Kodi v18 Leia

Je li to zabranjeno koristiti torrente u Sloveniji
Mislio sam da je Nemačka jedino rigorozna
svuda v EU je rizik..zato sam napomenuo da se kod nas opusta gledanje preko adona bez nekog premium servisa ili VPN-ja.....ako te uhvate isklopit ce ti internet a sta onda?

Sent from my Huawei P-10 using Tapatalk
Možda je asigurniji seedbox nego vpn za torrente
Probao netflix u Kodiju, sve glatko radi.
Samo moj box Beelink GT1 Ultimate pušta samo 480p tako da sam odustao.
Sve rezolucije strimova rade u Netflix addon-u. Nisi ti to podesio kako treba. Udji u podesavanja InputStream Adaptive i promeni Stream Selection iz Auto u Manual. Kad pustis film/seriju odes u Video settings i biras kvalitet stream-a.
Slika je sa kompa ali je isto i na amazon fire tv box-u koji je slabiji od tog Beelink-a.
Meni je jedini problem sa Kodi 18 sto izgleda opet moram cekati finalnu verziju da bi refresh rate radio kako treba. Kazu oni selektuj u whitelist rezolucije i refresh rate-ove koje hoces. To bi imalo smisla kad bih u whitelist imao sve rezolucije koje TV podrzava, ali nema ih. Najvise mi fali 1080 24p. Isti problem sam imao i sa Kodi 17 sve do finalne verzije.
Kodi v18 Leia RC2 - A new hope
After two years of hard work by all volunteers, either part of the team or of our great community we can finally say the last steps towards Kodi v18 are being made. In past years many things have changed, either visually or code wise and to be honest i can't even recall most. We as team would certainly like to thank every developer and user who spent time helping us get this far.

To this point the current v18 version has been proven to be quite solid to use as a daily driver for those who were brave enough to try it out. Of course you should still keep in mind it's not a final release yet and that on any upgrade a small glitch could happen as we are still doing rework. Once you decide to give it a try it is highly recommended that you create a backup first.

Changes in RC2

Most notable changes to mention in this Release Candidate:

  • Update documentation regarding Python and Skin develoment: Kodi Doxygen
  • Linux powermanagement: change logind detection to also use Dbus
  • Android: Fix playback for some PVR add-ons
  • Fix performance issue in PVR recording sub menu by reducing number of resume point update requests
  • Android: Assign joysticks in order of MRU (last activation)
  • Fix crash when an add-on did not define a version number
  • VideoPlayer: fix state of a/v players after switching refresh rate
  • Add new setting that allows to hide "spoiler" text for TV shows or movies
Of course there are several more changes which are listed on our github repository found here: RC1 changes.

Currently included

To this point in time we’ve done

  • More than 9386 commits (code chunks changed)
  • More than 3000 pull-requests (collection of commits that were included in one go)
  • More than 8638 changed files
  • More than 503.000 code lines removed
  • More than 427.000 code lines added
  • Over 36 open source developers
  • A lot of free time developing and testing these changes
  • Quite likely several cases of beer or wine
A full changelog is nearly impossible to create looking back. As such this release article will only cover the biggest changes. For a more extensive list you can visit our wiki page v18 (Leia) changelog which will be update along the way. From now on all v18 releases will not contain any big new features as we are focussed on bug fixing or improvements only.

Make sure to also go through our news sections which contain all past announcements regarding the Leia release and some highlights of what it will contain.

Current available skins

Due to changes in how Kodi works, all skins need to be updated for each release. As of this moment the following skins have been update by their developers and are readily available from our repository.

Confluence, Pellucid, Rapier, Transparency, xperience1080

More will follow at a later point in time when we approach final release.

Release time
Since we now started the RC cycle a final release will be on the near horizon. When the final release will actually be is yet unknown as it all depends on the stability now more people will start using the v18 builds.
That’s about it for now and we’ll go back at improving this upcoming v18 release. Should you wish to give it a try a new version is readily available each day as well as nightly version. We can certainly recommend trying it out however take in mind that it’s not fully production and living room ready yet (take a backup). So far a guestimate of several tens of thousands users already use it so it can’t be that bad can it. You can get it from the download page clicking on the platform of choice and hitting the “pre release” tab. For Android and Windows we have an easy to use download add-on which you can find in our repository.

