Hteo sam pre par dana da uzmem sebi jedan BB, pa sam krenuo da čitam sve i svašta po netu vezano za njih i sam rad BB operativnog sistema, naravno odem odmah na i tamo uporedni test najnovijeg Bold 9700 sa Nokia E72...
Test pročitajte detaljno: BlackBerry Bold 9700 review: Dare you go -
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Pošto trenutno imam HTC i nokiju E71 koju sam kupio prosle godine. Sa sigurnoscu mogu reci da nikad necu kupiti tu glupost od BB, jer za manje novce imam 2x bolji a i po testovima BRŽI telefon, a to je E72.
Dobro razmislite ukoliko već kupujete poslovni telefon sa full qwerty tastaturom.
Test pročitajte detaljno: BlackBerry Bold 9700 review: Dare you go -
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Final words
When we reviewed the BlackBerry Bold 9000 we said it had everything a BlackBerry fan could want, except for maybe the more compact body of the Curve. And it's pretty obvious that someone over at RIM has been paying attention. They've done exactly that. And no, we're not taking credit, just giving it.
It's been more than a year between the official launch of the two devices and the Bold 9700 understandably faces much tougher competition. Yet the more compact and more powerful handset seems fit and ready to take on its rivals just as successfully.
The tight connection between handset and service is a double-edged sword however. You either have to take the whole package or nothing at all. A Bold 9700 without a Blackberry service plan is about as good as a 100-buck LG GW300 so it's barely worth spending so much on it.
Now, regarding price we have to point out that a BlackBerry Bold 9700 is about 200 dollars more expensive than a Nokia E72 unlocked so some users might find themselves priced out of alternatives. Plus the Nokia ships with a lifetime Nokia Messaging plan - so push email is something you don't need to spend a dime on once you get the handset itself.
That same Nokia E72 is the new Bold's main market rival. A much better camera and overall multimedia experience come in a pretty sleek steel body. So unless you need the level of security of the BlackBerry Servers, we have to admit the E72 does look like the clear winner here.
Nokia E72
One can also take a look at the Nokia E71 and its E71x American counterpart. It now sells much cheaper than the BlackBerry Bold 9700 at about 270 US dollars and offers a similar camera and connectivity options. E71 is one of the most successful smartphones ever produced by the Finnish manufacturer and has a tad worse performance due to its slower CPU, but even the outdated Symbian S60 UI is more user-friendly than the BlackBerry OS (be it v5).
Pošto trenutno imam HTC i nokiju E71 koju sam kupio prosle godine. Sa sigurnoscu mogu reci da nikad necu kupiti tu glupost od BB, jer za manje novce imam 2x bolji a i po testovima BRŽI telefon, a to je E72.
Dobro razmislite ukoliko već kupujete poslovni telefon sa full qwerty tastaturom.