

If a picture paints a thousand words,
Then why can't I paint you?
The words will never show
The you I've come to know
If a face could launch a thousand ships,
Then where am I to go?
There's no one home but you,
You're all that's left me too
And when my love for life is running dry,
You come and pour yourself on me
If I could be two places at one time,
I'd be with you
Tomorrow and today,
Beside you all the way
If the world should stop revolving
Spinning slowly down to die,
I'd spend the end with you
And when the world was through,
Then one by one the stars would all go out,
Then you and I would simply fly away

If a picture paints a thousand words,
Then why can't I paint you?
'Cause the words could never show
The you I've come to know
And one by one the stars will all go out,
But you and I will simply fly away
We'll fly away
"If I Cross Your Mind"

"If I Cross Your Mind"

If I cross your mind please let me cross it slowly
Let me stop and reminisce with you for a while
And if I cross your mind please remember all the good things
Think of me as happiness if I cross your mind
There must be a million thoughts rushing through your mind
And if there's one of me love among them that you find
Please stop for just a little while and treat it extra kind
When you think of me love if I cross your mind
If you must hide my mem'ry when you're with someone else
Then make mine very special when you're by yourself
But only in a memory can one turn back the time
To lovely tender moments that linger in my mind
There must be a million thoughts...
Think of only good things if I cross your mind
"If I Had Wings"

"If I Had Wings"

If I had wings
I'd fly away from all-a my troubles
All-a my pain
And I would fly to a place of comfort
Heaven knows I need a change
If I had wings, Lord give me wings

Oh, I've had my share of sorrow
Walked a long and lonesome road
I could use a new tomorrow
If I had wings, I'd make it so
One cannot predict the future
One cannot undo the past
But we can make the present useful
Build a future that will last

If I had wings
I'd fly away from all-a my troubles
All-a my woes
And I would fly 'til I found freedom
If I bad wings, I'd up and go
If I had wings, Lord give me wings
(Oh-oh, mm-mm, oh-oh)

If I had wings
I'd fly away from all-a my troubles
All-a my woes
And I would fly 'til I found freedom
If I had wings, I'd up and go
If I had wings, Lord give me wings

(If I had wings) Oh, if I had wings
(If I had wings) Oh, Lord just give me wings
(If I had wings) If I had wings I'd make a change
If I had wings, if I had wings
Mm-mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm-mm, mm-mm, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh
If I had wings, if I had wings
"If I Lose My Mind"

"If I Lose My Mind"

Mama, it's so good to be back home again
I'm so proud to see that you are looking well
Yes, I know that I look a little weary
Oh, but Mama, I have been through living hell
You know how much I've always loved him, Mama
But he done things to me I couldn't understand
Why, he made me watch him love another woman
And he tried to make me love another man
Mama, can I be your little girl again?
I need you now even more than I did then
And I need a lot of love and understanding
And a lot of time to get me over him
If I lose my mind, Mama, I wanna be here with you
Have them lock me up and see I have good care
But I just couldn't stand his torture any longer
I was afraid of what I'd do if I stayed there
"If I Were A Carpenter"
(originally by Johnny Cash & June Carter)
(feat. Joe Nichols)

"If I Were A Carpenter"
(originally by Johnny Cash & June Carter)
(feat. Joe Nichols)

If I were a carpenter
And you were a lady,
Would you marry me anyway?
Would you have my baby?

If a tinker were my trade
Would you still find me,
Carrin' the pots I made,
Followin' behind me.

Save my love through loneliness,
Save my love for sorrow,
I'm given you my onliness,
Come give your tomorrow.

If I worked my hands in wood,
Would you still love me?
Answer me babe, "Yes I would,
I'll put you above me."

If I were a miller
At a mill wheel grinding,
Would you miss your color box,
And your soft shoe shining?

