LinuxCBT - Python Edition Training Video


LinuxCBT - Python Edition Training Video | 742 MB

Course Objective

Python - Object Oriented Linux Scripting Environment - Module III

Discuss Python's capabilities & features
Identify location of pre-installed Python
Discuss Python's Interactive interface
Use the interactive interface to ouput basic expressions
Hello World
Identify reserved keywords
Escape sequences & escape character exploration
Define Python script using Linux SHEBANG header
Execute Python scripts using the Python interpreter directly
Discuss data types including strings, integers, lists, tuples, dictionaries, etc.
Define standard variable types
Use the print function to examine ouput of variables and expressions
Use the type function to resolve data type
Use the id function to expose the memory location of the stored variable
Explain and define references and integrate with the id function
Comments definition
Perform basic arithmetic to illustrate the PEMDAS order of operations and examine how to alter it

General Python Information I
Explain and illustrate STDIN usage
Examine the input function
Examine the raw_input function
Compare and contrast between input and raw_input functions
Define small script to make use of input/raw_input and basic math functions
Python Function concepts, applications and definition

String Manipulation
Define and ascertain the length of strings
String extraction using list elements and list slicing
Discuss immutable and mutable data types
Loop through string slices using for loops
Compare strings using string operators
Discuss Python's object-oriented nature of various modules including classes and methods
Import strings module
Convert strings to upper and lower case using strings module methods
Split strings into lists
Join lists into strings

List Manipulation
Define lists
Discuss and Define tuples
Compare and contrast lists and tuples
Reverse lists
Append lists
Extend lists
Nest lists
Define multi-dimensional lists
Stack Lists using Last In First Out (LIFO) using the pop function
Define First In First Out (FIFO) lists to emulate queueing using the pop function
Insert values into various positions of the list
Use ranges to generate integers
Lists with Integers
Lists with Strings
Emulate standard UNIX Syslog logfile format using Lists
Parse emulated logfile format using the Split function
Recap list manipulation using integers, strings and various list methods
Explain and define Dictionaries - key/value pairs similar to Hashes in Perl

Control Structures
IF - Defintion and usage
Discuss the importance of indentation
Else/Elif - comparisons against integers and strings
Comparison negation
Write script to perform conditional testing
Import sys module to evaluate positional parameters using ARGV
Define script which requires minimum number of command-line arguments
Nest multiple if/elif statements to match logic
Explain how for loops work in Python
for loops definition and usage
Iterate through lists of strings using for loops
Integrate for loops with string manipulation functions and log file parsing
Define and use While loops
Define and examine the consequences of incorrect logic with an infinite while loop
Integrate while loop with raw_input function to obtain data from the end-user
Discuss file handle concepts and applications
Use control structures to generate output for use in File I/O exercises
Use the open function to read a file into a file handle
Iterate through the lines within the opened file using readline functions, etc.
Open file handles for writing
Open multiple file handles
Write strings to files using string formatting options and variable substitution
Parse source file by extracting columns to be stored in destination file

Regular Expressions
Discuss Regular Expressions
Import Regular Expressions module (re) for usage
Implement Regular Expressions (REs)
Regular Expressions Matching of strings and variables
REGEX Repeaters
Integrate Regular Expressions with text file processing
Exception Handling
Try & Except

Identification of default Python modules
Import modules (sys, os, etc.) for usage
Use the dir function to ascertain the classes and methods available within modules
Use the SHUTIL module for advanced, high-level File I/O (Copy, Move, etc.)
Python - Syslog integration
Define script using the Syslog module to log to syslog

Common Gateway Interface
CGI Discussion and applications
Implement Python CGI with Apache 2.x
Evaluate results of CGI integration

Further exploration of dictionaries
Parse log files into dictionary data structure
Organize results
Analyse data

Review properties of various time functions
Export time with various functions
Use time functions to create log entries in process akin to Perl
Evaluate results

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