Kodi 18 RC2 x64
Kodi 18 RC2 x86
Kodi 18 RC ARM v7a 32bit
Kodi 18 RC2 ARM v8a 64bit
Kodi v18 Leia RC4 - A new hope


It's the days between Christmas and New Years eve, and some of our developers found the time do squash down some know issues. We hereby present you v18 RC4 that include several fixes we did past two weeks. There's not really anything more to say than wish you all a great new year. As you might have guessed by now v18 will not be released in 2018. There are several reason for this, however we feel we shouldn't rush a release just for the sake of releasing. There's good hope it will be released very early 2019 once we ironed out the remaining issues we feel should be fixed.
To this point the current v18 version has been proven to be quite solid to use as a daily driver for those who were brave enough to try it out. Of course you should still keep in mind it's not a final release yet and that on any upgrade a small glitch could happen as we are still doing rework. Once you decide to give it a try it is highly recommended that you create a backup first.
Changes in RC4 (and RC3)
Most notable changes to mention in this Release Candidate:
  • Update documentation regarding Python and Skin develoment: Kodi Doxygen
  • Fix crash on certain music files that contain ID3v2 UFID frame
  • Do not list non-repo add-ons as "unavailable" in info dialog (the by default included ones)
  • Fix some interface info labels regarding music
  • Fix none responsive when minimising on Mac OSX
  • Fix path for looking up external subtitles
  • Replace vc140 redis with vc141 which fixes crashes on Windows (user should at least install this once)
  • Windows DXVA - fixed color values
  • Fix GUI Notifications rendering
  • Fix watched items in plugins (contains database upgrade)
Of course there are several more changes which are listed on our github repository found here: RC4 changes.
  • Fix crashes by pressing 'x' to stop DVD .iso image when "Player Process Info" is displayed
  • Screenshot: simplify logic and bail out if no folder is set
  • Android: remove mpeg4 HD restriction / use dts for unknown pts for mpeg4 (there might be some playback regressions that will be fixed along the way)
  • Change resolution (if required) on application starts (fixes XBXO resolution issues)
  • Android: Reset calibrations if GUI limit changes
  • Android: fix subtitle position problems
  • Fix resolution whitelist issues on Windows
  • Extend option to hide spoilers like text or images from the library view
  • Add support for new iOS devices
Of course there are several more changes which are listed on our github repository found here: RC3 changes.
Currently included
The past RC1 and RC2 release articles include the most notable changes we have done in v18. There are of course many smaller changes and improvements that we can't even remember. I guess you will just have to try and find out eventually. For a more extensive list you can visit our wiki page v18 (Leia) changelog which will be update along the way. From now on all v18 releases will not contain any big new features as we are focussed on bug fixing or improvements only.
Make sure to also go through our news sections which contain all past announcements regarding the Leia release and some highlights of what it will contain.
Release time

Since we now started the RC cycle a final release will be on the near horizon. When the final release will actually be is yet unknown as it all depends on the stability now more people will start using the v18 builds.

That’s about it for now and we’ll go back at improving this upcoming v18 release. Should you wish to give it a try a new version is readily available each day as well as nightly version. We can certainly recommend trying it out however take in mind that it’s not fully production and living room ready yet (take a backup). So far a guestimate of several tens of thousands users already use it so it can’t be that bad can it. You can get it from the download page clicking on the platform of choice and hitting the “pre release” tab. For Android and Windows we have an easy to use download add-on which you can find in our repository.

Kodi 18 RC4 x64
Kodi 18 RC4 x86
Kodi 18 RC4 ARM v7a 32bit
Kodi 18 RC4 ARM v8a 64bit
A evo i saopštenja:

As mentioned in the RC4 release article, a final release was close on the horizon. To that end we hereby present you the last Release Candate (RC5) before we call it a wrap on v18.0. It will not be absolutely perfect but we have to go forward at some point. Don't worry as we will of course continue working on fixing any issue that might surface in the regeular v18 point releases afterwards.

Changes in RC5

Most notable changes to mention in this Release Candidate:

  • Correctly redact user/password in certain cases
  • Fix window transparency on Android that might cause grey bars on HDR playback
  • Prevent crash when resuming audiobook when there's no chapter present
  • Fix crash&burn by ensuring that Abort of ScriptObserver waits for thread exit
  • Fix regression from RC4 regarding "don't disable gui rendering when losing focus" on OSX
  • Workaround double switching of refreshrate because we currently cannot reliably distinguish between 25p and 50i or 29.97p and 60i on playback start
  • Fix missing All Albums item from music library
  • Revert change that cause sorting of ANSII characters in library (proper fix will have to be done in v19)
  • Fix crash on certain language characters when using PVR add-ons
  • Fix crash on Windows with DVD playback after change in ffmpeg
  • Fix compatibility with older MySQL databases
E pa pređe i ja na novu verziju i odma se pokaja. Rade li vam qusar i elementum - meni samo zaledi kodi kad ih aktiviram.