kod 43 Windows 7 64bit

zdravo svima,nadam se da cete mi pomoci oko ovog problema,naime radi se o instalaciji stampaca(HP deskjet F2480 series),stampac je prikljucen na USB ali ga komp (laptop dell inspirion 5110) ne prepoznaje,odnosno registruje ga kao "unknown device" ,drajveri su instalirani ali kad treba da pocne da stampa izbaci mi sliku da stampac treba da se prikljuci na komp,stampac je vec prikljucen ali ga komp "ne vidi",i windows registruje gresku "kod 43",ne znam kako ovo da resim.
O.S. Windows 7 Ultimate service pack 1 64bit.
Ja imam sličan problem, ali ga resavam tako da ukljucim stampac pre nego sto racunar digne sistem ili ako je racunar ukljucen, ukljucim stampac, pa restartujeem racunar. Otprilike, Windows 7 ga ne vidi, ako je stampac ukljucen posle dizanja sistema. Sa Windows Xp nisam imao taj problem. Pokusaj tako i srecno !
KOD 43

First, please disconnect all USB devices and then perform the following steps:

Using the mouse;

1. Click "Start" button, type “devmgmt.msc” (without quotes) in the “Search” bar and press "Enter". Click “Continue” if necessary.

2. In Device Manager, double click to expand "Universal Serial Bus controllers", right click on the Host Controller, click "Uninstall" and click "OK".

3. Repeat the step 2 to uninstall all items under "Universal Serial Bus controllers".

Then, restart your computer and Windows 7 will reinstall all USB controllers automatically.

Using the keyboard;
Again, disconnecting all USB devices

1. Press "Ctrl + Esc" to open the “Start” menu.

2. Type “devmgmt.msc” in the Search bar and press "Enter". Click “Continue” if necessary.

3. In Device Manger, press Tab and use "Up" and "Down" to move the highlight to "Universal Serial Bus Controllers".

4. Press "Right" and expand it.

5. Press "Down" to move to the first item and press "Delete" to remove it.

6. Repeat the step 5 and uninstall all items under "Universal Serial Bus Controllers".

Then, restart your computer and Windows 7 will reinstall all controllers automatically.

Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems. (Code 43)

A device driver notified the operating system that the device failed.
This circumstance can occur if the device hardware fails or if the device driver fails.


To resolve this problem, do the following.

  • To open Device Manager, click Start, click Search programs and files, and then type Device Manager. A list of available matching items appears above the search box; click Device Manager. Device Manager opens with your computer name at the top and a list of devices that are installed on your computer beneath your computer name.
  • Locate the malfunctioning device in the list of devices, right-click the device, and then click Uninstall. When a warning message appears that you are uninstalling a device from your system, click OK. Device manager uninstalls the device.
  • Right-click your computer name in Device Manager and click Scan for hardware changes. Device manager scans your system and automatically reinstalls your device.
  • Right-click the device and click Properties. On the General tab of the device Properties dialog box, in Device status, you should see the message This device is working properly.
sve sam ovo odradio ali i dalje bez uspehasorry zahvaljujem na odgovorima u svakom slucaju,nadam se da ce se jos neko potruditi da mi pomogne da resim problem,ne znam da li bi reinstal windowsa doneo resenje???:evil:
Definitivno code 43 znaci u tvom slucaju, da je neisparavan stampac ili da je driver stampaca neodgovarajuci.
Odnosno postoji patch za win 7 na sajtu HP-a, pod sekcijom Update i ima 2 fix-a, skini taj fix, odnosi se na upgrade sa vista na win 7, dakle ipak postoji neka prepravka za driver.
A mozes uraditi i ovako postupno, sve od pocetka.
Iskljuci stampac i diskonektuj ga sa laptopa.
1. Obrisi kompletan driver i software za stampac programom Revo ili Your Uninstaller (oba imas u pretrazi foruma).
Restartuj racunar.
2. Preuzmi kompletan driver sa software-om (oko 117MB) i onaj patch, ja sam vec namestio za win 7 64:
Prikljuci stampac prvo na laptop, treba da te upita za instalaciju Hardware (Install New Hardware Wizard)
Iskljuci taj prozor i pokreni instalaciju driver-a i software-a, sacekaj da se sve zavrsi i restartuj racunar.
Ako budes i dalje imao problem, instlairaj taj patch i restartuj komp, svo vreme neka ostane ukljucen stampac, ako se problem nije resio, evo ti support stranica za probleme i probaj da resis po njihovom uputstvu, obavezno gledaj da bude sekcija za win 7:
Dakle probaj prvo ovo gore sto sam naveo, pa ako nema promena, onda pristupi po njihovom uputstvu
hvala svima na trudu,resio sam problem tako sto sam reinstalirao Windows,s kablom je sve u redu,pre reinstalacije komp prosto nije raspoznavao stampac registrovao ga je kao "unknown device" posle reinstalacije sve je OK.Sto se tice ovog patch-a skinucu ga pa ako se ponovi problem (a ponavlja se) da pokusam da resim na taj nacin,cao svima!!!:give_r: