that man.
Please believe me, I'll visit whenever I can.
Laying in your little white room with no windows and three square sedations a day,

You plead with the doctor who's running the show,
"please don't take jasmine away and leave me alone."

Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it, don't do it to me,
Don't think about it, don't think about it, don't think about it, don't think about what it might be,
Don't get up to open the door, just stay with me here on the floor,
It's gonna get cold in the 1970's.

Do you remember me? how we used to be helpless and happy and blind?
Sunk without hope in a haze of good dope and cheap wine?
Now in your little white room with no windows and three square sedations a day
You plead with the doctor who's running the show,
"please don't take jasmine away and leave me alone."


Intrigue? surrounding me
Intrigue? surrounding you
I was only looking for a bit of harmony and grace,
I swear I only meant it in good faith.

In league? enfolding you
Fatigue? I feel it, too.
I guess I never thought I had a thing or two to lose,
I never thought I'd end up as good news.

Believe in what you hear.
Concede to what you fear.
And if you think that I have so much love to go to waste,

Cut out the running home, make the pace.

Intrigue? surrounding me? you
Intrigue? surrounding you? me
I was only looking for a bit of harmony and grace,
I swear I only meant it in good faith.

And if you think that I have so much love to go to waste,
Cut out the running home, make the pace.



Now we move on, we move on a bit in time. Not much, but a little.
We are now in Paris at the end of the Second World War, and the allies have come in and liberated Paris and everyone is having a wonderful time.
It's full of Americans and English and Russians, and everybody.
And there is a woman who during the war was a nurse, now she's a prostitute.
I must admit I've always thought there is a connection between these two.
They both take care of you really, don't they? And she's plying her trade and cheering up all the soldiers in Paris.
But there, there was a man she loved, really loved, who's now dead in a far away grave somewhere.
And sometimes she can't help but think about him, and then she, she starts to suffer.
And then she turns away and pulls herself together and gets on with it.
Mon Ami, My Friend.