If I were a carpenter
And you were a lady,
Would you marry me anyway?
Would you have my baby?
Would you marry anyway?
Would you have my baby?
"If Only"

"If Only"

The word "If", just two tiny letters
Says so much for something so small
The biggest little word in existence;
Never answers, just questions us all

If regrets were gold, I'd be rich as a queen
If teardrops were diamonds, how my face would gleam
If I'd loved you better, I wouldn't be lonely
If only, if only, if only

But looking back now I see clearly
With my twenty-twenty hindsight
Oh, but don't think I haven't paid dearly,
'Cause you could be in my arms tonight

If regrets were gold, I'd be rich as a queen
If teardrops were diamonds, how my face would gleam
How I let you go, I swear is beyond me
But if only; ah, if only; oh, if only

I could start over, if I could go back
Have the power to change things
Then I would do that
But I listened to others like a fool,
Oh, shame on me

But if only you would just come back
If only, dare I even ask
Oh, if only
"If You Need Me"

"If You Need Me"

If you need me, I'll be gone
The bed's still warm where you just left
But it'll be colder where I've slept
I've always been where you needed me
But I ain't the fool I used to be
You come home all hours of the night
The fragrance on you ain't old spice
Tonight when you come draggin' home
And find you need me, I'll be gone
I'll be gone like the moon when the sun comes up
Gone like the dew from the buttercup
Gone like a woman treated wrong
If you need me, I'll be gone
So, what am I still doing here?
You've been doin' me wrong for years
Tired of pickin' up and puttin' out
I'm leaving you lock, stock, and house
So, bye, bye, baby
That's it, I'm packed
I'm a'leavin' now, but I'll call back
And leave this message on the code-a-phone
Sayin', if you need me, well, I'll be gone
I'll be gone like the moon when the sun comes up
Gone like the dew from the buttercup
Gone like a woman leavin' home
If you need me, I'll be gone
I'll be gone like the moon when the sun comes up
Gone like the dew from the buttercup
Gone like a woman leavin' home
If you need me, I'll be gone
I said, if you need me, I'll be gone
If you need me, I'll be gone
I said, if you need me, I'll be gone
(originally by John Lennon)
(with David Foster)

(originally by John Lennon)
(with David Foster)

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one
"In The Beginning"

"In The Beginning"

At the beginning there was love and we thought it was enough
We saw no farther than each other's arms
And though the roof leaked o'er our heads just a blanket for our bed
But then we had our love to keep us warm
But the winter winds blew cold our new love was growing old
And our words were filled with anger and regret
Our bills were more than we could pay and we both longed for the days
Of the freedom that we knew before we wed
But there was something greater still than all our fights and monthly bills
It was the knowledge of a child well on its way
And though we both longed to be free we talked it over and we agreed
That we'd wait till baby came to seperate
Then at last the day arrived and the tears filled both our eyes
As we held our newborn baby in our arms
And the love we thought was gone lived there three times as strong
It's not the end it's the beginning of our home
It's not the end it's the beginning of our home mhm
"In The Ghetto"

"In The Ghetto"

As the snow flies
On a cold and gray Chicago mornin'
A poor little baby child is born
In the ghetto
And his mama cries
'Cause if there's one thing that she don't need
It's another hungry mouth to feed
In the ghetto
People, don't you understand
The child needs a helping hand
Or he'll grow to be an angry young man some day
Take a look at you and me
Are we too blind to see
Do we simply turn our heads
And look the other way
Well the world turns
And a hungry little boy with a runny nose
Plays in the street as the cold wind blows
In the ghetto
And his hunger burns
So he starts to roam the streets at night
And he learns how to steal
And he learns how to fight
In the ghetto
Then one night in desperation
A young man breaks away
He buys a gun, steals a car
Tries to run, but he don't get far
And his mama cries
As a crowd gathers 'round an angry young man
Face down on the street with a gun in his hand
In the ghetto
As her young man dies
On a cold and gray Chicago mornin'
Another little baby child is born
In the ghetto